Chapter 2: Goblin Extermination & The Goddess
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I quickly turned on the safety on my sidearm, holstered it and switched over to my A.M Rifle. Quickly aimed at their wooden tower. Since I want to make a giant welcoming message, I generated a magazine filled with explosive rounds.

I inserted the new magazine into the rifle and pulled the bolt to load the new round. I then steadied my aim at the floor of the tower.

Deep breaths. In... Out... In... Out...

As my aim became very stable, I pulled the trigger. The sound was very loud, which means every goblin will know of my location, so I have to move as fast as I can. But I can't really deny that I love making things explode.

I think even my grin is that of a mad man, or a mad woman in this case?


The tower that existed a moment ago, was no more. Even the wooden walls was blown away, which impaled some goblins.

<Goblin Killed! 10 exp (-error) gained>
<Goblin Killed! 10 exp (-error) gained>
<Goblin Killed! 10 exp (-error) gained>

Wow, even the EXP Increase skill is broken now, it only shows negative error. Kinda funny actually. Oh well, not my problem, since I did not program the skill. But i probably got at least 10 confirmed kills. Pretty good farming location, not gonna lie.

But It's time to move location, don't want to get swarmed by the goblins, since I only have my rifle and a sidearm.

If only I had my lovely SCAR on me, sigh...

I quickly moved to another location, and blow up another tower. I really want to shoot the goblins too, but I may accidentally hit the prisoners, and I don't want that. I'm not that cold hearted you know!

So I did, what any idiot would do. Rush in! I mean, what else could I do? To make sure my A.M rifle didn't get in the way, I placed it back in the inventory, and pulled out my Glock-17 and released it's safety.

"<Thy demonic heart shall be purged.>"

Saying that in Latin is always really cool, hehe. I really am like a child, even though I am, or was, a 30 year old man. But now I am an 18 year old Elf. But haven't I been 18 years old for the past 20 years then?

So I basically don't age? Oh well, not that it even matters. Time to exterminate some ugly goblins!

As I shot a goblin after goblin, I sensed something large in the building up ahead, another AR window popped up.

<Skill Obtained: Sense Presence(1)>

Oh! Neat! I can now sense all the goblins around me too! This will make my life sooo much easier too!

I could feel a devilish grin on my face, as I shot all goblins around me, without even looking too. Man, having the Sharp Shooter skill is amazing.

Not sure how long I kept going, but I noticed I earned Acrobatics and Body Strengthening skills. I of course made sure to level up those too. Is it really this easy to earn new skills?

It was then I noticed the big presence moving this way, so I made sure to cleanup the rest of the goblins as fast as possible. There wasn't many goblin presences left, and I got a hang of the Sense Presence skill really fast too. Maybe because the skill has levelled up to it's max already? Since I stopped noticing the level up windows.

The max level is not a fixed value either. Some have max level of 5 to 10. Maybe there are other skills that have higher than 10? But I have to say, the level system is really strange, and I don't really get it.

The massive presence has now appeared, after all the small goblin ones have all been reduced to merely 5. I have no idea how many I killed, but there must be over 100 or so. I have to thank the newly acquired skills I got, without them I wouldn't have made it this far.


Whoa, that's one ugly green goblin. Who is that anyway? Analysis.

--Analysis: Goblin King--
       Title: King of the Goblin Tribe Thuur
       Level: 15
       STR: 50
       CON: 20
       DEX: 10
       INT: 15
       WIS: 10
       CHA: 0

Wow, his charisma is at the rock bottom. Well, he's one hell of an ugly goblin though. And only level 15, so the small goblins must be around level 10 right? Let's check.

--Analysis: Goblin--
       Title: None
       Level: 11
       STR: 12 (+10)
       CON: 8 (+10)
       DEX: 5 (+10)
       INT: 3
       WIS: 2 (+10)
       CHA: 0

All their stats are boosted, except for their charisma and intelligence, heh. Anyway, let's respond to this green fat blob.

"My name is Sylvia Yung. And I'm no Elf, I'm a Divine Elf. Get your ass out of the gutter."


The moment I heard the word "mate", I got so disgusted, I wanted to puke.

"Mate? Hell no, you big fat blob. Go back to the abyss where you came from."


This ugly fat blob started to approach me, with a nasty ugly grin. Even looking at it, I wanted to hurl. By the way, didn't he even care what happened around here? Or does he think I'm no match for him? Sorry pal, but I'm not playing your game, you will die, here and now.

"Sorry, but your privilege for being alive has now been revoked, have a nice day."

As I said so, I materialised my A.M rifle and shot the goblin king. And because I forgot to change the ammunition, black liquid, which I assume to be his blood, flew everywhere. Not only that, his upper half was gone.

"<From abyss you where created, to the abyss you return.>"

<Goblin King Killed! 500 exp (-error) gained>
<Option Summon Unlocked!>

To make sure I cleaned up my mess, I put back my A.M rifle and shot the the goblins in one fast smooth motion with my sidearm. They didn't even know what hit em. I also finally unlocked the Summon option, maybe I'm able to summon something?

