5.5 Year’s End
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Content Warning: This chapter contains descriptions of violence and death.

:=: Henry :=:

The little plaza was busy today, with a steady stream of people visiting the convenience store and the pizza place.

It took a few moments for Henry to remember, it was the thirty-first today. New years eve. He'd sort of lost track of the days. He only knew that today was going to be his day.

He'd missed an opportunity earlier. He let himself get distracted, and when he looked, he saw Jason, the blonde girl, and the tall demon, as they all got on a bus together. It was the first time he'd seen his boy and the demon out together and he'd missed it!

He forced himself to stay calm though. If they were leaving together, they'd be coming back together. And he'd be ready. The front seat had been cleared, all the notes and distractions were stuffed behind the seat. His jacket pockets were full of spare shells, and he had the loaded shotgun across his lap, under a blanket.

He had a coffee in the cup-holder, that was the only comfort he'd allowed himself today. He took a sip, then checked the time. Three in the afternoon. He'd seen the three of them get on the bus around ten after two. He settled back a bit in his seat and keep watching.

Twenty minutes later he'd finished his coffee and was silently swearing to himself. He needed to piss. Why'd he drink the fucking coffee? He rubbed his forehead, trying to decide whether he should take a chance and duck into the coffee shop bathroom right now, or if he should try and wait it out.

Then he spotted the bus, and decided. He'd hang on another few minutes. If they weren't on this bus, he'd take a two-minute break.

He watched as it pulled up and stopped. Then it pulled away, and there they were! The three of them were carrying grocery bags, walking towards the condo a couple hundred meters away.

His boy was still wearing girls clothes. Skinny jeans and girly boots and a red jacket. The blonde was still dressed like a man, she had dark jeans and combat boots on, and a dark blue jacket. The demon was wearing a long heavy skirt and winter boots, and a dark green hoodie.

Henry started up the old pickup. He'd figured out the timing, he'd pictured this moment a thousand times over the past couple weeks. When the three of them were approaching the condo, he pulled out of the plaza and onto the road. He drove past them at a normal speed, then turned into the entrance to the condo tower. It had one of those semi-circular driveways, and he went almost all the way around, then brought his pickup to a stop facing the road, with the drivers side door towards the sidewalk as his boy approached. Henry dumped the blanket onto the floor infront of the passenger seat, and put his hand on the gun. He clicked the safety off.

He whispered a quick prayer, and as the three got within a couple meters, he opened the door and stepped out of the pickup.

Jason recognized him of course, and let out a scream.

Henry ignored his boy for the moment. He brought the shotgun up to his shoulder, and let both barrels go at once. The blast hit the demon square in the chest, at point blank range. He'd aimed for the pentacle, and he did not miss.

He didn't know if it was the salt, the lead, or the blessing, but the effect was instant, and it was exactly what he'd intended. The abomination was dead before it even hit the snowbank.

The red stains soaking into the snow were a surprise, Henry had expected demonic blood to be black. He ignored it though as he lunged forward for his boy. He grabbed his son and started dragging him back towards the pickup. The boy was screaming and blubbering like a girl, trying to struggle, but like usual he was no match for his old man.

Then the blonde was on him, trying to get his hands off Jason. She was screaming at him, she sounded hysterical. Henry shrugged her off then he swung the shotgun around like a club. The stock hit the girl in the head with a satisfying crunch, and she crumpled into the snowbank next to the demon.

Jason was bawling even more now. Henry gave the boy the back of his hand. That was always effective in the past, and it worked just as well now. He stuffed his son into the pickup, and climbed in after him. The shotgun was across his lap again as he put the truck in gear. With a squeal of tires, they were off. He just had to get the boy back to the chapel, and then he could finish the job.

By sundown today, his boy's soul would be saved.

:=: Nicole :=:

"We'd like to try the Merlot next." The young man said, "And then the Cab Sauv."

Nikki had four people with her at the tasting counter. It had been a fairly slow day, and she'd been bored up until a half hour ago. The older couple were clearly tourists, a pair of retirees just trying wines at random. The other two were more interesting.

