Chapter 19
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Damien let out an amused laughter as they walked out. The poor girl was hanging onto him all weak and embarrassed. It was cute, but he felt bad for her. "Sorry, I must've gotten you pretty confused, huh? I have that effect on girls." This wasn't said this any arrogance or pride. It was actually a bit concerning. But it is what it is.

"After using me like that, you think I want a sorry? Really?"

"Well, what would you like then?" He asked.

Honey looked up at him. She caught sight of his lips and turned red, avoiding his eyes. "Nothing!" A firm reply. "Just let go of me. I can stand on my own." She pushed herself off him, only to stumble.

"You sure about that?"

"Yes." Maybe. She took another step and her legs gave out.

He caught her easily. "Careful."

"I know." The girl mumbled.

"Are you sure you're okay to walk? I'll help, so where would you like to go?"

"I...I don't know. Home, I guess. It's not too far from here. But I would like to sit somewhere first." She looked around at the busy street. "Though I don't think I'll find a place to rest."

Damien didn't let an opportunity to be incorrigible slip by. "Fret not. So long as I have a face you'll always have a place to sit."

He'd already taken liberties with the girl. Teasing is nothing. Plus, look at that distressed face! She really made nice expressions, he noticed. He never did before. Though, really, he hadn't bothered to look before now.

"Shameless!" Honey smacked him. "I didn't think you'd be the type to make such...such jokes." She coughed.

"What joke?" He grinned.

She shook her head. "I'm not talking to you anymore. Just take me home."

"As you please." He shrugged. Then scooped her up in his arms.

"...What are you doing?" The girl felt her throat go dry.

He stared at her blankly. "What do you mean? You can't walk, right?"

"And whose fault do you think that is?" She snapped again, her eyes narrowed.

"Mine. Which is why I'm doing this. It's a bit uncomfortable walking with you using me for support, so this is much better."

"For you, maybe. People will look at us!"

"And?" He tilted his head at her, not understanding what the big deal was.

"Ah, whatever. Just hurry up. I don't want to be seen in such a compromising position."

"Yeah, yeah. Come on, Dolly."

Dolly, who had been trailing behind them for some time now, nodded. She was a good, obedient sister. She will be civil. For now.

It took another five minutes before Honey finally asked. "So, about those shackles..."

"We don't talk about it."

"Ah. Okay." She didn't mention it again.

She guided him through the throngs of people for a while more, lapsing into a comfortable silence.


"Um..." A soft voice tickled his ear as they walked. "Does this mean we're going out now?" Honey asked.

Damien didn't bother to look down at her. "I thought you were taking a break from dating." He reminded

"I did say that. But then this happened, so..." She trailed off, blushing. "I just, I don't know how things like this work." Honey didn't dare to elaborate on what she meant by 'things like this'.

"Well, you don't have to worry. I won't hold you to anything, this was just me wanting to fuck with Will anyway. Why, do you want to date me?"

"I don't know anything about that!" The girl snapped at him with a flushed neck, clearly mortified.

"That's good. I prefer older women anyway."

"I am older than you."

Damien tsked. "Still a young chick." He said, annoying her.

"Not so young that you won't stick your tongue down my throat." The girl grumbled low. 

"I head that."

"A gentleman would've ignored it."

"I think we've established I'm not one, haven't we?" He flashed a slow, lazy smile. She was instantly reminded of their little show and refused further conversation. She'd never win against someone so shameless.

Damien dropped her off at her house and then proceeded to hail a carriage back to his own. The day had been a bust, what with WIll being a dick and ruining his attempt at cheering the boy up. Instead his attitude had forced Damien to break the kid's spirit by all but fucking his (ex)girlfriend right in front of him. Not really anything to do about that now. 

But Damien didn't worry about it. WIll was an ass, but he wasn't unreasonable. Normally. He'd come around with an apology for his accusations sooner or later. He would be expecting one in return, he's sure, but Damien wouldn't be giving one. 

And so with that in mind he took Dolly back to the Claybrook Estate where he and Killian kept up with his training. Damien healed much better than they expected and so there was no need to invent ways to cope but that didn't mean Killian would let him rest easy. 

Neither would Dolly, as it happened.


With her husband still gone and waiting for the completion of the key, Muriel had been left alone and cold these past few nights. As a promiscuous young woman of fine upbringing, she obviously was not sitting idle in bed while her lover was gone. Though she would not go and sleep around, she would, however...take matters into her own hands, let's say. 

And it was in the middle of "taking it into her own hands" that her door burst open to reveal her daughter Dolly, with Damien in tow not far behind. Muriel nearly jumped out of her own skin, she was so startled. With speed surpassing all human limits, she wrapped herself in the blankets and became a giant sushi roll. Her cheeks flushed deep crimson, she was about to delve into a harsh lecture when she took note of her daughter's tear-stained face.

