Chapter 326- Judgement of the Abyssal Fluff
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[Luna POV]

Tamamo and I had eaten several bowls of kitsune udon while waiting for Atmos.  The Goddess of Culinary Arts also spoke to the two of us about several things.  I brought up the topic of cooking and pulled something from my inventory for her to try.  When she did, she asked if I was willing to help her in figuring out how to get out of the slump she was in.  I agreed on the condition that it was after my wedding and the weddings of the others.  She easily agreed to that.  Afterwards, Atmos burst onto the scene.


“Hey, hey, hey.  Good to see you in all your divine glory, Luna.” (Atmos)


“Hey Atmos.  You ready for everything?” (Luna)


“Yep.  You two?” (Atmos)


“Yes.” (Luna)




“Good.  Did you decide what you were going to do with the extra?” (Atmos)


“We’ll have a separate conversation with her later.  For now we have three other ones to deal with.” (Luna)


“Then let’s get this show on the road, literally.” (Atmos)


Tamamo and I stood from out seats and Tamamo placed something on the counter.


“Is that the currency here?” (Luna)


{Yes.  Though it’s more of a formality than anything of value.}


“Interesting.” (Luna)


The three of us walked out of the restaurant and into the center of the road where I made a large stage with illusion magic.  We walked onto it and gathered attention.  Atmos then stepped forward and addressed the gods and goddesses that stopped to see what was going on.


“Hello and good day, fair denizens of the Divine Domain!  I’ll skip the formalities since you all know me and Tamamo, but allow me to introduce you to a new face!”  She stepped to the side and I stepped forward.  “This is Luna, Tamamo’s Fated One and the newly ascended Goddess of Space, Stars, and Fluff!”


“Wait!  Those pretty glowy things in the night sky were her doing!?”


“They were indeed!  But please save your questions for after the show we have prepared for you all!  Now, you all know about a certain group of three goddesses that are of the more…jealous persuasion!  Today, we have prepared a show for you all where those three will get the comeuppance they are due!  They will receive punishment by the hand of Tamamo’s wife, Luna, as Tamamo is the one that takes the brunt of their harassment!” (Atmos)


{Take this as a show of some of my wife’s powers as well as a warning that she won’t accept such harassment aimed at me!  The same goes for her as well, I WILL retaliate against any that harass her!}


The crowd all took a slight step back which made me and Tamamo laugh.  The two of them then moved to the side and I released the domain around three of the kitsune goddesses.  They were still bound in my chains and where hanging around like insects cocooned in a spiders web.  I changed the way the chains bound them to where they were floating in the air in the shape of an X.  When their mouths were free, they immediately started yelling at me.






I wrapped chains around their mouths again before the second one could even speak.


“Annoying.  Anyway, let’s get this show over with.” (Luna)


As the three of them glared at me, I walked up to them and gave them a glare of my own.


“Now, as the Abyss of Fluff, I have command and control of all Fluff.  The three of you have shown that you covet another’s fluff to a rather sickening degree.  Therefore, it has been judged by one that I have blessed with fluff that you are undeserving of fluff.  In accordance with this judgement, I strip you of your fluff.” (Luna)


I tapped one of them on the forehead with one of my ten tails and she slowly became bald.  Her hair vanished, the fur on her ears vanished, and the fluff on her four pitiful tails vanished.  Now, she looked like a strange four tails, pointy eared rat.  Her eyes went wide and she and her two other friends paled.  I grinned maliciously as they tried to wiggle their way out of the chains.  Naturally, they failed to do so and before long the other two were stripped of their fluff as well.


Seeing as I was done with them and since I didn’t want to hear their screaming, I sent them off to somewhere in the Divine Domain.


“Where’d you send them?” (Atmos)


“Who knows.  I just specified that they be sent somewhere that won’t kill them.” (Luna)


{Luna, we’re all immortal in the truest sense of the word, we literally can’t die to anything.}


“Oh…Meh.  They deserved it.” (Luna)




“Well anyway.” (Atmos)


Atmos turned to the crowd.


“There you have it, my good people!  A show fitting for those three, don’t you agree!?” (Atmos)


The crowd cheered, showing just how much those three were disliked.  Atmos continued to entertain the crowd while I moved next to Tamamo and quietly spoke to her.


“Shall we leave it at this and let Atmos wrap it up?  We still have one more thing to do.” (Luna)


{Yes.  And sorry out date got cut short.}


“It’s fine, we have forever to go on another one after all.” (Luna)


Tamamo smiled a little sadly, but I tried my best to not notice it and we silently left the place.  Since we didn’t get to go over how to actually do what Tamamo did to get to the city, I just teleported us back to our home.


“Ehehe.” (Luna)




“Just feels nice saying this is OUR home in my head.” (Luna)




“See!?” (Luna)


{It is a very nice feeling.  Our home.}


“Our home.” (Luna)


{“Our home.”}


“Fufufufufu.” (Luna)




“Um, where am I?” (KG4)


“Oh right.” (Luna)


I straightened up and turned to look at the visitor in our home.


