Chapter 33 – More than Touched
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Bonus Chapter in addition to normal 2 per week as promised, reason below. Make sure you've read (32 - Nexus) before reading this one. ^^

Chapter 33 – More than Touched.

It is time.

Crys could hear the voice clearly, startling her. She looked around, but of course there was nothing to be seen. It was a different voice from the presence that had been with her thus far, but its nature was the same.

“Who are you? What do you want?,” she asked, taking a few steps forward. She could feel the density of the mana as she moved, it was almost like she was moving through water.

You need to be complete.


Crys had no idea what they were talking about, but she knew what they wanted her to do. She had after all being drawn here, the hints so obvious it was cringe-worthy. She knew that in the dragon’s hand was yet another figurine of Pyre, there both to tempt her forward and to make sure that she was aware that it was her that it had been placed there for. She also knew that they weren’t offering her a choice. Sure, she could always turn around and leave, but that wouldn’t achieve anything other than wasting the time that they had spent getting here, and probably leave them trapped in the area. And they’d find a way to bring her back.

What was in it for them though? And why her? Whatever they were, they were immensely powerful. The best guess she could come up with was that it was related to her being a ‘maiden’. But Angel was meant to be in Odinsphere, and even then she did not know why Angel had chosen her and Rachael.

Rachael probably knew something about that though...

And yet there was something tantalizing about it all as well. Something that spoke to her very core. Something that meant that she knew she was going to do as they wanted.

“There be something off about this place,” stated Vorsce as the others came up behind her.

“It’s a leyline nexus, according to Spectre,” Crys said, turning to face them. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but she didn’t feel right either not giving them any warning.

She pulled out the Pyre figurine, and then pointed to the dragon’s claw. “She’s down there too. I don’t know why, but they’ve been drawing me to here.”

Clocky smiled, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Go.”

“But I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“If they meant us ill, we’d all be dead by now. I can feel them too, and they scare me. They’re like nothing I’ve ever encountered before. But there will be reasons behind it all. So, go. Collect her and let’s see what they have in store.”

“What he said kid,” added Vorsce.

“Ditto,” Fairweather said with a smile. “Want me to come up with you?”

It was all a little strange. So much theatrics for such a small thing in an unknown place. Yet she knew there was more to it. They could all feel it. Crys also really appreciated their support.

“Thanks, but it is my call, so I should probably answer it myself.”

Crys turned and slowly made her way to the dragon statue. She couldn’t have gone any faster even if she had wanted to, the mana density increasing as she got closer. Spectre on the other hand didn’t seem to have any issue, hopping down of her shoulder and walking up to the statue, sitting down in front of it while it waited for her to get there. She hoped that Rachael was alright too. There was going to be so much for them to talk about when they finally caught up. Crys wasn’t even sure what she would say when they did though. She suddenly felt nervous about it all, blushing as she recalled the last day that she had spent with her.

It’s another copy?’ Spectre asked as she reached the statue, standing in the ray of light. It felt warm and comforting. More so than usual.

It was indeed another copy. Crys reached over and picked up the figurine from the dragons hand, holding both up in front of her. Exactly the same.

Champions of Dawn,

Chosen of Warrior,

Priestesses of Arcane,

Champions of Arcane,

Children of Dragon,

there is much ahead of you.

This marks just the beginning,

the age is still in its infancy.

Be complete,

and a gift for your companions.

A heavy presence slammed into Crys’ mind, mana rushing into her, her vision going blurry as she dropped the figurines. Her body felt heavy and as if it was on fire, raw magic flowing through her and tearing at her very being. Yet it was also strangely pleasant.

And give our regards to Angel.


