Chapter 195: Monica (3)
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“Why didn’t you kill him yourself?” Margret asked. Victor could have easily beheaded both Dave and Clint in second. “Did you want to fool Monica?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Not exactly. The one I want to fool is the ones behind Clint. You heard him, he is a Von Geldstadt. That’s why.”Victor said.

“Is that supposed to mean anything?” She asked.

“Oh… Sometimes I forget how knowledgeable I am.” He needlessly bragged as he carefully removed the vase and then stored it with the slab in his ring. He will keep it until Monica is ready. Margret didn't care a lot, as she thought that Victor liked the Vase. It had pretty dancing girls drawn on it.

“The Von Geldstadt’s don't let others know of this, but their bloodline originator is a cyclops. They have a very annoying blood skill that allows them to find out who the killer of one of them is by conjuring the last image of their killer… or the last one before their death. I don’t really know how it works. Anyway, I wanted the last image client saw to be that of Mr. Dave stabbing him.” Victor said, making Margret open her eyes in surprise.

“Oh… But no blood was left…” She said,

“All the aristocratic families save samples of their offspring's blood when they are born. It would be used to curse them in case they betrayed the family. It can also be used to conjure some useful rituals. They would use that.” He explained.

“Oh… Now, what then?” she asked, looking at the ground now filled with a green disgusting matter. She didn’t expect such a bloody... No a gooy scene after a meal. Luckily Monica was spared this sight.

“We will kill everyone here and make it as if Dave killed Clint and then ran away with his gang after hiding the body,” Victor said,

“Including the servants and the ones outside? I don’t think they are good people, but they don’t deserve to die.” She said,

“Dave was a gangster, and he only trusted his gang… But fine I will spare them this time… However Dave’s wife and son need to go, or Monica would not get to inherit her mother’s legacy.” Victor said he stored what was left of Dave and Clint in a random empty ring. After that, he opened the door and walked out with Margret while using his disguise not to be seen or heard.

Dave’s son was arguing with his mother.

“....... red hair… Why can’t I take her?” He asked, meaning Margret maybe?

“She is with that young master Victor! Do you want to die?” His mother scolded with a soft voice that Victor and Margret could hear perfectly as they were standing right in front of them.

“But she is so hot I barely held myself at the table earlier… I promise not to ask for another one. At least for a few months… Please help me get this one, I will treat her carefully and make sure she lives a little longer..” He said as he licked his lips sending a shiver through Margret’s back. What exactly was this sick bastard planning to do to her?

“Didn’t you say that last time? You got bored of that previous girl after one week and gave it to your father’s men. Don’t think I don’t know the perverted games you guys played! The servants had to clean the blood stains off the floor for the next two days and my expensive wool carpet was ruined, you know!” His mother scolded.

“We will be more careful and do her in another place this time… Pleeeeeease…” He asked as he clung to his mother.

“Fine… But even if you got my approval. How are you going to take her from that young master Victor? My brother might not want to help you kidnap her… He is very picky about his targets.” His mother reluctantly said.

“I will take a few men and…..” He didn’t continue as his head had already separated from his body. His mother followed shortly. It was Victor who was so angry he couldn’t control himself and executed them both.

“Why did you do that? I wanted to listen to what he wanted to do to me.” Margret complained with a smile. Although the bloody scene was not appropriate for such behavior, she was happy with his response. She heard him talking to Lily about how he couldn’t control himself when he gets agitated, and this proved that he really cared about her.

“Don’t worry, I am sure your imagination is darker than any of his filthy thoughts,” Victor said as he took out a powder pouch and sprinkled some of its contents on the body which began to disintegrate at a visible rate.
This was a corpse-eating bacteria. Standard family operation requirement. It would disintegrate after finding no more food.

“Go kill all the guards outside. I will take care of the servants… Or do you want to defend them now?” He asked.

“Ah…. No, I will do it.” Margret hesitated then nodded with determination, those guys deserve to die. Strengthening her resolve, she took off her clothes and prepared to walk out.

“What are you doing? Get dressed!” Victor said angrily, “I am the only one who can enjoy your beauty. Didn’t I tell you that before?’ He ordered.

“They are going to die anyway, at least let them die a little happy.” She replied.

“They don’t deserve it. Use the new method.” He replied.

“Oh... Fine…” She said as she walked out. She wanted to smile, but thinking about what she was going to do she couldn't… Maybe just a little.