They were a pair of young men, both smartly dressed, and looked to be in their thirties. Nikki was sure they were either wine writers or amateur wine enthusiasts. They seemed to know their stuff, and were taking careful notes as they tasted one wine at a time. And they were taking them in a logical progression. The Merlot and the Cab would likely be the last two for them.

"Of course." Nikki gave them a pleasant smile, and set two fresh glasses on the counter infront of them. She turned and picked up the bottle of Merlot. As she was turning back towards the counter though, she felt a little shudder pass through her body. She watched as the bottle slipped from her fingers, then shatter when it struck the floor. Red wine splashed over her shoes.

She was aware of the four customers staring at her, and she tried to tell them it was fine, not to worry. But her body wasn't responding to her any more. Her vision seemed to darken a bit, as if she was looking out through a tunnel.

She could hear someone talking, the older gentleman, but his voice sounded sort of distant, hollow. "Are you ok, miss?"

Nikki couldn't respond. She could only watch, as she turned away from the counter, and suddenly she was standing outside on the sidewalk infront of her condo. She still had tunnel vision, and sounds were muted. But she could feel the cold air. She was dressed for work of course, and without a coat or jacket. She just had her black slacks, white blouse, and black dress shoes.

Her body was still moving on its own, as she turned and kneeled in the snow. Nicole's mind filled with grief and horror at the scene she saw before her.

Samantha was laying motionless, face up in the snowbank. There was blood, so much blood. Her new hoodie was soaked, and the snow around her was stained red where the blood was melting into it. Kara lay face-down, crumpled nearby, her short blonde hair matted with still more blood.

Nikki wanted to scream, cry, shout. She wanted to grab Sam and hold her, she wanted to call for help, but her body was still ignoring her. Instead, she reached out with both hands. Her left hand pressed against Sam's chest, and her right gripped Kara's shoulder.

She felt Samantha's blood under her hand and between her fingers, and she felt the stillness of Sam's heart. She could still feel life under her right hand. Kara was alive, but badly hurt.

Then Nikki felt a surge of magic, more power than she could conceive. It felt like her mind had connected with the heart of the sun itself. Pure raw energy was burning through her body, down her arms, and out her hands. Then everything faded to white.

:=: Llis Dôn :=:

She was angry, but She was so very tired. She moved to the large standing stone in the centre of Her court. As She approached, the rock shifted and deformed, taking on the shape of a large seat. A throne, formed of solid granite.

She slumped into it and sighed. It had taken almost everything She had, but She'd brought Her priestess back. Samantha had nearly passed beyond the veil when She reached the girl.

The three of them were laying before Her now, on the grass. Kara was the first to recover.

She watched as the tall wiry blonde slowly got to her feet. The girl was looking around confused, alarmed. She reached a hand up and touched her head, and seemed surprised to find she'd been healed. There wasn't even a trace of blood left in her hair.

She continued watching silently as Kara looked to her friends first, then finally turned and looked at Her.

She gulped, "You saved us?"

"Yes Kara. I healed you, and I resurrected Samantha." She knew what the girl would ask next.

"Where's Jessica? He took her, didn't he? Who is he?"

Dôn nodded slightly. "He took her. His name is Henry Campbell. He is Jessica's natural father."

She saw Kara's eyes widen. The girl obviously knew something of Jessica's original family.

Her vessel was stirring now. Nicole slowly sat up, then with a cry of anguish and relief she threw her arms around Samantha and started sobbing. Her priestess would wake soon too. She was also healed, and though her clothes were ruined, She had cleansed the girl of the spilled blood.

Kara demanded, "We have to get Jessica! You have to go and get her, you have to help her!"

Dôn shook her head slowly. "I cannot, Kara. Nor can I allow My priestess or vessel to confront him."

The blonde looked angry, "Why not?! We can't just leave her with him!"

"I cannot risk My priestess or My vessel. And I cannot go Myself, I need My vessel to interact in your world."

Kara fumed, "Well we can't just leave her!"

The Goddess sighed slightly, "We will not abandon Jessica, but confronting your attacker and saving My Scribe is not a task for My priestess or My vessel. For this, I require another."