“Ehehe.  *Cough* Sorry about forgetting about you.  I’m Luna, Tamamo’s wife and Goddess of Space, Stars, and Abyss of Fluff.  You already know Tamamo, so what’s your name?” (Luna)


“Irene.” (Irene)


“Nice to meet you, Irene.  Now, to get to business.  How much unjustified resentment do you hold for Tamamo simply due to her tails?” (Luna)


{And don’t worry, those other three will never know about this conversation.}


“To be honest, I don’t have any resentment.  Some jealousy, yes, but no resentment.  The only reason I ever spent time around those other three is simply because we came into being around the same time and I’m too much of a coward to say anything against them when they are around.” (Irene)


{So that’s why you go to Stadia’s place all the time, other than because you like him.}


“Yep.” (Irene)


“Well, with that reasoning, two things.  One: Grow a backbone.  You’re a goddess, you don’t have to go with the flow of people you don’t disagree with, even if they are goddesses as well.  Find better friends, cut them out of your life, and just be better.  I know it’s not easy, but it’s what you have to do when it comes to people like that.  And two: I’m leaving it up to Tamamo if she forgives you for your past transgressions.” (Luna)


{I don’t mind.  Out of all of them, she’s the one that barely ever did anything but say words.}


“Then all is forgiven.  Now, with that out of the way, we’re going to help you out with your other problem.” (Luna)


“My shedding!?” (Irene)


“Yep.  I’ll give you a stopgap that will stop this problem from happening for who knows how long, but it’s going to last for a long time anyway, but you’ll have to learn how to truly take care of yourself if you don’t want it to start happening again.” (Luna)


“T-thank you!  I’ll listen to anything, I just don’t want to shed anymore!” (Irene)


She fell to her knees in tears and she started to hug my waist.


“Tamamo help!” (Luna)


{Luna.  Just teleport her off of you.}


“…” (Luna)


{What’s with that look?...Oh.  Ufufufu.  Luna, you know it’s not the time for flirting.}


“I can’t help it, ok!” (Luna)


I teleported Irene off of me and we all sat down on some chairs.  Tamamo and I went over a detailed care plan for Irene and Tamamo listed some things that she should get to do this.  Irene had a grateful look on her face and stood up to immediately get the things she needed, but I stopped her.


“Don’t go just yet.  Sit back down and I’ll take care of the stopgap measure.” (Luna)


She obediently did what she was told and I poked her on the head with one of my tails.


“I, the Abyss of Fluff, declare the Law of Equivalent Fluff.  What was taken shall now be given to one more deserving.” (Luna)


The tip of my tail glowed, and Irene’s tails instantly became fluffier. Once I was done, Irene moved one of her four tails in front of her and started petting it.  No fur came off when she did that and she started to happy cry again.


“Thank you!  Thank you so much!” (Irene)


“You’re welcome.  Now, go and get what you need.  Feel free to come and ask for advice again in the future.” (Luna)


Irene nodded frantically and quickly left our home.


“Well, that took longer than expected.”


{It really did.  It’s already getting late.}


“Hey Tamamo.”


{Yes Luna?}


“Mind if we call mom up here tomorrow?”


{Is it that time?}


“Yeah.  I don’t know how they are done here, but mom knows how to plan a wedding, and I don’t want to put it off any longer.  Sure, we’re technically already married, but I still want to hold a wedding.”


{I know.  And yes, let’s call her up here tomorrow and we can start discussing what to do.  I’ll even reach out to the gods of sewing so we can get our dresses made.}


“Alright.  Now, let’s not waste any more time.  I’m done holding back.”


As soon as those words left my lips, I jumped into Tamamo’s arms and started kissing her like I’ve been away from her for a long time.


Chaos Realm:

Luna: ...

Tamamo: ...

Hey, stop glaring at me like that!

Luna: Then send us back and don't interrupt.

I will in a minute, there is something I need to tell you first.

Luna: Then be quick about it.

Do you want some better closure in regards to your previous world?

Luna: ...Go on.

A mortal world year from now, things will be in perfect alignment and your current and previous worlds will be near each other, metaphorically speaking.  If you want me to, I can make it so you can meet your previous family for a short period of time here in my home.  Would you like to try that?

Luna: Tamamo, should I take this chance?

Tamamo: That's up to you to decide, but in my opinion, I think it's a good idea to accept.

Luna: Give me some time to think.  I'll answer you tomorrow.

Alright.  I'll send you back now.  Also, sorry for ruining the mood between the two of you.  If you'd like I can temporarily block these memories so you don't have to worry about it and you can continue doing whatever it was you were doing.

Luna: Don't do that, this is something that I need to seriously think about.  I can always make out with Tamamo whenever I feel like it.

Tamamo: And I can wait.  This is an important thing to think about.  Pleasures of the flesh pale in comparison to this.

Then off you go.