Chapter Fifty-Nine — His Majesty’s Kabedon
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The promised picture from both the end of the last chapter and the beginning of this one ^^.

The height difference... (っ´▽`)っ.




Chapter Fifty-Nine

His Majesty's Kabedon1Kabe-don (壁ドン) is the sound a hand makes when it slaps the wall. This term is both used for symbolizing frustration when somebody punches the wall in anger, but more commonly -- a suggestive position when one person presses another to a wall in the more romantic settings ^^. This chapter will have both, incidentally.


Trapped. Trapped!

More than that -- they were standing co close to each other that Nekohiko felt Abihiko's breath on his face, ruffling his bangs. If only Abihiko pressed his fan even lower, they would be sharing the same air between them...

The thought gave Nekohiko an unwelcome bout of memories, and his body reacted in the most pathetic way. Breath -- shallowing, face -- heating up, eyes -- hazing up with the mist of stupidity.

"Your Majesty. Please, don't," he said, realizing just how hoarse he sounded.

Damn it, what innocent maiden sounded this way?

But the subtle shift in his tone intrigued Abihiko further. He cocked his head to the side, his finger folding the upper edge of the fan with the force he applied to it. Once the fan freed the way for him to see Nekohiko's face up close, he took it in, vivid displeasure drawn in his eyes.

"Ah, so not only you're wearing this face like all of you tend to. But now you're trying to dress up in his disguise as well?" he said, resigned. "I'll spare you the trouble, Nekohime. Don't. You're wasting your time."

"You misunderstand... I do not know anything about that, Your Majesty! You're... scaring me..."

"Well, you're scaring me! A strange man who dresses up as a lady who pursues my younger brother for nefarious reasons! Does he know you are a man? Have you told him? Kataji was right -- we do not have our parents anymore, and part of that is my fault. But that's precisely what makes me want to protect him so much, you see? From those who only use him to get to me, most of all."

Nekohiko shifted to the other side that Abihiko still hadn't blocked, but Abihiko stepped over.

He didn't need to put up his other arm to cut off Nekohiko's escape routes. He could just pin him against the door with his own body, not letting him any freedom to move.

Their bodies still weren't touching, but the distance between them was dangerously thin. If Nekohiko took a bigger breath, his chest just might touch Abihiko's. And from such an uncomfortable position, all Nekohiko's stupid body wanted to do was exactly that -- breathe faster and harder.

And in fact, Abihiko also drew deeper breaths in -- but not because he was worried or agitated.

He was... sniffing Nekohiko, confusion mixing with aggravation in his eyes. "What an amusing scent," he said, his tongue clicking. "Emerald Fir perfume, is it? My dear, aren't you obsessed with this kind of tree to wear it on yourself? It is such a bizarre choice for a young lady to wear. Unless, of course, my brother fancies it like he fancies all tree smells."

Furious, Nekohiko glared at Abihiko in defiance, which was not at all easy. Damn his stupid body smell! The Emerald Fir aroma was truly too intense to not be noticeable so close!

And damn Kataji's whim of making him so much shorter than Abihiko! To be in any way on equal terms with Abihiko, he would have to stand on tiptoe, or risk looking up like a dog at its owner.

Well, at least that was easy to counter by a tall attitude.

Nekohiko tilted his chin up. "Using Kataji to get to you? Me? I'm sorry, Your Majesty. You're surely an attractive man, but not my taste. Now, if you could free my way, please--"

"Where did you find out about that name you used? And this perfume. And this hairdo." Abihiko's gaze swept over Nekohiko's face and down to his robes. "And this dress. Who told you to put it on? Who did you put this on for? I doubt it was Kataji." His sudden smile had a feral feel to it. "But trust me -- the person you wanted to bait with this outfit, got the hint. So please stop pretending like you didn't mean me to. And on an off chance you were coerced and had no idea whose face or whose clothes you are wearing -- tsk, I am afraid the people who put you up to this must really, really hate you."