Since It's an option, maybe I just need to think of it, like Status? Alright, let's give it a go.


An AR Window popped up, but it wasn't what I was expecting, but at the very least, I could summon some basic foodstuff, sidearms, a few rifles, a few ground based vehicles, and more. The list was huge, but most of it was locked. It looks like they are locked behind "Summon Level". Even my apple pie slices where under the foodstuff, for some reason.


I released out a long sigh, and made a final check to make sure the surrounding area was clear. Yup, no goblins in sight. Yosh, let's release the prisoners, since I finally acquired foodstuffs trough summoning!

I headed over to where the prisoners are at, and asked a simple question without any worry.

"Is everyone alright? They didn't do any nasty things to you girls, right?"


My name is Elerina R. Greya, Princes of the Elven kingdom Greya. I was only doing my duty as a royal, which was to protect our borders from the Devil's Forest, when those damn green freaks started to appear out of no where. Since when did they started to use tactics!

We were about 15 people, 4 females, excluding me, and the rest where males. The goblins killed all the males, like they usually do, but as we thought we had an advantage, they setup traps for us, it was non lethal, since they where after us.

I saw them killing my dearest friends, and my brother. I was paralysed, I couldn't bring myself to stand up, or fight back. I could only watch.

After awhile the paralysis faded away, but it was too late, since we where all imprisoned, and all of our equipment was taken from us. I also noticed they also captured some Nejin's, the feline demi-humans. Looks like the race doesn't matter for goblins, they just grab the females they find and-... and-...

Before I could even finish that thought, I started crying. I knew what was going to happen to me, and every time I thought about it, I only curled up and cried.

After awhile, I heard a loud explosion, when I looked where it was from, their wooden tower, and the surrounding area, was all gone. Then another explosion happened.

Magic? But I don't feel any magic signatures...

I was confused, both explosions had no magical properties. Only a fire mage could do such damage. As I looked at the scene dumbfounded, I noticed something, or someone. A new presence, that isn't a goblin. It felt more... divine.

When the dust settled, I saw the person in question. She wore strange clothes. and holding a weird, black thing on her hand. But not only that, what stood out most of all, was her eye colour, and her ears.

I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought I was hallucinating, but someone behind me, muttered something, something that I couldn't deny, even if I wanted to, I just couldn't.

"The goddess..."

"This divinity, It's no doubt the goddess..."

Yes, she was oozing out divinity as if it was the normal thing in the world. After the goblins appeared, all around her, loud noises appeared out of no where, and in reflex, I covered my ears and closed my eyes. But as soon I heard where the sounds where coming from, it was from the goddess herself.

She was killing the goblins by simply pointing at them and a flash of light appeared, and the goblin that was in front of the light, died, instantly. I couldn't believe my eyes.

I felt no magic at all, just saw flashes of light, and heard loud noises. I couldn't comprehend what was happening, and why would I? I'm just a mere mortal, she was using something only the divine could use, and wield. She was also very nimble, and she then started killing the goblins without even looking at them.

After a little while, the large presence appeared. The goblin king, being the inferior race he is, began talking to the goddess, and in return, made her angry.


"My name is Sylvia Yung. And I'm no Elf, I'm a Divine Elf. Get your ass out of the gutter."


"Mate? Hell no, you big fat blob. Go back to the abyss where you came from."


"Sorry, but your privilege for being alive has now been revoked, have a nice day."

After that short talk, she summon a large, long, black box. I'm not really sure what it was, but the next second, a large explosion happened, and the goblin king, and the building he came out from, where no more. The upper half if his body, was removed from existence, and only a massive crater was left where the building stood.

After that, she quickly un-summoned it and killed the remaining goblins. I didn't have the time to register what happened to the goblins, before they where on the ground. The only thing I know is that she killed them after she un-summoned that black box.


I did not understand what she said, I can only assume that was the language of the gods. And as she was checking the surrounding area, she headed where we where. What she said next surprised me, to think she would even talk to mortals, such as us.

"Is everyone alright? They didn't do any nasty things to you girls, right?"


"N-No... They didn't do anything to us after we where imprisoned here."

I'm glad, the goblins didn't have time to do anything. I smiled and told them-

"That's good, I will get you out of there now, so make sure not to stay close to the lock alright?"


They are probably cautions of me. Well, I kiiinda went on a little rampage. Oh well.

I then shot the lock and opened the prison door. They got shocked when the lock got blasted by my Glock. I mean, I would too if I wasn't ready for it.

After I got everyone out, I started asking who they where, but before they answered, they all bowed their heads as if I where royalty or something. It made me really confused.

"I am Princess Elerina R. Greya, of the Greya Kingdom, Lady Sylvia!"

"I am her highness personal maid and guard, Rineja!"

"I am a knight of the First Guard of Greya Kingdom, Everina!"

"I am a knight of the First Guard of Greya Kingdom, Lillian, Lady Sylvia!"

"I-I am a just a t-trainee of the First Guard, of Greya Kingdom, Mia!"

