Chapter 39: Powerless (Part 2)
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The students and scientists a like. Stood there in shock and terror at the size of the shadow that appeared from behind the smoke and dust of the destroyed wall.


“My god! Look at his arms!”

“He just has so many!”

“What a huge Pokémon!”



Lambda ground his teeth as he saw this Pokémon bust down the wall to their secret location.



They must have caught up and found our location, sooner than the messenger had anticipated.

“Damn it!” Cole growled.

He looked at the slack jawed students that stared at the Pokémon in fright.


“D-Dont just stand there! Stop them!” He yelled at his inferiors. “By us time, until we can get this data sent over to headquarters!”


His words caused a chain reaction through the different people in the crowd. “H-He’s right! We have to stop anyone from coming through! If we get that data to command! We’ll be legends!”

Said a Beta from within the group.

He pulled out a PokéBall and threw it out in front, towards the towering four armed Superpower Pokémon.






“Go Graveler! Use Rock Throw!”

“Grav! Eler!”

The Graveler threw itself towards the four armed figure.

The figure’s arms spread out, as the Rock Pokémon came hurtling towards it.








Everyone watched as Graveler made a direct hit.


“Grav…. Grav?”

It was then in that moment.

Graveler knew he was stuck up, in mid air. As the four armed Pokémon held him above the ground with his immense strength.


“…….Grav?…. Eler?……..”


“Umm… Graveler?” His trainer called to him in concern.


Then in the next moment. The four armed Pokémon lifted Graveler up into the air, even higher; Up and over his head, which made Graveler end up scrapping the ceiling.

Graveler panicked as he was held, so high above the ground.










Another large dust cloud formed around the Pokémon in front of them, after the four armed Pokémon smash Graveler into the ground. The trainers couldn’t see anything, of either one of the Pokémon.


When the dust had cleared, the group of trainers were left with the vision of Graveler, half buried into the ground. With cracks forming along his body.


“G-Graveler!” His trainer called out to him in panic as he saw the state of his Pokémon.

“T-That is ridiculous! I’ve challenged five of the eight gyms in Hoenn! My Graveler is undefeated! How did that Pokémon one shot!……..”


“TSK-… out of the way, Beta.” A person pushed passed to get up near the front. “Let a real trainer show you how it’s done.”

“Go Beautifly!”


“Beauti fly!”


“Alright Beautifly! Let’s go and… Huh?!”




“MMM-AAAAAAAAA!” Cried the Pokémon, carrying the Graveler over its head once again.








“B—BEAUTIFLY!” The Delta called out to his Beautifly, as he watched helplessly as the four armed Pokémon went on the offensive and smashed the Beta’s Graveler, into his Beautifly.


The Delta turned to glare at the Beta.

“D-Dude?! Why did you call back your stupid rock headed Pokémon?!” He argued.

“M-Me?! Dude! You told all of us to step back and watch a real…. Trainer….”

The Delta noticed the Beta’s halting nervous speech and turned around just in time to see the Machamp approaching them.



“A-Anyone got a psychic type that they can bring out against this guy?!” The Delta asked nervously.


“Stand back boys!” Said a female Beta. “I got us!”

“Go! Mr. Mime!”


“Mr. Mime Mime! Mime!”


“Okay! Mr. Mime! Erect a Barrier!” She ordered.

“Mr. Mime! Mime!”


The Beta turned back to look at her classmate.

“See this! Don’t worry guys! Mr. Mime’s barrier will protect us!” She promised. “Nothing can break through………—“










“Mr. ?! ……. Mime? Mime?!”





“BWAH! Mr. ………. Mime………..”


“KYYYAAAA! Mr. Mime!”


The students were soon realizing what sort of predicament they found themselves in.


“Ma? Champ?” He wandered if he should just let these cowardly trainers go.

Then his eyes wandered back towards his little girl and the human strapped to the other chair.


He looked back at the cowering trainer with disdainful expression.


“Ma! Champ!” He shouted his resolve as he got into a readied stance.


“Guys?! GUYS?! What are we going to do?!”      

“Ah! AH SCREW IT!” Another trainer reached behind him and pulled out four PokéBalls. “This isn’t a regulated match! And we’re not normal trainers either! We part of Team Dunes we are the elite of this world! We can do whatever we want!”


“Go! Cyndaquil! Go Snover! Go Charjabug! Go Dustox! Get him my lovely group of— Huh?! HAA?!?!”






Machamp had once again, picked up the Graveler and started swinging him around like the boulder he was, and smashed the new comers that were just sent out.


Everyone standing there stood stunned at what they just witnessed.

“Dude…. Do you pick up Pokémon, based on how weak they are against rock type moves?” An Alpha asked the same Delta as before.


The Delta then looked back at the Beta again.