"...hate me?" Nekohiko only got angrier. "Why? What are you going to do to me?"

Instead of an answer, Abihiko raised his hand to Nekohiko's throat.

And instantly, Nekohiko remembered what Abihiko had done to the hapless Ringleader of Nekohikos less than a week ago! He would choke him to death with his Hira technique!

He kind of understood why Abihiko would do it in his own quarters, away from anyone else -- but here -- right in the middle of a reception event in the Palace with so many people around! Had he no shame?!

Just how mad did he have to be to pull shit like this without any regard for other people? And to his own brother's date, too?

Nekohiko slapped Abihiko's hand away from himself, quickly grabbing his own collars as though to shield himself. "Are you insane, Your Majesty?!"

"OH. Did any of you just realize it now?" Abihiko growled at him, clutching his shoulders and pressing him further into the door. "What tipped you off?"

"HEEELP! Help, someone!" Nekohiko screamed, struggling to push Abihiko off.

Gods, was this person completely mad? Did seeing Nekohiko's face now summon such a reaction?

Thank Heavens Nekohiko hadn't told him the truth about who he was. Otherwise, he might have already been dead! Not to say he still might, judging by Abihiko's predatory grin.

"Don't forget to tell your friends," he whispered hotly in Nekohiko's ear. "Tell everyone. The last time I did this, I incinerated all the witnesses, so there wasn't anyone left to share the news. You work fine as a messenger, I guess--"

A sound of shattering glass dashed on the stone floor at the entrance to the room.

"Eldest Brother!" Kataji's hardening voice came through. "What do you think you're doing!"

Nekohiko and Abihiko were still wrestling tight to each other. Abihiko's crazed face did not seem at all human and Nekohiko wasn't sure what image must have come to Kataji's mind when he saw this.

But he sure hoped it looked scary enough for Kataji to jump to his defenses instantly.

"Kataji!" Nekohiko yelped as miserably as he could. "P-please--!"

The young man dashed through the room, shards of the glass cup he'd broken crunching under his boots. "Eldest Brother -- how dare you?!"

"This young lady is a spy, Kataji. What was she doing trying to get inside the Emerald Fir garden?"

Just in time, Abihiko shoved himself away from Nekohiko and wanted to intercept Kataji. But Kataji avoided him, his eyes flashing in utter hatred. 

Nekohiko squeezed both his arms around himself, still too staggered to understand the turmoil he was in. He had never been so relieved to see Kataji and leaned in eagerly into his arms -- if only to put as much distance between him and Abihiko as he could.

"Did he... did he do anything?" Kataji asked Nekohiko in a tremoring voice. "Did he hurt you? Did he take... advantage--"

Abihiko's face deadened. "Kata, who do you think I am?"

Indeed, who.

Nekohiko knew it was an easy way out, to say Abihiko had done something repulsive to him. Between this and telling the truth -- that Abihiko had wanted to actually murder him on the spot with fire magic -- which would be more immediately believable?

But at the same time, if he said something like that... Kataji would never in his life forgive Abihiko for it. And if he would ever find out that Nekohiko had lied about this, he would never forgive Nekohiko either.

And Nekohiko needed Kataji's connection to Abihiko. A convenient access to Abihiko's life and his home...

The only choice he had was... to laugh it off, he guessed?

He shook his head, hiding his expression. "Mn. Nothing." But his shivering body was still way too obvious under Kataji's fingers, so of course Kataji only strengthened his embrace. "We were only talking. I did want to go see the Fir and His Majesty became very frustrated with me. That scared me, and I screamed. Just a big... misunderstanding here. All my fault."

"You don't have to cover up anything he did," Kataji said under his breath.

But Nekohiko took care to regain his composure and even his playful mood back. Enough to put a flimsy smile on. "By the way, was that my drink shattering on the floor just now?"

It worked. Kataji's cheeks got a bit of color to them as he realized what he'd done.

