clumsy Battle and Gaining skills.(Chapter 2)
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Mumu looked at the 20 cm large and tall trash hermit crabs, which began moving towards her when they noticed that their prey was visibly scared, and they wanted to get a chunk of tasty fresh meat for once in their lives. Mumu Apple began to Run towards them and then trips over a metal can and fell on top of one of the monsters. Mumu jumped back up like a scared cat and ran backward a bit while holding her chipped wooden Club in her dominant hand.

Mumu Apple(Scared):!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mumu began to calm down slightly as they noticed one of the trash crabs died and dropped something they could not look at before they felt a large pinch of their leg which began having Mumu hiss a little and began shaking her legs like a mad kitty before finally throwing them away a couple of feet. Mumu, now a little mad her tore cotton pants got damaged, began sprinting towards both the trash hermit crabs and with no weapon skills whatsoever. So they began swinging and flailing around, hitting the walls, random parts of the ground, and even the monsters who kept dodging until they died due to the childish flailing.

Mumu Apple(calm):..........!

Mumu dusted her cloak and began checking for any damages to her leg, and lucky enough, and it was just small cuts on her leg that were thankfully not deep enough to cause bleeding. Nevertheless, they felt something was up, and they would quickly see several Blue messages on-screen appear in front of them.
You killed 3x Trash Hermit Crabs(Lesser), You gained 9 Exp.
You gained the following Skill Wild SwingsLv1(Lesser). With this, you can swing your Club Weapon like a toddler who had not gotten their Juice box this morning. Each wild Swings cost 0.5 Sp every second when this skill is used, and it does 0.2 Damage plus 2% of weapon damage each hit(so it will do 0.204 damage each time wild swings hit). Wild swings does damage when it bonks an enemy. But said skill is costly and is random if it ever hits anything due to its random accuracy. (Pro's: can hit an enemy several times. Cons: Stamina Cost, Random Accuracy)

Your look for killing 3x Trash hermit Crabs(lesser): You get 3 Mini Fresh Claw meat(E-)

Mumu began to walk over to the meat from the Trash Hermit crabs, and they put a whole claw in their mouth and began to chew before her mind stops in food shock. Such a wonderful, tasty, but known flavor of something new flew into her mind as pictures of the Trash hermit crab meat flies into her mouth with tasty juices. Mumu, not knowing enough self-control, had eaten her newly gained food in seconds and then checked her status right after.

Name: Mumu Apple
Class: Thief Lv1
Race: Lesser half beastkin(Cat)
Experience Bar:9/100
Status Effect: N/A
Age: 8 years old
Food Meter:100%
Water Meter:53%
Clean Meter:33%(Stinky Kitty)
Gender: Female
HP:4.8/6.5(0.1 per hour)
Sp:5/5(0.2 per hour)
Skills: Wild SwingsLv1(Lesser)
Passives: Dagger MasteryLv1(Lesser), PicklockingLv1(Lesser), and StealthLv1(lesser), Hunger ResistinceLv1(lesser)

Mumu closed it once they realized they learned something that sounded so cool, and it's a skill that allows them to swing Several times. So they quickly closed the window and began to explore this trash heap of a dungeon that they suddenly got themselves into via climbing several feet of the abundance of trash that makes the super tall walls. They began collecting scraps of cloth as they kept exploring and even found a thrown-away needle and thread set(E-) after several more minutes or however much time passed, which had some thread left, but it looks like it would break after 3 or fewer uses. They ignored their look so happy to fix their clothes that they took off their cloak and pants as they began sewing any patches.

Mumu Apple(Happy)*Humming noises while working*.........

Her cloak looked much better with poor patchwork, almost cutting themselves many times, and childlike passion. Her pants felt much better as well, and a message popped up when they got everything back on(they also overlooked the crumbling sewing kit.

You have poorly but successfully fixed Torn cloak(E-) and upgraded to Patched Cloak(E+). You also fixed torn pants(E-) and upgraded them to Patched pants(E+). In addition, you gained the skill SewingLv1(Lesser). with this skill, your own way of sewing skills become a tiny bit better, and you even have a chance to upgrade clothing when you repair them.

Mumu Apple smiles and boasted a little at her work at getting a pretty cool-sounding skill once more. Still, times are not for boasting, and Mumu grabs her Club and continues her way exploring the dungeon for any new loot, food, or scrap metal they can take and give back to the scary but nice lady at the repair shop. As they walk, Mumu Apple Continues to Clumsly Swing her Club at a couple more Trash hermit crabs(lesser) as she sees them and had used her new skill a couple of times which tired her out a bit, and they decided to set up a fire. So, after some literal garbage diving, they got some deadwood and broken stones to make a simple fire.

Mumu Apple(Good mood):............ :)

She surrounded the pile of dead and rotting wood with broken rocks and stones. Next, Mumu took 3 trash Hermit Crab meat and began putting them on thin pulled of branches while they kept trying to start a fire without the help they always had this time. Being stubborn and hungry, they kept going for several more minutes until a small flame quickly grew as it ate the deadwood and burnable trash they piled up to keep it going.

Finally, the broken-up thin sticks with several chunks of crab meat slowly cooked over the fire, and Mumu Apple realized something. Exploring this dungeon had given her so much more in life that they questioned why have they never explored much more, and this feeling of being able to feed herself decent food brings her joy. She smelled something finished cooking and takes out the three sticks, which had 15 cm chunks of burned but edible cooked Trash crab meat on them, and suddenly another notification pops up.

You have cooked 3 Burned Trash Hermit Crabmeat(E- Quality) and with your poor cooking skills. So, we pitied you and gave you the passive skill CookingLv1(lesser). with this skill, your mind adapts to knowing how long to cook the food, the taste, and even making new recipes. You also gain the skill of Fire startingLv1(Lesser). You can start fires a little better, and it takes 1% less time to light a fire.

Mumu kept smiling at her mood increase as they gobble up the food. They then let out a small yawn after getting full and then lays next to the fire and then fell asleep inside the dungeon. Valor Lionheart began to worry a little about what is happening to Mumu outside of the dungeon, and they began trying to get the guards to find them. But of course, they ignored her until they realized they are dealing with someone who had a 6ft5 Lion Beastkin who is very well built and could Snap a neck if they wanted to.

They got intimidated to do it and were given a small bag of copper coins before going back to the repair shop to continue work on repairs while the guards began looking around the Slums for some dumb Beastkin kid. But the guards won't realize that Mumu Apple was inside a dungeon sleeping next to a roaring fire kept lit by thrown away items and trash. (Chapter end)
Name: Mumu Apple
Class: Thief Lv1
Race: Lesser half beastkin(Cat)
Experience Bar:18/100
Class Experience:18/500
Status Effect: N/A
Age: 8 years old
Food Meter:100%
Water Meter:62%
Clean Meter:30%(Stinky Kitty)
Gender: Female
HP:4.8/6.5(0.1 per hour)
Sp:5/5(0.2 per hour)
Skills: Wild SwingsLv1(Lesser)

Passives:Dagger MasteryLv1(Lesser),PicklockingLv1(Lesser),StealthLv1(lesser),Hunger ResistinceLv1(lesser),CookingLv1(lesser), Fire startingLv1(Lesser),SewingLv1(Lesser)