Chapter 11
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Chapter 11: Journey 2

"That's a lot of zombies." To others, it may seem like he was worried about the number of zombies but in reality, all he was seeing was wasted money. 

'If they weren't here, me and Ye Lian would easily kill them and I could get profit from this!" He separated himself from the crowd and checked on his phone. He currently had to get OriginalLoli 5 zombie corpses and 10 zombie gels before two days.

'I'll do that later, I guess.' Tatsuya came back after 2 seconds and spoke with Shana.

"I'll go and distract them with Ye Lian. You all run after the zombies are out the way. Understood?" 

"What?!" Shana was shocked at Tatsuya's basic yet absurd plan.

"Alright, see you later for a bit! Ye Lian, let's go!"

Before she can voice her disagreement, they were already gone.


In some random smart phone shop near the others' hiding spot.

"And I set this thing around me..." With mana strings (which were not that hard to make or even learn how to make), Tatsuya tied a lot of phones around his and Ye Lian's neck.

"So Ye Lian, I want you eliminate those zombies chasing me one by one and collect 10 zombie gels for me." Ye Lian nodded.

Tatsuya let out a sigh and and prepared himself mentally.

"It's time, wish me luck, Ye Lian. And make sure you don't let yourself be seen by others killing and collecting those gels."


"~We're no strangers to love~"

It was time, Tatsuya started running and the sound attracted the zombies.

"Get rick rolled, you fucks! Woohoo!" Tatsuya seemed to be having fun playing tag with the undeads. Ye Lian began with her mission of killing and getting normal zombie gels. She doesn't like it, but she knew Tatsuya needed it.


Meanwhile, Shana was shocked at the sight of Tatsuya running away from a horde of zombies with a smile in his face.

'Has he gone crazy?'

However, she remembered his instructions. They went their own way while Tatsuya distracted the horde.


Tatsuya grabbed removed the strings of phones around his neck (he had three strings, 9 phones each). As for how he was able to set it up, it would just be a waste of word count to write that in.


He threw them out at another direction after he made sure he was out of the others' sight. Ye Lian arrived next to him with 10 zombie gels. He patted her.

"Good job, Ye Lian. Let's catch up with them, shall we?" Ye Lian felt comfortable when Tatsuya patted her.

'I'll just find another horde somewhere, we can't waste more time.'


"Hey, wait up!" Shana looked back and saw the two, Ye Lian and Tatsuya, with the latter carrying the former.

"Y-You two are still alive?!" Shana and the others were flabbergasted. They stopped running so the two can catch up.

"Well, duh, of course we would be. Alright, let's continue running again." As for how they managed to catch up with the others, he simply ran really fast while carrying Ye Lian. 


The plot found its way to mess with Tatsuya. On their way, they managed to get the attention of several zombies. They took shelter at a nearby building. The building, however, had a rotating door.

"Shit! Kill whatever goes inside!" Shana and Liu Yuhao helped with eliminating the zombies coming from the door.

"Ye Lian, take this and defend the others!" He threw a spare knife at Ye Lian. 

Ye Lian didn't like to use knives, but from observing Tatsuys, she had an idea of how to use a knife in combat.

While the three were busy on the front, zombies from the building itself appeared. There were two zombies and out of fear and a hint of desperation, Wang Cheng pushed one of the guys over to the zombie.

It lucky for him that none saw it.

"Wang Cheng?" The unfortunate guy muttered as he fell on the floor, in front of the zombie.

One started approaching him and he screamed for help. 

However, it was too late...

Meanwhile, another girl was targeted. She was holding her weapon, a knife, with shaky hands. 

"Help me!" She shouted as the zombie jumped towards her. 

Fortunately, Ye Lian managed to kill it on time.


"Phew, we're alive, thank goodness." Liu Yuhao sat on the floor and heaved a sigh of relief. 

"Wait, we are missing three people." Shana's eyes widened.



They were heard from the second floor. Shana was about to rush upstairs but Tatsuya stopped her.

"Zombies appeared behind us and there's probably more there. Don't, you're just risking your life for two corpses. Also, the other one is there." Tatsuya pointed at the third one, who was also dead due to Wang Cheng's doing. Something no one knew.

Shana's legs weakened and she felt down.

"Four of them already died, goddamn it! What if they all-" Shana's mutterings stopped as she felt Tatsuya's hand on her shoulder again.

"It's not your fault, it will never be. The situation was against us and there was nothing we can do. Rise up, Shana, we have people to rescue." Tatsuya was horrible at consoling people but this was best that he could do.

Shana let out a deep breath and stood up, with the sword supporting her.

Tatsuya stood back and looked at the remaining students.


"This was all your fault! People died because of your stupid suggestion, Wang Cheng! Go to hell!" One of the angry survivor tried to murder Wang Cheng with their knife but Shana quickly disarmed him using her sword.

Liu Yuhao then punched the attacker.

"Have you gone mad?! These weapons are for protection, not for killing fellow humans!" Tatsuya looked at Wang Cheng and he had this look of anger and disgust. It only lasted for a second and this solidified Tatsuya's thoughts about Wang Cheng.

'A scheming coward.'

"It's alright, brother Hao. He's probably just stressed and scared, let him go." Liu Yuhao did and Shana sheathed her sword.

"Let's go."

Tatsuya continued looking at Wang Cheng, simply observing his every movement.

"Eh, bro Tatsuya, is something wrong?" Wang Cheng felt nervous under his observing gaze.

"... Its nothing, let's follow Shana."



Aight, I will rewrite this tomorrow.