“Why haven’t you still called back your Graveler?!”

“I uh… I forgot? Hahaha….”



“Machamp!” The four armed Pokémon shouted at them.


“””EEEEEEEEEK!!!””” The group squealed.


“Champ champ amp Ma champ!” He said while slamming one set of fists, into the other hands.


“We— *GULP* —We are so dead!”


“God you all are so worthless.” Said a Gamma from the back. “Stand back you babies!” He told them. “I got this!”


“Go! Alakazam!”

“Ala Kazam!












Machamp glared at the obvious ill prepared group of trainers.

“Uhm…. Machamp?” A Beta called out to the fierce fighting Pokémon.

“Ma champ?”

“Should we like? Um…? totally run away, or something?”


“Champ Ma champ.” He affirmatively suggested with a nod and his words.




But despite his words and actions, he was still closing in on the students.


“Umm…. Will it matter if we run?” The boy whimpered his next question.


Machamp shook is head.

“Ma…. Champ….”


“*GULP* Thought not…”

















“*SIGH* Am I doing?……..”






The young Beta asked himself as he pulled the body of his fellow Team Dunes member out of the facility.




He shook his head.


His name was Greg… he was a classmate of mine. The Beta corrected himself.

“And my name is Cory… I’m not…”





“………I’m not just some symbol or rank……..”





“…….I’—……. I’m a person………” Cory said determined.


“Well hi there “I’m a person!” My name is Lance.”


“Waaa! WAHHH!” Cory screamed in surprise. He then fell to the ground with a thud.

“Uooo! Huh?” Cory looked up at the police officer standing before him.

His crimson red hair and sharp piercing eyes, stared down at him from above. As he stood there with a Herdier, who growled at Cory aggressively.

After noting the officer and his Pokémon standing there. He looked around to see a swarm of other officers surrounding him.


But even in this hopeless situation.

Rather than feeling scared or anxious.


All that Cory felt in that moment was relief.


Cory dropped the tarp that he carrying his classmate inside of, and scrambled up onto his hands and knees.


“P-PLEASE!” He said while crawling towards the man who told him his name.

Some of the officers around Cory and Lance moved to either reach for their sidearm, or a PokéBall.

But Lance held up his hand to forestall the other officers from taking action.


“P-Please!” The boy said in desperation as he crawled over to Lance. “P-Please! You have to help me!” He begged. “I was!— There are these guys who!— He k-k-… He Ki— Someone is dead!” He shouted finally as his fingers clutched the officer’s pantsuit tightly.

Lance’s eyes narrowed as he heard this.


“Who’s dead?” Lance asked, with barely controlled fury.

“H-He!— He killed him! Lambda!—“ Cory confessed his teacher’s codename. “I-I— I mean. Professor Cole! He!— He killed someone: my classmate!”

Lance looked over at the body in the tarp.

“Is that the one who died?” Lance asked, just to make sure it wasn’t her.

“Y-Yes! He killed him in cold blood!” Cory shouted. “H-He beat Greg to death with his crutch! It-it was horrible! *HIC* *SOB* *SOB*”

The young man sobbed uncontrollably.

“I!— I didn’t want any part in this!—“ Cory shouted in hysteria. “I just— I Just thought this was like an after school thing!— E-Everyone in my c-class, was apart of it! I did!— *HIC* I didn’t know! And now!— now G-Greg is dead! And I didn’t do anything to stop him! It’s all my fault!”


Lance knelt down and picked up the mid by the collar of his shirt.

“Sit up and look at me son,” Lance ordered to the distraught teen. Cory looked back up towards Lance; Cory’s face was covered in snot and tears. “Listen to me kid,” Lance said in a stern, but gentle tone. “There is still time to make things right.” He informed the lad. “You just need to help us; I get that you got confused and joined out of peer pressure: but now lives are on the line, and only you can help us.” Lance informed the sniveling youth.

“*SNIFF* D-Do you mean that?!” Cory asked in an unsure tone.

Lance nodded his head.

“I do; you are the one in control of your own destiny: so you must decide what you want to do.”


Cory sniffled one last time, before taking a deep breath.


“It!… There is a large facility… over the ridge there,” Cory pointed to the right. “It!… It’s covered in dirt and foliage. It’s really hard to find and see, if you don’t already know where it is—“




“Aaaaa!” Cory screamed in surprise as the loud explosion.


All the officers turned to look in the direction of the resounding blast. Some had even pulled their weapons.


They could see smoke smoke or steam coming up over the next few ridges ahead.


“Going out on a limb here.” Lance said as he continued to look in the direction of the smoke. “But, I’m guessing “that,” Lance said with a jerk of his head. “Is where the facility is.” He quipped rhetorically to the youth.