Dôn fixed her gaze on the blonde, and asked, "Kara Duncan, will you be My champion?"

She watched as Kara's eyes widened slightly, then she frowned a little. Finally the girl gulped and asked, "What does that mean, exactly?"

Dôn could see the conflict in the girl's expression, and in her mind. She desperately wished to save her lover, but she also had fear. Of the unknown, of her Goddess, of what would be required of her, of the man who had attacked them.

"The role is for life, Kara. If you accept, you will be My champion until the day you die." She watched the girl as she continued, "You will be given the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill your duties. And as your first duty, I will require you to kill Henry Campbell. No negotiation, no bargaining, and no mercy."

Kara still looked conflicted. She asked nervously, "What's he going to do to Jessica?"

Dôn sighed. "The future is never clear, Kara. But if her father is not stopped, then Jessica will be lost by the end of the day. She will either die by his hand, or if she survives his efforts... Then she will die by her own hand."

She watched as the blonde set her shoulders and clenched her fists. Kara nodded, "Ok. I'll be your champion."

"So be it."

:=: Kara :=:

There was a flash of light, then the grassy hilltop, the stones, Sam and Nikki, and the Goddess were gone.

Kara found herself standing alone, outside a small unfamiliar building. It took a moment for her to realize it was an abandoned church or chapel. The lot around her was overgrown with trees and bushes, and mostly buried under deep snow. Then she spotted the pick-up truck off to the side of the building.

There were footprints in the snow leading from the pick-up to the side of the building, where Kara could see a door was ajar.

She could feel her heart rate pick up a little, as her body released adrenaline in anticipation of what was to come. Kara was a little surprised to realize she didn't feel any fear or anxiety though. For now, there was only a powerful resolve, to save Jessica and stop her father.

For a moment, she wondered if she was meant to face her enemy unarmed. That's when she noticed she was holding something in her right hand. She looked down, and was a little bemused to see the sword.

It looked like something out of a movie. The blade was short, less than two feet long. There was a sharp point at the tip, then it widened to a couple inches across, then narrowed to form a sort of waist shape, and finally widened a bit again where the blade met the guard. Both the guard and pommel were made of dark wood, like walnut. The grip was bone.

Kara realized as she stared at it, that she already knew how to use it. It was meant for both stabbing and hacking. The double-edged leaf-shaped blade was balanced and weighted sort of like a machete, but heavier, stronger. It would be very effective on unarmored foes, and even against armour it could deliver strong enough blows to break bones. The tip would penetrate maile and leather, and find the joints in plate. Not that she expected to face a lot of men in armour.

Right now there was only one man she needed to confront, and he wasn't wearing anything more protective than a winter jacket.

Kara gripped her weapon tightly, and cautiously stepped into the chapel. It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the dark interior. The inside was dusty, and looked like it had been vandalized a few times over the years it had sat empty.

It was easy enough to see where she needed to go. There was a trail on the floor, snow tracked in from outside, that led to her right. A couple meters away, the trail ended at an open door, through which Kara could see a staircase leading down.

Moving as quietly as she could, Kara made her way to the staircase. A cautious glance downwards revealed only a small landing, and an open doorway that she couldn't see through from up here. She raised her sword a little, holding it at ready, and started creeping down the stairs.

As she descended, she could hear movement from the open doorway below. It was darker down at the lower landing, but there was some light coming through the doorway. There must have been some basement windows that weren't obscured by snow.

She was about halfway down the stairs when she heard his voice. Kara froze but then realized, he wasn't talking to her.

"Just relax son. It'll all be over soon."

Kara gritted her teeth and her fist tightened around the grip of her sword. Jessica had never told her any details, but she knew her girlfriend's biological parents had abused her, beaten her, because she was trans.

She wanted to charge in there and stop whatever he was doing. She knew he was armed though. She really needed to get a look in the room, so she knew what she'd be dealing with. Then it hit her, and she mentally berated herself. Kara closed her eyes and focused on Jessica, as she silently recited the clairvoyance spell.

