Chapter-55 Red head
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mercifully the baby had stopped screaming and had decided to go to sleep when I got a chance I really should check up on it and ask someone who had any idea how to raise a baby for some advice hiring a caretaker would be perfect 

I knew exactly Jack squat on how to take a baby 

after that, I needed to beat up Silver and get some answers out of him I had a whole list of questions 

The top of my list visited of 

Where am I? 

how did I get here? 

who is this baby? 

what the hell was it doing with me? 

what happened at the mines? 

where was  Erebus and that weird lady Owl? 

but right now I had some primary issues to deal with such as what the hell was wrong with this kid?

After our initial introduction, the kid just stood there grinning like an idiot 

he and I stood there for a few minutes staring into each other 

the kid was a small kid who was painfully thin and his brown hair was a mess that did not need  cleaning but purging but his bright green eyes sparkled with 

hope and excitement

how I knew what emotions were pouring out his eyes I had no idea 

as we started at each other the men around us shifted uncomfortably 

it was an awkward situation where no one knew what was going and what hell should they all do 

thankfully we were put out of our terrible situation by the arrival of new people 

leading them was the guard who had just runoff followed by a variety of characters who looked as if they have just come from the renaissance fair 

there was A tall, broad man stood before him with short brown hair and piercing grey eyes who was wearing a rather peculiar purple robe, he stood out from others as the rest of his party wore bland colours compared to his vibrant purple colour robed 

then a fat man who was dressed blandly but luxuriously who hopped rather than ran toward me and the guardsmen he faces was puffy and red,  he was obviously drunk

close behind him was a woman who looked as if she had jumped straight  out of a man wet dream dressed as a belly dancer, she had unusually bright blue eyes and clear white skin which glowing and a bright red gem sparkling on her forehead 

her breasts were  too large for her size and satire  her nipples stood almost out

her dress consisted of tight-fitting black trousers  cut to expose her round ass,  her hands were free of jewellery but her long nails gleamed silver

she was also incredibly beautiful

the last person to arrive looked like a cross between a hippo, a gorilla, and a man  his skin and muscles bulging as if he was a wrestler and the look in his eye showed he was a very strong and ferocious man who was carrying a ginormous sword that would have given Guts sword a run for its money 

and the last to arrive was a group of five people that were dressed as entertainers as I had seen in movies wearing  costumes and masks

leading that particular group was a middle-aged man wearing a vibrant tunic and breeches, he looked like a gut who was extra from the Witcher games Nd in his left hand he held a really small guitar-like instrument 

right beside him was a man was wearing a red costume of some sort carrying a rapier 

and just behind them were two completely different woman 

the one in the front was something else  She was a tall, statuesque woman of Mediterranean complexion and unearthly beauty, with dark hair and eyes like shinning green gets much like the kid who for some strange reason was still standing in front of me smiling  like an idiot 

the woman carried herself with the casual confidence of someone who knows shat they are doing, 

an impression that was further enhanced by  her hair which  was raven jet black and long and did not float with cold chilly wing and that her outfit seemed to consist entirely of black leather and  lace 

a garment that seemed like it would have cost a fortune 

the second woman in the group however wore a simple white  shirt and skirt that barely contained her 

the woman was a buxom young woman with   large breasts

her attire looked like it was designed to make women look bigger

but for whatever reason, she looked very comfortable in the clothing and in fact the only part of her outfit that seemed to be uncomfortable was her face

Her face was pale and looked like it had been chiselled from marble

her eyes were icy blue and sharp like steel

her lips thin like a blade

She was extremely beautiful she was breathtaking

but her beauty was ruined by the long last scar running down her left cheek

for the first time, I was very grateful for the cold chilly winds blowing all around me 

and then last but not least there was the  man next to her who looked like a big bad wolf character type 

the first thing I noticed was the man's clothes the dude was wearing a black suit, a blue tie, a black shirt, and red gloves.

the second thing I noticed was the thin nasty scar on his cheek was he in some way related to the buxom blonde 

the third was his blinding white teeth when gave me a friendly and chipset smile 

I disliked the man immediately 

I activated my eye technique which I have now dubbed as soul-piercing eyes 

instantly the world  burst into colours  and shapes that we're not present before

to my surprise, everyone present except the kid had a colourful aura 

that meant everyone was either a cultivator or a practitioner 

the guards all had this dirty yellow sure while the fat man had one-two but while the guards were just embers the fat man was a flashlight 

the rest all had different varsity of couleur aura all stringer than the fat man while he was flashlight these people were Led headlights 

the dancer had a pink aura while the gorilla man had a red one the butler red solved dude had a murky dirty grey aura while the guitarist, musketeer and the buxom lady all had a blue aura and the meditation woman had an inky black aura which was twice as large and powerful than anyone 

that meant that the only threat to my  own bonfire was the black blowtorch lady who was giving a slurry enchanting smile 

but I saw another investing thing both the dancer and the cordial man had a story of the leash in them that was held by the fat man who was much weaker than the rest of his group excluding guardsmen of course even the coat in was slightly stronger than the fatty 

who with a furious, puffy, red comical face marched straight up to me and pointed a finger at me and spotted some nonsense in his language 

“Who are you?” the kid who had been silent up till now spoke

It took me a few seconds to realise the kid was speaking an understandable language 

"Uh hi, I am David Mountain," I said hesitantly 

the kid immediately spoke his strange language on the word David was clear to me 

the fat man was  getting angrier and angrier until finally, the fat man shouted something in that odd language 

" We don't want your name, why are you here and why did you attack my men and why are you naked?" 

