Book 2 Chapter 35: New bonds / Old bonds.
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I am going to have another chapter on Tuesday, but it will just be a poll and an FAQ to answer some questions/complaints I have seen coming up in the comments section a lot, and then a poll to figure out what the real breakdown is in terms of opinions on the issues being raised. The main reason why the FAQ chapter is not being posted today or tomorrow is because I have mid-terms tomorrow, and gotta study today.
Anyway, time for today's chapter.

Aerien’s POV
[Your highness, are you feeling better?] 
[Uhh… yeah.] I responded in an unsure tone to… err… I forget her name, but the fairy lady who brought me to this room in the first place. She seemed to be awake now and doing better. Much better in fact. I was very surprised.
[I see… that’s good.] She responded.
[Umm… aren’t you mad or afraid after what… umm… I did to you before?]
[Oh, you already apologized to me plenty your highness, quite likely far more than someone in your position should have. I know that you feel bad about it. I am the one who was inconsiderate and spoke disrespectfully of your human friends. If you can forgive me for this then I believe we can put the entire thing behind us.]
After the first fairy lady finished what she was saying, the other stepped forward and bowed. [Your highness, I failed to introduce myself earlier. I am Esgal. I heard first from your changeling and then from Gwilitphen what happened. I will also be mindful to be properly respectful to your friends.]
‘Their tone is a little stiff.’ Gaerien said.
‘It is pretty disrespectful to bring that up in this situation Gaerien.’ The old man scolded her. I was a little confused, but it seemed the old man was aware of what was going on. And, that meant it didn’t take me very long to figure it out either. They were trying to be nice, but those two were afraid of me, the first one, err… Gill-fin… something, was somehow less afraid than I imagined she would be though, or maybe she was still tired? She actually seemed like she was the less “stiff” between the two.
[Well,] the second lady, Ess-gul? Ester? said as she straightened up. [It seems as though things got off to a rather bad start. However, I believe we had best get your highness measured for some formal robes so we can begin work before you are to appear to preside over the trial. I honestly do not want to have to be the one to tell the queen we have to delay because the princess’ formal wear is not ready.]
Wait! They’re making clothes!? [Umm… is there any chance you could make some pants as well?] I asked them. I found myself almost subconsciously holding Gaerien higher and tighter to my chest, almost as though I was trying to hide behind her.]
[Well…] Ester-gal… I should really figure out how to pronounce her name better, said. [I suppose we could take down your measurements for that, but the formal robes need to come first. There is a more urgent need for them.]
“Oh…” I responded, visably wilting in response to the common-sense rejection. What they said made sense, it would be bad to argue. I knew that much. If I argued, they would probably do it, but I would just get them in trouble. But… I really wanted pants so that I could play! I also needed them to practice the old man’s martial art too!
‘Our mother could make the pants.’ The old man suggested.
“Oh!” That was a GREAT idea! It made me wish I could jump into our inner world right now just so I could hug him! [That’s Ok!] I said in an excited tone. [Just measure me, I can make sure the pants get made!] I know the old man knew how to sew as well. And, because of that, I know how to sew too! Me and mommy can make them together! That’s right, the dragon was our mother too now, so the dragon is mother and our birth mom is mommy!
The two fairies seemed a little confused, probably because I was suddenly excited from something they couldn’t hear. The second fairy broke out of her confusion first though. [Well, I am glad you are understanding.] She said. [Could I beg your highness to please bring your young future knight back to be with your friends then? I am certain from what I am told that she would not allow me to move her.] Gaerien turned her head toward my chest. I didn’t think she was that much of a shy type, but then I realized what was going on when she sighed and I felt a very slight chilling tingle. Going by the nervous smile and laugh the two fairies had in reaction though, I guess the energy wave that and even travelled behind her was enough for them to feel something, and they probably felt it more than I did.
‘I put some of my divine power into that one, the only reason they are still up is because your meditation actually pulled in most of it.’
‘Did you know that was going to happen!?’ The old man demanded in a scary tone.
‘Of course I did, I expiramented a little with this back in the village, back when your power still leaked out a lot more recklessly.’
‘Hmm… well, Ok then.’
“Ahhh! Okay!” I said out loud, blocking out the confusing hostility in their argument and also agreeing with the fairies.
[She just said she would.] Sagel said, and then nodded to the fairies. Wait, did I say that in English? Whatever. I just ran over to where the boys were sitting next to a mostly empty silver serving platter, the only things on it being the pits of a few plumbs. 
The boys walked over to me. I only just realized how good they got at walking now. It wasn’t at all like the toddlers they were supposed to be right now.