The ground around her glowed as complex arrays seemed to flow out of her and Spectre, forming at first a ritualistic amalgam around her, and then two more around that, and then two more around them, covering most of the floor of the temple and giving the area a golden glow. Power crackled along all of the lines and across the symbols, and she could feel the mana flowing through the arrays, it’s nature changing into something else, before then flowing back into her. Golden flames surrounded her body as she looked back at the others, seeing complex arrays also appear, centred on them, the flow of mana forcing them to their knees. The pressure then intensified as she struggled to stay upright, failing and falling to the ground instead, her vision fading to a golden black as she lost consciousness. At least she still felt warm.

Rachael suddenly halted, Saylin careening into her back.

“Ouch,” Saylin complained half heartedly, not making any effort to move back.

Something had happened to Crys. She could feel it. Something significant.

prepare yourself.

Mana slammed into her, pushing her back and knocking Saylin over as it flowed through her bond with Crys. She could hear it all, echoes of what had been said to Crys.

“Stabilize yourself!” she yelled out as she quickly yanked Saylin up and then moved them both to the uphill side of the track. Kitsune jumped off her, standing at her feet.

“What’s going on?” queried Alison.

Rachael could not answer. She had a good guess though. They had as much said it. Another wave of mana slammed into her, forcing her to her knees as complex arrays flowed out of both her Kitsune, forming around her, first one layer, then three, then five, similar but smaller ones also forming around the others. Mana roared around her, clearly audible, Saylin looking worried as flames engulfed Rachael, before the immense pressure also forced the others onto their knees. She recognised a little of the symbols and layouts that were contained within the arrays. Symbols to transform and regulate mana. The rest was foreign to her, the arrays hideously complex. She doubted that few beyond the Core were capable to creating ones such as these, and given that some of them had flowed out of the cat-fox, it was likely that she was indeed involved in them. Typical. She tried to stand but failed, a third wave of mana slamming into her, knocking her out.

The last thing she needed was for this to become a habit.

Crystal groaned as she opened her eyes, steadying her self with her arm as she tried to sit up. She had a pounding headache, and she was certain that she had blood on her face again. Managing to get into a sitting position, she leaned back against the dragon statue, closing her eyes again, taking a few deep breaths. The coolness of the stone was soothing against her hot skin, the headache slowly fading. What on earth had happened then? Whatever it was, excluding the headache, she actually felt much better. More complete, however that worked.

She opened her eyes again, tucking her hair away from her face and behind her ear, her hand brushing against her earring as she did so.


She had earrings on?

Double checking, she did indeed have earrings on. The seemed to be sizeable ones, hanging down from her lower ear as she had seen on so many other girls (and of course been jealous of), but she’d never had them before. She’d would have never risked getting her ears pierced, even if she had entertained the thought. It would have been too obvious. But yet, now she did.

Not to mention that her hands didn’t quite look the same either. The golden tattoos were still present on the back of the right one, but bringing them into her vision she could see that they looked more slender. More feminine. More her. Her hair was red too. It had been brown right up until now.

Realisation dawning on her, she looked down. There was no bulge between her legs, instead a flat bushy area, and on her chest were two large breasts. Her breasts. She ran her hands along her body and down her thighs, relishing the feel, the smoothness of her skin, the tenderness of her body blushing as she did so. This was her, this was really her. She finally was a girl. Fully. Complete.

Crystal giggled happily, standing up.

She was also stark naked...

Crystal squealed, her voice also definitely feminine.

summon it to you.

arma dea

“How do I do that?” she asked. That was certainly a nice voice. Feminine, soft, and a little seductive. Much better than the low masculine voice she’d had before, though not really the voice of a warrior either.

Everyone would see her naked though if she kept on side tracking herself. Though it was hard not to be, given the current circumstances.

Crystal thought of her clothes, thought of them appearing before her. Nothing happened, and she felt herself getting redder.

arma dea

there is no shame to be had in beauty though

both body, and power.

That was true, but she still didn’t want to be seen naked. Getting desperate, she focused on the words that the presence had said. Arma dea.