She felt a shock as the image immediately came into focus. Jess was laying on a large sturdy work table. Her ankles and wrists were bound to the legs of the table with rope, and there was a ball of cloth stuffed into her mouth. She was naked, and her body was covered in small cuts and scrapes, running up and down sort of in lines.

Kara realized, the clothing had been cut from Jessica's body. Her father was currently standing by the end of the table, at Jess's head. He had some large scissors and he was cutting away the last of her hair. Jessica was laying motionless, unconscious, but she must have been struggling earlier. There were more cuts on her scalp from the scissors, and Jess's lower lip was split and swollen, one eye was blackened and bruised. There were more bruises on her arms, legs, and ribs.

Kara could barely contain her anger. Her focus expanded slightly so she could see her enemy. She'd barely got a look at him when he attacked them this afternoon, that had all happened too fast.

Now she could see, Henry looked like someone you'd expect to find arguing with himself on a street corner. His dark hair was wild and unkempt, and he had a month's worth of beard growth. His clothes were ragged and filthy. It looked like he hadn't cleaned or bathed in ages. His eyes though, they were unsettling. They had a very intense look about them. Whatever it was he thought he was doing, he believed in it completely and absolutely.

She expanded her vision to the rest of the room. A pile of rags in a corner were all that remained of her girlfriend's clothes. Against the wall, just inside the doorway there were four red plastic jerry cans full of gasoline, all sitting open, and a box of road flares was open on the floor next to them. Kara could see a small plastic water bottle, a large hunting knife, a bible, and a cross on the table between Jessica's feet. And finally she spotted the shotgun. It was leaning against the table, right next to Jess's father, in easy reach for the man.

The way the room was laid out, Kara had basically the length of the room to cross, the table and Jessica were in between her target and the door. She'd need to move fast to close the distance before he could react. She had four more stairs to reach the bottom, then she'd have to turn through the doorway, and then another 2 or 3 meters, to reach him. If she could get to the doorway, then she'd have a good chance. She could cover the distance in a second, hopefully before he could react.

Moving as quietly as she could, Kara took the next step, and then the next. As she put her weight on the final stair, there was a loud creak. With a silent curse, Kara charged through the door. She saw him bringing up the gun and twisted to the side.

In the confined space of the cellar, the sound of the blast was deafening. The impact caught Kara in the left arm, just below the shoulder. It felt like she'd been hit with a baseball bat, but she didn't let it slow her down. She covered the remaining distance to him, as he swung the shotgun up at her like a club.

Kara responded, her body moving with skill and strength granted her by the Goddess. She brought her sword up, and easily blocked his swing. Then she swung her weapon back down. The wide part of the blade sank several inches into Henry's right shoulder, and the shotgun fell from his hand, clattering on the floor.

Henry let out a strangled cry and stumbled backwards, until he was standing with his back against the wall. His right arm was hanging useless at his side, and blood was running freely down the front of his jacket. He glared at Kara, his eyes wide. He didn't look scared though, his eyes were wide with the look of fanaticism.

"You!" He spat at her, "You've been corrupted by the demons! I can save you, girl! Like I'm going to save my Jason!"

Kara growled, "Her name is Jessica!"

"He's Jason! He's my son!" Henry's voice started to take on a pleading tone now. He sounded desperate. "I have to save my boy!"

As he talked, Kara could see his left hand reached for something behind him, in his back pocket or in his belt.

Suddenly he brought his hand back out front. He was clutching a road flare, and his eyes flicked towards the open gas cans. He scrambled to ignite it, and Kara moved. The flare burst to life, but he never got the chance to do anything with it.

It was just two paces forward and a thrust with her right hand, and it was done. She barely felt any resistance until the tip of her sword dug into the cellar wall behind him. She then stepped back as she yanked her blade free.

Jessica's father sank to his knees, then toppled over on his side. The flare slipped from his fingers and rolled a few inches, and came to rest against the cellar wall next to him.

Kara then turned toward Jessica. Her sword easily cut the ropes away, then she pulled the gag free and tossed it aside. She tucked her blade through her belt for now, leaving the weapon hanging at her left hip.

Carefully, gently, Kara picked Jessica up off the table. Her injured arm burned a little, but she ignored it. She was surprised at how light her girlfriend seemed, how easy she was to carry, as she started carrying Jess towards the stairs.

