5.39 – Wining and dining
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<3 Thank you, Patrons: AlliterativeArts, Leonguard, David, Joseph, Icewing <3
Edited by: Rellawing, Raleon 1/26/2021

Molly giggled at Mocha’s criticism of Aurora’s neighborhood. 


“Hey, at least she has a house. I live above a garage, by the way… like a car garage… not like a…. I mean, you know where you take cars, not like where you park when you get home.”


“I get it,” Mocha said, rolling her eyes.


“Of course. I should’ve known…” Molly said with a little smile. “I just don’t want you to get the wrongideaandI’mjusthappytobehangingoutwithgirlsclosetomyageand…” She took a breath. “Sorry.”


“It’s fine,” Mocha said, flashing Molly an answering smile. Leona looked at Mocha’s hand to see that she wasn’t bleeding anymore, though her hand still looked like it could stand being dunked in bactine.


Aurora smiled at the both. “You’re welcome here anytime, Molly.” Leona smiled as she opened the door. “I’m home, Mom!” She yelled as they entered. “If our other guest isn’t already here, he’ll be here soon from upstairs…” Leona said and suddenly was bowled over.


Someone grappled Leona down to the floor to straddle her. Aurora looked up into upset eyes.


After a moment, her captor laughed softly. “Leona!” She said as she embraced Leona.


Leona gaped and squealed as she threw her arms around her older sister. “QUINN!”


Mocha looked to be on the edge of violence, but Molly restrained her until the sisters started hugging.


“Why’re you here?!” Leona happily crowed. “I’m so happy to see you!”


“Eh…” Quinn shrugged. “Mom let me know you were in some kinda trouble. She was in a panic yesterday when she saw on the news about what you’d done.” She looked at Mocha and Molly, shaking her head. “Un-freaking-believable.” She stood and helped Leona to her feet.


“You wanna introduce this crazy person?” Molly asked.


Leona laughed. “It’s my sister!” She gestured. “I didn’t think I’d see her for a long time unless I flew over. She goes to college down in SoCal.”


Quinn chuckled. “It was a one way, three layovers flight ticket. Most I could get on short notice, but I figured you could fly me back in time for classes on Monday. Anyway, Mom needed some emotional support and…” That implied that Goonie was distraught over the actions that Leona had taken. Leona wondered if Goonie was actually more upset than she’d been in the phone call.


Dispersing Leona’s anxieties, Goonie walked into the room from the kitchen wearing her apron and a bright smile. She looked extra pleased.


“I hope I’m not late.” Avenger said, his voice unrestrained by his mask. It was clear and strong when he walked down the stairs in a suit jacket and slacks. He wasn’t quite what Leona expected, given what Aurora had seen of him in the Acropolis.


Both Mocha and Molly gasped when they laid their eyes on him. 


Quinn stared at the Avenger and then looked back and forth between the Avenger and her when he smiled and offered his hand to Goonie. She blushed beet-red as she took it and he said, “You must be the charming sister of Leona’s… no… a second.” He looked at Quinn. “An unexpected pleasure as well,” he said to Quinn.


“Fickle boy. They always turn to younger girls right after the flattery,” Goonie said. The whole condo smelled of dinner and Leona recognized what she’d made. The scent of spicy chicken and Tabouli pervaded the house. She expected her to serve something more good for the body, but good for the soul was exactly what they all needed after the day’s exertions!


The Midnight Avenger looked at Goonie with a more wide smile. “My apologies. You can call me Jason.”


“You telling me that these characters are actually heroes?” Quinn exclaimed.


Jason shrugged and Aurora and Molly joined him with their own shrugs as they all laughed. “I hope we haven’t put you out too much,” Jason said to Goonie.


Molly leaned over to whisper to Leona, “Oh-Em-Gee… do you think that’s really what he looks like? He sure doesn’t look over fifty years …!”


Mocha leaned over to join. “Are you sure he’s not actually a robot? We don’t age, you know.”


Aurora laughed aloud. “I’m sure it’s him. He’s a master of disguise. Don’t think who you're seeing is exactly the man under the mask, but it’s more than enough that he’s come.”


“Thanks for having everyone over when Quinn was already visiting! You should have told me!” Leona exclaimed and stepped up between Goonie and Quinn. “I need to take the time to formally introduce these people. This is Molly.” Leona gestured to Molly. “And this is Mocha,” Leona rushed over to the girl in question and winked at her. “She’s the girl we’re trying to help. I’m hoping we can give her a home like we intended to do for Sarah.”


Goonie looked at Leona, knowing what she meant, since she’d been briefed over the phone. Her expression was sad for a moment, but she clapped her hands. “Of course.” She looked at everyone to add, “I feel like a celebrity with all of you here. I’m surprised that Leona’s Canadian friend isn’t here too, though.” She raised an eyebrow at Leona.


“Oh wow… Mistsssssy’s been here tooooo?” Molly asked with a gasp, almost calling Mistral by her codename.


