Chapter 15
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Right now we are talking to one of the knights. We kidnapped him during his lunch time. From what I can see he is quite high ranking officer. He may know something.

"So tell me everything that you know."

"Like hell I will tell you anything, come on just kill me."

Hah~ well this is going to be very problematic. I tried to persuade him but he just continue to keep his mouth shut. Well looks like I need to get a bit rougher.

"Papa let me do this." Viper-chan volunteer herself.

"Heh, you think that it will be easy to broke me kid. Well you thought wrong if you think you can." That guy said with a smirk

But then Viper-chan bring out a lot of surgery tools such as scalpel, hemostat, etc.

"Hey what are you trying to do?" The knight ask. It seems like the knights also feel uneasy with Viper-chan behaviour.

"You see I have learned a lot about human's anatomy. So I know the place that will hurt the most if we cut it. So unless you tell me something, I will not stop cutting you up. Oh don't worry I also know how to slowly kill you, so it will be a slow and agonizing death."

"Try me you piece of shit." The knight try to look brave but I know deep down he scared shitless.

"Very well. Let the surgery began."

After that is just a horrendous torture that awaits him. At first Viper-chan only cut his hands open and using the bone cutter to you know cut his bone. All of this without any anesthesia mind you. The guy scream his voice out loud.

"Hurt doesn't it? They say that surgery that involves with bones is the most painful. So how is it does it hurt?" Viper-chan ask with a smile.

The still try to act tough said, "Heh it only feel like an ant bite."

I must say he really does have a strong mental fortitude to handle this.

"Well looks like I don't have any choice but tu cut that vulgar thing." Viper-chan said while pointing her finger at the knight's balls.

"Wait stop!!"

"Nope unless you tell me what I want to know, you have no other choice but to be castrate."

She began to take her scalpel and slowly walk to the knight. He continuously intimidate her but when it doesn't work he then beg her.

"Okay I will tell you anything but please leave my manhood be!!!"

After that we get a steady supply of information from him. Before this he was really stubborn and don't want to cooperate but now he will even sing if I ask him to.


Looks like this city has quite capable air defences. The SAM turret thing is actually a little bit like a SAM turret except it shoot out explosive arrows rather than SAM rocket. But the arrows also have somekind of a homing guidance system that detects registered mana signature.

They also have a wyvern knights. They are... well as you can tell a knights that mounted on wyverns instead of horses. Well they're going to be a pain in the ass to deal with but I think we'll manage it somehow.

Even though human has low aptitude to magic they still have some mages. It seems like this guys are quite rare. There is one out of a thousand people can use magic properly. They also going to be a problem if by any chance they have long range offensive magic.

The rest are not going to be a problem. I mean just how much damage they can to with arquebus rifles or arrows.

Looks like the only thing that I need to worry about are just wyvern knights, mages and the fantasy SAM turrets.



"Prepare our forces we going to began our operations tomorrow night." 

"Yes, darling."

As I want to walk away, Viper-chan called me.

"Papa what are we going to do with him? Should I kill him? He already knew so much."

"Hmm... no, if he died it will cause and uproar. So I want you to heal him and then just give him some benzos. I doubt that he will remember anything after that."

"Yes, papa."


Tonight is the day that we going to pull this huge operation.

I called this operation, Operation High Sky.

"Darling your naming sense is as worst as ever. But that of course is one of your charm."

"Don't worry papa. I think that name is quite cute."

"How about you go and fuck off, cockroach?"

"I will fuck off, only if you fuck off first you old hag bitch!!"

I can see as if there is some spark between them.

"Okay enough both of you!! We have bigger problems here, so I want you to focus, okay?"

"Humph!! Okay darling/papa."

"Good, okay, commence Operation Sky High."

Both of them then nod.

"Affirmative! Operation Sky High, commence!!"

Operation Sky High is simple. First we need about 50 chinooks minimum to lift the rocket of the ground. We also has located the launch control centre. But that t's already been turned into a magic college. So we need to infiltrate into the school and hoping that they didn't touch the panel to unlocked the rocket from the launch pad. 

After we unlocked the rocket, we will airlift it out of the city. Well it will not be that easy, so if by any chance things get rough we have a regiment of Mk.II drones as protection.

I think this going to be easy. I doubt that they will protect it. I mean what are they going to do with the rocket? Worshipped it?