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[Luna POV]

It’s been a year since I ascended.  All this time has been wonderful.  Spending all my time with Tamamo.  Learning how to work with my Authorities at full capacity.  Having fun with Atmos and the others.  Spending more time with Tamamo.  It’s like a dream come true.  Today, though, was a very important day for me.  Payto invited me to the Chaos Realm early in the morning, not that time really mattered there.  Instead of the usual room, it was a place with more cushy furniture, lots of tissues, and all the accoutrements to help people calm down, both material and magical.


“Take all the time you need.” (Payto)


I nodded my head before taking a few deep breaths.


“I think I’m ready…Though if you don’t mind, can you tell Tamamo to come here a little while after the meeting starts?” (Luna)


“I was already going to do that, so no need to worry.” (Payto)


“Thanks.” (Luna)


He smiled at me and patted my head.


“Relax and have fun.” (Payto)


He snapped his fingers and left the room.  I moved over to and sat down on one of the couches and waited.  While I did so, I got a funny idea.


“Hehe.  This’ll make things more believable for them, I bet.”


I snapped my fingers, and my appearance was covered with an illusion of what I looked like in my past life.  Shortly after that, two shining doors appeared.  Out of one walked a couple.  They seemed a bit older than what I could vaguely remember, but not as old as I thought.  Out of the other, a woman that looked to be just entering her 30s.  They all looked extremely confused until their gazes landed on me.  I smiled a little nervously and made a small wave.


“Hey guys…long time no see.” (Luna)


The older woman nearly fell to the floor in shock, only to be caught by her husband.


“J-Jake…a-am I dreaming…”


“I don’t know, Tasha…if you are, then we’re sharing the same dream.”


While the two of them were in shock, the other woman placed her hands on her hips and smirked at me.


“Yeah, long time no see, Jason.  Thought we told you to call us if you were going to be away from home for a long time.  Other world or not.”


“Not like I really had a method to do that, sis.  Not like there’s any cell signal in a different world, after all.” (Luna)


“Fair enough.”


She walked over to me and picked me up in a hug.  She then turned her head over to the other two.


“Mom, dad, what are you two doing just standing there?  Get over here and hug him before whatever this is ends.”


“Natalia, how are you so calm right now?” (Jake)


“Cause, there’s no use in being stupefied.  Live in the moment and think about all the other stuff later.” (Natalia)


“…Makes sense to me.” (Jake)


“Fufufufu.  Some things never change, eh?” (Luna)


“…” (Natalia)


“What?” (Luna)


“What’s with that laugh?” (Natalia)


“Tell you later.  All of you should sit and tell me what’s been going on with all y’all first.” (Luna)


“Hmmm…Suspicious, but you’re right.” (Natalia)


She sat down next to me and put her hands behind her head, reclining even further.


My old dad led my old mom over to the other couch across from us and the two sat down.  She still looked a bit shaken, but she was coming around.


“Hmmm.  Let’s see, after your class got back from that trip with five of you missing, it blew up in the news for a while.  The school got sued by those two’s parents, but they lost.  Some of your classmates explained what happened and then it kind of just fell to the side while other stuff happened, like news tends to do.  As time went on, I finished school myself, decided that you know what, Jason had the right idea, and opened a coffee shop.  Got successful, like, insanely successful, started opening more in other states and eventually countries and ended up being able to retire super early.  Managed to help mom and dad retire too, and now they travel around the country living in the camper, visiting all the big places and generally living the life.” (Natalia)


“Nice.  Guess whatever good fortune that was meant for me got sent to all of you instead.” (Luna)


“Yeah, that’s what I thought too, after reaching out to some of your old classmates and getting more details on what happened.  By the way, weren’t you dead?  They said those two idiots killed you.” (Natalia)


“I’ll get to that in a bit when I tell my end of the tale.” (Luna)


“Fair enough.” (Natalia)


“So, dad, what’s up with the two of you?” (Luna)


“Exactly what Nat said, just living the life traveling all over.  Though we still stay mostly in the mountains.  Best place so far.” (Jake)


“Understandable.  Mountains are the best.” (Luna)


“Hear, hear!” (Natalia)


“J-Jason…is it really you?” (Tasha)


“Yes, and no.” (Luna)


“Eh?” (Tasha)


“What do you mean by that?” (Natalia)


“Hmmm.” (Jack)


“I am, or should say was, Jason.  Then I died.  Then I lived!” (Luna)


“…” (Tasha)


“…” (Jack)


“Pfft.” (Natalia)


“Got reborn in the world I died in, you know, usual isekai stuff.” (Luna)


“Ah, I think I can see where this is going a little now.” (Natalia)


“S-so it’s like one of those novels you loved to read?” (Tasha)


“…Eh?  You actually read some?” (Luna)


“Of course, I was lost for a bit when I learned I’d probably never see you, so I decided I’d at least try to understand you more to preserve your memory, so I dove into all those novels you were always reading.  And…I kind of got addicted to them.” (Tasha)


“Well…that…actually helps a whole lot for this next part.” (Luna)


“What do you mean?” (Natalia)


“Well, I DID get reborn, so new body and all that, ya know.” (Luna)


I slowly started to release the illusion I cast on myself.  Starting at my tails and the top of my head until my full body came into view again.


