Chapter 4/4.5
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Amelia and Edward stood outside the gates to the kings hunting grounds. As the last remnants of the sun dripped below the towering mountains in the distance, a clap of thunder could be heard and a drizzle of rain poured down from the sky. 

“That's disappointing,” noted Amelia as she looked up into the overcast sky. 

“I was hoping your first night out would be clear. Would you like to return to the castle Princess?” Edward shook his head and smiled as he breathed in the crisp, fresh air. 

The rain and damp grass smelled nice and his senses were in overdrive. Amelia giggled as she compared Edward to a cat seeing the outside for the first time. 

“It's okay Amelia. I honestly don't mind a bit of rain.” he smiled up at her and she felt a warm flutter In her heart. She was pleased to see the young royal so happy for once. 

“Okay, Princess. Let's stick to the gardens though, the hunting grounds might not be safe on a night like this.” Amelia said with a smile. 

Edward nodded and happily followed the small stone path leading to the castle gardens. Once the garden gates closed behind them, they continued following the path. 

Amelia admired all the beautiful roses and an assortment of other flowers around them. 

She noticed a few ripe blackberry bushes and decided to pick some for a quick snack. The princess might not be able to enjoy them but Amelia sure would. 

After several hours of walking, Edward found an iron bench beside several strange flowers that looked as though they had recently been planted. 

“Do you know what those are?” Edward asked Amelia who leaned down to inspect the flowers. She stared at the brightly colored green and orange petals before glaring at them. She grabbed Edward's hand and led him away from the flowers. “Don't ever touch those do you understand me?” she said in a concerned tone. 

“Why what's wrong with them?” Edward asked. Amelia stopped and turned to look Edward in the eyes. 

“It seems someone doesn't like the idea of a vampire living in the castle. Whoever planted those may be preparing in case you ever go feral. They know what they're doing clearly.” Amelia paused shaking her head. She seemed angry and Edward wondered why. 

“What's so bad about the flowers?” asked Edward. Amelia sighed. 

“You’re awfully cute you know that. I suppose it's natural though that you wouldn't know. Those flowers are enchanted. Once dried and ground into a powder they become a very potent explosive, mimicking the sun. Skilled Vampire hunters have been known to dip their silver arrows and blades in them.” Edward stared at her in horror. 

“So.. What would happen if someone used the flowers against me..?” he said in a frightened voice. Amelia looked down at him. “Do you really want to know?” she asked sensing the fear in him. He shook his head. 

“Maybe I shouldn't,” he said in a somber voice. Amelia nodded. “I think that's for the best,” she replied. 

They walked to another part of the garden and Amelia begin picking an assortment of roses. Once she was finished they walked back to the gates together. 

“You know. Other than the flowers this was nice. Thank you for bringing me out tonight.” Edward said smiling up at Amelia. She felt another flutter of butterflies in her stomach as she looked down at the cute girl smiling up at her. 

She didn't know what came over her but before either of them could rationalize what they were doing they both leaned in to kiss each other. Amelia blushed as she felt Edwards' soft lips make contact with her own, she closed her eyes enjoying the sensations she was feeling. 

She heard a soft moan from Edward and opened her eyes. She pulled away and smiled at him. “Wow..” he said with a shaky, whisper. 

He was blushing fiercely and Amelia grinned. “You’re awfully cute little bat.” she said. He blushed more. “Little bat?” he asked. She giggled. “I thought it was cute,” she said blushing slightly. Edward smiled. It is cute, he thought. 


Amelia Scowled to herself as she walked to her bedchambers. After feeding Edward and putting him to bed she couldn't stop thinking about him. 

She closed the door behind her and after making sure she was alone she dispelled the illusion that was keeping her true identity a secret. 

The witch or ‘amelia’ as she was known around the castle, walked to her mirror and scowled at her reflection. 

Fuck this can't be happening! She thought to herself. She had only meant to stay for a few days, she'd only wanted to observe the curse on prince Edward and secretly gloat in her victory, but she was conflicted. Every day she spent caring for the young prince she found herself growing more and more fond of his company. 

After their kiss, these feelings intensified by a considerable amount. Now every moment they spent apart she found herself longing to be close to him, to hold and comfort him. 

She felt a strong attraction towards him as well as an overwhelming sense of protection. 

Maybe this was the gods punishment for her cruel use of witchcraft. She was a very skilled magic user and she knew all too well how curses could easily backfire. She thought she'd be more prepared for this. 

She let out a deep sigh as she slowly undressed, getting ready for bed. She pulled the covers over her as she settled into the soft bed. She stared at the ceiling for several hours deep in thought. This was so overwhelming, she couldn't even sleep because of him! 

She imagined their kiss in her head and hesitantly reached towards her soaked sex. 

She let out a satisfied moan as she begin to pleasure herself with thoughts of prince Edward, she soon reached a pleasant orgasm and laid back on her bed dazzled and smiling to herself. 

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, she thought to herself, praying he'd never find out her true identity as she slowly drifted to sleep. 

Her dreams that night were filled with visions of a happy life together with prince Edward, A life she'd always longed for but never had the fortune of becoming a reality.