Kara hesitated at the doorway, then for good measure, she kicked out with her left foot. Two of the jerry cans were knocked over onto their sides and sent sliding across the floor in the direction of the body and the burning flare. As the gasoline started to pour out, she hurried up the stairs.

Bright sunlight was streaming in through the open doorway. Squinting a bit, Kara stepped out into the light, still cradling Jessica in her arms.

:=: Samantha :=:

Sam woke with a start, and immediately started panicking. The last thing she'd seen was a crazy man with a shotgun, confronting her sister, Kara, and herself.

She could feel someone trying to restrain her as she struggled, then finally she heard Nikki's voice.

"Sam! Sam stop!"

Samantha stopped struggling, and looked around. She had no idea where they were. She was laying on warm grass, in the middle of what looked like a neolithic stone monument. She took a few deep breaths then sat up, "Where are we?"

Nikki was kneeling next to her. Sam could see Nikki's eyes were red and there were streaks of tears on her cheeks. Her girlfriend gave her a tight hug and answered, "We're with the Goddess."

Sam felt herself starting to panic again. She remembered the mad-man with the shotgun, and remembered seeing a flash from the gun. "Are we... Are we dead?!"

A voice behind her stated, "No Samantha, you are not dead."

Sam gulped. She couldn't turn and look yet, with Nikki still holding her.

Finally, her girlfriend let go, and the two of them slowly got to their feet. As she stood, Sam saw the holes torn in the front of her new hoodie, and the mangled remains of her pentacle still hanging around her neck. She felt her stomach go cold, and she gulped.

Turning, she was a little surprised to see a woman that looked like she could be Nikki's older sister, reclining on some kind of large stone seat. It had been carved from the same rock as the other stones that surrounded them.

Sam didn't recognize the layout, it wasn't a traditional ring shape. There were four of the larger stones, and the place where She was seated looked like it would have been a fifth upright stone. There were also a few dozen smaller stones scattered around at random.

Sam glanced down at her hoodie again, then asked "Did you... You healed me?"

The Goddess looked tired, weary. Her posture suggested She had slumped into Her seat to keep from falling over. She also looked stressed, Her lips were thin and tight, and Her brow was wrinkled a little.

"No Samantha. You already know the truth. You were well beyond healing. I brought you back."

If not for Nikki's arm around her, Sam might have wound up back on the ground again. Her stomach felt cold and heavy, and her hands were shaking.

Sam gulped, then asked, "What about Jessica? And Kara?"

The Goddess replied, "Kara survived the attack. Jessica was taken." She paused, but before Sam could ask more, She continued, "The man is Jessica's natural father. I have sent Kara to deal with him, and save your sister."

Sam gasped, "We have to go and help! We have to..."

Nikki shook her head, "Sam no. We can't. Kara will take care of it."

She looked at her girlfriend, confused. "I don't understand, why can't we... We can't just stay here and do nothing!"

Nicole sighed, "Sam, She won't let us go. It's too dangerous. Kara can handle it."

Sam looked back at the Goddess and demanded, "Why won't you let us go?! She's my sister! I have to..." There were tears rolling down her cheeks now, as her emotions were starting to spiral out of control.

The Goddess didn't answer. She just watched quietly, impassively. Sam finally sank back to her knees, feeling helpless, sick with worry for her sister, and overwhelmed by what had happened to her.

Nikki knelt next to her, holding her again.

There was no real sense of time. After what may have been minutes, or hours, the Goddess suddenly spoke. "It is done. She will need you both."

The hill and the stones faded, and Sam found herself and Nikki kneeling on the floor of their apartment, next to the dining table.

They were facing the living-room, where Cindy and Tanya were sitting together on the sofa playing video-games. There was the smell of fresh-baked cookies in the air. It was such a jarring change from everything they'd just been through, it took Sam a few seconds before she could even react.

The two girls hadn't even noticed Sam and Nikki's appearance yet. Sam was just starting to stand up, when Kara appeared in the middle of the living-room, infront of the tv. She was standing, and cradling Jessica in her arms.

