Chapter 12 – Hogwarts Hide-And-Seek
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"Here," Lee Jordan said to me one evening in the common room, "did you know that there's a way to way to store information in your head apart from studying?"

"No." I said, my eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"Well, you see," he said, grinning. "you balance your textbook on top of your head for the entire night. Due to the laws of gravity, the information will sink through the textbook, through your head and into your brain." He finished.

"Oh really." I said suspiciously. Fred and George were stifling giggles in the chairs across from us.

"That's awesome!" Ron said, next to the twins. He snatched up a textbook - the one from Potions - and balanced it on top of his head.

The twins were having a very hard time holding in their laughter.

Harry, who was next to me, raised an eyebrow at him.

I facepalmed.

"You're talking shite." I said to Lee.

"Dammit." Lee muttered.

I sniggered, and pointed to Ron. Then I pretended to draw a zip across my mouth, and Harry did likewise.

Us five watched Ron balancing a Potions textbook on his head for the rest of the night.


I was feeling in one of those moods. You know, where you just need to prank everything in your path?

In the next Potions lesson, when we were waiting for Snape to arrive, I discussed in whispers what we were to do when Snape came in with Harry and Ron.

Then he swept in like a giant bat.

"Dun dun dun dun dun-dun dun dun-dun."

Snape glared around at the class, looking for the source of the noise.

"Dun dun dun dun dun-dun dun dun-dun."

"Quiet, class!" He barked. But still, the noise carried on.

"Dun dun dun dun dun-dun dun dun-dun."

He finally located the source of the noise.

"Miss Potter, Mr Potter, and Mr Weasley, you are to stop talking when I say! Ten points each from Gryffindor!"

Ron, Harry and I high-fived.


In the next class, Professor McGonagall was rambling about something or other. I was really bored. So, of course, I did what any prankster, time-waster, skiver, slacker, etc would do. I put up my hand.

"Yes, Miss Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"When are we going to learn how to saw a lady in half?" I asked.

"Really, Miss Potter? Really?" Professor McGonagall said wearily.

"Yeah." I grinned.

"Never." Professor McGonagall said, before going back to her incredibly boring lecture. 

I don't think she ever found out that it was me, Terry, Peeves, Fred, and George throwing those Dungbombs.


"Lavender, Parvati?" I asked my two friends as we strolled around the school grounds.

"Yeah?" Lavender giggled. We had just finished discussing how much Pratinson resembles a pug.

Parvati looked at me enquiringly.

"I was thinking...wouldn't it be awesome if we had a school ball?" I said.

"Ooohhh!" They both squealed. Us three then went into a full-scale rant on what would happen and stuff.

Lav was ranting about what outfits and shoes she would get.

Parv was expressing her thoughts about what boys she would go with, and how she thought the Great Hall would be decorated.

Me? I was giggling about how I could cause mayhem ...

Half an hour later, and we were outside Professor McGonagall's office.

We knocked on the door.

"Come in!" The professor called.

Our trio all trooped in.

"Yes?" Professor McGonagall inquired.

"You ask her!" Lavender whispered, giggling.

"No, you ask her!" Parvati hissed.

"I'll do it." I stepped forward bravely. "Professor, we were wondering if we could have a school ball?"


Another fifteen minutes later, and we were standing in front of the gargoyle which guarded the spiral staircase leading up to the Headmaster's office. Professor McGonagall sent us here to ask Professor Dumbledore about the ball, seeing as she was only the Deputy.

The only thing was, she hadn't told us the password.

"Um ... Sugar Quills? Uh ... Chocolate Frogs? What about Fizzing Whizzbees?" I tried, and the gargoyle slid aside, and the spiral staircase began to move upwards. "Fizzing Whizzbees, then. Must tell Fred and George later." Fred and George had told me that the Headmaster's password was always a name of a sweet.

We knocked on an office door.

"Come in!" A voice called.

For another fifteen minutes, we all discussed the ball. Professor Dumbledore agreed, and what's more, he suggested to have a ball every two years!

The balls were going to take place every two January's. Lavender and Parvati got very excited about this, and I was sniggering, thinking of all the chaos I could make.

But before Professor Dumbledore sent us off with a merry goodbye, I got the feeling he was studying me curiously. Hm. Weird.


"Listen up, guys!" I called across the common room one night. "Anyone who wishes to play Hogwarts Hide-And-Seek, line up here!" I grinned.

Immediately, the entire of Gryffindor House got up and went into a line.

"Wow, okay." I said. "Well, we're going to need a lot of Seekers, then." 

"A lot of Seekers, as in Quidditch Seekers?" Ron asked, confused.

"No, dork. Hide-and-seek Seekers." I said. "Who's up for it?" 

"Me!" Fred, George, Lee, a few random people, and, oddly, Hermione, said.

"Okay, count to one hundred, and when you've finished, come find us!" I said, then leapt out the portrait hole with the rest of my house.

"What is this?" I heard the Fat Lady shriek as we all took off down the corridor. We all rounded the corner, then split up.

"Good luck!" I called to Gryffindor House, laughing.

I tore up the wide, spiral staircase leading up to Professor Trelawney's trapdoor. I hid behind a wall on the way up.

I jumped as someone slid in behind me. But it was only Harry.

"Great minds think alike!" We chorused, and burst out laughing.

Then we heard Fred and George's voices from down the spiral staircase. Harry and I began to slowly creep upwards.

"I heard them! They've got to be up here somewhere!" Fred said.

"I saw them! They must be here!" George said.

We continued up the spiral staircase and darted into a corridor. We sprinted lightly through the corridors, and hid in a broom cupboard. But Ron was already there.

"Hullo, Ron!" We said simultaneously. Ron just looked at us weirdly. What is it with people looking at us like that when we say things at the same time?!

We were last to be found by hiding in that particular broom closet.

It was a fun experience, us chatting about life in there, apart from Ron looking at Harry occasionally with a face that said, "I want to kick you out, so I can lock us in this broom cupboard, and snog Daisy." I am very good at reading looks. Sometimes I wish I wasn't.

Anyway, so after that, we played another game, though Fred, George, and Hermione weren't Seekers this time. We all hid in Professor McGonagall's office, until she came in and screamed at us to get out.

Then, the next time, Harry, Ron and I were all Seekers, and we found the lot. Because we're awesome like that.

(I don't think that Ron ever found out that Lee was lying about the gravity thing!)

We're going to make Hogwarts Hide-And-Seek a tradition!