Chapter 48: Progress after a year
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I know its because a lot of people dropped my story, but I miss getting lots of comments.

About a year has passed since I escaped Karakata's game. Everyone has been developing, including me.

Sky has made rapid progress on gun production. Vil'anth got the gist of what nitrocellulose is from Sky and I's memory and has created a sort of bacteria that produces it. Using our now overabundance of modern gunpowder we've already produced full auto weapons. Of course after the first successful prototype, we tried experimenting with enchantments. This lead us to developing to very different weapons, the hunk and the creep (Sky named them). 

The hunk was designed to be the main weapon of our infantry. Its a frankly massive belt fed machine gun designed to be as showy and intimidating as possible. The hunk is basically impossible to hold without self buffs. The ammo for it is so large it can't really be called small arms ammunition. We actually had an issue in earlier iterations where the gun fired so hard and fast that the barrel would melt before you made it halfway through the belt. To get around the inconvenience, we designed a hollow outer shell around the barrel that generates ice. As it melts, then evaporates, the steam is carried into a separate chamber to store it. There's an ambidextrous switch reachable by your thumb to select what you want to do with the steam. Either a gradual release so it doesn't obscure vision or a mass release to create a smoke screen. The smoke screen is really hot so we designed a special suit of heat resistant armor to go with it. Its got enough strength increasing enchantments that someone who can't use magic can hold the hunk. Those who can cast self buffs are put into our heavy armor unit because they'll be strong enough to hold the gun with a riot sheild attachment. Considering how the hunk is basically impossible to conceal, we decided to say screw stealth and made an enchantment that does the opposite of a suppressor, and makes it louder. The idea is that the incredibly loud weapon will intimidate the enemy who probably has no concept of what a gun is, of course if they DO know then they'll be shitting themselves when they hear the hunk's thunderous roar.

The creep on the other hand investsts completely into stealth. Its a very small pistol that's easy to hide in a pocket. The enchantments on it are significantly less complex than than the hunk's because of size limitations, but it has no muzzle flash and fires completely silently. It's kinda surreal to fire. While testing it out we shot a few monsters and even after taking a big hit, the monsters wouldn't notice for awhile.

Changing topics to Mi'ara, she has become quite the mage. Using a combination of fire and earth dragon spells, she can turn her spear tip into magma and control it. She most commonly causes the hot magma to shoot out and stick to her opponent. This understandably causes the opponent to suffer rather painful death, upon which Mi'ara recalls the magma and reforms the spear tip. Of course she can change the shape of the tip on the fly using the same spell, but they mostly just shoot out the globs. 

Livia has been developing the liquor industry when they aren't out on hunts. Apparently her parents made alcohol as a craft, but due to some business deals falling through they ended up destitute. Livia then had to pick up odd jobs to get by for the next few years and eventually landed on monster slaying. Of course about 3 months in they made the mistake of teaming with 'Dagger Fang'. Anyway, the point is that Livia can makes some god damn great liquor.

Sky's parents are overseeing the tree farms we made. Both of their crafts rely on Lumber, so they've been ensuring they get a supply. The two of them have made a few peices of furniture that was well received. Currently the couple have finally gotten enough materials, so they're starting construction of their first house in the snake tribe.

I've probably had the most developments. Starting off I've started to undergo a few physical changes, most notably of all is that my eyes have vertical pupils. Like a lizard. I've got lizard eyes. Vil'anth says they're a side effect of gaining that "Something". Another thing of note is, I GOT BOOBS! They're actually growing! I'm not gonna be a cutting board my whole life! Viva Vil'anth's "Something"! 

 I've also grown a lot more in physical strength and swordsmanship. A big part of that is because Lavalivarus stuck to me. I'm still their new host, they just can't control me. After Lavalivarus nagged me for a few months, I made two new bodies for them to inhabit. The first is a revolver and the second is a sword.

 The revolver is pretty standard, but Lavalivarus insists on making the first shot incredibly loud. They claim its for dramatic effect, but I'm pretty sure Lavalivarus is just being petty. Fucker would make their own bullet and spin the cylinder when I purposely left the loud hole empty.

The sword form was also to be pretty standard. I just made a normal sword with my normal enchantments and told them to get in. What followed was a two hour argument over style over function. Needless to say after that massive hissy fit, I finally relented and made a more ornate sword. Of course I made it angelic and light in design to get back at them. They wanted to be a cool demon sword, but too bad~

 I figured that after all the hard work I put in the design that I had to at least keep it clean, so I tried my hand at a self cleaning enchantment. I made it so the bodily fluids would collect at the eye shaped pommel and shoot out at the tip to get rid of it. What I didn't realize is that the enchantment would eject the filth with such a force that it crushed a boulder. So new attack method get? 

A final thing of note, is that newly made dragons have started to swarm the village. The now abundant use of dragon magic has attracted many reptilian monsters. After staying for at least a month they become a fully formed dragon and Vil'anth can change their form at will. The longer they soak in mana, the stronger they become. Of course they're subservient to Vil'anth, so we have collected quite the large army of monsters. I'm pretty sure we could storm the capital with the numbers we have now and win. 

Just how big is the army gonna be when I eventually start trade?