A brief flash of flames engulfed her, the warmth of the sun caressing her body, and then she found herself clothed again. Though not in the same clothes as she had been wearing before, instead something that was a cross between clothes and armour. But they were hers, bonded to her. Something that she instinctually knew. Right now she really wanted a mirror.

She ran her hands over it and she looked down at herself. It was hugging her like a second skin. Form fitting, but incredibly comfortable, more so than what she had been wearing before. Some parts of it felt metallic, while the rest felt more soft and flexible, like a woven fabric that could stop a bullet. Which she knew that this armour could, even the mesh segments of it.

The boots that she had found in the anchor temple with Rachael were still there, back on her feet again. She had a pair of tights on, similar in thickness to what she had been wearing previously, but these ones were a deep golden brown colour, and would protect her just as well as the rest of the armour. How she didn’t actually know, but there was that certainty that came with the armour. She had bracers over her lower arms on both sides, intricate patterns speaking of the sun and dawns, fully golden on one side and silver with a golden border on the other. She had a smaller plate attached to her upper arms just below the shoulder, the same style of pattern again, silver with gold accents, the white fabric of the armour running from the upper arm down to and over her hands. Her shoulders were left bare. The remainder of the armour formed a mini dress, or breastplate and skirt, depending on how you looked at it, though to her it seemed to all be part of the same garment. A golden belt went around her waist, dipping down at the front, a small pouch attached to it. The skirt portion was the white fabric with gold accents at the front and back, but golden brown at the side, intricate patterns flowing over that section. It finished high on her legs, making them look really long. Above the belt the dress was the white fabric with gold accents, except for the middle of it, where a golden brown mesh ran from the dip in the belt all the way to her neck, including over the top of her breasts, which were otherwise covered by a pair of silver and gold plates which cupped them and hold them well. The mesh did reveal a lot of cleavage, and Crystal found herself blushing. Around her neck she appeared to have some form of thick chocker necklace that formed into a point at her sternum, but without a mirror she couldn’t really tell.

She really really like the armour. It was definitely her, but she’d have to wait to really appreciate it.

Checking in the little pouch on the side, she found that the contents of the rings from the harness were now in it. However looking around she discovered that while she could spot the satchel that Fairweather had brought her, she couldn’t see the sword or shield, nor the harness itself.

similar for erstes solas.


and dismiss.

She focused on the other name, one that she actually recognized, the sword and shield appearing in her hands. She was unsurprised to find that both had changed as well. The shield was now much larger, a heater shield with a triangular top, while the sword was now a longsword and actually sharp, intricate golden detailing at the hilt end of the blade that flowed about a third of the way down. She could feel power coursing through the blade, almost as if it had a life of its own. The felt right to her, it was like they had gone from toys to real weapons. A part of being complete she guessed.

To say that she was over the moon with the changes would be an understatement, but she felt a little guilty about it. Something had happened to the others, and thus far she had been ignoring them. Granted she was naked before, but now she didn’t actually have an excuse. Focusing on the weapons, this time with the intent to dismiss, she was startled when they did just disappear, giving out a little squeal. Spectre looked at her with an amused grin.

“It just surprised me,” she said defensively. It certainly was a useful ability though. Magical even.

You magic is not what it was before either. It’s scores more intense...’

“Really?” That she hadn’t expected. She could feel it though, the power coursing within her.

Really,’ Spectre seemed very confident on that. ‘And not just yours either, though their boost is only a fraction of what you gained...’


Looking over to where she had left the others, all she could see were there fallen bodies. Panicking, she picked up her satchel and dashed back across the temple floor to the entrance.

“No, no, are you okay?” They couldn’t have died. She wouldn’t accept that. They had said a gift, not exact a cost.

Fairweather groaned, pushing herself up.

“Your ears,” Crystal started, staring at Fairweather’s ears. “They have flames now...” Which they did. She was certain they were a little larger than they had been, and wreathed in ethereal violet flames. They were beautiful and entrancing, just like the ones they had seen in tunnel.

Fairweather blinked, and stared back at her. “Crys... is that you?”

