3.02 – Under the squid hat
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I'm surprised! We trended main page again!  As always, because we're trending, or there's an awesome benchmark, here's an extra chapter today! <3 *purrs*  I wasn't at all expecting it, but I'm a very happy kitten, nya! =^.^=

Aurora punched and blasted at the creature’s stonificated body.  It started to move as she managed to chip enough off.  There was a halting heaving breath coming from inside.  As she chipped away, there was something that started glinting.


One might expect a hot girl, quite literally hidden inside there actually was a very not hot man.  He wriggled out completely naked, trying to free himself from the remnants of the hardened ash.


Aurora tilted her head and helped break him from the rest as though it was an egg and as if like a helpless newborn chick.  He certainly was no chick.  She helped the man sit up.  The moment he looked up, taking a deep breath, he took off a medallion and threw the thing away as far as he could hurl it.  It splashed and sank into the water, although the odds were the current wouldn’t take it too far off any time soon. 


He looked up, sweating. “Y-you’re her… you’re… Aurora!” He lunged for her and actually managed to hug her.


Aurora winced and laughed, patting his back lightly. “Now, now.  Everything will be alright.”  She was extremely embarrassed and yet pleased that he had recognized her on sight.


“What’s your story? How’d you end up inside that strange creature?”


The man replied, stammering, “ I st-found that bling but when I put it on, I got hot… like really hot… and the next thing I know, it’s all fire and I can barely breathe and everything smelled like ass.  I was trying to cool off… mmmm, you smell nice.”


Aurora had been pushed to her limit finally. She rolled her eyes and wrapped her aura around him, firmly extracticating herself from his grip. “I’m flattered, but i”m not interested.” She grinned, laughing. “So, I gather you’re a thief?” She gave him a stern look like a disappointed mother. “Have we learned an important lesson today?”


“I found it… really,” he protested sheepishly, her aura keeping his huggy intentions firmly at bay.  As she sat, police pulled up.


“Um…” the man spoke hopefully, “can we please keep this between ourselves?”


Aurora laughed softly, falling over practically.  “Since you showed me such trust earlier when you were in utter agony, I think I can do that much for you.” she placed a hand on him and took off into the air with him, waving to the police after creating a construct so the guy didn’t have his lips peeled back from his face when she left at full blast.  She’s learned that if she had to literally jet, it was best to protect her passengers.  She reached an appropriate-looking rooftop that seemed like it might have a working fire escape.  She set him down and looked sternly at him again.


“I don’t have any time really at the moment, so I’ll leave you here with this warning. I don’t forget faces.  If I ever catch you stealing or doing anything else bad, I’ll be very disappointed.  I don’t know how deep into crime you might be at this moment, but I expect you to use this opportunity to reconsider your life.”  She grinned.


“Do you have anything else to say for yourself?”


“Can you spare some change?” He smiled, holding his hand out impishly at Aurora.  “And are you single? I think if we started to see each other, it’d be easier for me to keep on the straight line.” he chuckled, blushing.


Aurora laughed in reply and shook her head. “Don’t disappoint me. Be good from now on.  I’ll be very stern if I see you again.” She lifted off into the air and zipped off towards her school, hoping she wasn’t too late after this morning’s escapade.

She rocketed off towards school, noting that there weren’t many kids still in the yard.  If she were to make it, it’d be a matter of seconds.  She circled around towards the utility shed where she’d been transforming regularly.  It afforded her the most privacy. The change was quick.  She rushed towards the front door of the school around the corner, hearing the first bell ring.


She bounced impatiently while she waited for the metal detectors and guards to do their thing.  Things were so bad in San Isidro the children were routinely checked for weapons.  It wasn’t easy going to school in one of the most crime-filled cities.  



By the time she got through the detectors, Leona’s heart was in her throat. She dashed towards Mrs. Mueller’s room and just before she crossed the threshold into the classroom, the second bell rang. Leona cursed mentally.  The teacher looked at her as she dropped into her seat and marked it down in her book.


Leona smiled wryly. At least Mom would believe in her, not caring really about punishment for tardiness.  Telling her was the best move, certainly.  Everyone else might end up thinking she was some kind of juvenile delinquent. One of several, at least.  She hoped to avoid that kind of stigma.  Leona pulled her books and things from her bags and prepared for class, trying to put it out of her mind.


There were morning announcements where everyone was reminded that clubs had open enrollment on Friday, and that there would be an assembly late on Friday, meaning that English and probably Art would be cancelled for Leona.