"Mama!" The girl sobbed as she threw herself into her mother's bed. 

Both embarrassed at almost being caught and concerned about her daughter's distress, Muriel decided to put on her most motherly aura and asked, "Dahlia, dear....what's wrong?" Coming out of sushi-roll mode, she rubbed the girls head as she threw herself into her arms. "What's with the tears?"

"It's all his fault!" The girl sobbed into her mother's still-sensitive breasts.  

"What?" Her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Whose fault? Dolly, what happened?" Her heart grew cold. Someone hurt one of her babies! Made her cry!

Muriel nearly lost her mind in rage. She was barely able to control herself when the little bitch led to her son being hurt. Were it not for her husband holding her at bay and her son's own insistence the girl not be blamed, Muriel would've already razed the entire Kingdom to the ground in revenge. 

Not even that Treasure the girl's brother had gifted her son would be enough to sway her. 

Yet now her daughter comes barging into her room, bawling her eyes out? No matter who caused it, she'd turn their entire family into the lowliest of slaves! Hobble the men and whore the women!

But the girl's next words made the thought die out entirely. 

"It's Day!" Dahlia sniffled and sobbed uncontrollably. "He was...with her...he--!" She broke off with another fit of cries. "Right in front of me, he...!" 

Muriel let out an awkward cough. Ignore her previous promises of hobbling and whoring. 

She sent her son a distressed look. "What did you do?"

The youth rolled his eyes. "She's being dramatic. I just made out with a girl."

"You WHAT?!" Muriel roared in fury. "Who? What's her species? How wide are her hips? Is she prettier than me and Dolly?"

Her son leveled a pair of dull eyes at her. "What kind of questions are those? Especially that last one."

"Just answer them!" Muriel snapped, glaring. Ah, this is bad! Why did this have to happen? She worked so hard to keep him with her a few years longer, now it's all ruined! Once he goes out and starts sowing his seeds he won't have time for his poor little mother anymore! 

She knew she would have to let him go soon...but it was too sudden! What's more, she had no idea who this woman was! He had a habit of going after any random beauty, which is why Muriel always had to intervene. He was too unscrupulous, not at all caring for the most important things! Their pedigree, and more crucial than that, them being less pretty than her and her daughter!

After all, as long as they were the prettiest, they would have the advantage! Well, not that Muriel believed there were any mortal woman that could come close to her level beauty, and few who weren't mortal even still. 

But irrational fears were a mother's weakness. All women worried, and mothers even more so. 

"Shhh, little one, it's okay. It's alright." Muriel comforted her daughter.

But she felt the girl shake her head. "It won't be! Day is going to be snatch away by some random slut at this rate! He'll leave me! A-And then he'd get into fights and get hurt and die! Who'll look after Day if not me? I can't let him go!"

Muriel heard this and understood completely. 

"Damien! Just why did you go and hook up with some harlot? Have you no shame? How could you betray us like this?!" Muriel felt tears prick her own eyes now, feeling extremely wronged. 

Sadly, her son was cold-hearted and pitiless. "Are you my mother or my wife? Jeez. It was just to prove a point, calm down. I'm not going to marry her. I don't know what you two are getting so worked up about. Even if I do get a girlfriend, I won't just up and disappear. I'd just be at home, fucking her on every piece of furniture in my room."

Muriel was scandalized, and Dolly cried even harder. 

Her son...he was so amazing! She was pleased with his hedonist personality. But the images his words utterly infuriating!

As for Dolly, "Day, you can't! Only husbands and wives can do lewd things together! Vee said! You said!"

"Did I?" The boy raised a brow, then shrugged.

"You did!" Dolly nodded emphatically. "And Day is only allowed to mary me." She sniffled once more. "So only we get to do lewd things together. Yet despite that, did that with her! Day, you cheater! How could you? I hate green hats! Don't make me wear them, Day, please!"

"Ah, my boy has turned into a no-good two-timer!" Muriel lamented. "This is my fault, I never should've let your dad raise you here. Dolly, please forgive me!" She hugged her daughter tightly and visibly shook with emotion.

"Mother!" Dolly hugged back. "What're we going to do? Day is...he'll be...!"

Both mother and daughter sobbed into each other. Only after ten minutes did they calm down

"You know, " Muriel began, wiping away a tear,  "Back in the olden days my family had a special method of marking their mates...." 

Dahlia looked up at her with wide eyes.

An exchange of hushed whispers ensued. 


Later that night. 

Damien didn't know what woke him. It wasn't a sound, or a movement. It was just a feeling, he supposed. A kind of...indescribable sense of danger.

Whatever it was, he found himself staring up at Dolly. She stood over him, hands shaking as she lifted her pure white gown.

Reflected in his eyes was a petal-pink flower...

"Day...I'm sorry...I can't hold it anymore. It's coming. "

Shockwaves of horror coursed throughout his entire being.

"Dolly, no!"