Chapter 2 – A Transformative Experience
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With Piper's tiny cock slowly beginning to stiffen in my mouth, I redoubled my efforts, delighting in the feeling of her hardening in my mouth. She was so warm, her skin still so soft, all while her member grew firmer and firmer. Encouragingly, Piper too intensified the affections she rained down upon my sensitive form. Her left hand groped and pinched at my chest as her right continued to work me down below. If I didn’t know any better, I’d hardly be able to believe what I was feeling. Each touch was more pleasurable than the last, coaxing up feelings I’d never known to be possible as my own rather unimpressive dick grew ever more sensitive along with my stiff nipples. A little trickle of precum dribbled from my head and leaked onto her fingers, lubricating her hands and heightening my pleasure even further. In tandem with my own dick, Piper’s, too, leaked a little spurt of cum into my mouth, more than usual this time, and in a quick burst instead of a slow trickle like before. 


And holy shit, Piper was getting so hard in my mouth; beyond that, she was clearly definitely a grower and not a shower. Where once I’d managed to take the entirety of her length into my mouth with ease, now, I only had about half inside me, any deeper and I was sure to gag. Piper, however, seemed to have her own ideas. Apparently unsatisfied with how little of her mass I was taking, she pressed herself deeper into my mouth without warning. The head of her cock pressed against the back of my throat, warm and throbbing. 


Unsurprisingly, I took her full length like a champ, one of the many pros of having no gag reflex. I felt well and truly used, the fucked up thing though, was just how hot that made me. Was she still growing inside me? I hoped so. I wanted more of her between my lips. I wanted her to face fuck me, to ride me until she shot a hot sticky load down my throat. I wanted her to make me swallow each and every drop of her cum like a good girl. Where the fuck did that come from? I wondered, then quickly decided I simply didn’t fucking care. The entire experience felt so fucking slutty, having Piper use my mouth for her pleasure; I loved it. Her throbbing cock in my mouth, the sight of her towering form looming over me, the feeling of being so thoroughly taken


With another long, slow, lascivious lick, I ran my tongue from the base of her shaft all the way to the tip, slowly pulling my head back to properly reach her pulsing head. I could taste just a tiny bit of pre building up on her head. It seemed she wasn’t leaking at all anymore; instead, Piper’s gorgeous, throbbing womanhood seemed to be saving up to deposit one massive load right down my throat. I couldn’t wait. I took a moment to withdraw her entirely from my mouth, and just admire the sight before me. By this point, her cock had to have grown from its diminutive size to something well above average. How the fuck she’d pulled that off was beyond me. Admittedly, the answer was pretty obvious, but I was too mesmerized by the sight before me to think that through. 


Piper was fucking glorious. Her dick was so perfectly shaped; its skin so soft and pleasant to feel between my hungry lips. It hung just centimeters from my lips, standing tall and proud, slick and shining with my saliva. For a few slow, intense seconds, I allowed myself to admire the sheer majesty of her perfect girldick, mouth agape and eyes transfixed. Just as I was starting to realize how empty I felt without her inside me, Piper gave my own little dick an inquisitive, prodding squeeze, causing another little dribble to leak from me as the sudden, sharp, exquisite shock called me back to the here and now. “Go on,” Piper commanded from somewhere high above me. “Finish me off.” I gave a diligent nod, and lunged forward, claiming the entirety of her long, thick shaft with my mouth. “Good girl,” she purred. I shivered in delight, but didn’t let that get in the way of doing my job. 


As I worked her with my mouth, running my plump, soft, pretty, lips—perfect for sucking a girl off with—up and down her length, I could feel the twitching of Piper’s member grow ever more frequent and intense, rising in tandem with increasingly loud and wanton moans. Down below, Piper’s hands worked in double time to match my own efforts. Her fingers delicately kneaded and toyed with my tiny, limp, constantly leaking dick. The sensation of her touch was the only possible distraction from my task. Even so, it wasn’t enough to stop me; only enough to pepper my diligent work with needy, lustful moans. If anything, Piper seemed encouraged by my desperate moaning, rewarding me with more attention and moaning right along with me. 