“Are you alwright Aerien?” Levin asked. Now come to think of it, even their talking has improved. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
(It’s the kid in control now.) Gaerien informed them. I don’t know why, but there was something about the way she said it that annoyed me. I took her under the arm-pits and sat her down rather roughly on the side of the chair. She gave me a grumpy look in response to the way I had handled her, but I didn’t care. She would probably have made some sort of comment about it if I was still touching her and she could talk over our link, but I had let go the second she was secure on the chair.
I would have liked to stay and chat with the boys a little longer, but since I didn’t want to deal with Gaerien right now I could easily use the excuse of having to get back to the fairy ladies. “Umm… they say they need to get my measurements, so… I guess I can come back and we can do something after that.”
“We wanna have the ode man… tell. us. our next. EXercize!” Rolwen spoke up. Aside from his speech halting in a few places, it was almost perfectly normal talking now.
“Yeah! We’ve been twraining weally hard while you were a-shleep!” Levin had a proud expression like he wanted to be praised. It made me freeze in my tracks a little bit. Yes, I was too big to be held by Levin anymore, but aside from that some of the best things we did togethe were all the things we were doing in order to work and make our bodies work better.
“Ah, Ok! I will ask him what to do next then.” I told him. I nodded and then ran off, but by the time I got back in front of the fairies I was deep in thought. They asked if I was ready, and then I followed them and they made a small partial wall between us and everyone else in the room. I, meanwhile, had gone into a state of deep thought.
I was not going to really be able to be part of the training either. I had sorta cheated, and now I was able to walk and move around perfectly without any more need for the struggles and efforts they were all putting in. I mean, sure, it’s a good thing I’m able to move a lot better now. I should be happy, and I was really excited when I had woken up in the other room able to move so easily, but now I realize I’m no longer going to be able to be part of the group. My legs and arms work perfectly, and thanks to Sagel I don’t even need to struggle with Elven anymore, much less speaking clearly in English.
There’s really nothing. Nothing that I can do to be part of it. I don’t need to try hard anymore, and I can’t even teach like the old man. I’m just… not the same as them anymore.
The measurements were over quickly, but the drop in my mood stuck around for a long time afterward. After assuring everyone I was Ok, now I was coming out with a down look on my face again.
After taking a few steps out from behind the screen the fairies had put up, I am surprised to see Sagel and mommy standing in front of me. Mommy seems nervous still and she won’t look straight at me, but Sagel seems rather pleased with himself as he stands there with an almost smug smile.
[I’ve had a word with Miss. Túeth your highness.] He said, ‘About that thing your older half talked about.’ He added, switching to mental speech, and also English, without even missing a beat. [She has agreed to work on the clothing you wanted. Would you like to work along side her?]
I couldn’t stop myself when I heard this. I immediately ran and wrapped my arms around him, burrying my face in his belly.
[Well now...] He said, gently stroking the back of my head. [You see? What did I tell you? This is how much she still wants this. There is no need for you to be afraid of anything else, just accept it. You are only hurting the both of you by denying it.]
I released him from the hug and staggared backward after he said that stuff to my mommy. He seemed to know exactly what I needed. Well, having him for my familiar may be pretty good if he could do things like this. This is exactly what I wanted, and it was the best thing ever! I still felt a little down about how I seemed to be growing appart from the others, but maybe this wouldn’t be quite so bad if I could do more stuff with mommy now!
“Other” Aerien’s POV
Being a passenger inside your own body is certainly a strange experience. I could feel my arms and legs moving, and my voice talking, but I was not in control of a single action or word said. Several times I considered fading back into our inner world or just integrating with my younger half’s consciousness like we always have and just do more things that are what my younger mind wants. But, there was really nothing for me to do in our inner world now, and integrating with my younger half would deny her the growth and development we both needed her to achieve. At minimum, she needed to get used to being just herself while she was in training, and the best way to do that is to be herself while doing normal activities before we get into that.
But Sagel is certainly dependable though. I was actually surprised. He seemed to be acting the role of a retainer, and a good one too. He was anticipating what I wanted and needed, and meeting those needs before I ever voiced those needs. It... actually somehow reminded me of myself in several phases of my life. It was the same way I would care for my patients as a nurse, the same way I would care for my children or my wife when they were having a bad day.
I couldn’t help but feel respect for the man. He was clearly quite skilled at what he did. True, he did hear me mention how we should sew the pants together with our birth mother, but he was definitely the one who was needed to talk to her. After hearing what Gaerien had said about her, it was clear that she had some incredibly bad PTSD from her assault that resulted in our birth. It’s not just that she feels guilty. This is just a guess, but I imagine the bigger part of the problem is that she feels tainted, dirty, worthless. She feels that she does not deserve to be forgiven for even her thoughts, and this would only make it more painful and difficult for her to accept all the good things that are being given to her now.