"Kata, I need to speak to you alone about your friend. Something important about her you don't know," Abihiko started saying from the back, only to be dismissed by Kataji with the same loathing glare.

"Let's get you a new drink then," Kataji told Nekohiko and tugged him by the hand toward the hallway.

If Nekohiko cared about gloating, he would send Abihiko a self-satisfied smirk. But instead, he only felt displaced with Abihiko following them closely behind like a stalker would his prey.

It was obvious Abihiko wouldn't dare to harm him in front of Kataji, but damn -- how quickly Abihiko sparked up at the merest reference to Nekohiko! He hadn't been this way before he'd burned down all those fake Nekohikos a few days ago.

What had happened in this period of time that his reaction had gone from reluctant tolerance to immediate aggression?

Now Nekohiko even regretted not having spied on Abihiko recently.

While Kataji led him, he took a chance to shift his consciousness into the seashell for a quick taste of what Abihiko's heartbeat and breathing were like now. Both quickened. Both highly agitated and hard to soothe down.

How beautiful.

Even though tonight's event ended up a bit disappointing from the "getting new information" perspective, at least Nekohiko got what he had desired for so long:

Sweet, delicious vengeance of making Abihiko's sanity crumble. Bit by bit.

"Your Majesty!" some of the servants and councilors livened up when they saw Abihiko approach the main reception hall unmasked, along with Kataji and Nekohiko. "At last! King Morokata and His Holiness the Head Priest were looking for you everywhere! They say the announcement is bound to begin any moment now, and your presence is most important!"

Abihiko halted, a heavy breath slowly escaping his mouth. "Yes, in a moment," he said meekly. Then, louder, "Kataji, I order you to come back here right now. I don't have time to follow you around."

Kataji ignored his brother as best he could, dragging Nekohiko to the nearest attending lady who offered guests drinks in fancy emerald goblets decorated with pineapple slices and some choice pinecones.

"Sip this," Kataji said, eyes in smily crescents. "This drink is like red Abi apples and honey and dense cream in one! So delicious!"

Ooooof. This must feel so terrible, to be so ostensibly invisible to one's little brother in front of a few of the councilors and guards -- especially when you are supposed to be the most powerful and important person in the Empire.

Yet Nekohiko was only that much more grateful to witness a scene like this.

More, please more! Humiliate that traitorous bastard even further, Kataji!

The nearby nobles and servants had finally noticed the presence of the Emperor. They beamed and even shifted in his direction to make greetings, vague congratulations, and well-wishes as was appropriate. The glamorous merriment of the gathering flickered before the eyes in the brightened lanterns, the murmur of the many conversations filled Nekohiko's ears from all the sides. There were dances still prancing about, and singers weaving their tunes, and of course all the sparkling spells that decorated the hall.

With all these distractions, it was almost impossible to tell what Abihiko's true feelings were now that he took upon himself his usual kingly mien in front of his lessers. Abihiko waved the attending ladies away from Kataji and shot a warning glance to the nobles who wanted to come over as well. Everyone gave him a wide berth as he strolled over to his brother and clasped his elbow, pulling to himself.

"Kataji, this is beyond unacceptable. You do know I can force you to come to me, but I don't because I respect you--"

"No need for that, Eldest Brother," Kataji assured him, seething. "Force me. That's the only way that would make me listen. And after you order, and force me, and then announce your oh-so-important news at the reception, Nekohime and I are leaving. Got it?"

"You are not going anywhere with this man -- yes, a man, Kataji. This treacherous person has no business fooling around with my family members."

"What about your family members wanting to fool around with him, huh? What if that's exactly what I want to do?" Kataji whispered, face paling and flushing by turns.

"Then I'll protect you from him," Abihiko said simply. "Whether you like it or not."

"So that you can grope and abuse him yourself? Oh come on -- as if anyone can fool me with that you were doing to him in the Throne Room!"

