2. Making Plans
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"Hi Mara, hi Melissa!" Amber greeted us as she set her tray on the table. She draped her hoodie over the back of her chair then sat down beside me. "How are you two doing?"

"Doing good," Melissa replied with a smile.

I agreed, "Yeah, we're good. How about you?"

She grinned as she opened her root beer, "I'm great thanks!"

Today was Tuesday and the three of us were having lunch together in the college cafeteria like usual. I couldn't help look Amber over again as she sat next to me sipping her soda. Her transformation was completed only eleven days ago, and the results were indeed magical.

Although to be fair, in some ways she hadn't actually changed all that much. In other ways however, she was very different now.

Before her transition was finished I never saw her take her big hoodie off even once. I had a feeling when she was in guy mode, she used the hoodie to keep herself hidden, like it was an extra layer of security. She still wore it most of the time, but she'd started slipping out of that shell now and then. The past eleven days she'd been taking her hoodie off every time we met for lunch, and she slipped it off whenever she was visiting at our apartment.

I almost wondered if part of it was because the thing was impractically big on her now. It had been oversized on her guy-body, now it was absolutely massive. She was small and adorable, and the oversized black hoodie made her look almost tiny.

Though I was fairly certain part of it was that she didn't feel the need to hide quite so much. Or maybe she wanted to show off her body a little, now that it was something she actually liked. Though to be fair, 'showing off' for Amber was still a very subtle affair. Today she was dressed in a pair of black leggings and a large green tunic top.

She'd also been gaining more self-confidence in other ways over the last week and a half, which was good. Even as a small cute mousey sort of girl, she was starting to speak up more and assert herself when she had to. Not that she was actually all that small, she was about the same size as me.

Then again, she was still all shy blushy grins at times too which was nice. And totally adorable, I thought.

As the three of us started eating together, Melissa asked "I was wondering Amber, how's the new job working out? I mean, both in the mundane sense and the ah, supernatural part-succubus sense?"

Amber washed down a mouthful of her sandwich with some root beer then replied with a shrug, "In the mundane sense it's working out great. Once I got past the weirdness of working in an adult toy store I realized it's actually a really nice job. It's a hundred times better than slinging fries in the food court. Just getting to the end of my shift without smelling like the gross gunk in the deep fat fryer is a blessing."

"It's only been a week though," she added. "Today marks the beginning of my second week."

I asked, "Do you have a regular schedule already?"

Amber nodded, "Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays are my regular days. I'm also getting a fourth shift every week, but that one's going to vary week to week. Like I worked both Saturday and Sunday this past weekend, this week I'm booked in on Friday."

Melissa asked, "What about the supernatural side of the job?"

Like Melissa and Susan, Amber basically worked for Lily. All three of them received some of Lily's magic, and in return they were gathering energy for my demon mom. But where Melissa and Susan were basically half-succubi and gathered that energy by having sex with people, Amber's situation was completely different. She was demi-ace so having regular sex with a bunch of random strangers wouldn't really work for her.

Instead she and Lily came up with an alternative arrangement that was tailor-made to suit Amber's sexuality. She was still part-succubus like Melissa and Susan, but instead of gaining energy through sex with humans she had an indirect way of acquiring it.

Basically she got a job at one of those stores that sold sex toys, then using some kind of 'succubus magic' that Lily gave her, Amber would enchant the stuff she sold. So every time people used the products they bought from her, a tiny fraction of energy would be pulled out of them and sent back to my friend.

The whole thing was experimental, Lily had never done anything like it before and apparently she had no idea if it would even really work. She basically went out of her way to help Amber with no real guarantee of getting that energy back.

Amber blushed slightly, "I um, don't know for sure? I'm not even sure if it's possible for me to know? I have no idea how that side of the whole thing works, to be honest. I mean, apart from doing the enchantment bit. I've been doing that, through all my shifts last week I made a few dozen sales and I did my Lily work along with my mundane work."

"Didn't Lily give you some guidance or anything?" Melissa asked. "She didn't tell you what to expect?"

The small brunette shook her head, "This is all new to her too, remember? She taught me how to use the magic to enchant the products, but she's never done anything like this before so she's not sure how well it might work."

"Hmmm," Melissa frowned. "I'm trying to think of what you might watch for, based on how things felt for me when I first started out. Except it's probably totally different for you. And it's completely different for me now, from how it was in the beginning."

After a few moments of looking thoughtful, she suggested "You might feel a little more energized? Maybe not though, if the energy is sort of trickling in. And it'd probably be in lots of small doses rather than one big hit..."

"I have felt kind of pumped and excited," Amber responded. "But I assumed that was just normal excitement about my magic transition being finished?"

"Yeah maybe," Melissa still looked thoughtful. "And we don't know if that's how it'd feel for you anyways, I was just trying to think back for my own 'early days'. Have you felt anything else new or unusual since you started the new job?"

That brought another blush to Amber's cheeks as she whispered, "Considering it's still less than two weeks since my transformation was finished, yeah. There's been a ton of new and unusual things since then."

Melissa stifled a giggle, "Oh right. Sorry."

I had a sip of water then grinned, "Speaking of new and unusual, I'm still dying to find out how your 'totally not a date' date went with Matt on Friday?"