It seemed like that Ether guy had been taking an approach of giving her space in order to deal with her trauma. That may be a solution that makes sense if you don’t think about it too hard, but for someone like this who is so self-destructive in their thinking that is absolutely not the correct approach. A more involved and direct method is definitely needed, and since I am the subject of her guilt and also remind her of her pain it means that I am absolutely not the right person to give her the direct intervention that is needed. Indeed, Sagel is probably the only one who could have talked to her.
So, now, thanks to his help I am helping to hold the fabric as my birth mother cuts and sews. I, as my younger half, am happy just to be doing something with my birth mother. I do not know whether my younger half is picking up on something for me or if she is scared of setting her off on her own, but she is thankfully satisfied just to look up at mother and smile.
This is good. She may need a more direct approach in order to deal with her trauma and all that, but again, I am not the one who needs to do it. Too much involvement from me is only likely to make the problem worse. I’ve already got someone who seems pretty reliable on the job, so the best thing for me to do is just try not to undo any progress he makes for the time being. My job is to show her that whatever fears she has are unfounded. That, whatever she thinks about me, I do not hate her and I am happy just to be with her.
I can’t really say the same for Gaerien of course. It was helpful that her goddess power to hear our mother’s thoughts about her had allowed us to have some insight into just how bad off she was, but overall I believe it was a net detriment to the situation. I can tell from her tone that Gaerien has absolutely no love for our mother, and frankly I cannot blame her. Six months of constantly hearing someone else wishing for her death as well as my death... I cannot even begin to imagine what that must have been like. And, she never even said a word to me about it either. Said it was a natural part of being a goddess she could deal with, and that she didn’t want to worry me ove it or some nonsense like that. Well, it’s pretty clear she did not deal with it. I think she overestimates herself.
*sigh* Why does life have to be so complicated. Magic definitely has not made this life any easier. I really meant what I said back in that other room, I absolutely HATE this magic stuff. Every single misery in my life has either been because of magic or made worse by it. God was right. Magic is something that does not belong in this or any world.
*sigh* Well, I don’t have anything I can do about it. Well, while I am stuck just observing, I have nothing to do BUT think. As for subjects, well... the boys really are moving a lot better now. They said they were practicing on their own the entire time I was out. Well, most of the results they showed were likely actually from their training during the three weeks they were with me finally showing results. Neural adaptation and growth takes about a month to happen, and it has been almost exactly that much time.
What we are seeing now is actually the results of the first week of training I did with them, and the training they did on their own simply allowed them to explore and become used to their new limits. Of course, that’s important too, but now that neural growth has kicked in we ought to start seeing some very rapid improvement from them. In fact, I am not really sure I have any excercizes for the level they are at now. It is one of those awkward in-between stages. Not quite enough for the dynamic and complex exercizes I used to do myself in my past life that would challenge the coordination of most adults, but any exercizes the likes of which we were doing before would most certainly be beneath them.
Well, what they need at this stage is dynamic balance exercizes and object manipulation. An ettiquite class for how to properly manipulate a dining utensil for instance. Or.. maybe...
‘Hey Sagel, I need to talk to you for a minute.’I called to the changeling.
‘Yes, your highness? What is it?’
‘Have you lived as a knight in any of your infiltrations?’
‘Yes, of course.’
‘Excellent. I do not know how it works in this world, but is knighthood hereditary like it was back in my world?’
‘Yes, that is how it works here.’
‘What age do knight families begin training their children how to handle a sword?’
‘Well... I suppose that depends on what you really mean by training. Formal sword training does not begin until the age of five, but they will have been handling toy swords well before that, usually from the very moment they are able to stand and walk and pick things up.’
‘Excellent. I would like to ask you to do something for me.’
‘Do you want to recieve sword training your highness? I thought you said that you needed to use your own style for the sake of your meditation.’
‘No, it is not for me. I would like for you to train Rolwen and Levin.’

Subscribers' comments of the chapter
"first its pants then, DOLLs ...Creepy Dollz =D"
"Sagel seems perfect, too much. Knows everything related to the world, great deal of wisdom, 100% dedicated to Aerien, a buffer between her and any fey (or anyone, really) to help fix any problems, understand her language and telepathic only with her. Bonus point for being a metamorph.
In a world where everyone have flaws, depth and personality, he's either hiding something big or he'll die in some atrocious way."

I normally like to make it only 1 comment if I am including a long comment like Asekhan's, but just LOL Roy XD
Anyway, as for Asekhan's comment, any time you suspect something big is going down, chances are good I've already given you the answer hidden somewhere in the story up until this point.