Nekohiko hid his sated smile behind his fan. For a moment, he switched his awareness to the seashell to get Abihiko's reaction to Kataji's words. It wasn't as gratifying as he had expected, though. Abihiko kept himself calm enough.

Well, Nekohiko could certainly add to it now that there were so many people around them and Abihiko was unlikely to make a scene.

"Kataji, no! His Majesty truly did not do anything of the sort," Nekohiko gasped, trying to sound aggrieved. "Of course most people say that Imperial Majesties are all wanton predators only waiting to pounce on an innocent pretty boy like myself, but your Eldest Brother is not like that, I swear!"

This was the exact same phrase Abihiko had jested about Nekohiko once -- did Abihiko remember it now? Had to. Let him ache at the memory and not comprehend how come this random person in front of him knew about such a specific quote, ha-ha!

A shade of anguish crossed Abihiko's fine features, and Nekohiko's glee sparked up at seeing it. Yes, this was what this event was for.

Torturing Abihiko and getting all the joy from it!

For a deeper pleasure, he tried to get a sense of what Abihiko's heartbeat or his breaths were like at the moment, so he reached out to feel Abihiko's throat.


And only when Abihiko's fingers snapped hard and hot around his wrist did he realize something crucial.

In his hurry and excitement, he had forgotten to switch his consciousness to the seashell before he started prodding Abihiko's heartbeat.

He -- had -- just -- extended his arm, his real humanoid arm -- to get a feel of Abihiko's throat.

Naturally, Abihiko had reacted in the only way he knew how to such a sneak attack. He had always been a bit paranoid of other people coming too close to him in the Palace. He was always ready to repel them.

So he parried the potential strike and caught the perpetrator red-handed.

Nekohiko's gloved wrist lay secure in Abihiko's hard fingers.

And the thin silky glove was no real protection against Abihiko's swift understanding that this was not a human hand he was holding. Right beneath his fingers was one of the bigger ball joints of Nekohiko's wrist.

Without even having to touch Abihiko's throat, Nekohiko could clearly see the shock claiming Abihiko's expression.

"A human doll?" Abihiko mouthed, color draining from his skin. " made out of an Emerald Fir?"



A human doll. And one with this staggering level of awareness and ability to speak and move and interact with humans.

A kind of a doll mostly unheard of.

No wonder Abihiko looked very much as though he'd just seen a ghost.




Distraught, Nekohiko wanted to whip his hand out of Abihiko's grasp yet Abihiko held him firmly. His fingers curled in, distinctly feeling the shape of the ball joint beneath them.

Ah, but it was almost painful, to be held like this!

"Hey!" Nekohiko cried, still struggling. "Let go!"

A hungry look flashed in Abihiko's eyes as he yanked Nekohiko closer to himself. "Say that again... your voice... I want to hear your voice again," he demanded.

"Abihiko," Kataji hissed. "Let him go right this moment!"

Damn it. In such a hurry and agitation, Nekohiko's control of his voice had slipped a little. He had no idea if it sounded way too recognizable now. But it didn't matter anymore.

He had to get out of here. Right now.

With his second hand, he tried to pry Abihiko's fingers off himself, but Abihiko only drew him in closer. His eyes swept up and down Nekohiko's body, and deep within these eyes -- a trace of light, of recognition, and of shock settled in.

The tips of Abihiko's mouth lifted just a little, but Nekohiko still could tell.

It was a smile of wild hope.

"It's you," Abihiko mouthed at him, and Nekohiko could only shake his head in denial. With that maddened smile on his face, Abihiko looked deranged because his eyes glinted with sudden tears at the same time. "It is you. At last."

"Get off me," Nekohiko squeezed out, then jerked his hand out again. Again and again -- to no avail because Abihiko ignored all of his attempts to free himself.

"What are you doing!" Kataji roared, pushing in between his brother and Nekohiko. His face was distorted, his arms struck out to shove Abihiko away.

