Chapter 113: Ancestry
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To say everyone in Elizabeth’s Paradise B-Team was confused was an understatement; everyone on the street was confused at the scene they were witnessing. Afterall, the goblin who had just proven their strength to be peerless within the country, was now kowtowing to a little cow-kin which was a race that received little respect.

Although it also had to be said that goblins received even less respect - at least the cow-kin were relatively powerful warriors as they often had powerful bodies. Any respect they may have gained from that was overshadowed by the harsh reality that they were seen as nothing more than prospective sex slaves thanks to their naturally muscular yet voluptuous builds. If it were just their beauty & power things may have been better - they may have even become key figures in the largest empire - but they were tribal people who were rather passive.

It could be said to just be their nature to be large yet docile creatures that lumbered around unless they were obviously violated.

They were also known to be quite ‘simple minded’ with an innocence only beaten by the young & weak spirits who didn’t know better. A kind group of people who, despite being ‘savages’, gave others the benefit of the doubt resulting in a friendly community of people.

Which also made them easy targets…

Compared to them goblins were seen in an almost opposite light - there was nothing to gain from capturing them as they were foul little creatures. Even if they possessed far weaker bodies (if with some having the potential to use magic & sorcery) they were far more ferocious. Like an omnivore that had the fear of an unnerved herbivore; they only know how to lash out at everything as if it is a threat which sometimes even included themselves.

One of the reasons why goblins rarely were seen in amas in such a large congregation, they simply were at everyone's throats, a gathering of goblins would always be discovered. Those little bastards could easily breed with anything but since they also attacked everything they often destroyed their surroundings quickly - unlike the cow-kin who were rather proficient in preserving nature around them.

As it stood, cow-kin & goblins were natural enemies who would always be at each other's throat, one a group of little rapists while the other filled with beautiful voluptuous power. Usually it was the goblins who were forced into extinction however it wasn’t as if that had ever stopped them from trying.

Yet, here they were with likely the strongest hobgoblin to have ever existed but they were begging a cow-kin for forgiveness but also calling her like royalty?

Not only that… Emily wasn’t exactly a ‘prime specimen’ when it came to her race.

In terms of physical power she lost to everyone else on their team (even when Icky was there) while focusing completely on the magics that cow-kin usually knew nothing about. They weren’t dumb they pivoted more towards shamanic practices than the sorcery the cowcubus had shown great talent for.

“P-princess-sama?” <Emily>

To make matters worse, it appeared the girl herself was confused about the goblins actions, making those watching from around stare even more. Emily meanwhile wasn’t very good with crowds of people - quickly feeling her body cool down rapidly - causing her to shake in place. That was until a rather large *thwack* brought her attention back to a familiar sage who hit the gobo with his staff.

“You’re embarrassing my apprentice you green buffoon [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] [ɟnll sʇod]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

“Ah~ is it that she doesn’t like being called princess? That’s what the other pureblood-succubus slash demigods like so I just assumed it was-” <Gil>


Yet again the oaken gavel slammed down onto the goblins head just as she had attempted to raise it; the ground impacted surprisingly cracked. Following that Chaos tapped the butt of his stave upon the ground causing a sphere of magic to burst out to engulf everyone in the surroundings. As if they had just woken up their eyes went groggy as they turned from side to side, seemingly confused, before they headed back to their tasks as if they had never seen the scene.

“What… Was that?” <Fuka>

“Magic.” <Lyada>

Fuka & Lyada had no idea what was happening, nevertheless there was one member of their part of three that understood enough of what happened to develop stars in her eyes.

The little succubus, gazing around as if studying something that one couldn’t see with just their eyes, soon turned to look toward the feminine sage. A degree of ravenous famine acted like tinder under her usually tired appearance which had seemingly been fully ignited by the display of powerful sorcery. She wasn’t like Eel who lost all her urgency once something of interest came up, one of them needed to be, so instead she kept a cautious appearance as she spoke.

