Ch.39 Meeting with Gabrielle
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The three elves talked a bit more about elf things and eventually parted ways and Isaiah logged off.  Isaiah’s player didn’t really think through all the steps involved in getting the eye back from Lusell. The first was the biggest ‘if’ would she be willing to do it?  Would she just attack him and laugh at him for being so stupid?  If she was anything like Nightfall she'd just level her lance at him and ask questions later.  Given the fact that she kept posting flame posts on the shadow board she likely had a lot of fight left in her.  Calling Goldeneyes goldeneye repeatedly seemed like it was doing a good job of provoking him.  And that elven ranger had killed her.  He had killed her and planted her head on a spike.  He didn’t think players could modify the room descriptions so it was odd that it was actually written down there.  Likely, it was something high mortals could do or perhaps it was something that required one of the immortals to implement.  Would Lusell be headless?  Hopefully not that would be just weird.  She was a knight and if she had a detachable head would that make her a dullahan? 


Isaiah’s player was going about his real life day when his thoughts wandered to all sorts of weird places.  How was he supposed to even find Lussell?  Obviously he could tell when that anti-paladin was online by looking at the who list.  Even if she was online she could be in any room in the mud.  If the listing on Mudconnector was right this game had tens of thousands of rooms.  Goldeneyes seemed to find her by setting up an ambush in Shadow.  He wasn’t sure if casting invisibility and setting a trip wire outside of Shadow gates was a great way to show that he was coming in peace.  That also would not go over well with her.  She’s likely respond with violence if he did that and said he only came to talk.  However, he could just cast stoneskin on himself and try to burst her down with fireballs and lightning bolts like Harmony did to him.  No, he wasn’t going to do that.  Isaiah wanted to be a herald of peace.  He needed a peaceful plan.  Lusell follows Loviatar.  Perhaps his ‘in’ with her could be Gabrielle, Lovaitar’s high priestess?  Gabrielle is an elf.  Isaiah is also an elf. Even if she served the goddess of torture she was still and elf.  Hopefully that means something.  Isaiah also had a long term hope that one day Gabrielle would repent from her evil ways and be a goodly elf once again.  He really liked redemption stories.  If Isaiah was the protagonist of some hero story Gabrielle’s redemption and marriage to Isaiah would be a good ending.  They could live happily ever after together.


So many rampling thoughts ran all over the place as Isaiah’s player while he was offline.  Eventually he was able to finish up what he was going to do in real life and find time to log back in the next day.  The first thing he did after logging in was kill that troll that had a hundred or so gold by echo mountains then teleport to Deku and kill Jarrow again.  He dropped another stoneskin scroll and some money.  Isaiah sold it at the general store in Deku.  It didn’t take too long and he got himself about 1000 gold from the ordeal.  The rooms still needed to reset if he wanted to do it again so it wasn’t a monty haul strategy.  However, when an elf was coming back from being murdered and pennyless every little bit helps.  However, he spent almost all of it on a new components bag and whatever cheap components he could find that wouldn’t leave him completely broke.


It was after running those errands that someone started ranting on the OOC line.


Someone [OOC] It is disgusting how everyone is abusing the thief class.  Is there anyone left who even plays a single class thief?

Vethor [OOC] Maybe?

Someone [OOC] Everyone online has a fighter class to go with their thief class.  It is disgusting why even play a single class thief? 

Vethor [OOC]  Fighter and thief classes complement each other well.

Someone [OOC] Too well.  It has to be nerfed.

Destiny [OOC] Please don’t nerf us.

Someone [OOC] Two really obvious ones, wrist sheaths can only be used by single classed thieves and stab thac0 will only benefit from thief level not fighter level.  

Destiny [OOC] Noo, don’t take away my wrist sheaths and make me miss my stabs.

Someone [OOC] Blame yourselves, even ridding people for psycho killing hasn’t fixed the problem.  I’m sick of people using their fighter class to just get freebie levels for thief.  If you want to one shot people then roll a single class thief.

Destiny [OOC] Boo, might as well switch to bard then.