But Cory answered anyways.

“T-That’s right!” He confirmed. “T-That’s where their facility is!” He informed them. “T-Their also keeping some girl there, who’s from my class.”

Lance finally turned back to look at the boy.


Cory shrank back at the officer’s gaze.


Lance was scowling with burning fury.

“That’s where Jennifer is?!” He growled at the child.

“Y-Y-Y-Yes!” Cory stammered uncontrollably. “T-T-They took her there! T-T-T-To do-… don’t know! Some sort of experiments on her: with the stuff they stole from Professor Birch’s lab.”

“So they were the ones who stole from Professor Yew.”

“P-P-Professor Yew?— Birch’s assistant?”

Lance smiled at the lad. Which only made Cory much more uncomfortable.


“How do you know so much about that? Why did they steal it? Did you help them?” Lance fired off his questions in quick succession.

“I!— I don’t know anything!” Cory refuted. “I-I just know that it was part of Lambda’s!— I mean, Professor Cole’s plan.” Cory informed him. “I don’t know why they stole it. But I!—… I didn’t help them steal it!… not directly anyways…”

“What did you do?” Lance questioned with a shake of his arm that he was using to hold the young man by his collar.

“I!— I just worked at the place man!” Cory told him. “T-They told me to get a job as a part time custodian!” He elaborated. “I didn’t know the reason for it at first. Just that, I was to report the comings and goings of the staff to Professor Cole: he paid me to do this. S-So it was like having two jobs at once; it was a great gig!” But then Cory waved is hands in front of him in a forestalling motion, once he saw that this information only further upset the officer. “I!— I just did that! I swear! I didn’t steal anything! I knew they were looking for some sort of device to evolve a Pokémon; but I thought it was for something to do with corporate espionage, or something!” Cory pleaded. “I didn’t even know we were kidnapping today, until we did it inside the class—“


“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Lance shouted.


“EEEEEEEEEEE!— Y-Y-Yes sir! S-S-Sorry sir!”



Lance looked at the officer’s around him before issuing orders.

“Lieutenant! Take everyone here and surround the premises of their facility: we can’t risk any of them escaping; then take a squad with you personally, and find out what that explosion was about. Remember: securing and rescuing Jennifer Barakat is our top priority, understand?”

“Sir, yes sir!” A Lieutenant saluted at Lance’s orders.

Lance then pointed towards a blue haired officer.

“Private Aviary.” He called to her, before she could go charging in with the rest of the officers.

Aviary stopped in her tracks to look back towards Lance.

“I need you with me.”

“A-Ah!~ But lance! I was hoping to fight some bad guys!” She whined.

Lance shook his head and chuckled. He didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or cry at this officer’s behavior.

“Enough whining Private: we’ve got work to do.” Lance told her, before looking back down at the young defector.




“Now tell me something, “I’m a person.” Lance quipped with a sinister expression.

“Eeee!— Y-Yes?!”

Lance’s smile widened.

“Where is the entrance “you” used to get out of that place? And is there an escape tunnel within this facility; if so, where does it lead?”

Cory went to take a breath to answer. But was shaken like a naughty Pokémon by the scruff of the neck. He even involuntarily let out a whimpering sound like an animal.


“But before that……” Lance said before leaning in closer. “Where is your boss?” He demanded.






*HUFF*        *HUFF*       *HUFF*

        *HUFF*           *HUFF*




*CLACK* *CLACK*      


“”Lord Lambda!”” The two inferiors following their leader shouted towards him as he fell.


“B-BACK OFF ME YOU FOOLS!” Lambda shouted. “WE NEED TO GET!— URK!—“ He grunted in pain. “*HUFF* *HUFF* We need to get to our networking site!” He told them with a point towards their hands. “U-Uploading that date! Is all that is important!” He waved his hand at them to brush them away. “J-Just go! I’m only slowing you down! Go on ahead! I— URG! —I’ll catch up!” Lambda instructed.

The two inferiors nodded at their superior with a salute.

“”Yes Sir!””



Lambda smiled in satisfaction, as he watched his two inferiors go off into the hallway, towards the server network.


Fools! Do your duties then die!


He then pulled out a PokéBall and threw it out in front of him.

“Go Voltorb.” Lambda called out his Pokémon.




“Voltorb!” His Pokémon shouted as it exited its PokéBall.


“Time to go to work Voltorb!” He told his tool. “Roll down this hall way for a bit, until you get to a set of double doors: then I want you to use Self-destruct, do you understand?”

“Voltorb!” The Pokémon answered, then obeyed.


Lambda watched in supreme satisfaction, as his tool did as it was instructed. Not even realizing he was being sent to his own doom, and that Lambda wasn’t coming back for it.


