6. Totally Normal
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Once she got over her shock Lily refused to discuss what I dreamed about. And she asked me to keep it to myself, she didn't want me to mention it to any of my girlfriends. I was frustrated, but I could tell she was really upset about the whole thing so I agreed to keep quiet. At least for a while. I was determined she and I would have a talk about it at some point though.

So when Susan woke up and asked me if the tea worked, I told her it gave me a nightmare which was kind of true, and that it was too disturbing to talk about, which was less true but also kind of accurate.

That all happened on Tuesday morning, and it was maybe the low point of the week. So just like the thing with those guys, I forced myself to let that stuff go as well. It was frustrating but I didn't want to keep upsetting Lily. On the other hand, I couldn't forget what I'd experienced, what I'd learned.

So for the moment I focused on schoolwork and all the other routine stuff we had going on, and basically just tried to have a normal life. Or as normal as it could be when you're a half-demon and your girlfriends are all half-succubus and you're sharing your body with a demoness who's also your past-life mom.

Homework got done, chores got done, and we braved the cold to go to school and do our assignments and stuff. And of course most of our evenings were spent doing lots of fun stuff together because that's what sex-demons and succubi do.

We had lunch with Amber and Matt on Tuesday, and again on Friday. Meanwhile Susan and Melissa continued taking care of business, and Lily did her thing, and we still weren't coordinating anything so meals remained kind of random and chaotic.

I didn't let that get to me either, even when one or two of us weren't eating we all still got together for meal-time. And I started to realize, the food part of that was more out of habit. Like yes when everyone needed to eat then food was the point and the socializing stuff came with it. But if we didn't need to eat, we could still get together for an hour and talk and stuff. We didn't need to rely on food as an excuse or whatever.

So I kind of let go of my idea to get us all coordinating our supernatural meals and embraced the chaos. It was something that would only be a problem when we were being social with humans. Or at least, with humans who didn't know our secrets.

So the following weekend when me and Sue and Melissa went to visit mom and Carol, it wasn't that big a deal that Melissa wasn't eating since she was out 'working' the night before. I invited Amber to come too, she and my mom still hadn't met yet, but she couldn't make it since she had to work Saturdays. And this week she was working Sunday too.

It was the seventh of March and the weather was pretty rotten, but the drive wasn't too bad until we got closer to mom's place. The roads out in the country where she lived were a little treacherous so Melissa had to slow down and focus on the drive rather than any conversation with me or Sue. She did ok though, and we were only a little late as we pulled up the long driveway and parked next to Carol's jeep.

Carol was there to greet us as the three of us came in through the side door. She was holding Farah's collar to keep her from tackling us before we were all inside.

"Hello Mara, Melissa, Susan! Great to see you all again."

"Hi Carol," Melissa responded first. "Sorry we're late, some of the roads out this way haven't been cleared so we had to take it a little slower than usual."

When we were all in and the door was closed Carol let go of Farah and the big black lab nearly knocked me over in her eagerness to get pets and scritches. While I was greeting Farah I also let my spell drop so my horns and tail were visible again.

Carol was still a bit weirded out by that whole thing, and come to think of it my mom probably was too. But they'd both accepted it, which was really important to me.

"That's quite all right Melissa," Carol replied with a smile. "The timing worked out pretty well in fact, Emma and I had a bit of a slow start to the day ourselves."

She probably saw the questioning look on my face, so before I could ask she added "Your mom's still in the shower Mara. She'll be with us shortly."

"Thanks Carol," I replied with a smile. And tried very hard not to let my smile turn into a smirk. Thanks to my intuition thing I suddenly got a really clear idea of what my mom and Carol had been up to this morning. Not so much a 'slow start' as the two of them simply kept each other occupied in bed till noon.

From the sly looks I got from Melissa and Susan I could tell my girlfriends knew as well as I did what the morning's delays were all about. They probably didn't need any magic-powered intuition for that either, come to think of it.

Once the three of us got out of our winter boots and coats, we left our packs by the stairs then we all joined Carol in the den. She got us some drinks then the four of us settled in and started some idle conversation.

Farah joined us in there as well, she flopped onto her bed next to mom's favourite chair. There was no sign of the two cats yet, but I figured they were probably up to no good somewhere. Mom still teased sometimes that she needed a couple troublemaking cats and an attention-hungry dog to replace me after I moved out to go to college.

About fifteen minutes into the conversation we heard some noises from upstairs, including some thumps and bangs. That was followed by my mom's raised voice and the sound of a pair of cats fleeing the scene of whatever crime they'd just been caught doing. That got Farah up out of her bed and she ran off to investigate.

Half a minute later Pumpkin and Spice sauntered into the den with their tails up, and I'd swear they both had smug looks on their furry little faces as they casually walked over to their cushion by the fireplace and curled up to sleep.