Her cheeks got even brighter pink, but she also smiled and her expression softened. "It was honestly really nice? I was kind of nervous about it at first, like we've been friends for a long time and I was afraid he was going to keep treating me like the guy he always thought I was? But it wasn't like that at all. The impression I got was more like he was honestly trying to get to know the real me? Instead of trying to hang on to the version of me that I had to play for so long."

"Aw," I smiled. "That sounds really good Amber. So it was a good date?"

She had a gulp of her root beer then nodded with a smile, "Yeah. I mean, we didn't uh, it wasn't anything like a romantic date. And for that matter I'm not sure he's even interested in that with me? Like it might be too weird for him anyways, knowing who I used to be and all. But we had a good time, and we're definitely still friends. Even though our friendship is different now."

"I'm glad for that," Melissa responded. "It sounds like you're really lucky when it comes to family and friends."

"Yeah, I am." Amber smiled happily.

She added, "Tracey's still bugging me to go clothes shopping with her, and she wants me to come out dancing with her and her friends. I've tried to tell her that's not really my thing, and I'm not really interested in dressing like she does. She's..."

There was another of her blushy grins on her face as she said "Tracey's almost started acting like she's my big sister or something? I mean, she's bigger than me now and she's got more 'experience' being a girl I guess. It feels kind of weird, but not bad-weird. I mean, I'm three years older than her. And when I decided how I wanted to look it didn't really occur to me that I'd end up being smaller than my little sister, or how that would feel. Or how she'd start acting towards me."

Melissa grimaced, "You're lucky you and your sister get along. When I was growing up, sometimes having a big brother absolutely sucked. Sam could be a real asshole at times, and I got bullied from him more than I ever did from classmates at school. Though now I think about it, I bet at least some of that was thanks to our dad encouraging him."

Amber looked sad but Melissa quickly added, "Me and Sam get along just fine now, don't worry."

"I'm glad to hear that," the cute brunette replied. "And I sure hope I was never accidentally mean or rude to Tracey. And I'm not just saying that because she's bigger than me now."

I giggled and Melissa smirked while Amber grinned, then the three of us focused on our meals again for now.

Once we all finished eating I commented, "So you're working this Friday and Saturday. Maybe we can hang out on Sunday?"

"Maybe," Amber replied. "We'll see each other tomorrow and Friday at lunch anyways, we can figure something out. Saturday at dinner Susan said the work was coming along nicely at her house, she said you three are still planning to move in during spring break?"

Me and Melissa both nodded and my blonde girlfriend replied, "Touch wood, as long as Mr. Goranov doesn't run into any unexpected delays? We were there on Saturday and it's all coming together. The upstairs should be pretty much finished by the end of this week I think. Then they'll be working on the main floor and the basement. And from what he was saying, both of those should come together pretty fast. Like they're not adding new walls or moving existing ones around, and they've already knocked out the walls we didn't need? So for the main floor it's mostly just painting and laying the new floor, then getting the new appliances delivered and installed."

"And the basement's just refinishing the walls and redoing the floor," I added. "So that shouldn't take too long either."

Amber smiled, "That'll be awesome. I can't wait till we're all neighbours."

I grinned, "I know! Just around the corner, we can all see each other without needing to drive or take the bus. And I can't wait till spring, we're going to get a nice BBQ set up in Sue's backyard so we can do patio parties and stuff!"

"It'll be nice having lots of room to entertain and have people over," Melissa commented. "You could probably even move in Amber, or at least crash with us a few nights whenever you wanted. Not like our tiny apartment right now. Not that I'm complaining, but the place is cramped with three people in it."

Amber blushed, "We'll see. I don't know about staying over, but it'll definitely be nice to come visit without spending fifteen minutes on a bus."

We all talked a little more but soon enough it was time to head back to our classes. As we were heading for the exit, something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye.

I stopped and turned, and found myself staring at a table in the opposite corner of the cafeteria. There were four guys sitting there, but I only recognized two of them. Jim and Rahul, former friends of Amber's friend Matt, were sitting there with two other burly guys I didn't know. And all four were staring at me and Amber and Melissa.

At one time I'd have averted my eyes and hurried away, but not anymore. Maybe it was my part-demon nature or something, or maybe I just really didn't like bigots. Either way I stopped and stared back at them, and I made eye contact with each of them one at a time.

My intuition thing worked even at this distance, and I quickly got a feel for them.

Jim wanted revenge. Just over two weeks ago he tried to sexually assault me. Instead I knocked out four of his teeth and left him with a concussion. He wanted payback for that.

Rahul was the same. He and Jim were planning to assault Amber, when I came to the rescue and intervened. After I knocked his buddy flat with one punch Rahul backed down, but apparently that damaged his fragile masculinity or something along those lines. Now he wanted to prove himself or whatever.

The other two guys were just in it for the bigotry and transmisia. One of them was a friend of Jim's, they were in the same shop class or something. The other one gave off strong judgemental religious vibes that made me think of Melissa's parents.

And both of them believed Jim's and Rahul's lies about how the whole thing was my and Amber's fault. All four of them wanted to get back at us. They knew Amber was trans, when we started college Melissa hadn't been shy about her being trans, and they knew or suspected I was too. And in their minds, that was enough reason to hate us.

"Mara?" Melissa asked from a few meters ahead, "You coming?"

I turned away from the four guys as I replied, "Yeah, sorry Melissa."

As I followed her and Amber out of the cafeteria I asked quietly, "Lily? You saw them?"

"I did," my demon mom replied in a cold voice. "And I will be keeping an eye on them Mara."

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