“*SIGH* If only humans could be so obedient.” He lamented before sighing with a grunt, as he lifted himself off the floor. “I won’t be getting caught here today.” He monologued. “I’m too important to let be captured.” He waved as he turned away from the hall way his inferiors had gone down.




“Have fun suffocating and dying, fools!”






He clacked back down the hallway slowly, as he made his way towards his private escape hatch in his office.






Aviary run towards the facility that Team Dunes had supposedly set up here in the woods.

She looked down at the PokéBall in her hand. She clutched it tightly as she ran, while thinking back on Lance’s instructions.



<“I need you to take this” Lance said to her as he handed her a PokéBall.>

<“What’s this? Aviary asked.>

<“That? That is my Dragonite.” Lance informed her.>

<“D-Dra— DRAGONITE?!” Aviary exclaimed in shock, as she looked down at the ball in her hands.>

<“Yeah.” Lance confirmed. “I need you to do something important for me: I need you to go with the Lieutenant in charge of raiding the facility; the reason being is, I believe that this is the most likely place that Jennifer will be located. She may have very well been the one to cause that explosion.” Lance explained to her.>

<Aviary’s eyes went wide upon hearing this.>

<“Je-Jennifer did that?!” She questioned.>

<“She may have.” Lance speculated. “But if she did or if she didn’t. It doesn’t matter. The only you need to worry about: is retrieving Jennifer safely. Then you’ll use my Dragonite, to fly her and yourself to this location” He instructed her while handing her a slip of paper and an address.>

<Aviary took it, looked it over. Then was confused.>

<“Why here?” Aviary questioned.>

<“Because, that is a private emergency medical facility for the Pokémon G-Men Detective Group.” He told her.>

<“Ah-ha!~~” Aviary sounded as an epiphany came to her. “This is because of who she is and that she’s psychic.” Aviary deduced.>


<Lance just gave her a single nod at her conclusion.>

<“Then go, you have your orders.” Lance instructed. “If she can’t be moved, call Officer Jenny’s phone… Since I still have her’s: I’ll instruct you on what to do from there.”>

<Aviary gave him a crisp salute.>

<“Yes sir!” She shouted. “…….” But then a thought came to her. “What about you sir?…” Aviary wondered.>


<Lance shook his head.>

<“I have my own things I need to make sure gets done: We can’t let anyone escape who knows about Jennifer, or let any information slip away that is about Jennifer.” He told Aviary before standing up. Lance then jerked a thumb towards the student who was handcuffed and sitting on the ground. “Going by what he told us. We can reasonably conclude that they have their own central servers, that aren’t directly tied to the main internet: which would mean that they would have a direct connection from this place, to where ever their headquarters is.” Lance waved a hand is dismissal. “Since we know that Jennifer was still at this location; along with that explosion we’ve just seen. We can concluded that they may be starting to panic, and try to escape the facility. Whether we find Jennifer or not; we can’t risk information about her from reaching their central division. So that is what I plan on doing.” Lance informed Aviary before turning towards the facility. “Time is of the essence Private: move out!” He ordered.>

<Aviary gave another salute.>

<“YES SIR!”>



Aviary smiled as she thought about the response ability she had been given.

Don’t worry Jennifer! I’ll save you! Aviary thought, as she came over the last ridge. As she crested the hill, she spotted several police officers, with their Pokémon out, standing by a hole into a painted and camouflaged concrete structure.

“What is going on?”













“MA!~ CHAMP!~”







Machamp stopped his assault on the evil trainers as the last one fell before him.

They were all conscious or had blacked out from his onslaught.

He gave a satisfied nod as he looked around the room. Most of them were either laying on the floor in heaps, or were sticking from the ceiling of the soft foamy material. There were a few strewn over the machines of theirs, and a couple who he had used Tackle on, which indented them into the walls.


Machamp looked back towards his spawn in worry.

Neither her, nor the human girl had moved since before he started fighting.


He moved towards his prodigy. The broke the restraints holding her in place. He then went to lift her up—








He heard the human girl call out his prodigy’s previous evolution from behind him. Then turned to get a good look at her.

He could see her, struggling against her restraints.


C-Could it be? Is she?—



He moved away from his daughter. Then moved over towards the human girl.

He looked back towards his offspring and thought to himself.

Is this your master?

He looked back down at the human; at her slumped and beaten form. He looked at her chaffed and bruised body; her skin paler in color from where the throngs had been strapped to tightly. The circulation was being cut off in several places.

He shook his head at how this human had tried so hard to get free at one point.

Her wrists and ankles were rubbed raw by the leather straps. As she struggled and fought against her bindings.

He nodded his head, then first reached down for the straps holding her ankles in place.




He then reached back up for the ones at her wrists.   




Then the ones holding her head in place.



