Chapter 211: As a young master soundly sleeps (2)
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Archie was standing nervously in front of his grandfather, Armand Wiren, the high prince and the completely powerless ruler of the Wiren Principality.

“Why are you here? Did you finally decide to let go of that slut, Marlie? Did you finally realize how much of a slut she was? Did she cheat on you yet?” His grandfather asked after kicking the servants out of the room. He didn’t want anyone to hear what his disgraceful grandson had to say.

“No, I will never leave her… She is not a slut!” Archie quickly defended her, making his grandfather glare at him angrily,

“Then why are you here?” His grandfather yelled angrily as he looked away, not wanting to look at his unfilial grandson.

“I just became a player, and wanted to tell you that….” Archie quickly explained.

“If you don’t want to leave her…… What? A player?” Armand asked as he turned around to look at Archie again with shocked eyes,

“Yes…” Archie said and flipped his hand making a small sphere of semi-transparent green energy slowly form.

“How… When did you become a player?’ Armand asked with surprise as he looked at the air sphere in his grandson’s hands.

“Ah, a few days ago… I… I was going to buy a gift for my Marlie… And I found this pretty amulet at a stall in Golden waterfall city… I wanted to clean it because it was full of dirt, but I ended up cutting myself with its sharp edge… Ah…. then the amulet shone and I became a Player…” Archie narrated the story Victor taught him.

“Oh… And you must have quickly figured out that we were a family of players.” His grandfather said.

“Yes… Not exactly…” Archie began to explain…

“What’s your class?” His grandfather interrupted again.

“Aaaa… An Air Mage…” Archie replied.

“Not bad….” Armand said quickly with a smile… They only had a handful of players in the family. And a mage was a great addition.

A moment later Armand frowned and sighed as he looked out of the window. Surprising Archie who didn’t expect such a reaction.

“Too bad you are too late… I would have preferred you over that batard Troy… “ He said, making Archie frown.

“Bastard…” He wanted to ask, but his grandfather interrupted him.

“Be careful of him, he is a very petty person… I wish I had known of his true personality before giving him the heir position.”

“Why can’t you change it?” Archie asked. The family always preferred Troy over him.

“Troy had made some very strong friends… I can’t hurt him or touch him anymore.” Armand said,

“Strong friends.”

“Yes…The Von Zwei family!”

“But grandfather… I want to tell you something…” Archie said,

“Don’t interrupt me!. Look out there.” His grandfather suddenly said to him, “Do you see that hill in the distance? Troy is building his base there. No one can go there, even me!” He said with anger pointing to a hill in the far distance. “That place should be a part of our family property! It’s inside our ancestral lands! That bastard even wanted me to give this hill to him too! He dared to threaten me! Even my father didn’t threaten me!”

Archie looked out at a hill that was barely visible in the distance on this moonlit night. Troy’s base was built in that lush forest on the side of the capital… Close enough to be able to occupy the capital at any moment and far enough that no one can know what they were doing there.

“Grandfather…. I have something to tell you… It’s about Marlie’s…” Archie tried again,

“Don’t mention that slut’s name ever again… Even if you are a player…” His stubborn grandfather scolded.

Archie cursed silently he was trying to tell his grandfather about the Von Weise relationship with Marlie, but his grandfather was not giving him a chance.

“Grandpa Listen.” He finally shouted, gaining his grandfather’s attention.


“It’s about….” he didn’t continue as he was interrupted again, but not by his grandfather this time.

A very bright flash of light shone on the horizon turning night into day and illuminating their room… making them look out of the window as a huge mushroom cloud appeared on the hill they were looking at a moment ago.

A shock wave and an explosion sound followed seconds later, breaking the window and knocking Archie and his grandfather to the ground.


Alpha only had to wait 15 more minutes for Troy’s convoy to pass through the road she was waiting for them at.

She could see them from the top of the tree coming in her direction, so she activated her sky eye to locate the car Troy was sitting in. Unfortunately, the cars had closed shaded windows, and she could see nothing.

Having no other choice she quickly formulated an attack plan!

She will not use a rocket launcher like her young master would have, as she wanted to steal his storage ring that might get destroyed in the attack.
Troy had bought many treasures, some of them were ones she auctioned. Although Victor ordered her to sell them to fool Hana, she was very reluctant, and she would use every chance to take her family artifacts back.

After going through her options, she decided to do this as stealthily as possible.

Mission start!

The last time she saw Troy, he was in the last SUV, molesting the newly bought girls, so she decided to attack that car first as it had a sunroof.

She quickly jumped to another tree next to a turn in the road. If she attacked from here, the other cars in front would notice nothing.

It took the cars another minute to reach her position. Timing her jump right, she descended on the car’s roof, using all her strength to break the roof glass and enter the back of the car, then swiftly surveyed the situation and acted.