Guards and nobles around them spurred to move, too -- some to call for the Imperial bodyguards, others to gawk and make concerned gasps, the rest to barge in with their "diplomatic" attempts to placate all the parties and stop the bizarre scene as quickly as possible without anyone losing face.

But all of that was nothing but noise to Abihiko.

He never took his eyes off Nekohiko and never flinched, no matter how hard Kataji struck his hands to pry them open.

"This is my doll -- stop it now! Let him go!"

"No." Abihiko's gaze all but burned right into Nekohiko's soul. "Not again. Never."

Spirits, this was plain scary.

Desperate, Nekohiko ripped his arm from his grasp even if it would end up splitting in half. But luckily, his silk gloves simply slid off, his hand lashing out free. Some parts of the wrist were crushed from how much he had struggled, but nothing Kataji couldn't fix.

He hoped most people around them didn't see what exactly had been going on to make Abihiko overreact in such a manner. Because now that he was free, all he cared for was running. He pushed the people away as he threaded through the small tightened circle of nobles that had emerged some time ago. He hid his flaming face behind his fan for decency. And he fled.

Kataji was of the same idea as he jumped in front of Abihiko to stall him from pursuit. But that didn't hold Abihiko for long. Nekohiko didn't get to see it, but he felt: the way Abihiko's aura flared up for a moment to repel everyone around him. Including his brother.

And that meant one thing -- even on a respectable event, surrounded by Binders and non-Binders of all the noblest families alike -- Abihiko didn't give enough of a damn to let Nekohiko go. He would attack these people as long as they let him through!

This man had already abandoned all pretenses of civility! Would he stop at detaining Nekohiko with magic if they came face to face again?

Nekohiko wasn't willing to check while he was so much weaker than him. That would not be any kind of fair interaction between them if so. And he would not be trapped by anyone ever again!

Run. Run, run!

Servants and dancers flashed before him as he sought a good way to escape the overcrowded hall. The tasteful laughter of aristocrats and the shifting couples and groups of councilors and ministers going around further obstructed Nekohiko's view. But at least they also blocked Abihiko's chase enough for Nekohiko to maneuver.

He kept fanning himself and keeping his head low as he minced his small footsteps over the floor, unable to fully run in his restrictive, narrow-skirted robes. Damn women's fashion! What was this?! How would a woman flee an unwanted suitor in such an incomprehensible outfit?

"Supreme Divine-- Aaah!"

Behind him, gasps of courtiers erupted here and there. Was Abihiko actually chasing after him, pushing people out of the way that he ended up hurting them? What was he -- a savage animal?!

Nekohiko skittered to the side, his mind thrashing. He needed protection if he couldn't flee. And who was the only person in this gathering who could stand up to Abihiko and actually hold his ground?

There, in one of the bigger groups of beautifully-dressed people. Nekohiko's savior.

Feinting clumsiness, Nekohiko stumbled right into Morokata's shoulder. The paper fan in Morokata's hand dipped; he almost dropped it from surprise, but caught Nekohiko in time.

"My Lady," Morokata cooed after a small chuckle. "Please be more careful."

"Forgive me, My Lord!" Nekohiko squeaked, bowing dramatically then sliding out of the way just to give Morokata full view of who was ramming past the people to come right here.

Abihiko must have lost track of who was where and why. All of his focus went to pursuing Nekohiko, so of course he had dropped all of his caution in regards to others.

People had said before that Morokata was looking all over the Palace for Abihiko. So now, when Morokata at last saw Abihiko so conveniently delivered right in front of him, he let Nekohiko go and put up a delighted smile on his face.

"Your Supreme Divine Majesty!" Morokata cried, alerting everyone in the vicinity. "Finally! We were excepting you for so long already!"

Nekohiko scrambled out of sight and vanished into the splendid flutter of nobles each of whom turned their faces to Morokata. The Hisome King caught Abihiko by the shoulders as though in a brotherly hug, yet it actually looked more like tackling.