Cindy and Tanya both let out yelps of surprise, and then Cindy screamed a little when seeing the state Jess was in.

Sam let out a cry of shock as well, as she realized her sister was naked and injured. Kara said nothing as she strode past the two startled girls and around the sofa, towards her and Jess's bedroom.

Sam and Nikki scrambled to follow, as Cindy leapt up, gasping "What happened?!"

In the bedroom, Sam pulled the blankets back and Kara gently laid Jess down, then Sam and Kara pulled the sheets back up again. Kara stated quietly, "We need to heal her."

Samantha saw the fresh blood running down the left arm of Kara's jacket, and gasped, "Kara you're hurt..."

Kara repeated quietly but firmly, "We need to heal Jessica first."

Nicole nodded, "Ok Kara. Jess first."

Cindy and Tanya were both standing in the doorway watching, as Kara, Sam, and Nikki stood around the bed. They each recited the healing spell, one at a time. It took a few rounds from each of them, before all of Jessica's injuries were healed.

Sam was feeling a little tired from casting the spell multiple times, and figured Nikki and Kara would be a little tired as well. Kara especially, from her ordeal and her injury.

Nikki whispered, "We can see about using magic to help Jess regrow her hair later. For now, let's let her sleep." She then looked at Kara, "Now let's have a look at your arm."

Kara first pulled a short sword from her belt and quietly placed it on her bed-side table. Sam stared at the sword for a moment in surprise. She hadn't even noticed it before, her attention had been fixed on her sister.

From the door, Cindy asked, "Where'd you get the sword, Kara?"

As she unzipped her jacket, Kara replied quietly, "Gift from the Goddess." She winced a little as she pulled the jacket off, then just dropped it on the floor by her feet. Finally, Kara carefully pulled up the left sleeve of her shirt.

Sam gasped when she saw the wound, "Kara you've been shot! That's more than we can treat with the healing spell! We have to get you to a hospital..."

Kara stated calmly, "I'm not leaving Jessica's side."

Nikki said quietly, "A hospital would get the police involved anyways... I'll get the first aid kit. We'll do what we can, between that and our healing spells."

• • • • •

Sam was sitting on the sofa, with Nikki's arm around her. It was probably close to midnight, but they weren't paying attention to the time. They'd both gotten undressed, Sam was in her red nightgown and Nikki one of her black nightshirts.

Kara was still with Jess, she hadn't left their bedroom since bringing Jessica home.

Cindy and Tanya were both in Cindy's room, and had kept relatively quiet since they'd retreated there after Kara asked everyone to leave her and Jessica alone.

Sam and Nikki had eaten a little, and between the two of them they'd almost finished a bottle of wine. It wasn't a celebration, just a meal. Sam was still in shock from her ordeal, and she was sure she wouldn't be able to start feeling better until she could talk with her sister.

She needed to know Jess was ok. Not just physically, she needed to hear her sister say she was all right.

Nikki leaned forward and picked up the bottle, and split the last couple ounces between their two glasses. She was just picking up her glass, when they heard one of the bedroom doors open behind them.

Sam turned and looked, to see Kara emerge from their room. The tall wiry blonde had gotten undressed, she was now just wearing a pair of boy-shorts and a t-shirt. Sam blinked a little as she realized the blonde wasn't really 'wiry' any more. Her long arms and legs were still slim, but there was now a layer of well-toned muscle clearly defined under her skin.

When Kara realized she and Nikki were there, she greeted them softly as she headed to the kitchen, "How are you both doing?"

Nicole replied quietly, "We're managing."

Sam asked, "How's Jess?"

Kara opened the fridge and looked over the contents, as she replied, "She woke up a few minutes ago. She's hungry, and thirsty. She doesn't want to see anyone yet."

Sam was halfway to the bedroom door when Kara's words stopped her. She sighed, but nodded. As she moved back toward the sofa, she asked "Tell her we're all worried about her, ok? And I'd like to see her, when she's ready?"

Kara nodded, "Of course, Sam." She was carrying a couple water bottles and had a plate of Cindy's cookies in her hand as she walked back towards the bedroom door.