Good questions I thought but without a pause, I answered 

"I did not attack your men, and I am backed because I lost my clothes in an attack and I am here because you were the closest place with people I could find" 

the fat man was not satisfied with my answers

he had taken personal offence on bringing naked 

"That is stupid" he stated glaring angrily 

"Why were you naked?"

"Because I lost my clothing, I didn’t have much choice" I replied back

He shook his head

"You don't have any right to be naked in my town!" he exclaimed

"I was attacked and  believe me being naked wasn't my choice"

" Why are you here?" 

" I don't ask a lot of questions"

The fat man glared at me

"Do you think because you are a little power can come here and cause chaos?"

“What kind of trouble have I caused?”


we argued on pointless things  for a long time when finally the Mediterranean woman stepped forward 

she spoke a few brisk words to the fat man who stepped back then she turned to me and spoke in a soft voice 

after she was done the kid immediately began to speak 

"To understand your situation young mage we need to have a discussion where you tell is your entire story but first we should get you some clothes anthem we will have a conversion upon which we can decide what to do with you" 

"and some food for that baby you guard so closely" 

then she gave  me a smile that  made me want to run away imminently 

{what is she} I asked Silver mentally but no response came from him 

he had gone radio silence on me   and he was starting to worry me

either bound dominatrix lady then turned around and began to walk away as the crowd began to disperse 

I stood there confused as thinking what was I supposed to do 

just as I was about March in randomly the kid appended in front if and held out his hand 

anticipating his wands I bend down to grab his hand like a handshake 

as soon as my hand was near his he grabbed my hand and began to pull me away towards a group of carriages  and wagons all parked in a circular position in what seemed to be right next to the town entrance 

after a few turns and bends, we arrived in front of a small black wagon that looked like a small rectangular house on wheels with a triangular roof 

the kid knocked on the door and then waited patiently beside me with sparkling eyes except for a soft yellow glow coming from inside 

the door opened without revelling anyone and the boy climbed up the small suitcase and entered the wagon 

after a few seconds as so I 

I rushed up the narrow wooden stairs, as I entered as I found myself entering the kitchen of a cosy little house that was  lit with a warm yellow light coming from lanterns that  hung from the ceiling and walls

"Ah! Welcome to our home!" a voice  exclaimed happily " I am the Isabella" 

As I turned towards the sound my heart nearly skipped a beat 

and cold wind or not I got a very painful hard erection 

a girl stood there with her arm held in a salute as she munched on an Apple as I like toward her 

 her electric blue eyes knocked the breath out of my chest. The blonde was gorgeous, and the Mediterranean gal had to be the sexiest woman in existence. 

but this one was something else 

She was also the girl in my dreams. I can’t begin to describe her, not in any way that would portray it accurately. 

the girl had bright  red hair  that was  curled and styled beautifully in an elegant bun, it was the most perfect  hair I ever saw 

the girl was slender and  fit, she was beautiful  and I had never seen anything more beautiful than her

I felt like I was in heaven; she was my queen. She was everything that I wished for and more.

her face was delicate and smooth. Her jawline defined as she was a tall girl

she looked stunningly beautiful and her body was flawless and slim yet toned and muscular. She was the epitome of perfection.

and did I mention she was naked I mean but naked,  nude, and beautiful.

I could see her red bush as it covered  her pussy 

I couldn't stop staring. She stood there watching me and smiling like she knew something I did not.

My mind went blank  I could feel my face heating up  as I tried desperately to think of something to say  I was too nervous to even form a single sentence

she suddenly broke the silence

"My name is Isabelle, you may call me Isabelle"

"Oh uh I'm David Mountain," I said  awkwardly trying to keep my composure

After the awkwardness subsided she spoke

"Come on now mom is waiting for you" 

with it, she turned and I stopped breathing as I got the view of a lifetime 

as she turned she graced with her stunning back, round pert ass and  strong long legs

my cock tricked in response 

as she walked away showed me her catwalk as her ass danced up and down

she was like Aphrodite on steroids and I swear I could have sworn she just winked at me as she moved

I quickly regained my senses as she walked past me and through the door

I quickly followed

I followed her into the living room

"So, tell me, David Mountain will fuck me?" 

 The fuck