Chapter 13- Back To School!
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Sorry for not posting for a while, real life stuff happened, Then I just didn't feel like it, then after I did feel like I had a case of on and off writer's block.  

Right, first thing, check on Tulip. Seriously how much sleep did one Pixe need? I didn't see her fluttering around anywhere so...

I didn't even bother with my spider-man trick I just shouted. "HEY ARE YOU AWAKE YET!?

Tulip poked her head out of her home, flopping her arms over the lip of the hole that served as a door, her hair completely disheveled. "Yes, I am. What do you want?" 

"Rude much?" 

"Sorry, I've been told I'm a bit grumpy after I wake up." 

"Yeah, I can tell. Anyway, I got some gear set up on my bed for you to enchant."

Tulip looked passed me, "I don't see anything." 

I realized that she was looking at the pink bed and felt a little insulted. "No! The other bed." 

"Oh," Tulip said as she scratched her head. "Right, fine, What time is it?"

"Almost evening."

"It'll probably take me all night to do it, so if you had your heart set on going out tonight..." 

"It's fine, last night was the trail run anyway, so it would be better to be prepared for next time. You need me to open a gate for you. right?"

"No, We're partners remember, after you opened it yesterday, you also opened for me. Now I can go in and out whenever."

This made sense to me. "Ah, I see."

After Tulip made herself presentable she went off to my home and got to work. Later, Pinkzilla came back home, she brought take out with her, and I sat down for yet another awkward meal. 

Well, it was more awkward for me and little brother than it was for either Pinkzilla or lethal Weapon. Pinkzilla, made a pest of herself trying to force the issue of me and Little Brother getting alone and being best of friends, and on and on and on. Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla... Honestly, it wouldn't have been that bad if she didn't decide to go into the details of the poor boy's great potty training adventure. She didn't get too far before father and son both shut her down.

The rest of the night was uneventful. I tried checking in on Tulip, but after seeing that she was still busy with her enchantments on my clothes, I decided not to bother her.  

I was kind of stuck with nothing to do. Staying home was an option, but if someone poked their head in just to say hi, and I wasn't here, someone might panic. I already gave them one scare and wasn't too keen on giving them another. Nothing to do except wait to be sent off to hell.

AKA school, I don't remember my early years being that bad, so maybe I was getting worked up over nothing. High School on the other hand. No, I won't be like this long enough to even worry about that. I had these thoughts while lying on the bed. I don't remember when I went to sleep, But next, I knew Pinkzilla was waking me up. My "Big Day" had arrived.

The morning went about how you would expect. Bathing, getting dressed, mother, yelling "Hurry or you'll be late!" breakfast, etc. Pinkzilla drove us both the school. When we arrived Little Brother helped me find my class. Turns out I was early. Also turns out this was by design, so the teacher could greet me before class, and before other children could get their claws into me.

"Well hello, I'm Mrs. Sanders. You must be Lilyana may I call you Lily." She was a thin middle aged woman, and aside from the sweater, long skirt and glasses and graying hair tied in a bun, there was nothing that stood out about her. Besides even if there was, I wasn't going to be nicknaming her anytime soon. I did that in my past life, and accidentally called one or two of them by said given nickname. It did not go over well. 

She asked me all kinds of questions, and I kept my answers as vague as posable. After all half the things she wanted to know never happened to me not in this life anyway. 

After a while, she ran out of things to ask and gave me a tour of the room, nothing special, just typical classroom stuff. She then guided me to my assigned desk that sat in the corner of the far side of the room. I sat reading my "name" written on a name tag stuck to the top of the desk. I wasn't particularly happy to see that name spelled out like that, but I was glad that she didn't include the middle name. Lilyana Rose was bad enough, adding Buttercup was like salt to a wound.

Then the children came.

Some looked at me with curiosity, some waved a shy hello, and not to be rude I did the same. Others I swear saw me then decided to pretend I didn't exist.


One girl took one look at me, and I immediately regreded not hiding in my home, with my guns for safety. I just met the class tornado. You know the kids that no matter what can't sit still or shut up. Then, despite all the headaches they give you, you feel sorry for them because their parents also had enough and turned to a doctor who thru the power of medicine, transformed them into a zombie.

"HI WHO ARE YOU? WHAT'S YOUR NAME? IS THAT YOUR NAME ON THE TAG?" She was right in my face asking question after question. This red headed, freckle faced girl, was exactly why introverts like me avoided talking to people in the first place. 

"Hey." I tried to break in. I failed. "Hey, you." She was still talking. "Do you shut up?" Still going. The bell rang and class started. She stood there completely oblivious. "The bell rang." And going and going and going. At this point, the whole class was turned toward us, snickering. 

