Question & Answer Survey for research; content interaction
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I thought I might put up a Q&A for people, to get answers from readers. There were a lot of reasons for this.

Partly also I'm trying to hang on and people had misunderstandings on some things. I also want to develop trust with readers and listen to them.

So below you can put responses to some of these ideas. Or if you are more comfortable with it you can reply to me privately.




  1. What do you want to see in the sequel for Enchanter in A Monster Apocalypse for book 3? (Plz try to reply w/o revealing spoilers, etc.)
  2. Also what do you think of a story series where the whole planet is female? Would readers like this? And how would they like it set up?
  3. What do readers think about a space themed RPG world? (Not connected with question 2.) I'm interested in exploring some sci-fi themes, both with starships for one world, and androids for another world. What do you think?
  4. Also, what do you think of a cow udder tits harem world? A world where all the women had basketball sized tits pretty much, where flat chests didn't exist, and everyone had ranges from at least cantaloupe size minimim on all the way up until...yeah. This seemed like it would be really fun to try! I'd like to get reader feedback on this idea especially! (I think I could make it work, if I had it seem and feel logical and real, and not cartoony.)
  5. Someone asked why the releases slowed down....

So I'll explain that.

I'm trying to basically keep up and go as much as I can. Sorry for the slow down. I am trying to do a minimum 2 chapters a week at least. (Hopefully 3?) But there's a lot of things I'm worried about. First, I have to go through and check for anything that could get me banned again. Although this site is friendly, other sites can be hostile to themes like harem and mature themes. I have to also worry if this site's management would ever change. And one of the issues was that Royal Road stabbed me in the back terribly for nothing, even though I'd been compliant with them and had changed to meet their policies.

I basically reached a conclusion that its not possible to always predict if a site may listen to some jealous pricks wanting to sabotage rivals. This is also how I pay for groceries also. So when they hurt me, it really screwed up my life.

So I'm basically trying to keep up with writing new stuff every day, being balanced with getting old stuff up, and at the same time doing a part time day job, balanced with this and trying to keep it all juggled with also constant research into new ideas and what to put into chapters. (I can lose a lot of time just looking for inspiration and material on what to put into the new stuff. I have to always be looking for ideas for fresh content. This is one of my big worries and time wasters.) And then sometimes I need breaks, since my health is impaired.

So I'm trying to keep up.

And sorry for the slow down.

I am not trying to jerk readers around.

One thing I've found that works for me is that regardless of how behind I am in the other things, I have to always be writing new stuff to make sure I don't run out.


PS; very curious what readers would think of a world where all women were basketball sized tits? (Oh did I already mention that? :p)