Sam noticed the tattoo on Kara's wrist as she went past. The small glyph she'd originally received was gone. Now she had a larger, more detailed mark, similar to the ones Sam, Nikki, and Jess wore. Kara's identified her as 'champion'.

She'd also noticed, since Kara had returned with Jess, there was something a little different about the girl. Sam hadn't seen any trace of Kara's anxiety, no hesitation or awkwardness in her. The blonde had been quiet, calm, and determined. She realized, Kara had a confidence about her that she'd never had before.

Before Kara went back into her bedroom, Nikki asked "How's your arm, Kara?"

They'd used the first-aid kit to clean and dress the wound, and a few applications of the healing spell had stopped the last of the bleeding. Kara now had a wide bandage wrapped around her left upper arm, from an inch above her elbow to an inch below her armpit.

The blonde replied quietly, "Aches a bit, but it's fine." She then slipped into the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

As Kara disappeared into her room, Cindy emerged from hers.

The small teen was wearing her pink nightgown, and she walked barefoot around the sofa to sit down next to Sam.

She asked softly, "Is Jessica ok? I heard some talking."

Sam nodded, "That was Kara. She said Jessica didn't want to see anyone yet, but Jess woke up and was hungry. Kara took her some of your cookies." She then asked, "How are you and Tanya doing?"

Both the teens had been shocked by everyone appearing in the apartment at once, and then seeing Jessica and Kara's injuries had further upset the two girls.

Cindy shrugged a little, "Better, after we knew Jessica and Kara were ok and healed and stuff." She sighed, "It wasn't exactly the fun new-years sleepover we were expecting..."

Nikki shook her head, "No, it wasn't. But we're all ok now, that's the important thing."

The small blonde nodded. After a few moments she asked quietly, "What happened? Who hurt Kara and did all that stuff to Jessica? Is the Goddess gonna curse them or something?"

Sam sighed a little, unsure what to tell the girl.

Nikki spoke up again, and said "It's a long story Cindy, and I think it would be best if we let Jessica and Kara tell it, when they're ready. I will spoil the ending though. The man who hurt Sam and Jess and Kara is dead. No curse, no magic, and he won't be coming back. He'll never hurt any of us ever again."

Cindy nodded slowly when hearing that. "Good."

Nikki then finished her wine. She stood up and picked up the empty bottle, and walked over to the kitchen.

Cindy was still seated next to Samantha, and looked up at her and asked, "Sam? Don't be mad ok, cos I haven't said anything to Tanya about this, but... If she someday wanted to, would she be allowed to join us?"

Sam sat back on the sofa and bit her lower lip as she thought. Finally she asked, "You mean join us in learning magic, right? Or do you mean, join us, like moving in and living here with you?"

Cindy blushed and exclaimed quietly, "The magic part! I wasn't asking about her moving in with me!"

Sam smiled a little at the girl's reaction. Based on what the Goddess had told her about arranging for Tanya to be a compatible friend, she was pretty sure the 'moving in together' part would come eventually.

She then said softly, "If Tanya agrees to be bound by our rules and keep our secrets... And if she hasn't been too traumatized by what happened today... Then ok. I don't have any objections to her joining. She'll have to figure out how to explain to her parents though, why she needs to spend all her full moons and solstices visiting us."

Nikki returned to the sofa and sat down again on the other side of Sam. She had a glass of water in one hand, and wooden box in the other. Sam had never seen the box before. It looked like an antique, about eight inches by six inches, and maybe two inches deep. There was some faint carving along the sides, and the edges and corners were worn down by years of handling.

"Where'd you get that box, love?" She asked. "What is it?"

Nikki set the glass down, and then opened the box. It was hinged, the top swinging up. Inside, Sam could see a couple pieces of what looked like folded-up parchment, and a half dozen necklaces of some kind. Nikki took one of the necklaces out and handed it to Sam, then she pulled another out and offered it to Cindy.

Sam accepted it and looked it over. It was some kind of metal amulet. A round copper disk, about an inch and a half in diameter, with a pattern engraved on it. In the dim light she could make out runes running around the outer edge of the disk. There was a leather cord tied to the disk through a hole, long enough that she could slip it over her head.