Then finally, the largest ones holding her torso still.






He backed up after he freed her, to watch what his daughter’s master did next.


She began to lean forward, and then—




Machamp rolled his eyes as she fell to straight to the floor.

I don’t know what I expected… *SIGH* …humans are such weak things—


But then his eyes went wide a moment later.

He watched as the human girl curled up bodily. Then began stretching her shaking, tore up arms as far forward as they would stretch.




Her hand landed in front of her head, barely a foot or so in front of herself. 





But with that one hand. She began to drag herself forward on shaky, useless limbs.






Machamp stared in disbelief, as he heard her call out to his child again.

He had never seen something like this in all of his life. The human; this trainer.

Was risking herself, in her wounded and broken state. Just to reach his daughter; her Pokémon.


He admired the young woman’s determination.


He walked in front of her. Not interrupting her journey or impeding it; But also not helping her.


He moved large pieces of debris from her path.

A fallen human he had knocked out that was now laying directly in her way.

Some broken pieces of metal from a human device he smashed.


But other than that. He just stood and watched: he watched and he observed, how this human was using every ounce of her will power. Forcing herself on limbs that rightfully couldn’t even support her.


He noticed that the palms of her hands had also begun to bleed, from the slapping and dragging of herself across the floor.


But he still didn’t help her.


He waited and watched.


He wanted to know;


needed to see.


To see just what kind of trainer she was: whether she was a trainer that would force herself to crawl all the way to the end for her goal; or would she be someone who would give up halfway, when the obstacles became too hard or seemed too insurmountable.




“………….R….— R…a…l…ts……”



Machamp watched in awe as his daughter’s trainer crawled on shaking limbs, as she dragged herself, and pushed herself with her knees. All the way across the floor, towards his daughter.

Machamp felt an almost satisfied sense of pride at the girl’s accomplishment.

He began rooting for the girl within his mind.


You can do it! You can make it!



“I……m……….         ..C-…….com…….ming………          ………Ral………..lst………”



“Ma!~ Champ!~ Ma Cha Champ!” 1“Come on! You can make it!” He encouraged.




He watched astounded as she gained momentum as she neared her goal.


When the human final touched the chair his daughter had been slumped on. He noticed the girl’s body start to relax


“MA! Champ Ma Ma! Ma Ma champ! Ma Champ amp!”2“NO! Don’t give up! You’re right there! Reach for her!” Machamp desperately whispered words of support and encouragement to the human girl crawling on life and limb to save and reach his daughter.





He watches with fascinated eyes. As the trainer’s hand final touched his daughter’s legs.

Her blood soaked hands trailed over his daughter’s legs, as the trainer hand moved ever upward over her body.

He observed as the human inspected his daughter, as she felt his daughter’s body, to make sure she was alright.


His daughter’s trainer cried out as she lifted her from the chair. Holding his daughter in front of her.


“Oh… Ral…ts!…. I’m….. so…. sorry!….. She apologized.


His eyes widened. As the trainer’s words, seemed to almost revitalize his prodigy’s. As she then stared back up at her trainer.

“…R-Ralts?” The trainer called out to his daughter.


“…Jenni—…—fer?…” His daughter called back with a weary smile.


Machamp watched, as this, “Jennifer”, brought his daughter up to her. Then kissed her forehead lovingly.




“……I’m so glad you’re alive……” Jennifer whispered into his daughter’s hair. “……I don’t know what I would have done if you were…— ……Thank Arceus!….. you’re alive!” Jennifer cried into her hair; her tears trailed down her face, wetting Kirlia’s hair to a dark blue.

“And I couldn’t live without you Jennifer…… I love you.” Kirlia confessed to her trainer.

“~~AWWW!~~” Machamp brought all four of his fists up to cover his mouth in excitement, from watching in glee at the bound the two of them shared. More than a bound, if it’s anything I’m seeing! It reminds me of her mother and I. He reminisced.


He saw them both collapse into a heap onto the floor, all while still holding each other.

He smiled at them. Then moved over and gently pulled them into his lower arms, while wrapping his upper arms around them protectively.



He began moving towards the hole he had made when he entered in, to rescue his daughter.




Machamp startled at the flood of new humans with several strong looking Pokémon in front of him.


A human at the center of the group, held up a hand and spoke towards him.

“Don’t move Machamp. Place Jennifer Barakat down, and back away from the girl.” He instructed him.

Machamp wanted to sigh in frustration. At the fact that he had just gotten rid of the last group of humans that impeded his way. Now he had his daughter and her trainer’s safety to contend with, so he would be able to fight properly.


He wasn’t about to comply and leave his daughter’s trainer behind. So he wasn’t all too sure what he should do.



Just as he lifted his arm and was about to speak a shout came from behind the group.