A couple minutes after that mom joined us all, with Farah following right behind her. She paused to glare at the two cats, then smiled as she greeted me and my girlfriends.

"Hi Mara, Melissa, Susan. How was the drive, how are you all keeping yourselves?"

We went through all the greetings and Melissa mentioned the roads and stuff again, then mom got herself a drink and the five of us got back to the normal conversation stuff.

It was mostly a routine sort of family visit, though if I thought too hard about it I'd start grinning or whatever because it felt like our family was anything but normal.

Mom let me cook dinner as usual, not that it was anything that challenging or difficult this time. She'd bought a pork roast so all I really had to do was season it then stuff it in the oven. I also roasted some sweet potatoes and onions, and made a salad to go with it.

Then the five of us sat down in the dining room together. Melissa wasn't hungry but she actually tried a little bit of the pork and the roasted veg since she said it smelled really good. And as we ate, the conversation shifted away from the normal stuff and into the not-normal.

"I was really hoping we could bring Amber," I told mom and Carol. "I'd love for you both to meet her. She's absolutely adorable, but she had to work this weekend."

Mom and I still talked on the phone almost every week so she already knew Amber was the fourth member of our polycule or whatever. I wouldn't tell mom all our secrets though and I didn't tell her anything personal about Amber, but I did let her know when the DLP gained a new member. Even if she was only in it for the cuddles, she was still one of us.

Carol asked, "Is she going to move into the house with the three of you when the renovations are finished?"

"I don't think so," Susan replied. "She actually lives right around the corner from my place. And her family have been really good about everything, really supportive and accepting."

Melissa gave Susan a bit of a look, since that was maybe straying into sharing some secrets that weren't ours to tell.

"Is she a succubus like you two?" mom asked.

I spoke up, "It's best if we leave questions like that till Amber's around to answer them herself. That's one of the reasons I was hoping you could meet her, so she'd have the chance to share whatever sorts of things she was comfortable with."

Both mom and Carol picked up what I was getting at and they stopped asking those sorts of things.

Instead my mom suggested, "It's nearly spring break. Maybe we can all get together then?"

"Maybe," Melissa agreed. "Though I think we might be busy moving and getting settled in over the break?"

That shifted the discussion to the topic of Susan's house and how the renovations were coming along, which was a pretty big subject on its own.

In the end we all agreed to just leave things open for now. If we couldn't get together during the break we'd figure something else out. Mom and Carol even talked about maybe coming out to visit us after the move so they could see the house and everything.

"If we can't find anything this month then perhaps we can organize something in April," mom suggested. "Or failing that, we'll definitely be getting together in May. The third falls on a Sunday, so that should work out for everyone?"

"Why, what are we doing on..." I cut myself off as my face went red. "Never mind. Yeah, if we can't get everyone together in April then that ought to work."

Mom had a small grin on her face but she didn't comment, while I just felt embarrassed and hoped nobody else would ask.

May third was my birthday, except I kept forgetting that because it was really just a date Lily picked at random when she created my new ID. Before I was Mara, my birthday was something we celebrated in the winter. And since becoming Mara, I hadn't actually had a birthday yet so the date was kind of meaningless to me. I figured maybe after having my first Mara birthday I'd do a better job of remembering when it was supposed to be.

We all got through the rest of dinner without me embarrassing myself any further, then my girlfriends helped with the dishes and washing up and stuff. The five of us had some more drinks as we stayed up and talked a while more, before everyone finally turned in for the night.

Sunday morning went pretty much as usual for our visits to mom's house. We all slept in, which was a euphemism because I was positive nobody was asleep for the last two hours before getting out of bed. Then I made pancakes for breakfast and we had a bit of a lazy morning as we all sat around in our nightshirts and pyjamas and whatever. I had juice, everybody else had coffee, and the two older women and us three younger women all tried to pretend we didn't know what the other group was up to last night. Or again this morning.

That honestly struck me as kind of hilarious because everybody obviously knew. I figured it was just like a 'taboo subject' or something, that made it feel weird and inappropriate to discuss it over pancakes and coffee with each other.

Finally around noon me and my girlfriends got dressed and packed up our stuff. We bid mom and Carol a good day, then set out on our way back home.

Same as yesterday the drive started out kind of slow as Melissa had to navigate the unplowed roads, but once we got on the highway things were more or less ok again.

We were about halfway home when my tall blonde girlfriend mentioned, "I was thinking, would either of you like to drop in on Amber at work this week? Like just to see how she's settling in?"

"That sounds like a good idea," I replied with a smile.

Susan declined, "I don't think so. You two can do that if you want, but I'll pass."

I asked, "Did you mean right now Melissa, like on our way home? I think she said she's there till five today."

She shook her head, "I have some homework to do this afternoon, and unless I'm very wrong so you do Mara. How about Tuesday evening?"

I grimaced "Yeah homework, blah. But ok, sure. Tuesday evening's good."

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