13: So the Lord Fancies You?
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Qin Yan avoided Song Heqing because of a mixture of embarrassment and guilt. Aaaa how could he crazily lick a fourteen year old boy then run off eating for the rest of the day?! He didn't remember what Song Heqing shouted at him then, but it was probably 'you are indecent, don't show up in front of me again' or something like that. Although his stomach was healed, Qin Yan was still recovering from the horrors of social failure when he heard a crisp knock on his door.

“Lord Wangzi has summoned you. Arrive at his quarters in the evening.”

It was Lin Hui’an.


There was no other doubt to what Lord Wangzi wanted to do, but Qin Yan thought of a plan to c*ckblock him. Most importantly, if things went well, maybe Song Heqing would have a chance to escape.

A short while later, servants who were visibly quaking dressed him in sleek, transparent layers. They put a white jade buckle on his sash, one that hung a bone ornament. They also tried to brush his hair to make it straighter, but failed horribly.

Examining his figure in the mirror, Qin Yan's muscles were a sight to behold, running down his chest smoothly like the ripple of a pond. He’d have to work out at a gym five hours a day to look like this back on earth, but on the other hand, his coloration was getting worse. There were odd purplish splotches that stood out against the skin and his purple strands of hair had a morose tone, brown as rot at the tip1 Here is QY (sorry not my best work but the only one I have of 'evil' QY), and I did not forget the eggplants.

“You may all leave,” said Qin Yan to the servants, “except Song Heqing.”

The servants definitely left in a hurry. Song Heqing stood at the doorway, closing it once all others had gone. He seemed to be in a good mood, but before Qin Yan could study it further, Song Heqing stepped behind him, taking a bone comb and fixing his hair in a way that the other servants failed to do. After all, the protagonist will always be multi-talented.

Qin Yan’s fingertips felt itchy. He wanted to tickle. 

"No no no...I already licked him yesterday. How can I have the face to do anything else at all?"

In the middle of combing, Song Heqing whispered, “I have a request.”  


“…can we exchange names?”

Qin Yan paused. He forgot that they hadn’t done such a basic courtesy! He already knew Song Heqing was Song Heqing in his head, so he never asked his name. 

“It’s Qin Yan.”

Song Heqing seemed a little surprised. “My surname is Song, given name Heqing. So you…already had a name?”

Qin Yan nodded once.

Song Heqing was annoyed. Since mystical beasts usually didn't care about names, he figured that the eggplant demon -apparently called 'Qin Yan'- wouldn't have one yet. He was planning to give him a name then ask him to escape with him today! Slowly, he began to recalculated how to ask him. 

Just then, Qin Yan sensed a person outside the door. He sighed and stood, about to head out.

"Wait a moment," said Song Heqing anxiously, "maybe you should rethink-"

"Oh?" He was interrupted. Clacking over on pointed heels, the ease-dropper turned out to be Lin Hui’an, and there was a soft smile pulling on her cherry lips. "Song Heqing, are you trying to tell this Young Master something? I'd love to hear." 

Qin Yan was already annoyed by her. "Why are you bothering Song Heqing? Show me to Wangzi's room." 

After a pause, Lin Hui'an dryly replied, "Right this way." 

The two of them had gone, and Song Heqing was left scowling in the door frame of Qin Yan’s room...Lin Hui'an appeared at the worst moment. If she knew Song Heqing was going to betray her, then she'd immediately tattle to Wangzi. The boy quickly tried to think of another way he could speak with Qin Yan. 


Qin Yan received a random few points of frustration and anger as he was walking, and was mildly confused.

The hallway of the interior of the mansion became more ghoulish and lavish as Qin Yan progressed, tendrils of opium pipe smoke floating through the air at every corner. This area where Wangzi engaged in debauchery was the only area he didn’t wander into during the past weeks. He saw men and women dressed in thin gauze. They sat around in rooms with their backs leaned against the walls and marble-like pupils staring out into the void. 

He stood in front of a door where the skeleton of a phoenix was incised in white.

Lin Hui’an announced, “Lord, your Purple Nightshade has arrived.”

Qin Yan furrowed his brow. “Um...Purple Nightshade?? who’s a purple nightshade? I’m obviously an eggplant.” 


That was the unmistakable slick tone of Wangzi. Even though Qin Yan had a plan, he felt nervous.

Lin Hui’an bowed her head, stepping back. Wangzi’s personal chambers was a spacious room with a wide bed fit to hold four people. Yet, Lord Wangzi, his hair loose and robe collar open, lounged on an ornate chair, one hand propping his chin as he leered at Qin Yan.

“Come here,” Lord Wangzi said, beckoning him with a finger.

It was as though he wanted to lure him over like a dog, believing that Qin Yan would not know what he wanted to do. Naturally Qin Yan wasn’t so naïve after being a male for over twenty years, bisexual to boot, but he pretended to be as dumb as Wangzi wanted. 

Lord Wangzi peeled a wide smile. He took a hand and gripped Qin Yan’s upper arm, pulling him into his lap.

“What are you doing?” Qin Yan asked.

Demonic Lord Wangzi pulled him even closer so that Qin Yan had no choice but to straddle his legs around his waist. 

“My Purple Nightshade, enter a blood contract with this Lord.”