That’s right, she’d changed as well. “Yup, it’s me,” she answered with a huge smile. “The real me now.”

Fairweather smiled. “Wow. You’re beautiful. Stunning even. Especially in that armour.”

Crystal felt the heat rising to her cheeks as she blushed.

“You have horns too.” Fairweather said as she reached out to Crystal’s head. “They’re cute.”

Crystal felt a strange sensation go through her as Fairweather touched something up there. A pleasant one. Crystal’s eyes opened wide as she lifted up her hands, feeling around her head. She did indeed have horns, quite thick ones that curved back over her head. That was unexpected, but she wasn’t complaining, not since she had become what she wanted to be. The horns were sensitive too, the same sensation going through her again as she touched them. She went even redder, taking her hands away. “Wow. I do too...” was all she could manage.

Fairweather passed her hand over her own ears, some of the ghostly flames taking to her hand as she brought it in front of her, and then slowly fading away. Fairweather smiled as she watched them.

“I think we both need a mirror,” she said with a grin. Crystal couldn’t agree more.

Clocky groaned as he rolled over onto his back, hand rubbing his eyes before he then sat up.

“Ugh. I feel like I’ve been run over by a train. What exactly happened?” He gazed at Vorsce and then looked over at Crystal and Fairweather. “Oh.”

“I look bad?” Fairweather quickly asked with a sad face.

“No, no,” Clocky said, a soft smile on his face. “You look even more beautiful than before. The flames suit you. Really!”

“Good. Cause I like them,” Fairweather said, grinning back.

Clocky moved over to Fairweather and gave her a kiss. “I think Vorsce’s gone feral though.”

“Hur hur,” Vorsce stated dryly, opening his eyes and then getting to his feet.

Clocky just pointed to the space above his ears.

Vorsce reached up, running his hand over his head. Clocky was right, Vorsce now had a pair of bear ears sitting above where his ears had previously been, his face twitching when his hand ran over them. He then walked over and sat beside Clocky.

“I know we told you to go, Crys. Is it still Crys?” Vorsce asked, part way through his first question.

Crystal nodded. “Crystal. Crys for short. Either is fine.”

“But what exactly happened?” he then finished.

“They said that they would make me complete, and a gift for my companions. I certainly feel complete, and Spectre said that everyone’s magic had been given a boost.”

“But I’m not a touched,” Vorsce stated.

He’s much more than that now.’ Spectre informed her, a grin on his face.

“Spectre says that you are much more than that now. Don’t Feral’s from the Innerlands have animalistic features?”

Vorsce sighed. “You might be right Crys. As much as I might try to ignore it, I do feel different. But even if I do have magic now, I have no idea on how to use it.”

“You’re not the only one,” Fairweather added. “What about you?” she asked of Clocky.

“Spectre is right. My sixth sense feels a lot more intense now, and there is more there than just that. But like everyone here, Crystal included I suspect, I have no idea how to draw on that power.”

“No clue as well,” Crystal confirmed.

“I would say that it is indeed a gift, an unheard of one at that, but like all things it came with a cost, or a side effect if you want to think of it that way. We’re just a bit more obvious now,” Clocky observed thoughtfully.

“Yeah, this is going to take some getting use to,” Vorsce said with a slight sigh, touching his ears again. “But, I’m sure it’ll have its advantages. Don’t worry kid, I don’t blame you. We made our choice in the matter too. When you play with unknowns, you have to accept the consequences.”

“Thanks,” Crystal said, looking down. She felt like she should say sorry as well, but it wouldn’t have been the truth. She was happy with what she had become, and it looked like they’d all gotten something good out of it too. But as Clocky said, they’d be even more obvious now than before. Even with her new body she hadn’t lost the attention.

“Draconic horns though are quite unique,” Clocky observed as he stood up. “That’s one trait that I have not heard of before, and there is no mistaking that that is what they are.”