“LIEUTENANT!” Called a loud reedy voice, that startled everyone. “What’s going on here?— AAAHHH!” A woman in a uniform similar to the other humans stepped forward and pointed towards Machamp in shock. “Jennifer!”






Aviary jogged up from behind the group of her fellow officers, to try and see what was the hold up inside.

She saw a bunch of officers standing around, shoulder-to-shoulder, as they faced the gaping hole in the camouflaged wall of the Team Dunes complex.

“…Where is he?!” She whispered in annoyance.


“Don’t move Machamp. Place Jennifer Barakat down, and back away from the girl.”

Jennifer? Aviary started at the sound of the voice of the man she was looking for; alone with the name he had mentioned.

She stood on her tiptoes to look over the shoulders of the people who were taller than her.

“I can’t see… ah! There he is!” Aviary whisper shouted in jubilation.


“LIEUTENANT!” Then shouted out loud. Startling everyone around her.


Everyone; Pokémon and human alike. Started at Aviary’s loud resounding voice.

“P-Private Aviary?!” Lieutenant Shaun stuttered in shock at the sight of Aviary. “W-What are you doing?—“

Aviary then pushed her way forward, towards her Lieutenant. Intending to inform him about her orders.

“Lieutenant,” She called out to him more in a more sedated fashion. “What’s going on here?— AAAHHH!” Aviary pointed with a shout at a human sized Pokémon with four arms, which was clutching a familiar figure within its arms. “Jennifer!”

Aviary stepped forward, about to make her way towards her charge. When a hand grabbed her upper arm. Holding her in place.

She looked down at the hand holding her arm. To the person the hand belonged to.

“Lieutenant?” Aviary questioned Shaun’s actions.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Private?!” Shaun shouted through clenched teeth.

Aviary stared at the man in incredulous disbelief.

“L-Lieutenant? What is wrong with you?” She questioned as she wrenched her arm away from her Lieutenant.

Shaun looked at Aviary in shock, at the surprising amount of strength she had, within her tiny frame

“Are you trying to get yourself killed?!” He berated her, before pointing towards the Machamp


Aviary looked over, and surprisingly for the first time. Noticed all the unconscious figures and knocked out Pokémon.


Aviary’s eyes went wide, as she looked past the Superpower Pokémon. She spied at the least twenty different Pokémon who had fainted in battle, and another twelve trainers beaten to unconsciousness.


Holy shit!” Aviary whispered in shock at the scene of carnage she was witnessing.


“See what I mean?!” Shaun asserted as he reached for her arm to pull her back again. “We don’t even know if that thing is on our side!” He argued. “It’s a monster!”

Aviary looked from the Machamp, back to her Lieutenant with a skeptical expression.

“Is it though?” She asked skeptically.

“H-Huh?! Of course it is! Did you see what he did to all of those Team Dunes members?!”

Aviary once again, tugged her arm free from her commanding officer’s grasp.

“I don’t think he is.” She told Shaun sternly, with a deep glaring scowl on her face. “Look how he’s holding them, Lieutenant.” She pointed out. “He’s protecting them.”

She then turned and started walking slowly with her hands raised in surrender.


“It’s okay…” Aviary whispered gently to the Machamp in front of her.


“W-What are you doing, Private?! Get back here now! That’s an order!” Lieutenant Shaun ordered Aviary, when she was about three yards away.

Aviary stopped to look back at her C.O. With a look of disappointment on her face.

“Look…” Aviary said aloud. “Shaun, I didn’t want to say this in front of the other officers. But Lance put me in charge of finding and securing Jennifer here.” She informed him.

“W-What?!” Shaun shouted in disbelief.

Aviary nodded.

“Yeah, He told me to tell you, that I’m to assist and take her to the medical facility straight away. While the rest of you secure and find any remaining Team Dunes members.” She informed him. “He said that we can’t let a single Team Dunes member escape: he was able to get some more information out of that Beta that surrendered.” Aviary told him. “He told us: that if you go through those double doors over there. Take a le… a Right! then keep going on until you reach another set of double doors. Then take a left at the first T, and go all the way down, to the first door on the right. That is where their leader’s office is.” She told him what she had heard from before running to meet up with her squad. Then she took a deep breath, as she knew she would be embellishing this next part. “He also said that, if he is not there, then he either is in the server room. Or he used the escape tunnel in his office.” Aviary suggested.


The Lieutenant narrowed his eyes as he heard these new orders from the G-men leader himself.


“Is any of that true?” He asked her skeptically.

Aviary sighed, before dropping her head.

She then reached back and pulled free the PokéBall she had received. She then gave it a gentle toss.








Aviary watched as her other fellow officers stared at what they knew, could only be, Lance’s Pokémon.

