the cult of outliers
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The biggest cult in the world.

It is said that after the worshipers of the goddess (currently brain dead) they have the most members!

They are known for three things!

1- they reject gender and race

2-they reject class

3-they are responsible for the biggest genocide in this planet's history 

We know this because the genocide was recorded very the cult of outliers...

In fact, if you visit one of their many churches you will find them preaching about it, almost like they are proud of that fact.

They will tell you how many they killed, they will tell you how they killed them, they will tell you how they tortured them, they will tell you how they broke them...

Each member wears a mix of men's and women's clothing, the way you can tell how long someone has been a member is if it's impossible to tell their gender.

Also, members will try to hide anything that show's their race, elves hide their ears and saw off their horns, dwarfs walk with platform-shoes, etc, etc.

Finally, when you join the cult while having Nobel or royal blood, you will lose all rights you once have had, their's no such thing as class between the outliers only the alive and the dead.

Now you might be thinking, why would I join the outliers? what do they believe in, who or what do they worship?

Well, that's a lot of fucking questions!

Let's go one by one, shall we!

First of all The outliers hold a lot of power! turns out if your cult has a lot of followers and most them are pretty powerful you kind of don't want to piss them off! since they, you know daylight in murder and all!

Now, no one knows why, but for some reason, most followers of the cult tend to be pretty strong, magic wise or plain strength wise, maybe because the strong are just naturally inclined to join the cult since they get to rampage and kill with almost no consequences, or maybe it's because the trials to get into the cult tend to weed out the weaklings you can choose either one.

For the strongest members, they earn the rank of subjugator, they gain powerful weapons and can legally kill anyone they deem a threat to the cult, this goes from peasants to kings to even member of the cult itself, the subjugators respond the high subjugator instead of the high priest, that's because the subjugators are above the priests in the cult.  

For the next to questions, we going to have to ask another one!  

How did this cult start in the first place?

To answer that 

We have to go back about two thousand years!

To the rule of the demon god!

The demon god caused most of the problems seen today!

He was able to actively destroy earth!

And he did! an entire continent is gone because of him!!!!

Millions of lives were lost during his time!

The demon god himself didn't have a form!

It is said that he was a formless black mist, he able to change into any shape he wanted.

As for why he was hellbent on destroying the world we can only guess.

But it was said that he preached about, how the world has to be destroyed for it to be reborn again!

That it was rotted, that he was born out the rot! that he had to finish the job his predecessors started.

Believe or not people started to believe him!

They worship him!

And after his death by the hands of the goddess.

His worshipper started the cult of outliers with the leadership of their messiah to complete his work and make sure that the world is destroyed!

But now hushed whispers are being passed around the high members of the cult...they speak of a new demon god!

One that was born to finish the job!

They will not stand for it!

They will find it and kill it immediately!

They will not lose their power!

But the high members have to keep it a secret...if even a single follower finds out, or god forbid the high subjugator!

Their power will never be able to protect them...They will all be put on the stage...

sorry I couldn't get a chapter out today I had to work some extra shifts because my roommate up and left, so until I find another one I will have to work extra hours...If you can send me some ko-fis that would really help me get back on schedule, thanks