“What do you mean… Apprentice?” <Emily>

That finally stopped Chaos who was about to bonk the horny goblin who had begun discussing the possible “trading of energy” with the young succubus. He didn’t immediately answer though, instead tilting his head as if wondering what she meant, but soon that grin of his returned in full force. In fact he also let a chortle escape from his lips as a mysterious omen overcame the trio - Fuka appearing in front of Emily with her arm in a defensive manner even if her shield was beyond lost at this point.

Even Lyada had drawn her sword in addition to casting her annoyingly efficient illusionary spell upon her sword wielding arm; an effective and little trick for those not versed in magic. Hopes that such a trick would work on the sage of chaos?


“Ah yes [pɐsɥ] you would not know what was to come but I know after all only I know the future of reality where you are my apprentice [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] [ɟnll sʇod] ” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

Upon saying that he moved his stave to push up his hat which revealed two eyes which Fuka recognised instantly just based on how unique they were. Inside each iris there seemed to be an entire universe contained within - a pair of eyes that contained everything that could be.

“Munzumira…” <Fuka>

Unlike his mother’s eyes, however, he possessed a perceivable crimson & black sparks flooding the universes in his eyes which seemed to foretell one thing…


“Afterall I have seen it [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] [Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

That brought a shiver down the group's spines as they truly felt like they were ants in the palm of a cat who was looking down on them voraciously. This didn’t last for long as the female hobgoblin came up from behind him to quickly wrap her forearm around his neck, placing her forearm in the nook of her elbow to aid in choking out the supposed god.

“Stop chatting shit after hitting me with that twig of yours!” <Gil>

“That ‘twig’ is a relic that gods would salivate over [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] [Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

“They’d salivate over my ass yet I still share the goods with fools from {Orrid}!” <Gil>

“Bullshit we both know you love pegging [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] [Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

“Oh~ I know you know!” <Gil>

All tension quickly vanished as Chaos’ eyes once more hid under the brim of his oversized wizard hat as the gobo seemed intent to finish the god off there and then. In return Chaos reached back to grab Gil’s ass cheeks to fondle them over; the sight of two cute ‘girls’ play fighting quickly garnering any attention Chaos had previously shifted with his magic.

Unlike before, B-Team showed no interest in spectating the event, deciding they may as well cut their losses and head into the obvious casino that Chaos called home.

“We should have followed Eel…” <Fuka>

“Hm… Maybe not… Doubt her training would give us any help…” <Emily>

“True.” <Lyada>




“Have you noticed anything different since the big fight~?” <Alexis>

Hearing the words, feeling a hug from behind that contained material warmth as she followed the ever grouchy red kitsune man, Eel tilted her head backwards slightly to look up at Alexis. She remained silent for quite some time - turning away from the ever-kind vixen in order to seemingly focus on her next words.

“The amount of mana I can take in from the outside has reduced…” <Eel>

“That’ll be the scaless-bitch.” <Bloodleaf>

Even though his words were casual they held a complete confidence which made Eel Jr. raise her brow in an interest in what he had meant. Unfortunately he didn’t speak anymore, simply guiding the three of them through the mountains with ease or real care for if they were able to keep up; something he thankfully didn’t need to do as they were all foxes.”

<Urgh annoying old man!>

Before Elizabeth could complain - Alexis came in to pat Eel’s shoulders with that usual kind smile of hers present upon as always.

“You see there are actually a few different definitions for mana as, in the primordial time before {The Infinite Mother} was even born, mana was simply energy that had been converted to work with the bodies natural ‘process’ allowing for one to indirectly ‘talk’ in the language we call magic. As Alice came into existence she possessed an ability to create a massive amount of ‘mana’ that she spread out to the world before allowing mortals to utilize that mana. This led to the double meaning of ‘mana’ since even the converted energy is technically under Mother’s divinity; a rather confusing situation that also helps define the line between a mage and sorcerer that has long been blurred.” <Alexis>

“So-” <Eel>

“So one half your ancestry cut you off - even if you produce your own due to being a Venus - don’t need that little voodoo shit anyway since you're a descendent of her!” <Bloodleaf>

“Whose ‘her’?” <Eel>

That question finally made Bloodleaf stop for a moment before he quietly muttered; as if remembering an old forgotten memory that you hold dear.

“... {The Strongest}...” <Bloodleaf>