Cindy took the one she was offered, and put it on without a second thought, while Sam was still examining hers.

Sam finally asked, "What is it?"

Nicole replied quietly, "It's a gift, Samantha. A protective amulet. While you wear it, you will be protected from physical harm." She pulled four more of them out of the box, setting them on the coffee table. "One each, for yourself, Cindy, Jessica, Kara, and Nicole." She then added, "And an sixth, for Tanya, should you wish her to have it."

Sam blinked as she realized it wasn't her girlfriend sitting next to her.

"The magic will not make you invincible or immortal," She explained quietly, "But it will ensure none of you are hurt again, the way you were today."

Sam nodded slowly, and Cindy was listening as well. The girl pointed in the box, "What are the papers?"

The Goddess took out the two sheets and unfolded them on the coffee table. Both were covered in runes. She said softly, "Perhaps it is 'cheating', but this one is a teleportation spell. And this one is the spell which enchants the amulets, should you wish to create more of them in the future."

Cindy's eyes were wide as she looked at the two sheets, and quietly said "Wow."

The Goddess then reached over and tapped the amulet that was hanging around the small teen's neck. "You're protected as long as you are wearing it. So don't take it off unless you know you are safe. And don't lose it."

Sam looked at the amulet in her hands again, then she slipped it on over her head, letting it settle against her chest where her pentacle used to hang. She then said quietly, "Thank you."

The Goddess just nodded quietly. Then Sam saw Her eyelids flutter for a moment, and she knew Nikki was back.

Nikki reached out and picked up one of the amulets, looking it over, then she put it on as well.

She looked to Cindy, and said quietly "I have a job for you, kid."

Cindy looked up, surprised. "You do?"

Nikki nodded. "I want you to learn that spell, for the amulets? And I want you to figure out how to change it around a bit. Like you changed the transformation spell. I want you to make us a spell we can use, to protect our whole home. Or wherever we're living."

Cindy's eyes widened, then she smiled. "Ok Nikki. I don't know yet if I can, but I'll try."

Sam was surprised as well, but she understood what Nikki wanted.

Cindy then looked up at her and asked, "Samantha? May I give this to Tanya?" She pointed at one of the remaining amulets.

Sam frowned, and asked "Why are you asking me, and not Nikki? Or both of us?"

Cindy shrugged, "We all know you're the boss, Samantha. Nikki just goes along with whatever you say."

Her girlfriend suppressed a giggle, as Sam stared at the small blonde in surprise.

After a few moments Sam finally nodded, "Yes, you can give it to her. And if you think she wants to, you can invite her to join us. Just make sure she understands everything has to be a secret, and she'll have to figure out how to deal with her parents if there's any questions."

Cindy grinned, "Thanks Sam!" She picked up the amulet then added quietly, "Happy new years, good night Sam, good night Nikki." She then hurried back to her bedroom, closing the door again after her.

Sam sat back on the sofa again, and felt Nikki slip an arm around her. She leaned a little closer, cuddling against her girlfriend.

"Why the change of heart hon, about letting more people join us?" Nikki whispered.

"Tanya already knows half this stuff, and she's met the Goddess." Sam shrugged. "And it seems like she and Cindy are already almost inseparable... I figure, having her on the team might help keep Cindy a little more stable, and it also means Tanya will be bound by our rules." She added, "And anyways, the Goddess wouldn't have given us an 'extra' amulet for her, if She didn't want the girl to have it. I assume that means She's sort of quietly endorsing having Tanya on the team."

Nikki nodded, "Ok. That makes sense." She then gave Sam a kiss and whispered, "Let's go to bed, hon. Today's been a long day, and tomorrow might be busy."

Sam sighed, but nodded in agreement. She picked up the two remaining amulets, folded up the sheets of parchment, and put everything back in the antique wood box for now. She didn't want to leave any of that stuff laying around, just in case.

A few minutes later, they were cuddling together in bed. Nikki whispered, "Good night hon. Happy new year..."

Sam was quiet for a moment, then whispered back, "Happy new year, love..."