"Nyuu is Nyuu~"

"Miri is Miri~"

A princess, her personal maid guard or something, 2 knights, a knight in training and 2 cat girls, just bowed down to me. This made me very confused, since I'm no leader. Further more, I don't want to be one!

Argh! Why is this happening!!... Sigh...

Lately, I have been sighing more and more... Hell with it, let's just go with it.

"H-Hm. Now then, Elerina."


She got very tense when I asked her name, for some reason. I need to get to the bottom of this, and fast!

"Elerina, may I ask why you, and your friends, bowing to me? Aren't you supposed to be a princess?"

"T-That's because you, who is a diving being, it is normal for us mortals to bow down to you!"

Divine being??

"What do you mean by that, Elerina?"

"That's because, you are one of the Divine Elf's, those in the myths and legends! Everyone thought they went extinct 100,000 years ago, back in the era of the gods. Only the Divine Elf's had the power to manipulate the world and summon things that shouldn't exist in this world. They even created the floating island Migar, a holy sanctuary. But it disappeared over 50,000 years ago."

Migar, a floating island I created, and also my home. So this is the world of Unique World, but how does the magic come into play? There was none when I played it, or for the residents of this world, it was over 100,000 years ago.

But before I could ask, she continued talking.

"But, after the era of the gods, the catastrophe happened, earthquakes started happening everywhere, the land mass changed, and they arrived. The hell spawns."

"Hell spawns?"

"Yes, they created the demonic beasts, and other abominations. But 10,000 years later, they where defeated, and peace returned. Well, until the greedy kings and nobles started waging wars for petty reasons..."

Hmm, so the world has changed a lot since then. And It looks like magic probably came to existence when the catastrophe happened, or from the hell spawns. I really don't know. But if Migar disappeared, maybe I'm able to summon it? But I require to level up my summoning level before I can, I assume. Well, it's no big issue for now.

At least I was able to obtain some good information though!

"Thank you for telling me this, Elerina. And regarding Migar, you don't need to worry"

I said with a bright smile. Which confused the princess.

"What do you mean, Lady Sylvia?"

"I am the one who created Migar, my home. So of course I will be able to get it back, or even rebuild it. It's not big deal, since I had a lot of fun making it."


Everyone looked at me, like their eyes was about to come out from their skulls. Was it really such a big deal? I mean, I just built it one day because I was really bored. Wait, did I even finish the space port? Oh well, can do that when I summon it later on anyway.

I then looked at the 2 cat girls, one had black hair while the other was brown. They where also bowing down. Maybe I should tell them to stop bowing, because their legs will become numb at this point.

"Right, all of you can stop bowing now. Your legs will become numb if you are still in that position you know?"

As they got up, I looked at the cat girls and used Analyse to check their race. Which also displays their name, which I forgot.

I could have used this instead of asking for their names, oh well. Analyse.


--Analysis: Nejin--
       Name: Nyuu
       Age: 14
       Level: 3
       STR: 4
       CON: 2
       DEX: 5
       INT: 3
       WIS: 4
       CHA: 4


--Analysis: Nejin--
       Name: Miri
       Age: 16
       Level: 4
       STR: 8
       CON: 4
       DEX: 4
       INT: 3
       WIS: 4
       CHA: 5


The brown haired one is called Miri, while the black haired one is Nyuu. That's good to know. And their stats are nearly similar, is this how it should actually look like?

"Now then, Nejin girls. How did you end up here?"

"Nyuu was following big sister Miri~"

"Miri was hunting food~"

"Right... But can you explain how you ended up here?"

When I asked that question, both Miri and Nyuu just tilted their heads. Cute.

"Nyuu was kidnapped~"

"Miri too~"

They said happily, without an ounce of self awareness. They remind me of my old cat back in my parents house, she had no self awareness herself and never understood why she fell at end of the tables at home, she was a pretty cute goofball.

"Right. Anyway, is anyone hungry?"

Everyone nodded when I asked that. I was hungry myself, and maybe I should summon some foodstuffs? But I do have some apple pie slices from my inventory, so I could use those for now. I got 10 slices after all! I don't have to worry about food after all, since I can just summon them now, which is great.

"Alright, then let's head somewhere that doesn't contain corpses everywhere then."

We then headed to the exit of the fort, or, what's left of it, and headed back to the clearing I meet the goblins at. There are no corpses there, so It should be fine.

Once we got to the clearing, I looked at my summon list, and summoned a simple picnic sheet, and sat down. I motioned everyone else to come sit down with me on the picnic sheet. Once everyone sat down, I summoned some small plates, for everyone, and some cups. Then I summoned some ice cold fruit flavoured juice, and filled everyone's cup to the brim. After that, I opened up the inventory, and materialised my apple pie slices.

You need to relax once in awhile, and this is the perfect moment for that. Everyone got really surprised and looked in awe when I summoned everything, and then started drooling when I took out the apple pie slices.

"Alright, let's dig in!"

I said happily. I mean, I was extremely hungry and I started chewing the slice with utmost vigour.

So delish~ I'm in heaven~