“…” (Jack)


“…” (Tasha)


“…Pfft.  You got gender bent.” (Natalia)


“Why is that always the first reaction!?” (Luna)


“Because it’s true!” (Natalia)


“I know that but still!  There has to be at least some other kind of reaction to that!  Like come on!” (Luna)


“Ahahahaha!” (Natalia)


“Fufufufufufu.” (Luna)


“Well, that laugh makes sense now.  Though I never figured you as the kitsune type.” (Natalia)


“Oi!  You knew I liked fox girls!  Why would I be anything else?” (Luna)


“Meh.  Just always saw you more as a wolf, or maybe panther person more.  But I like it, seeing you like this suits you, though I don’t get how you are comfortable carrying those two giant things on your chest.” (Natalia)


“Magic.” (Luna)


“The answer to all of life’s problems, eh?” (Natalia)


“Pretty much.” (Luna)


“Hmm.  So, you’re a girl now?  Guess I need to tell my friends about my other daughter.” (Jake)


“If they even believe you met me again, that is.  But that’s not all.  Time to tell y’all everything from my end.” (Luna)


After a while of me explaining what happened, we all sat back and drank some coffee that I pulled from my inventory.


“So, we ever going to meet this wife of yours?” (Natalia)


“Give it some time.  She should be here soon.” (Luna)


{I’ve actually been here for a while, just never found a good opportunity to jump into the conversation.}


“Tamamo!” (Luna)


I teleported from the couch and into Tamamo’s arms.


“*Whistles* You weren’t kidding when you said your wife was a looker, Luna.  Makes me jealous.” (Natalia)


“Fufufu.  And the best thing is, she’s all mine and no one else’s.” (Luna)


Nat got up and walked over to the two of us.


“Nice to meet you, Miss Tamamo.  Name’s Natalia, Jason’s, or I guess I should say Luna’s previous sister.  Treat her well, she deserves it.” (Natalia)


{Of that you can rest assured, I treasure her more than anything.}


“Hmph.  You did good, Ja-*ahem* Luna.” (Jake)


“…To think my son, turned daughter, married a goddess and became one herself…amazing?” (Tasha)


We moved back over to the couches and sat down again.  Tamamo sat next to me, our fingers interlocked.  Nat looked over at this and got a smug grin on her face.


“Oh my how lewd.  You two are so bold, holding hands in front of us like this.” (Natalia)


“Oh please.  That’s the least degenerate thing that’s happened.” (Luna)


“I bet.  But enough with the jokes.  Tamamo, can you tell us more about yourself?  Luna gave us a good image, but it’s unreliable coming from her, bias and all that, ya know.” (Natalia)


{With pleasure.  Luna does like to exaggerate a lot of things, though that’s just another thing I love about her.}


And so, Tamamo went onto a long retelling of the whole story from her point of view.  By the time she was done, everyone looked pleased.


“*Yawn* Good story…and I’m happy you’ve gotten to where you are now, Luna.” (Natalia)


“Indeed.  My daughter has achieved so much, it makes a father proud.” (Jack)


“Yes, but Luna, don’t make too much trouble for her, she’s too nice to clean up all your messes any prank you pull will cause.” (Tasha)


“Hey!  I’m not Atmos!” (Luna)


“We’ll see.” (Tasha)


We all started laughing at the exchange when Payto entered the room.


“Times almost up.  Luna and the rest, it’s time to say your farewells for this time.” (Payto)


“*Sigh* Guess all good things come to an end.” (Luna)




Though she said that, Tamamo had a small smirk on her face.  I tilted my head at this slightly but turned my attention back to the others.  I got up and hugged all three of them tightly.


“I hope we’ll be able to meet again one day.” (Luna)


“Same, sis, same.” (Natalia)


She then disappeared.


“Take care, Luna.  And like your mother said, don’t make trouble for my daughter-in-law.” (Jake)


“And remember to take care of your health and get some sleep.  It’s good for your mind.” (Tasha)


Then, they too disappeared.


“…” (Luna)


{Are you ok, Luna?}


“…Yeah…I am now……It was just good to see them again and know that they’ve barely changed.” (Luna)


Tamamo and I left the room.  While passing Payto, he smirked as well and whispered something.


“You never know, Luna.  You may see them a lot sooner than you think.” (Payto)


While I know he said something, I couldn’t really make out what he said.  As soon as we left through the door, we were back home.


{Now, Luna, let’s have some more fun.  I think we should gather everyone here tonight and have a big party.}


My ears perked up at this.


“Sounds fun.  I’ll pull out all the stops and go full level 10 wyvern meat cooking.”


{Ufufufu.  Perfect.}