When she left her Homeroom, her friends caught up to her and they talked.  “Wow, did you hear about that crazy thing in the city earlier?” Derrick said, grinning broadly as he waved his cellphone at her.  “It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen, and there was an Angel sighting!”  Derrick was a mix of Mexican and African-American. He had a fairly deep voice for his age already.  Unfortunately his body was undeveloped, believing the depth of his voice.


Maria walked by his side from their shared Homeroom.  She rolled her eyes as Derrick nerdgasmed with his tuba-like voice.


Leona looked at Derrick’s phone with a big grin, seeing herself fighting that petty crook she’d faced earlier.  No matter what he’d done in the past, the trust he’d shown in a pinch indicated that the guy had faced some bad circumstances, and perhaps too much of an ego, thinking a life of crime wouldn’t catch up to him.


The tentacles flailed as the guy wandered up the street, and Aurora appeared behind it, scoring a hit on its back.  It turned and attacked her.  She looked so good fighting.  It made her preen slightly.  Maria looked at Aurora with a tilted head.  “You shouldn’t humor him so much.  He’ll be exiled if he keeps this up.”


“Hey now!” Derrick bellowed. “The Angel rocks!”


Leona laughed. “You know, superheroes are the best.  More people should be like Maria. This whole city’s…” She became serious. “It’s pretty messed up.  If the kids even have to be checked every morning, something’s really wrong.”


Maria rolled her eyes.  “It’s true.” She nodded. “It’s just, you know, lots of kids like to be rebels.  If you want to get through school, you gotta be at least neutral.”


Leona shook her head. “I don’t know… I think we need to support the people who give their lives and energy to keep the world safe.  They don’t do it to put walls around us, chains on us, metal detectors on every corner.  It’s so people can live freely without having to worry about things like this. It’s just a shame that a lot of people who…”


Sarah slipped up behind Leona suddenly and her skin pebbled when she impishly nibbled her ear openly.  People turned to stare, some blushing and others were far too interested, while other girls, some at least, turned their back on them.


The fact of the matter was Sarah had become less conservative and more open since the school year had started.  Before Summer Break, they’d sneaked kisses under bleachers, and now she openly siddled against her.  Leona giggled when Serah fluttered her lashes and held her arm.


Derrick froze, an expression of envy crossing his face instantly.  Meanwhile, Maria smirked and looked away, although when she did it it was out of respect.


“A-anyway, how about this Angel?!” Derrick resumed, yelling.  People stared at him.


Maria facepalmed practically. “Oh yeah, she’s great.”


Leona wondered what she really thought about her, but since she liked heroes, she thought she might actually be a little tsundere about them.  Desperately seeking the approval of others, she affected a neutral position that she strongly advocated.  She was a bit of a goth. Proof of that she wore dark makeup, just not so much it would raise eyebrows.  She just preferred dark lipsticks and to wear plenty of mascara and eyeliner.  The light makeup she always wore every day looked good as it always did and it did suit her features, plumping up her lips.


“She really is!” Sarah cooed. “She’s like the best superhero in existence! She’s a role model! I can’t believe I didn’t really go for superheroes as much before.  When we went to Justicon last year, I really just went for my Leona, but wow… it was actually really nice to meet some of them, but meeting Aurora was the best, and it doesn’t hurt that…”


Leona clapped her hand over Sarah’s mouth. She got chatty sometimes.  Honestly, it was for the best that people didn’t know about her ‘relationship with the angel’.


“I hear she’s a lesbian.” Derrick said.  Even though he’d mentioned it before, Leona blushed redly.


Maria stared at Leona with twisted lips.  “You react so strongly considering how you seem to swing.”


“I know it can be embarrassing talking about other people’s sexual preferences… even so, like… rumors just keep flying!” Derrick grinned.


“It really doesn’t matter what she does behind closed doors, really.” Maria sighed.


“I kinda got that vibe from her when she saved my life!  I got to snuggle up to her and oh…” Sarah looked at Leona, and blushed.


Leona blushed too.  “It’s fine… you couldn't help yourself.  You were so happy you were freed.”


Sarah nodded and tilted her head, curling up her fingers like a paw. “Kinda… but I really wanted to…” She stopped and blushed.


“It’s fine.  It’s nice that you came out, Sarah.” Maria smiled, nodding. “You were kind of stuck up before, but you’re really way more interesting now.”


“Anyhow, there’s a new Bombshell x Aurora doujinshi online.  And the author is so talented…” Derrick leaned towards Sarah.  Her face flushed and she looked at him eagerly. “Dish! Share the link!  Send it to me, like right now!”