Crystal seemed to recall the voices saying something about dragons too, just before the magic had activated, along with a long list of other titles. Perhaps that was all related.

Children of Dragon. Not child, but children... And all of the others were plural too. They hadn’t just been talking about her had they...

Myne’s eyes opened as she looked across the chamber, her gaze intent and thoughtful. She had definitely sensed it. A massive spike of power that has echoed throughout the leylines. Magic of her lovers aspect. Magic of the Dawn.

But Velvet still slept. Her crystalline statue stood in the chamber in front of her, as it had done for the last ten years, Light sleeping on its shoulder, with no signs of change.

There was no mistaking what she had sensed though. It had been intense enough to wake her from her own slumber, and she hadn’t been woken up by anything external at all for the last two years.

She stood up from the throne, stretching as black flames formed and danced around her.

“Come on Ashling, we’re going for a little outing.”

Don’t want to. I’m quite happy sleeping you know,’ the silver dragon replied.

“There wasn’t a choice. Besides, I’m sure you’re curious too.”

Fine, fine. As you wish.’ Ashling uncurled himself from his perch on the back of the throne, flying onto Myne’s shoulder.

Where are we going?’

Myne sent her seeking magic out.

“The Outerlands.”

Finally! Crystal is finally complete. Finally a girl.

Book length wise, it has taken quite a long while, 33 chapters to be precise. I do realize that for a lot of the gender bender stories on the sites that they do happen rather quickly (within the first few chapters usually, most within the first ten or so I'd guess), so this story is a bit of an outlier for that and I do appreciate that some people may not like that. Fair enough, but it is what it is for this story. Time length wise, it has all happened in a very short space of time for Crystal (a week post awakening to be exact), but I did want to explore the transgender aspect a lot more in this story, as for most of us it is a very long process.

Having said that she has been identifying as a she for most of that time, and with a version of her proper name, so it had been easy to forget that she wasn't quite there yet.

So, because she is finally a girl, I thought I'd repost the larger version of the cover, if people wanted a reminder of what she looks like (and ditto for Rachael). She also had the horns now, as in the picture. There is a good reason(s) for the horns, both in story and out, but I'll go into  that later when relevant. Have put image in spoiler tags so that it doesn't clutter the note ^^ Needless to say I am quite happy with that commission.


Rachael & Crystal, complete (chapter 33-34).



Of course Crystal and Rachael weren't the only ones to get the changes. As to the effects on the rest of the team, that'll have to wait till the next chapter. (No art though, as it isn't cheap, even though I'd love to have images of the whole cast).

And Myne. She's finally had her first appearance in the story, though just the one segment as it was for Velvet in the prologue. However... [lots of spoilers, so I won't mention anything more but I am sure that the readers can guess as to what I could have been saying :P]

For those that haven't read the first book, Myne is Velvet's lover, and the one who directly fought the Demon King at the end of the first book while Velvet purifyed the leylines. She was a dragon rider, but plot happened...

The reason for the extra post however is that the art I commissioned for the first book (Dawn Weaver) is finally complete. It features Velvet and Myne (and Ashling and Light), though their forms are close to what they are near the end of the first book (and not what they are for a good portion of it, I guess similar to what we have here), so I'm not sure if I will change the cover over yet. I have added it to the final post for the first book, and of course it is also below (in a spoiler tag again) since Myne has appeared. In book descriptions of them both will be coming in due course where relevant (yeah, actual spoiler there I guess). Again I happy with the commission, Aldhendra has done an outstanding job.


Velvet & Myne



The next chapter (34 - Reunion) will be out in the next couple of days, and is the final chapter of the 2nd arc. I may also do another bonus chapter this week. The third arc is coming along nicely, (44 - Training & Stuff; I know not the most imaginative of titles) being the chapter that I am currently working on.

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment. For all those that have stuck it out this long, thank you very much! I do very much appreciate that there are people who are reading the story, even if most of them aren't vocal.