Chapter 15 | Entrance ceremony
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Chapter 15 | Entrance ceremony


The indoor gym was large, and actually featured a podium to boot! There were several rows of seats along the entire gym, most seats were occupied already and they were divided by seniority, where the 1st years or new students were closest to the front and 3rd year students at the back.


I picked a random seat a bit further back, there were a few students who gave me glances when I sat down but having Kaoru near me comforted me a bit, of course she also met her old friends from junior high and talked with them for a bit, she would need to introduce me to them.


The clock ticked into 08:05 and most seats were filled, the principal along with the vice principal walked up to the stage, while the rest of the faculty lined up behind them. 


The principal gave a speech about the new school year and how it was important for everyone to do their best, and of course a welcome to all the new students of the year. Strange, I expected to need to stand up on stage and present myself for everyone.


After holding his speech, the principal along with the rest of the faculty bowed once, and left the stage. And with the entrance ceremony out of the way, the students were making their way to their home classroom. I had been assigned to class 1-2, there were a total of three different 1st year classes, hopefully Kaoru had been assigned to the same classroom.


The school itself was divided by the floors, where the first floor above ground level was for 1st years, second floor for 2nd years and 3rd floor for 3rd years, meaning that the more senior you are the higher your classroom is.


Walking to my new classroom, I passed by a few other students lounging in the hallway. They didn’t really care for my appearance. It’s strange that no one has made any remarks about my cat ears. Or my tail for that matter, maybe it was out of respect or something? My ears were twitching and rotating to every sound, while my tail was wagging back and forth in a cautious manner.


I stopped in front of the classroom door, I was anxious to enter since Kaoru had been assigned to another class meaning that I was pretty much alone in this new class. The door suddenly flew open, and a figure stood in front of me.


“Fueh?” I jumped back, shocked at the sudden opening of the door. My tail was very fuzzy and stood straight down, the figure that had opened the door was a girl, taller than me of course and she had fluffy light brown hair along with hazel eyes and was wearing the school uniform, with the blazer on, she also adorned a cheery and bright expression on her face.


“Woah! Sorry, didn’t know that there was someone outside.. ...Are those real?” She asked while pointing at my ears.


She got pretty excited over it, I simply responded with a yes.




She just stopped for a second, before getting back to her giddier state again.


“Anyways, I’m Ritsu, Yojiha Ritsu but you can just call me Riri!”


“I-I’m Takeshi Misaki…” I was practically blinded by her energy and hid behind my hands.


“Nice to meet you Takeshi! I’ll get going now, see you around the school tour!”


“U-umm bye?” She ran downstairs to ground level after saying goodbye.


The door was open and I could see into the classroom, really nothing stood out. On the right side of the door was the usual chalkboard, teachers desk straight in front of me. To my left side were the desks, they were placed in a grid and I could count roughly 30 or so desks, with a few spare chairs and desks at the back.


Some seats were occupied by students, other seats were empty. I walked up to a window seat and got comfortable there. I had been through quite the lot of different things today, and I was mentally exhausted. I put my arms on the desk creating a small nest for my head to rest on, I gently lowered my head on to the table, using my arms as pillows.




I stared out at the window, the school courtyard filled my view along with a few trees. Honestly, I really wanted out. It’s tiresome to attend school, despite it not really having started yet.


The classroom filled up, and now the students were actively approaching each other, making friends and seeding rivalries. Of course I was approached too, I was bound to gain attention anyways. But it was a lot of questions that barraged me at once, I got flustered from so many questions and just couldn’t answer, the saving grace would be Riri and asked everyone else to ask another time seeing that I was struggling to keep up with their questioning.


Eventually the homeroom teacher arrived, she was a middle aged woman with a stern expression on her, and brown hair put up in a ponytail. The clock ticked into 08:30, that’s when the homeroom period ended and lessons started, but instead of that we were gonna go through a school orientation tour.


But first, the teacher introduced herself to the class.


“Hello class, I am Michiru-sensei, and I will be your homeroom teacher for the next year.”


After introducing herself, she asked everyone to come up and present themselves. It worked from the front to the back, from the window seats to the ones closest to the hallway. I was at the lower corner along the windows, meaning that it would take time for my turn, of course that was good for me since I honestly didn’t want to.


It eventually became my turn, so I stood up from my desk and walked up to the front of the classroom. My tail was wagging back and forth a lot and my ears were flat pressed into my skull. I could feel the heat from my blush and I really wanted to just disappear.


I nervously looked at the teacher, she just gave me a thumbs up.


“H-hello, My name is Takeshi Misaki, I-I look forward to learning with you.”


I walked back to the desk I had been occupying before, but this time I could feel quite a few more eyes looking at me. It made me uncomfortable, and I just wanted to curl into a ball and disappear.


A few more students, and it was Riri’s turn to present herself, she was kinda like Kaoru if I’m honest, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is one of her friends.


After everyone had presented themselves, we got up and walked to the courtyard, where the school orientation would be starting, students could go alone or with a friend to all the different places of the school, or they could follow a teacher that would show us around the school, some of the things we are allowed to do and some of the things we aren’t allowed to do.


During the orientation Riri introduced me to her friends, they were all really nice and considerate of me. But they were also curious about me. The first of her friends was Atsuki, she had darker brown hair and had set them up in a ponytail, she was maybe a good 3cm/1inch taller than Riri, the other friend was Yuki, she was shorter than Riri and closer to me in height. She had dyed her hair slightly, so it started with a pretty dark brown colour to end with hazelnut brown at the tips.


While talking a bit about them, and trying to fit in with the friend group, Atsu tried to pet me almost as if I was a cat. I responded by hiding behind Riri.


“Uwaaah. Nyo pets please.” I accidentally slipped my tongue. It was embarrassing for me, but Atsu and Yui perceived it as very adorable. They gawked about it and how I would make for a very adorable idol, not that that would ever happen though.


After the school orientation came lunch, the cafeteria was located on the ground floor, in the same building as the classrooms and was fairly large, and the kitchen offered a selection of different meals. I chose Soba noodles for lunch, it was fairly decent for school food.


I think I got fairly used to social interaction, but trying to speak up was still hard, and I definitely couldn’t hold presentations. After lunch was the time for students to pick clubs, but that didn’t really matter for me since I would be working at the cafe after school.


I put the textbooks and different things in my locker, before heading to the cafe.


End of chapter 15

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also fun fact I have 2 tests next week