"Time for the announcement, isn't it? We've waited so long," Morokata added.

Greetings and smiles came from all the sides -- even a smattering of applause.

Once Nekohiko felt he was safe further away, he leaned on the column and shifted his consciousness to the seashell. Just to see if Abihiko would get away from Morokata or if Morokata was indeed the best defense against Abihiko he could find.

The hard pounding of Abihiko's heart in his ears was nearly deafening. It was difficult to hear anything beyond it.

Abihiko tried to sidestep Morokata but Morokata was less of a wall in front of him and more of a fluid, flexible restraint that kept getting in his way.

"Just a moment more," Abihiko told him, lost. He kept craning his neck to peer around as though to find the trace of Nekohiko's gold dress in the flashy crowd but clearly failed. "I need to find... someone..."

"Abihiko," Morokata whispered. Though he kept his usual gorgeous smile plastered on, his tone was anything but pleasant. It was a relief nobody but Abihiko could hear what he was telling him while smiling so charmingly. "Enough of your shit, honey. How much more will you keep me waiting? Make -- the -- announcement," he said through teeth. "Now."

In the last hopeless effort, Abihiko forewent words and dared to push Morokata aside.

But from behind him, another pair of hard arms clutched him by the waist, pressing Abihiko right in between Morokata and the newcomer.


"It is time, Your Majesty," Suminoe told him in the same lightless tone Morokata used. The unsettling similarity between their voices shook Nekohiko through. "Make the announcement."

The two gave the people around them gentle waves of their hands as they subtly led Abihiko away. No matter how much Abihiko turned and tried to sift his gaze through the crowd, the Hisome uncle and nephew were very swift and efficient with their combined efforts.

The Hisome uncle and nephew.

When had Nekohiko ever expected to think such a phrase to himself about Suminoe and Morokata?

Never. Suminoe had had almost no connection, let alone desire to combine his efforts with Morokata -- at least from what Nekohiko knew about him from his previous life.

Yet now, making such a statement about these two seemed so... natural.

Snapping his mind back to his dummy body, Nekohiko peeked from behind the column, watching the small procession of those three ascend the small dais at the center front of the hall. His heart was beating just as wildly as Abihiko's had moments ago, and he had to rest his forehead on the cool jade stone of the column to take a good, calming breath.

His insides churned and his knees trembled. He flapped his fan before himself, then finally stepped away from the column.

While Abihiko was distracted with his announcement, he had time to leave. What if after the announcement, Abihiko would want to pursue him again?

Nekohiko could not allow such a thing to happen.

On unsteady legs, he limped toward the exit to the rustling applause of the gathering when Morokata gestured for all the conversations to quieten and all the people to listen to the Emperor speaking.

By the emerald wall of the entrance, Nekohiko flinched, spooked. Somebody grabbed him from behind, only to turn him around and give him a good once-over.

"You're all right!" Kataji breathed, relieved to no end. "Thank Spirits! Come on, we have to go. We're not staying in this place a minute more!"

Dazed, Nekohiko nodded, but couldn't help throw one last glance to the dais at the far end of the room.

Some time ago, Abihiko had begun saying something vague and long-winded as most courtly announcements tended to be. His voice, usually booming and imposing, now sounded lost, even uncertain as he spoke. But the content rolled off his tongue as smoothly as ever.

Must have been something he had rote-learned to say even when his heart wasn't in it -- some layered news about the family matters and the beautiful union of the Great Houses...


When Morokata motioned to the side, out of the crowd of people, a familiar lithe figure of Sakami rose to the dais to stand beside Abihiko. Behind the two of them, Suminoe stood, his arms open to Abihiko and Sakami as though...

"...we will be happy to receive you all at the joyous ceremony at noon three days from now," Abihiko ended tonelessly. "The festivities for the occasion of joining the two Great Families will begin in the morning and end at night. The city and the country will celebrate for the three days before and after the ceremony itself. And though it is... sudden and a bit... rushed, Our Supreme Divine Majesty can assure you the celebration will be as grandiose and proper as all royal weddings of the past. To that end--"

Gasps and exhilarated murmurs raked through the gathered people.