Leona blushed even more.  Bombshell, really?  Jeez.  Maria spoke, smiling dryly, “Gonsalves is gonna be pissed off at us if we keep this up.”  She firmly grabbed Derrick’s sleeve and pulled him.  He blinked and gaped, looking down at his watch.  As usual his nerdgasm distracted him from keeping up the schedule. It was Maria who actually kept him going to the classes they shared.  They all had Mr. Gonsalvez’ class for the first period.  Leona and Sarah walked after, holding hands.  When they made their way, Leona’s communicator started buzzing.


Leona waited for a good opportunity after the class started.  At one point the teacher went to his desk to consult books.  At that time, she checked her message and kept it under the desk.  Checking phones in class was a perilous thing.


There was a text from Detective Kirby, asking her to contact him when she was available.


She nodded as she pocketed her card.  It would have to wait until Study Hall or Lunch.  She sat through the intervening classes before Study Hall which was after gym.  While she was getting changed, Sarah leaned over to her.  “Wanna make out a little?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows at Leona.


She blushed and giggled.  “Sure!” Leona cooed, winking at her.  She knew she’d have to ditch her at Lunch though, if she could manage it.  She had to have that talk with Kirby and couldn’t let herself be too distracted.  It could wait since Kirby didn’t make it seem like what he needed was too pressing.  But then again, Kirby didn’t contact her unless it mattered.  


They hid as the students filed out from the locker, moving into the equipment room to snuggle.  She and Sarah brought their normal clothes with them and cuddled against each other nearly topless.  They spent the period there, kissing and rubbing their chests against each other, fondling and stroking each other.  It escalated slightly when Leona slipped her hands lower to cup Sarah’s butt as they kissed.


Unfortunately, the period ended when the bell rang.  The two quickly got changed and snuck out of the room and headed to lunch together.  They held each other’s hand.  Maria and Derrick caught up in the hallway before the lunchroom.


Leona knew she’d have a hard time slipping away with Sarah holding her hand as often as possible.  It would be difficult and she didn’t want to do it.  She’d just have to wing it getting out, so to speak.  She thought at least she might be able to sneak a text response to kirby.  It posed problems that Sarah was so clingy but it was oh so very nice.  Their hearts were full and they were happy.  And the kissing and snuggling helped her through the loneliness she felt ever since Quinn had left to go to college.


Leona stood in line with them, got food, and headed to a table, the usual one they took.  When they got there, Leona begged off lamely claiming she had to use the bathroom quickly.  Maria’s eyebrows raised and her head tilted.  Derrick didn’t care as usual.  Sarah pouted.


“I’ll come too!” Sarah exclaimed.


“Give her some breathing space, girl.” Maria’s lips twisted.  “Being too needy isn’t good.”


Sarah pouted even more.  Thank goodness, for some reason Maria covered for her.  Probably it meant nothing.  She had a level head even though she was particularly vulnerable where peer pressure was concerned.


Leona slipped away and got to the bathroom, running into a stall.  She sat down and checked her communicator.  She started texting Kirby.



Hello, my friend!  Is this an important situation you’re messaging me about?


Detective Kirby responded in five minutes.


Det. Ben Kirby

Thanks for getting back with me.  You have a visitor in town. He contacted
me, so if you can let me know when you're going to be available, he wants
to meet with us here at the station.

She considered before replying.



I will let you know as soon as possible.  I’m a little indisposed during
early hours. I trust you won't tip the criminals off, my friend. :)  Will try to
be free around 4:00 if I can.


Det. Ben Kirby

Most superheroes have day jobs :)  I’ll set it up for 4:30 just in case
you’re running late.


Aurora grinned at his response and pocketed her card.  She took the opportunity to really relieve herself while she was there.  When she finished she washed her hands and returned, eager to get some food.


She had to eat a little quicker, not having much time for conversation.  Mostly ignoring the ongoing conversation that she’d missed, she nommed.  When the bell rang, Sarah hugged her and Leona headed off to her last classes for the day alone.


When the day rolled around, Sarah met Leona at the doors and gave her a hug, holding on to her for a long moment until they had to get to the bus lines.  She’d sneak back to the utility shed and transform there to head back.  That way she had more time.


Aurora took the time to fly around and enjoy herself a bit as she patrolled lightly simultaneously.  She didn’t want to get tied up in another crisis.  The air felt so good on her skin and wings.  The sun felt warm and it soaked through her body as always.