“As you can see.” Aviary said to them, with what shaky confidence she had left. “Dragon trainer Lance, personally lent me his very own Dragonite. Isn’t that right?” She asked Lance’s Dragonite, as he stood there scowling at the other officers.

“Auurroo auurroo!”

She looked at Lieutenant Shaun with a questioningly raised eyebrow.

“Will there be any more doubts that this is Lance’s orders?”


The Lieutenant continued to scowl at Aviary. But decided to not argue this point any further.

There will be another time to get back at her later.

“None…. Ma’am….” It grated on Shaun that he, of all people. Had to talk respectfully to a subordinate.

Aviary nodded her head. Albeit a bit shakily.

“G-Good!” She told him. “On your orders then, L-Lieutenant! I-I have my own business to take care of.” Aviary said before turning to face the Machamp again.


Lieutenant Shaun gritted his teeth, but otherwise, said nothing. He looked left and right of his units.

“Y-You heard her boys. Forget about Barakat. Focus on taking apprehended Team Dunes members as you can.” The Lieutenant ordered.


They other officers gave a salute, before shouting their reply unison.


“””SIR, YES SIR!”””


They then in single file rank, moved in through the hole. Staying clear of Aviary and Machamp. As they headed into the Team Dunes facility.

As the Lieutenant passed Aviary. He bent down to whisper into her ear.

“This isn’t over, Private.” Shaun warned her before walking away.



Aviary rubbed the ear that Shaun had growled directly into. As it felt dirtied in a way. She looked up into Machamp’s eyes. He had been staring at her since she stepped forward.

“Easy there Machamp,” Aviary said in greeting. “There is no need to be afraid.” She told him. “I’m her friend.” Aviary announced, as she pointed towards Jennifer, who was resting in his arms.


Machamp gave her a questioning look as she said this.

“Champ cham Ma Champ?” He asked her.

“I’m umm… not psychic like Jennifer.” Aviary pointed out. “So I’ll not be able to communicate with ya if you say anything.”

He tilted his head at her.

“To many words at once?” She asked him. “Did I use too many big words?”

But Machamp just shrugged.

“Champ champ Machamp…”

“So you understood what I had said previous? or most of it as least?”

“Champ ma Champ.” He told her with a nod.

“Okay, good.” Aviary whistled over the Dragonite.


Aviary saw Machamp get into a readied position.

“Whoa whoa WHOA!” Aviary interceded between the two large Pokémon. “No need to get hostile.” Aviary informed him. “Dragonite here is a friend as well.” She explained. Then she pointed towards the Pokémon and human in his embrace. “We just want to take them to the hospital to get better.” She told him. “To take… huh?!… She’s not a Ralts anymore? How ‘bout that?…” Aviary spoke in awe. Seeing the now shiny Kirlia. “That cool.”

She saw the glowing grin of pride on Machamp’s face as she mentioned how cool it was that Ralts, was now a Kirlia.

“So? Will you please let us take them?” Aviary asked hopefully.

But to her shock.

Machamp refused.


His grip on them tightened, but was not squeezing them. He looked at her skeptically, but not distrustfully.

Aviary pondered this for a moment. Thinking of someway for her to gain his trust.


“I got it!” Aviary announced excitedly with a snap of her fingers. “Why don’t you, come with us?!”

“Ma champ?”

“Aauurrroouuu aaaa?!” Dragonite protested at Aviary’s volunteering of his abilities to give rides.


“Oh don’t worry Dragonite! I’m sure Lance won’t mind if we bring him!”

“A-Aauoo arruuoo!”3T-That isn’t the issue here! He complained.

Machamp smiled at the Dragonites obvious distress. He then scratched his cheek in a ponderous manner.

“…Champ… cham Ma champ.”4”…Well!… I guess that could work.” Machamp said with a smirk.



“Is that a yes?!” Aviary asked excitedly.

Dragonite was waving his claw in a negative no fashion, with a distressful look on his face.

Machamp’s head, slowly nodded up and down.

“Ma, Champ.” He agreed.


“Yay!” Aviary cheered. “Thank you Machamp!”


“Aaarrruuuooo?! Aaa aaarrouuu?!”5Him?! What about me?! Dragonite bemoaned.    






Lance stood in front of the part of the facility. That had a large rotating fan, which was expelling hot air from within the facility.

“This looks like the place.” He mumbled to himself.

He looked at the dome that lay mostly flat. Which was colored and disguised fairly well, that almost would certainly have fooled any passer by, that this thing, was an ordinary tree.

“But, I’m smarter than an average Slowpoke.”

He then pulled out and enlarged a PokéBall to its unlocked position.


“Come on out! Gyarados!”





Lance stared at his majestic shiny red partner.

“Give me a lift up Gyarados, then com on up here.” Lance ordered.