Jason smiled and rolled his eyes. “Let’s keep it to who’s here. We don’t need to overcomplicate this. Now, Ms. Ramses, I'm sorry that we’re imposing--”


“No imposition at all, Mr. Jason.” Goonie grinned and took his arm. “Right this way! I’ve set a big table for a large party!”


The Avenger looked over his shoulder at Leona with a ‘don’t blame me’ expression on his face.


Goonie led them into the kitchen, where she distributed fresh plates, bowls and fine wine for those who wanted some of her special stash. Everyone was accommodated and looked forward to a delicious meal. 


“Please dig in, everyone!” Goonie said happily. “I hope this touch of home cooking will help you all in your future cases.”


Redline looked at Aurora with a raised eyebrow, but gestured and let it go and everyone took a seat around the table and started to dig in, even Mocha took modest portions.


“The food is…. Very flavorful!” Mocha said as she chewed some of it. Molly and Jason looked at each other and smiled. Leona grinned broadly. 


Mocha surely was a miracle.


“It’s great!” Redline exclaimed, eating unsurprisingly quickly. The Avenger also ate, taking reasonable portions and when Leona took some, Auntie Goonie took some and Quinn with her. Goonie made small talk about San Isidro while everyone ate, throwing out some trivia and talking about the state of the city. When the meal was nearly gone, she pulled out some of her special fruit cups for all, a fresh and sweet dessert with cream.


After everyone finished eating, Mocha did what Leona would, unwittingly fitting into the family when she cleared the table for everyone. Aunt Goonie raised an eyebrow and stood, clucking. “Tut tut, my dear. Don't put yourself out on our account. I’ll clean up with Quinn and the rest of you can go chat in the living room.”


“Actually, Ms. Ramses,” the Avenger interjected. “As Leona here said, I hope it’s no imposition to ask this much: Would you be willing to let Mocha and Molly stay here tonight?”


“REALLY?” Redline squeed.


“If she says it’s okay.” Jason gestured to Auntie Goonie.


“Well,” Goonie mused. “Mocha was expected and we’re making room for her. But as long as you girls don’t keep me up all night with any shenanigans, everyone… you’re all welcome to stay.”


Jason chuckled with a wry smile. “I’m afraid the bell tolls for me,” the Avenger said without the smile, delivering one of his trademark lines. Quinn and Goonie looked at each other and Goonie grinned as the Midnight Avenger went on, “I think the girls could stand some time in a comfortable environment.”


“Ah! Thank you, Missus Ramsey!” Redline said.


“Yes, thank you Ms. Ramses,” Mocha said pointedly, looking at Redline Racer.


“Do you want beds? I have a nice couple of air mattresses,” Goonie said and looked at Leona. Probably she’d gotten one at least with Sarah in mind when they talked about rescuing her from her abusive parents. Leona nodded.


“Jeez… I was gonna use one for them… but I’ll take the sofa in the office, same as old times.” Quinn frowned. “I bet that room will get converted sooner or later… I won’t have any place here anymore.” She laughed. “The living room sofa’s more comfy, anyway.”


“Nonsense. We’ll get a bigger place if the family keeps growing.” Goonie laughed. “Girls, if you’d like to use my room for the night, since yours is a bit cramped for three people, feel free.”


“There’s no way we’d fit in a single bed.” Mocha mused. “Depending on how big it is. It may be a little crowded.”


“Oh, I’m sure Leona would squirm into a comfortable position between the two of you if you shared a mattress.” Quinn laughed.


 Aurora blushed at the thought. It would be kinda nice if a little awkward. 


Goonie considered a moment and said, “I insist. I’ll set out pillows and blankets and you can figure out your own arrangements.” As she walked out, Mocha started to gather dishes again, but Auntie Goonie was back almost as fast as Molly could take action. “AHT! No! You're a guest tonight, so no scullery duties!”


Redline laughed and Mocha blushed and set her plate down again. Aunt Goonie gave them all a fake glare from the doorway and then pointed at her eyes with two fingers and at them. “I’ve got my eyes on you! Don’t you start doing chores!” After she left, Mocha looked at the plates as though she was going to try doing it as quickly as possible so she wouldn’t be caught.


Avenger chuckled. “Better not,” his tone was off-handed. “You may not be familiar with the concept, but mothers tend to be supernatural in their knowledge about what people do in their houses.”


Leona, Quinn and Molly laughed together as Mocha opened her hands and rested them on the table as though it was the only way to keep herself from doing chores.


“Soon enough, Mocha. You’ll be able to pitch in.” Leona tousled the girl’s hair. “Trust me. You did exactly the right thing. Good first impressions! It won’t be long before Mom’ll want you to help out at her Cafe. It’s a thing we Ramses girls do.”


Quinn nodded. “One of us. One of us..” She laughed. “For now, you should all chill out. The hard labor comes later once you’ve paid your dues,” she quipped.


Mocha gaped and went wide-eyed. “It’s not that bad!” Leona stepped in, laughing.


“All right, you three, you take the night off. You’ve all earned it,” the Avenger said.