“Don’t leave any evidence….” He reminded her as he watched her go out. She needed to learn how to kill without remorse now that she was his woman and one of his major hands, otherwise, she would suffer a lot as a member of an aristocratic family. The other girls need to learn this too, but now was not the time for that.

He was intending to burn the mansion when he first learned the truth, but after getting Dave’s amazing confessions he decided to leave it. He only needed to kill everyone in here… He felt no sympathy for the servants and the butler. Those guys were gangsters. As a scum himself Dave trusted no one but his own kind.

After a quick cleaning, Victor called Kai after sending him the recording of Dave confessing to murdering his past wife Kate, Monica’s mother.

“Make it as if he ran away with his family and money… And destroy all the cameras around here,” Victor instructed,

“Wouldn’t that make whoever you are hiding this from more suspicious?” Kai asked.

“Yeah… But they will have no proof.” Victor replied and intended to hang up.

“Ah… Wait, young master, I have some news about Troy.” Kai suddenly said, making Victor pause and listen to Kai’s news before hanging up.

He will take care of that idiot later, now he must solve Monica’s problems. Now all of this fortune would be hers. Victor would give her the choice of whether she wanted to follow him or live as a normal girl. If she chose to become a player, he would give her the inheritance stone, otherwise, he has ways to crack it open, but that might damage it to some extent.

Victor felt sorry for Monica, being a toy for fate. She was destined to be saved by Tom who would awaken her as a player and maybe… What would fate gain by making her Tom’s woman? Could her existence be vital to his growth, or would she lead him to some treasure?

Victor didn’t know. He decided to scan the house carefully while killing the few unfortunate servants that didn’t take the day off.
The menacing butler was the last to be killed as Victor caught him doing dirty things with some maid in his room. Couldn’t he wait for the night or was Margret too stimulating for him too?

Margret returned 15 minutes later and threw herself on a couch.
“Finished Already?” Victor asked. “Are you ok?” He added as he saw a cut on her hand that she was bandaging.

“Yah… It was my fault. Those guys are scum, they can’t even treat a lady.” She complained.

“Take this healing pill, I don’t want any scars on you… How many did you kill?” Victor asked with some concern as he pushed a healing pill inside her mouth. He had to pull his finger back quickly as she began to lick it… Slut.

“I killed no one… “ She replied. “ I just lured them to the guard’s dormitory then lifted my skirt a little, telling them that I wanted to give one of them my first time… Honestly, men lose all reason when they are near a woman.” She said,

“And?” Victor asked.

“Those guys killed each other… The last one died of his wounds after his opponent who was stabbed by him bit him to death, He didn’t let go even after his friend cut his heart out.” She said with disgust.

“That's proof that you are worth dying for…” Victor complimented, “Who injured you?” He asked.

“I cut myself with the glass bottle when I broke it… This brain fogging agent is really crazy.” She said,

“I didn’t think it would be this efficient either. But it only revealed their true nature. They must have been criminals. If they were innocent they would have fought with slippers.” Victor said.

“I can’t believe that this stuff is the same as the soul wine!.” She said,

“Yeah, I just converted it into a spray…. Combining it with your charm ability makes it really deadly for men… Maybe I should make an aphrodisiac edition.” He contemplated. He must test the other plants found in the dungeon, all of them had a crazy psychedelic effect.

“Do you want to unleash mobs of horny criminals in the streets?” She asked.

“Maybe…” He replied, “We are finished here. Did you clean the bodies?“ Victor asked changing the subject as he carefully carried Monica, her body was light.

“Yeah,” She replied. “So… Is she our new sister?” She asked,

“Yup…” Victor said as he walked to the car. Not caring about the trouble that would follow.

“Would you be able to handle all the girls when you finish with that bloodline thing of yours?” She asked curiously.

“You will have to test that yourself.” He said kicking the house door open with his foot.

“What was that jewel? You immediately killed Cline the moment you saw it.” Margret asked again as she followed him out and then helped him put Monica in the back seat… She was very curious about it, she saw how his eyes changed when he looked at it in the room earlier. It was her first time seeing him give anything that didn't have boobs this look.

“Oh… I almost forgot about this.” Victor said, taking out the jewel and handing it to Margret who found nothing interesting in it,

“What is it?” She asked.

“This thing is cool, too cool even for me.” He added with an evil smile. This thing would allow him to play many tricks.