"Excuse me, Miss. Taylor." It was the Teachers turn to get her attention. It didn't work. "Elizabeth." The non-formal approach also failed. 

The last thing Elizabeth said was "YOU KNOW I REALLY LIKE MEETING NEW PEOPLE." before an eraser hit the back of her head. That got her attention, but who threw it? Elizabeth turned to the culprit with a sour expression. 

"Haha, Liz you're such a pain!" The culprit was a blonde boy just across from us with a missing tooth.

"Jeramy!" The teacher shouted. "See me before recess!"

Jeramy rolled his eyes and turned to the front. "Yeah sure." was his only comeback. I'm guessing he's the class trouble maker.

"Elizabeth. Please take your seat." The teacher said softly.

One thing I'll give teachers respect points for, especially the seasoned veterans, is their ability to go from chill to rage and back again, in 0.000005 seconds. 

Elizabeth took her seat. Yep, she took two steps and sat right in front of me. Just great.

"Now as some of you have likely noticed. We have a new student. If she would kindly stand up and introduce herself." Thanks for the spotlight teach, just what I always wanted.

Despite my internal complaining, I saw this coming it was after all standard new kid fanfare. "I'm," This was already hurting to say. "My name is Lilyana." God damn that hurt. I always heard that old expression of course, "It hurt to say that." but I never believed people who said that. That is until now.

"Well, what about your last name Lily, go on." Really teach not helping!

"Rose," I choked out. I then sat and put my embarrassed face to my desk. So much pain from saying two simple words. The rest of the class was giggling at my embarrassment. All but one. Sitting back up, the first thing I saw was Elizabeth smiling at me and giving me an enthusiastic wave. I put on the most polite smile I could force, and halfheartedly waved back.

The teacher then mandated that every student had to stand up. Turn to me and also introduce themselves. I guess she noticed I had a hard time with my intro and was trying to make me feel better. It didn't matter as I likely wasn't going to remember any of them anyway, but I did appreciate Mrs. Sanders's attempt.

Mrs. Sanders, I also noticed was proving to be an efficient lady, as she was using this opportunity to also do a roll call.

Mrs. Sanders did eventually start teaching, and later every kid's favorite event, GOING HOME... Yeah, I wish, no it was the second favorite, recess.

Well boy oh boy, did playground equipment change or what! There was only one word to describe it.


Padding, padding everywhere, up and down every bar and at the bottom of every slide. The swing was short, and there was no merry-go-round, or teeter-totter in view.

Pull up a chair kid's and let me tell you a tail. When I was originally a kid this shit would have been all metal and wood. The swing's, tall by even my adult standards, teeter-totter's, and the old'est merry-go-round with the loosest swivel joint ever. 

Jumping off the highest point you could get to on the swings, spinning the merry-go-round as fast as you could then jumping on when it won't go any faster. I sighed with pleasure at the nostalgia. So many kids cracked their skulls open on that merry-go-round. Of course, it was always fun to let you buddy hang at the top of the teeter-totter then drop him.

Out of respect for my old playground equipment, I sat my butt on the curb and watched the kids play on their safe padded equipment. Never would they know the joy of, self endangerment, while playing on death traps. 

While I was lost in the great void of nostalgic space. Two kids approached me. The two kids I recognized from class, Elizabeth and The Eraser Kid. So did these two actually get along?

"Hey, you want to play?" asked Eraser. 

"Sure, how about ultimate hide and seek." 

"Ultimate hide and seek? How do you play?" Asked Elizabeth

"You two hide and I never find you," I reply sarcastically. 

"What kind of game is that!" The Eraser was angry. "Fine let's get out of here Liz." 

Eraser began to walk away, but Elizabeth stayed put, looking back and forth between me and Eraser Kid. She then surprised me, by kneeling down at eye level with me. She then held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth!"

What the hell!! 

Eraser looked just as dumbfounded as I was. I took the girls hand. "I know, you introduced yourself in class. Remember?" 

Eraser marched over "Liz, what are you doing? 

"Making a new friend!!" 

God kill me. It when on like this for a while. That is until recess ended. Class started again. Then lunch came around. 

Note to self, pack lunch. Seriously POW's gett better meals than this! During this time Elizabeth made more attempts at friendship. Eraser seemed to have given up and was going with the flow.

Class started again for the final time that day, and then home. Pinkzilla came to pick me and Little Brother up. With that the first day of my second round of school. came to a close.

I do plan on having more school related stuff so if you wanted a more detailed first day, please look forward to that. I the meantime I'm actually open to ideas. Not making promises that anything you suggest will be added, but would be helpful.