Things were really building now, that much was obvious. From the way Piper was reacting, I could tell she was close to finishing and giving me the reward I so desperately craved. In turn, I could feel my own climax rapidly approaching. And, if the sensation of Piper’s hand working the soft yielding flesh of my chest and crotch was anything to go on, it was going to be one hell of an orgasm. My eyes darted up, way up to look at Piper, riding my face with a look of pure ecstasy written on her face. I gave her an extra sensual lick, and her breath caught in her throat. Suddenly her gaze was fixed on my face. An intense, lustful expression crossed her face, and she stared me down, devouring me with her eyes. “Such a pretty little slut,” Piper cooed between gasping breaths. I flashed her a pleading look and she chuckled. My only answer was another eager suck from her delicious cock. Her face contorted in pleasure as a low moan erupted from her lips. She rocked her hips, pressing into my mouth. “I’m going to cum soon,” she grunted.


I didn’t need any further encouragement, beginning my final enthusiastic push. My reward was nearing ever closer; I could feel it with every little twitch and moan. I continued my work eagerly, bobbing my head along her perfect dick. Just as it began to feel like release might never come, I felt Piper tense up. She let one last long, breathy moan, before thrusting her twitching dick into the depths of my mouth as she shot rope after rope of hot cum down my throat. Dutifully, I swallowed every last drop blissed out on the euphoria of knowing I’d done such a good job pleasing her. 


With a slow, savoring movement, I pulled her softening girldick out of my mouth, and began to dutifully lick any excess which still dribbled from her head. For her part, Piper was still gasping and twitching, squirming on top of me with every lick as she slowly gathered herself. Eventually, I felt her hand gently press down on my forehead, pushing me away from her crotch and back against the pillows of my bed. I gave an annoyed groan, I was still so fucking horny. I never finished! I tried to push back against her, but found myself completely helpless. “That’s enough for now,” Piper panted, placing a hand over her heart as she took another moment to recover. She took a slow, heaving breath in, then collapsed forward onto her hands and knees as she breathed out. “Fuck. You really do know how to put that mouth of yours to work.” 


There was something different about Piper, though I couldn’t entirely place it. Curious, I tried to get a closer look, but as I attempted to squirm out of her grip, Piper shook her head. “Hush now, be still,” she commanded. “I need to finish you off. Remember what I said? Lie back and enjoy.” My only answer was a tiny nod. “Good girl,” she breathed, slowly lowering herself to my groin. I didn’t bother trying to protest her word choice. Instead I just allowed myself to feel all flustered and fluttery. For the briefest of moments, Piper’s face hovered over my crotch, admiring what she saw. Her eyes quickly darted up to me, and I once again saw that mischievous glint in her eye that suggested she knew something I didn’t. Before I could ask, her lips wrapped around my diminutive, girly little dick, and she began to tenderly please me with her mouth.  


Even with the heavy blanket of Piper’s magic weighing me down, I couldn’t keep still to save my life. Needy, desperate moan after needy, desperate moan exploded from my parted lips. It didn’t take long for me to start begging her to finish me in my high, pleading voice. Mercifully, Piper was more than happy to oblige. Her tongue flicked up and down the length of my leaking clit. Unsurprisingly, not long passed before the climax which she’d already begun to build to with her hands drew near. I was half expecting Piper to tease me, or edge me. But honestly I wasn’t sure if she’d even be able to; it might have been too late. Either way, Piper plowed right on through, sealing her lips tightly around my shaft and sucking enthusiastically while her tongue played with my tender, dribbling tip. Legs shaking and hips bucking, I let out one last, long, shrill scream of a moan as a full body orgasm scattered my senses in every direction. Completely spent, I collapsed backward, unable to move as wave after wave of rapturous bliss took over my every thought. 


At some point, I must have fallen asleep; that, or the orgasm was so intense my brain did a bit of a hard reset. Perhaps it was both. When my eyes opened, things felt… different. My head felt a bit fuzzy, but strangely, my mind actually felt clearer than it had while Piper and I were fucking. Or at least, it felt like my mind was clearer than it had been, admittedly all I really had to go off in order to make such a claim was a set of rather foggy memories. Said memories did seem to be slowly coalescing, but they sure as hell were taking their sweet time doing so. In an unfamiliar voice, I let out a soft groan and attempted to roll over onto my back, only to collide with Piper. She giggled a little, and I felt her sit up. 


Lazily, I opened my eyes and caught sight of her face just above mine. Piper loomed overhead, on her hands and knees looking down at me with an expression of tender affection and mild apprehension. When our eyes met, her smile widened a little. “Hey,” she whispered. Without warning, she dove in for a soft, tender kiss. And holy shit, what a fucking kiss. My lips felt so sensitive against her, tingling and erupting in little bursts of pleasant bliss. When she pulled away, I opened my mouth to speak, only for Piper to place a finger to my lips, which seemed to have far more give to them than I thought they should. Something was weird. “Hey,” Piper called; I refocused on her. “Don’t say anything yet. I want to show you something.” Wearing that familiar grin of hers, Piper slid back onto her knees, looming above far more than I’d have thought.


