Chapter 10 Rumors
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Nikki began casting a healing spell on Lucy’s leg. She watched in amazement as the deep wounds slowly begin to close up, leaving a barely noticeable scar that looked faded and at least 10 years old. 

Standing up she held out her hand for Lucy to hold. They slowly made their way back to camp, Nikki picked up one of the packs and pulled a thick set of rope out. “We should take its remains back to town.. the local alchemist will pay a fortune for it.” She said. 

“Nikki.. I don’t know about you but I don’t think I can drag that thing back to town.. it looks heavy.” Nikki giggled and pats the cat girls head before turning towards the trail the Jötūn left. “It’s okay, I’m going to cast a levitation spell on it, we can tie it up and drag it like a big balloon.” Lucy snickered at the thought of the terrifying creature blown up like a balloon and floating. “Okay sounds like a good plan.” She replied. 

They slowly made their way back towards the deceased demigod, tying the ropes around its limbs, Nikki cast her spell and the creature gently floated up above them. As funny as it seemed in Lucy’s mind in reality it looked just as terrifying floating around as it did when it was chasing them trying to eat them. 

Several hours pass and they finally found them selves at the exit of the woods. The two women slowly make their way across several open fields of grass when finally the small town comes into view. Marching through the streets with the large Jötūn floating behind them, they couldn’t help but attract attention as people surrounded them, gasping and gawking at the deceased creature. 

Suddenly as they drew closer to the alchemist shop, an old, short and portly man came bustling out of the door, practically tripping over his feet as he ran towards them, puffing and huffing from his lack of fitness. 

“I’ll give you 100 thousand gold for the remains!!!!” He practically screamed at them. Nikki chuckled at the man. “Oh come now Thomas that’s hardly a fair price, you know as well as I do how rare these things are.” 

“Fine fine.. 200 hundred thousand!!” He grumbled. “Hmm it was very hard to kill, we almost died.. how about 250 and it’s yours.” The small man huffed and puffed his checks turning crimson. 

“Fine! I should know better than to bargain with you Mrs Nikki.” He grumbled before pulling a large sack of gold out of his pockets and tossing it to the blonde witch. “Bring it inside the shop if you will please!” He half asked mostly demanded excitedly. 

After the two girls left the shop Nikki held Lucy’s hand tightly, leading them back towards her manor, they both settled in and decided to take a warm, relaxing bath together. Once cleaned, they both settled on a large couch on the first floor, cuddled up together, Nikki clapped her hands and a large, cordless tv flew towards them. 

“Woah!” Lucy exclaims. “You guys have TV here!?” Nikki furrows her brow a little before smiling at the cat girl’s innocence. “Of course we do? Just because our world resembles a fantasy game doesn’t mean we don’t have the same luxury’s earth has.” Lucy blushes a little before smiling contently and leaning back into Nikki’s arms. 

They cuddle and watch TV for several hours before Lucy speaks up. “Hey Nikki..? Can I tell you something?”  “Hmm?” Nikki replies. 

“So.. I’ve been thinking a lot recently and.. honestly I don’t really mind this body.. it’s way better than my old one. I think the reason why I always felt so detached and depressed before is because I wasn’t really happy living as a man.. I guess I didn’t mind it? But I feel much happier now.”  

Nikki smiles at that and scratches behind Lucy’s ear making her purr happily. “Honestly Lucy, I could kind of tell? I didn’t want to say anything but most cis men would be absolutely freaking out in your situation.” She replied softly. “R..really?” Nikki giggles, “yes really sweetheart.” 

She kisses the cat girl gently on top of her head and they both slowly drift off to sleep, exhaustion from their earlier adventure finally catching up to them.