Nekohiko felt like the world was spinning under his feet.

The wedding? In just three days from now?

Why...? Why?!

Morokata must have been so pissed at Abihiko for fleeing to Nagare, he realized with a delay. And then, for Abihiko murdering all of his Nekohiko-wannabe messengers.

Which was stupid... and so irrelevant.

Who cared when would the wedding happen? Not him. Nekohiko could hardly give a damn.


But still -- such a rushed decision and such a bothersome one! With the wedding and the festivities, of course finding a better Binding master to improve Nekohiko's body would become harder. And then, finding another chance to visit Abihiko with a better-made body and having their eventual confrontation with each other... He would have to wait a whole week with the chaos and the giddiness of such a large event.

And thus, the next time he would be able to face Abihiko, Abihiko would already be a married man...

What an odd thought.

He couldn't decide why it made him so cranky all of a sudden.

"Tch," Kataji said, pulling Nekohiko after himself. "Some news. They were marrying each other anyway. A month earlier, a month later. Who cares?"

But then--

"And since we are doing something so new and exotic as an unexpected royal wedding," Morokata's husky voice broke over the whispery joy of the crowd, "His Supreme Divine Majesty's council had also decided to honor the ancient tradition of the sacred marital bliss! If some of you are too young to remember what that is -- it's a prolonged honeymoon for the Imperial couple to not be bothered by anyone for as long as a whole month or sometimes even half a year after the wedding! A secluded respite in a newlywed paradise! And in that time frame, since the Emperor would be too busy for ruling -- the political duties can often transfer to the next family member in the royal family by seniority, ah!"

Nekohiko froze, his stomach in hard knots.


One month to half a year of seclusion?!

While the Empire would be ruled by somebody else? And who could that person be -- in the freshly-joined Abi-Hisome family, I wonder?!

"So, ahem, there is truly no need to worry about the state of the Empire in that time," Morokata chuckled, motioning his hand to Abihiko reverently. "With utmost honor, this lowly person -- myself -- accepts the Emperor's offer to lend me his divine right to rule in his absence. The Empire will be in safe hands. I can sincerely promise the blessed people of the Empire that."

From so far away, Nekohiko could not see Abihiko's facial expression, but for one split moment as Nekohiko stared at the dais in disbelief, he could swear his gaze met Abihiko's trapped one.

Nekohiko's right hand stung like hell. Numb, he realized he had just slammed his fist into the wall, shattering some of the joints in his fingers, to Kataji's horror.

The paper fan in his fist had snapped in half, and, grimly, Nekohiko flung the broken parts of it aside as he stormed out of the reception hall.

One month of seclusion, huh.

To half a year.

Yeah right.

"Itsuki, is something wrong?"

"Kataji," Nekohiko said once he emerged out of the suffocating Palace hallways and into the fresh nightly air at the top of the Imperial staircase. He breathed in, tension filling his body with strange electricity. "I feel like this body doesn't suit me after all. It's not sufficient for my needs. I need a better one. And fast. Tonight or tomorrow, if possible."

"Uh..." Kataji gaped, aghast. "I don't... think anyone can find a great Master Binder willing to work on illegal dolls... and on such short notice and... during the city's festival regime..."

Well, Kataji. Just be bold and shoot for the stars.

"I know one," Nekohiko said simply. "Do you and Mikawa still have King Morokata's personal invitation pendants he sent you while we were in The Three Foxes restaurant?"

"I... think so?"

How perfect.

Nekohiko smiled.

After all, Dollmaster Hibiki's waiting list was entirely too long for anyone to bear. But with his own Lord's personal invitation, even that list would be nothing but a minor bump in the road.

Anything, to get to Abihiko in a better body than this one before that stupid excuse of a wedding.