Author’s Announcement
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Hello everyone,

I wanted to make an announcement concerning the story so far and its status moving forward.

As life has gotten more busy lately, I have decided to take a step back and take a look at Juniper's adventure as a whole to figure out where I want to take the story from here on out.

As you may already know, this has been my first experience writing a narrative longer than a few pages. "Chronicles of the Amber Dragon" was born as a passion project that I decided to post on a whim, and I am grateful to each and everyone of you who has read my book up to this point.

Moving forward, I have decided to go on a break to give myself some extra time to think the story through and avoid the burnout that has been slowly creeping up to me. Don't get me wrong though! I have loved writing about Juniper's adventures so far and I will definitely write more in the future.

Going forward, I see the story progressing in two possible ways. The first would see me write more of the story, at least until Gearford's mini arc is completed, and then begin a review/rewrite of the story beginning from chapter 1. The second would see me begin the rewrite straight away.

To be honest, I have been leaning towards the second. I believe the story is primed for a rewrite and my docs are brimming with notes for potential improvements, especially thanks to your comments and feedback. Overall, I do think a rewrite is inevitable at some point, but I'd still like to hear your opinion on the matter.

That being said, I will at least take the rest of July as a break. I will probably be back to writing at some point in August but if you want to learn a more precise date, you can join my Discord server for further updates.

If you want to have a chat about the story you can find me often online on Discord, but I'll also be checking in and replying to comments on here every once in a while. If you have any sort of suggestions/improvements, no matter how big or small, now is the time to let me know!

And that is all from me today. 

Thanks to all of you who stuck around so far, have a good one! 

- Micolash