Someone [OOC] Don’t get me started on bards.  The exp table is so easy.  It is like getting a fighter/thief/mage but not having the huge experience requirements.

[OOC]Someone hates all you power gamers.


Eventually, Isaiah was able to find Gabrielle in the main adventurers hall in Shadow.


Isaiah speaks elegantly with elven poise: “Hello Cousin Gabrielle.”

Gabrielle smiles.

Gabrielle says with an eerily soothing voice: “Cousin Isaiah, pleasure to see you.”

Gabrielle curtseys.

Isaiah bows.

Isaiah speaks elegantly with elven poise: “How are you doing?”

Gabrielle says with an eerily soothing voice: “I’m doing well, and yourself?”

Isaiah speaks elegantly with elven poise: “Well, I’m worried about cousin Goldeneyes to be honest.  I’d like to speak to you about the eye that she took.”

Gabrielle nods.

Gabrielle says with an eerily soothing voice: “Oh yes, the two of them honor the goddess of pain by bringing great suffering to one another.”

Isaiah winces.

Isaiah speaks elegantly with elven poise: “Does it not bother you that a knight of Lovaitar has her head on a pole outside of the gates of this city?”

Gabrielle smirks.

Gabrielle says with an eerily soothing voice: “Through pain, Lusell’s soul will only be forged stronger.  Her suffering at the hands of Goldeneyes only brings glory to the lady of pain.”

Isaiah blinks in disbelief.

Isaiah speak elegantly with elven poise: “Well… anyway I would like to meet Lusell and ask for her to give Goldeneyes eye back.”

Gabrielle says in an eerily soothing voice: “If it is for an elven cousin I will help you facilitate such a meeting.”

Gabrielle begins casting a spell.

Gabrielle touches her temple and closes her eyes in concentration. 

Gabrielle says in an eerily soothing voice: “Lussell says she will meet us in the Temple of Loviatar.”

Isaiah looks a bit nervous.

Isaiah speaks elegantly with elven poise: “I’ve never been there before.”

Gabrielle says with an eerily soothing voice: “It is between Daggerdale and Tonovi.  I can lead you there if you need my help?”

Isaiah’s player didn’t know how to get to either Daggerdale or Tonovi.  Yes, he had seen the exits to the towns from the death room.  However, being adventurous and going to an unknown place with no gear and one hit point seemed like a great way to not only lose all of his gear from his corpse but also to add a second death to the first one.

He told Goldeneyes he would try to get his eye back from Lusell. What was the worst thing that could happen?  He figured if he died and lost all of Isaiah gear it wouldn’t be the end.  Besides, spending some time with a hot and extremely dangerous elven girl is kinda sexy.  While black hair and green eyes might be common for an elf, seeing such a combination in real life would be extremely rare.  Gabrielle’s description was extremely provocative; her body type was even svelte.  What does svelte even mean?  Isaiah’s player had to look it up in a dictionary.  It means ‘sylph-like’ or slender and elegant.  Shortly after, Isaiah the elf was following Gabrielle the elf north.


Isaiah nods to Gabrielle.

Gabrielle invites you to follow her.

You are now following Gabrielle.

Gabrielle whistles for her mount.

Gabrielle mounts her cheetah.

Gabrielle leaves north.


North North North they went along dragon pass road.

After a little bit of twists and turns they stop at a fork in the road that leads further north to Antioch and west to what seems like some kind of corn field.

Gabrielle says in an eerily soothing tone: “Do you not have a mount Isaiah?  I worry for your stamina”

Isaiah shakes his head in disagreement.

Isaiah speaks elegantly with elven poise: “I don’t, it is on my list of things to invest in the future.”

Gabrielle says in an eerily soothing tone: “A simple horse can be picked up for a handful of gold in Shadow.”

Isaiah speaks elegantly with elven poise: “I will be alright so long as we don’t go the whole way all at once.”

Gabrielle nods

Gabrielle leaves west.

After a dozen rooms or so they turn north and walk past a gate for a city which they zip past.  Their next stop is some kind of checkpoint where there are guards present who don’t let them leave to the exit to the northeast.