The car was Troy-free. Alpha quickly adjusted her plan accordingly.

By the time the driver and the one guard who was busy bullying the girls realized they were under attack, Alpha had already sliced their thoughts as she took the driver’s position… The car only paused for a second as the driver had already slowed down for the turn, so no one noticed anything unusual… Just a simple jerk when Alpha kicked the headless man away from the steering wheel

The girls in the back held into each other, not knowing what to do. They were in shock, not fully realizing what just happened in front of their eyes. Alpha’s movement was too elegant. Too deadly.

“Search those guys. Do any of them have a strange ring or a box with talismans?” Alpha ordered, making the girls look at each other not knowing what to do. They were both terrified and relieved by that man's death. He was a sadist. He was telling them how they would rape them to make them pregnant… They would do experiments on them too! From his tone, he was not kidding… Alpha’s intrusion was their life-saving straw.

Unfortunately, the girls were very timid, they didn't dare to touch the headless corpse. Only one girl, a white-haired one, dared to check the bodies.

“They only have some rings… They seem ordinary... No Talismans…”She told Alpha who was focusing on following the other cars. Making her surprised. She didn’t expect to find a good one here.

“Did you check his inner pockets?” Alpha asked,

“Yes… Are you looking for our enslavement contracts?” She asked.

“Yes... You might not believe me, but those are cursed contracts. If they tear them apart you girls will die.” She said,

“I already saw a girl die when they branded us with those…” The girl said, although it was like a fantasy, she saw it with her own eyes… Now she believed, despite her reluctance to.

“Keep the rings, they might be storage artifacts. I will be able to check if the contract might be inside them later.” She said without looking back.

The girls didn’t really believe her… But they didn’t disbelieve either. They have seen many things these past few days.

“Are you here to save us?” One girl asked as she noticed that the car was accelerating and was about to pass the one in the front.

“I am here to kill Troy, the guy with pointy hair, who was here earlier. If you girls want to escape, be my guests.” She said, making the girls frown… “Do you know what car he is sitting in?”

“No… Can we follow you after you finish?” The white-haired girl asked. She was the smartest of those. If they escaped alone, it was only a matter of time for them to be put in a similar situation… or worse.

“Yes. We will talk later, be sure to hide well and wait for me…” Alpha said, “Now prepare yourself,” She added as she took out a talisman and activated it, making the entire car slides shine in golden light.

The girls didn’t have a chance to ask what she meant or be prepared as Alpha suddenly made a sudden turn, causing the car to move to the side pushing the other car on its left and cursing it to hit a cement roadblock and deform, then their car itself hit another block, but in another angle, causing it to flip over it and reach the vegetation on the other side but upside down. The car flipped a few times as it slid on the dirt.

The girls screamed as the car flipped twice and slid into the vegetation. Strangely enough, though, they remain fixed in their seats.

That golden light stopped the car’s inside from getting deformed as it slid upside down and hit a tree near the road in the end

“Find a chance to escape… “Alpha told them as she slipped out, leaving them to undo their safety belts… and act as decoys as she hid on a nearby tree where she activated her sky eye to check on the second car where three men stepped down and dragged a fourth who had a head injury… They were not suspecting an attack, as she made it look like an accident.

Unfortunately, Troy was not in it either… bad luck! She should have brought Theta with her.

That leaves only the last car, which stopped then turned around, and was now making its way back to the accident site.

Alpha activated a hiding talisman and waited. As the car moved into the dirt, not caring about the second car, it quickly headed in her direction… They went back for the girls.

As expected Troy was there as he lowered the window and began to yell at his men as the car moved in her direction… The girls were struggling out at that moment.

Alpha prepared to assassinate Troy at that moment… No matter what talismans he had, if one strike didn’t kill him, she would attack twice… If two failed, she would strike thrice.

The car stopped, and Troy stepped down in a hurry as he yelled at the girls to stop... They were heading to the forest.

Troy was busy taking out the contracts from his ring when Alpha descended, pushing the dagger into the back of his neck at that same moment.

Too bad, his defense talisman activated and pushed Alpha away and alerting him as she made an air flip and used a spear that she took out at the right moment to slit his throat as she fell to her feet.

“Stop!” A man who just stepped down following Troy yelled to stop her, but he was too late.

She could see Troy’s headless body fall to the ground as she flipped again using her spear’s shaft then turned around to face the shouting man in a fighting stance… She froze.

Out of the car, an angry man stepped down followed by a handsome boy. The boy’s expression slowly changed from frowning to anger.
Moments later he looked like a furious beast… Not like a kid at all!

“It’s you! B*TCH !” Sebastian yelled while pointing at her angrily. He remembered her! she was that bastards Alex's maid. The one who kept bulling poor Vivi.

Next chapter after a few hours.

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