Chapter 43: A formal request
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I asked someone this in the comments of my last chapter, but would also like a response from multiple people, what do you think is the main appeal of my story? What's kept you here all 50 chapters? It'll be useful feedback. Also the segment with Garnitharist this chapter has been heavily altered to provide information that would've been gradually revealed over the arc as a whole. Sorry if it feels like an info dump or unsatisfying. I had to put the info in somewhere. This scene will end up completely different when I come back to this arc at some point. 

When we reached the cave Garn was frozen in, we were met a strange sight. Big G wasn't frozen. However it seemed like he didn't really have a consciousness. He layed there unmoving like a doll with its strings cut. When I got closer, I noticed a note by his feat,

I know not how this missive will reach you my love, but I know your situation and have provided support. That "death god" is really just a familiar who has taken over in an actual death god's absence. They have been stealing the souls of the dead in our world and intend to do the same to you. I WILL NOT LET THIS STAND. Their imitation of my work has provided me with an easy link to provide assistance. This is all I can do as I've used a lot of my power on making my new vessel. Form a link with this puppet and go forth to put down this piece of shit - Vil'anth 

I touch the replica of Garn and send out a spark. Instantly I feel my senses expand. It's like I've grown several more limbs. I can process 8 things at once. I stand the new extension of my body off the ground. I stretch my colossal wings. I feel my senses have gotten just as good as Garn's. Several dragon magic spells rush through my brain and I feel that I can use them, despite not being in the support, neutral, or lightning element. I feel incredible. I look over the others I've taken with me with my nine eyes. They are stunned into silence. My voice comes out of all eight heads at once,

"Well? Hop on, we got a calamity to stop."


I'm currently flying over the city of larsville. The home of the seedy underworld of Esu. It already seems like Lavalivarus has taken out most of the population. On one hand that means I don't have to worry about collateral damage, on the other that means they gained a decent level of strength. In game their level would currently be in the low 30s at this stage of the story. However that's not important right now.

 What is important is making my presence known to them. If I want a shot of slicing off their arm, I'll need to make them go easy on me. It would be hard to describe Lavalivarus as the merciful sort, but it is possible to be spared . . . for a time at least. Rather than cowering and begging, you must be bold and demanding if you want their mercy. Basically that means putting them in a good mood. While a sneak attack maybe be effective, its not guaranteed to work and failure would upset them. No instead, I must be upfront.

I look at Cornelius. Bernadette often used him as a messenger didn't she? His eyes regain a little life as I move my main body towards him.

"Um Bern? W-why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm issuing a formal request for a duel with Sky. You'll be the messenger. You still have a few of the effigies I gave you right?"

"I do, but why would I nee-"

I cast my self buffs and pick him up.

"B-bern wait a minu-"


With that I yeet him like a javelin towards the ground where Sky and Lavalivarus are.


After he flies for awhile I tell the others,

"Lyra, Cecile, when you get down start looking for survivors. Lyra should be able to find them easily by hearing their thoughts. Cecile call some strong monsters to help move debris around. Also make sure to buff me before you drop down. My mana reserves have already greatly increased with the connection to this dragon body but it can be bigger."

"A-are we gonna have to jump too?"

I look at Cecile in silence for a minute considering my options, before coming to the conclusion that'd it be more funny if they had too. 

"... Why did you think I gave you those effigies?"

I snicker as I watch their faces pale then jump down myself.


Lavalivarus PoV



I can only gawk as a man in familiar armor drops from the sky only to splat when they hit the ground. The blood slowly starts to coalesce back into the corpse. 

"Pft... hahahaHaHaHAHAHAHA"

"Holy shit he had an effigy on him. The mad man jumped from god knows how long expecting to go splat like that! Hahahaha. Why didn't he use wind magic, like a sane person? hahahaha. That's literally the worst way of going about surviving a fall! M-my sides. HAHAHAHA."


Seems my host knows the dude.

[Yeah, an organization member. Basically Bernadette's slave. She's probably not to far from here.]

Bernadette was the one that bullied my host right? Want to take over?


I pass the reins over to Sky and wait with bated breath. Its always so much fum when they let out their mean side.

She quickly strides towards corn-something with me drawn. By the time he's conscious again, my host already has me at his neck.

"Where's your master, mutt?"


My blade sinks just barely enough into his neck for him to bleed.


His eyes quickly unclouds and he speaks in a loud and clear voice,


Oh? A challenge is it? This could be quite interesting.

[And I had that bitch pegged as a coward.]

"Very well, what is this challenge to be then?"

"A-a one on one duel to the death"

Oh my! I can already feel myself heating up. This is a blessing after facing all that tedium! I don't even need a ball! Its coming right to us hahahaha.

My host repositions me so that I can be directly rammed through his skull.

"I accept"

However we're blown back by a large gust of wind.

"OI, hasn't anyone ever told you to not attack the messenger?"

The star of the show herself, Bernadette Autumburn, has descended before us.

I was initially gonna start the fight this chapter, but that would've made this chapter WAY too long and probably ended up with me cutting the fight up into multiple chapters. Probably would've been fine when viewed after the story is finished, but it'd probably be annoying while waiting for chapters to release. Sorry if it feels a little unsatisfying, I'm trying to pump out these chapters as fast as possible to end the arc. I hate when stories drag out the real fight's start too.