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Hi there, here is Raining.

This is the end to Arc 3. Whew, made it, actually even kept up a schedule more or less... and pulled through. It is becoming slightly strange how I am somehow managing to keep this up considering the premise of hey why not seems fun...even though grammar is still cough horrifying cough

I will try to find someone who is willing to correct my stuff if possible, similar to my original, the Villains. Although it probably will take, not only a long while, but also someone willing to read and edit everything from the get go, for free.....since .... I cannot really afford anyone else then Grammarly who is providing great help so far but not really a long time solution.
(I will try to rewrite and furthermore edit from the beginning on my own whenever I have time, since before I started on that little project I wanted to properly finish this Arch. Success on that editing front, is not guaranteed)

Anyway enough of that and see you soon, taking as usual a break for a while for the next again did I arrive there without quitting.....oh well see ya. 

I want to thank everyone who has been reading up so far, and from those who stuck around, especially Tunefullcobra who has been my loyal commenter from almost the very beginning when I started.