“Let’s get you up.” Arms extended, she grasped me by the wrists and helped haul me up into a seated position in front of her and—wait what? Just like that I had an inkling of why I felt so weird. Piper was a giant. Even with us both sitting up she absolutely towered over me. And it wasn’t just her height, her arms were toned and rippling with muscle. Where there had once been a soft belly, she now had a set of impressive abs. Now that I looked closer, Piper’s already fairly short hair had been restyled from her normal femme haircut to an incredibly dykey mullet. Even so, the most drastic change was still definitely our height difference. 


As far as I could tell, the top of my head only came up to around her collarbone. I had to fucking crane my neck to look up at her. Suddenly that smug grin which had never left Piper’s face made sense. What the fuck was she now, like seven feet tall or something? Unless… oh shit. Heart hammering in my chest, I glanced downward. I had tits. I had two tits. Admittedly, this is the most common number of tits. Still, I fucking had them. They were round and full and looked pretty jiggly. As though in a trance, a delicate hand rose to cup one of them, squeeze it, lift it up, and drop it. Yup, jiggly. Why was that so fun and cool? Why was I struggling to not just sit there and play with them for fucking hours on end? Well, they were boobs. That’s pretty normal; it didn’t explain how excited I felt though. With a deep breath, I tried to focus on the task at hand. Luckily that task was… well, boobs!


They seemed kind of big? Possibly this was a matter of perspective, but the one I’d hefted had been more than a handful. Where once had been my plain looking shirt, my… tits were now held in place by a flowy, low-cut white sundress with navy blue trim. It was pretty? I felt pretty in it. Which shouldn’t have mattered to me but there I was. As I stared in open mouthed shock, a strand of hair fell before my eyes; reflexively, I blew it out of the way only to realize my hair should not have been that long. Of course, ‘should’ seemed like the most relative term of the fucking century at this point. A quick check with searching fingers confirmed that my hair now extended to around my mid back .I ran my hands through it for a few moments in giddy excitement, before realizing I was being giddy instead of utterly shocked and bewildered, so I quickly corrected myself and continued to gape at my form. 


I’d shrunk considerably, every part of my body narrowing out and becoming delicate, soft and smooth. I traced a finger along springy, hairless skin and shivered at how sensitive I’d become. My hands then traced down my body, curving along my narrow waist and then out with my—relatively—wide hips. It all looked and felt so nice. But I didn’t understand why. This wasn’t me; shouldn’t I have been freaking out about my body getting twisted into something unfamiliar? Taking it all in, though, I sure as shit wasn’t freaking out, at least not in a bad way. I was definitely still freaking out in a more shocked and confused mixed with excitement way. Among a slew of conflicting thoughts and emotions, one question rose above all the rest: what the fuck had happened? Fortunately, apparently all I needed to do was ask. On cue, my brain seemed to make all the connections it needed. Enough of my memories from Piper and I’s sexual exploits crystalized to permit a proper revelation. 


So many things flooded back to me at once. How Piper seemed intent on solving my body problems. How throughout the entire encounter Piper had treated me like a delicate feminine bottom instead of well… me. And then there was the whole thing with our dicks. Realization struck me; I reached a hand under my skirt to check between my legs and—yep, I was fucking tiny down there. And holy shit my soft, delicate fingers felt so amazing against my apparently still very sensitive girldick. 


Eyes wide, and a stifled moan fresh on my lips, I glanced back up to Piper, who was still looking down at me with her trademark cocky grin—which, for some fucking reason was making my heart skip several beats. Then and there I finally realized the full implications of Piper’s magic. It was as though we’d switched places, only she’d stayed a girl. Where she was once short and waifish, she was now tall and powerful. Where I was once well… masculine, I now knelt before my friend in a body that was unmistakably hyper-feminine and positively diminutive.


Hi again! I hope you enjoyed. If you did, and want to read more right now, you can do that! The final part of this story is finished and available to read on my patreon right now. There, you can also get access to my discord server, early access to my work, exclusive content (including audio readings of some of my works) AND pictures of my cat (this is not a euphemism). 
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All characters depicted are 18 years of age or older.