Gyarados gave a soft roar, before complying and lowering his head towards the facility’s roof.

Lance ran and climbed up Gyarados’s back. Making it up onto the roof safely.


“Okay… Easy does it big guy.” He warned his Pokémon.

The Gyarados then did its best to slither up onto the top of the building roof.


Once he was up there. Lance smiled at him and pointed towards the fan, underneath the dome.

“Alright buddy, it’s show time.” He told him before issuing his command. “Alright Gyarados! Use Hyper Beam!”




A large ball of energy glowed in front of the Gyarados’s mouth, as it charged it’s laser.






“So? How’s your upload coming along?” One Delta asked the other.

“Good actually! Nearly finished.” He told him. “I’m at eight-nine percent.”

“Dude?! Wait?! Already?!” Exclaimed the first Delta. “I’m only at fifty-two percent! What gives!” He shouted in outrage.

“Come on dude! You know why,” He told him. “You got the larger file. Mine was only the old schematics and the new ones we designed. Plus the report on how the test worked.” The second Delta explained. “Yours is everything that we’ve been doing for the past mouth, including these most recent days; along with all the new entries and discovers and video evidence we collected today.”

“Damn man! This sucks!” Delta one said. “I want to get out of here before the cops show up!” He glanced towards the double doors. “And where the heck is Lambda?! Shouldn’t he have caught up by now?!” The first Delta complained.

“Dude, relax. Don’t stress to much over this.


“Dude! The only reason you can act so calm, is because you’ve nearly got your upload done!” He complained.

“Quit your bitching man!” Delta two told his comrade. “We’re almost donezc and we’ll be out of here any second.—“










The two young adults screamed as the literal building collapsed down on top of them.




But to their great shock and surprise.

They both survived.

“Y-You okay dude?!” Delta one asked the other.

“Y-Yeah man! I’m okay. How about you?”

“Yeah I’m *COUGH* *COUGH* fine… UGH! Think— think something nailed me in the back though. But besides sore. I think I’m going to be fine.”


“*SIGH* That’s good.” Delta two breathed a sigh of relief. “What was your percent at?”

“I—… I don’t know?… fifty-eight? Fifty-nine? Yours?” He tossed back to his friend.

“I’m—…… actually not sure… I think it finished.” He told him.

“Well that’s… *COUGH* *COUGH* …something at least…” Delta one complained.

“Th-That’s true.” Delta two agreed.

Delta one found delta two in the debris and move it to let him out.

“Come on man!” He said as he pulled him out of his hole. “We’ve got to get out of here—“





Both Deltas’ spot the red and white iconic orb, as it rolled it’s way in through a gap, left in by the double doors.

They eyes were wide with fear, as they realized what had happened, and what was about to happen next.

Delta one held on to Delta two’s hand.


“Yeah, man… just!… fu—“












“Alright!” Lance cheered as he saw down with infrared goggles.

“I believe this was it.” He told Gyarados. “I do believe this was the right place. Time to go down and say hello—“






As he was watching, he saw an additional blast go off about three floors down.

“What the heck?!—“






And then another.


“Bud… I think we set off a chain reaction of explosions…”


“RRRAAAAAAWWWWRRRRR?!” Gyarados roared at his trainer.

“I know it was my idea! But we didn’t have time for anything!—“






He looked up at his giant red serpent with worry.

“We’ve got to go!” Lance told him.


“You’re right! YOU’RE RIGHT! But enough about my theoretical faults! Let’s get out of here!”


*KA-BOOM*                        *KA-BOOM*           *KA-BOOM*

           *KA-BOOM*             *KA-BOOM*

*KA-BOOM*        *KA-BOOM*      





“Everyone come in! This is an emergency! Pack up what you’re doing and leave now! I believe the facility is set to self-destruct!” Lance explained through the radio.

“RAWR! Hissssss!” Gyarados hissed his objection.

“Don’t you start!” He told his Gyarados while holding his hand over the receiver.







“Ugh!” Lambda complained. “I hate how long this tunnel I had built is. But I really didn’t design it with a broken limb in mind… maybe next time, I should…” But he shook his head at this thought.

“Next time? HA! There won’t be a next time!” He monologued. “By the time I get back to HQ. We will have everything in the world under our control: we will be Gods!” He boasted.





“Hmm! That must have been my insurance that they got their work done, and remain undisturbed.~” He said with a sinister smile.


That was a little louder and more forceful than I was expecting. He thought to himself.






W-… what was that?! He thought in worry.







*Ka-BoOm*          *KA-BoOM*













“No!….” *CLACK* *CLACK* *CLACK* “….No! It’s not—“


















The dust and debris was now falling heavily now. Lambda knew he would make it out of this tunnel.