Qin Yan had gone stiff, but locked his eyes with Lord Wangzi. Based on his other cultivation novel readings, a blood contract would be something that bound them to each other, if either died, the other would suffer a backlash. Qin Yan could use Wangzi’s power to propel himself upwards, and Wangzi could draw on his power to increase his range of abilities. To think that Lord Wangzi didn’t just want sex, but to use him like this…well it actually made sense considering he's an evil mastermind. 

As Qin Yan was in thought, a tongue trailed up the lobe of his ear, leaving a trail of warm saliva. He was disgusted and almost struggled against Wangzi’s grip, but managed to hold himself back.

Wangzi appeared to enjoy the look of pensiveness on Qin Yan’s face.

“You have eaten a lot of my subordinates and gone wild. Now it is time to come under my wing...then if you want to devour, go ahead, I will allow it. What can stop those of power? The Heavens don’t dare, but whomever wants to can try, we shall destroy them.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Oh, but why? You are a demon,” Wangzi rubbed Qin Yan’s back, “perhaps…is there a certain person who makes you deny your nature? Hm, who could it be? The person who dares influence your thought, I shall cut off their hands and pluck out their tongue, then see what they can tell you.”

There was a dead silence. Was Wangzi...threatening him with Song Heqing, or was he bluffing? No, Qin Yan knew he shouldn't be optimistic, there was more than one time he spent talking with Song Heqing in the open. Wangzi probably wanted to use Song Heqing as leverage against him, and Qin Yan feared that as soon as he answered Wangzi would order his guards to do something terrible to the boy. But he couldn’t remain silent forever. 

He sucked in a breath and said, “Why should I put myself in servitude to you?”

From Lord Wangzi’s blood-red lips, he gave a deep chuckle.

“If you don't agree, the only thing I can do is burn you to ashes. Yet, how can I bear to kill you? ...since you are such a wild thing, I guess I'll show you right now how I am the Lord of this Phoenix Demonic Sect..."

Something in this very room was wild, not Qin Yan, but the hard thing that began to poke Qin Yan’s stomach. He'd never genuinely wanted to a kill anyone more than he wanted to kill Wangzi, but his instincts screamed at him not to make an impatient mistake. Despite all those he'd eaten to gain power, Qin Yan still wasn't able to beat a man who'd been cultivating for hundreds of years.

But he could do something else.

Wangzi was gripping one of his wrists. Qin Yan transformed his wrist at the junction where Wangzi's palm was pressed, turning the skin into needle-like barbs that had a potent poison2Same poison QY used in ch. 'hangry eggplant'

Wangzi twitched, then turned both of Qin Yan's hands into ash. Despite that, there was a large purple spot on Wangzi's palm and the veins around it were also turning purple corrosively. This wouldn't be enough to defeat him, but Qin Yan's poison wasn't so weak that it something Wangzi could entirely ignore, either. Wangzi would need to spend some time purifying it from his meridians.

Lord Wangzi just quirked his lips. "You can't harm me, but if you do it again I will have to destroy body parts until you submit..."

Even with the poison, he had no intentions of stopping his current actions...Qin Yan expected this, as well. 

Wangzi bent forward with his red tongue already prowling outside his mouth, excited to devour and tame his demon plant. His hands roved all over Qin Yan’s body and sunk into his crotch. Little did he expect that they would have nothing to tease.

The form of Qin Yan shrunk rapidly, shriveling and curling, until all that was left in Lord Wangzi’s lap was a pile of lavish clothes, ornaments, and a single eggplant fruit. It was large, round, and shiny, with purple and black splotches.

************************************Anger +300—

**************Humiliation +214—

****************************************************************Frustration +5120—

Qin Yan could hardly believe his eyes (although eggplant do not have eyes), Lord Wangzi could also trigger points! And so many. This is most he'd ever seen. It must be from the mythological ‘sexual frustration of intense proportions’ that Qin Yan rarely felt even when he was human.

So there was an eggplant in Wangzi's lap. 

Lord Wangzi squinted his eyes once...twice...then picked up the eggplant with one hand. 

“Purple Nightshade, even if you hide, do you think I have no way of dealing with it? Turn back at once.”

Qin Yan certainly did not. Another large barrage of points flashed and the gratification was increasing tenfold. He was so thankful he thought of this while lying on the floor of Song Heqing's room with a hole in his stomach. 

Lord Wangzi had a grimace on his face. He was not accepting of loss, and it was not that he wanted to kill Qin Yan, but dominate him. Giving up easily -not even being able to rape him once, mind you- and destroying this rebellious demon would not give him the satisfaction of winning. After short deliberation, Lord Wangzi eventually took the eggplant and placed it over the clothes on that hot, ‘wild’ part of his.

Qin Yan got the heebie jeebies and immediately surged his demonic powers.

He checked, and it was also possible to transfer his consciousness back to the plant at any time. This humanoid body of his was a manifestation of the eggplant, after all, a mere clone. It allowed travel, but one he could discard when necessary. 

There could never be a more necessary time than now.

The consciousness of Qin Yan flew with speed back to its original plant body in the garden, and the best part was that Wangzi should be unaware. At least for a while. The poison was probably the more productive retaliation, as turning into an eggplant mostly served to enrage Wangzi, but Qin Yan still thought of it as his greatest triumph.

"Pffft, after all, Great Demonic Lord Wangzi has been left to 'play' with an eggplant fruit all night..."

Did he? Or did he not? No one knows but him.

This is the true power of eggplant.