Chapter 330- Wedding Dresses
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[Luna POV]

The day everyone plus Nia showed up, Fenrir took Mio aside and before long they disappeared.  Figuring that they went to…fluff…each other, I shrugged it off.  After that time flew by in the blink of an eye.  A week had gone by and I sent letters to those that I needed to send them to.  Now all we had to do was wait for our dresses.  Tamamo had left early that morning to pick them up which left me nothing to do.


I was pacing around outside due to nerves.  Cerberus was sitting in a patch of sunlight staring at me as I walked back and forth.  My tails were twitching restlessly.  When I started lap number I lost count of them after a while, Nia walked over to me from the mansion.


“Luna, calm down.  I get that you are nervous, but pacing like this is just going to make your nerves worse.  Plus, it’s making me dizzy watching you from the window.” (Nia)


“I can’t help it Nia.  I don’t really know why I’m so nervous, but every time I sit still, my mind drifts to the wedding.” (Luna)


“I get it, I felt the same way on my wedding day, though yours is still a week off.” (Nia)


She grabbed me by my shoulders and turned me to face her.  We stared directly into each other’s eyes as she spoke.


“Take deep breaths, calm down, and relax.  There is nothing to worry about.  Everything is going to go perfectly, and if something doesn’t, well you don’t need to worry about it since pretty much every important god and goddess is going to be there.” (Nia)


I did as she said and soon enough my mind and heart had calmed down.  Once that happened I walked over to a tree and sat down.  Nia sat next to me and wrapped one of her arms around my shoulder.


“Luna, what specifically is it that you are worried about?” (Nia)


“My dress.  Even though it should be made to my sizes for a perfect fit and made by the best this world could ever hope to have, I’m still nervous about if I will look good in it and if Tamamo will like it.  In my head I get that it doesn’t matter all that much, but knowing it and the feelings associated with it are two completely different things.” (Luna)


“Luna, from one woman to another, know that you are one of the rare cases where it’d be harder to find something you don’t look good in.  Please don’t take this as an insult, but you’d even be able to make goblin rags look good, and they’re rags worn by goblins.” (Nia)


“Fufufufufufu.  Thanks for the vote of confidence.” (Luna)


“Any time.” (Nia)


It was at this point that Cerberus walked over to us and laid down again.  Her three heads laid on one of my tails and she quickly went to sleep.  I chuckled at this and started petting her.


“*Yawn*  I have to say, this is the perfect spot for a nap.” (Nia)


“I agree.” (Luna)


“Take one, it’ll help ease the nerves more than just what we talked about.” (Nia)


“I think I will.  If you don’t plan on napping, wake me up when Tamamo get’s back please.” (Luna)


“Will do.” (Nia)


I shut my eyes and almost instantly fell asleep.  After an unknown amount of time, I was shaken awake by Nia.  She smiled warmly at me before asking me a question.


“Better?” (Nia)


“Much.  I’m assuming Tamamo is back?” (Luna)


“Yep.  I wouldn’t have woken you up otherwise.” (Nia)


I stood up and held out my hand to help Nia up.  She gladly took it and then we went inside the mansion.  I immediately caught Tamamo’s scent and followed it to where she was.  She was in one of the lesser used rooms with two dress stands.  On the stands were two beautiful dresses.


Both of them looked like a mix of western style wedding dresses mixed with kimono designs.  Both were long, but not enough to drag against the floor when worn.  One was a mix of white and silver with golden trimmings on the edges.  The other one was black and silver with similar golden trimmings.  Seeing both of these dresses literally took my breath away, doubly so when I pictured Tamamo in one of them in my mind.


{They really went all out, didn’t they?}


All I could manage was a head nod.  I moved to stand next to Tamamo and hugged one of her arms when I got there.


{Ufufufu.  The white and silver one is yours, the other one is mine.  I like how they made them in a way that it would look like we’re wearing the colors of each other.}


“Y-yeah.” (Luna)


Tamamo patted my head before moving her arm from my grasp and pulled me into a hug.






I heard the door to the room closing and glanced over to see Nia smiling warmly as she slipped quietly out of the room.  Once the door was fully shut, the dam finally burst.




I hugged Tamamo tighter and felt tears falling from my eyes.


“I-it’s finally happening, right?  This isn’t just a dream?”


{It’s reality.}


I felt my legs give out and we both sunk to the floor.


“I didn’t know it was possible to be so happy, Tamamo.  I’ve been waiting for this day to come for so long, and now that it’s so, so close, I just can’t contain myself.”


{I know.  I feel the same way.  We’ve waited for this time for a long time and I, for one, look forward to seeing you in that dress.  You’ll look so beautiful that I’m afraid I won’t be able to speak due to your beauty.}


“No fair.  I was thinking the same thing about you.”


We both started to laugh at our banter before I managed to get my feelings in order.  We stayed sitting there in each other’s arms and staring at our dresses.


“Hey Tamamo.”


{Yes Luna?}


“I love you.  I love you so much that it feels like a crime.  At the same time I want to see you in that dress, I also don’t want others to since I want to keep that sight all to my self.  Is that creepy?”


{Not at all.  I feel the same, though to add to that, I want to show you off in that dress as a statement that you are mine and mine alone and that the transcendental beauty standing next to me will only ever be mine.}


“Fufufu.  Seems like we’re both insanely possessive.”


{It’s all a part of the kitsune package.}


“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


I leaned my head on Tamamo’s shoulder as we quietly sat and stared at our dresses for the next few hours.


Chaos Realm:

Astraea, get ready, we're about to go.

Order: And please be on your best behavior.  It's a very important event, so be respectful.

Astraea: Yes Mama, Papa.  I will do my bestest to be good, even with Evelyn there.


Order: I'll reign in In-chan as well.

You won't have much to do since Mordred will be there as well, but being cautious is good.  Now, let's go.