30. A surprise (part1)
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The clicking of the heels echoed through the dark corridor. The lone black-haired maid walking through this deserted corridor seemed extraordinarily annoyed.

Just how important was that message if she sent him, of all people? Seriously, she does whatever she wants. The maid, Liora, grumbled. The reason for her grumblings: the queen of vampires, Loriam Kaane Leranpe, was enjoying an undisturbed nap with her daughter while Liora and many others within the palace had to work.

It was one thing if the princess slept, after all, she was the target of an assassination attempt just a few days ago. However, for the queen to instruct Liora and the other maids to prepare a secret celebration for the princess while she as her mother would be catering to her, was pissing Liora off.

Well, at least they get along now. Liora sighed as she approached the door at the end of the corridor. And after knocking lightly, she entered without waiting for an answer. Once she entered the room, she spotted the person she was looking for sitting on a bed; Loriam.

"Your majesty, the messenger re-"


Loriam pressed her index finger against her lips, pointing towards the sleeping girl curled up against her. This scene would have been impossible just a week ago. The princess, however, stopped minding the queen’s clinginess after the attempt on her life. Not that she would be trying to be close with her mother, but at least she opened her heart to her.

"The messenger returned."

repeated Liora more quietly. Loriam grumbled silently about not wanting to get up, while gently petting her daughter’s hair. Liora expected this to happen, the queen had a serious daughter complex after all.

"Your majesty, it is not like her highness will be alone…."

Liora stopped talking when she took a better look at the bed. Normally, there would be a black-haired wolf girl clinging to the princess. But now, she was gone.

"…Where is that puppy that always clings to her highness?"

"…the restroom is too far…. Need recharge."

A voice devoid of emotions came from behind Liora. When she glanced at the owner, it turned out to be the one who was missing. A puppy named Lily belonging to the princess.

Without another word, Lily passed by Liora and carefully climbed into the bed. After slowly covering herself with a blanket, she made sure that the princess was still asleep. Once she was sure, she clung to Julia as a smile formed on her face.

So that is what she calls a recharge. Liora looked as Lily rubbed her face against the princess. It also looked like she was sniffing the princess’s nightgown.

"Can we go now, your majesty?"

Loriam begrudgingly nodded and got off the bed, making sure to not wake her daughter up.

"Keep her company, okay?"

Loriam attempted to pet Lily’s head, Lily though let out a growl and bared her sharp canine teethes at her. So Loriam retracted her hand, after which Lily returned to her "recharging". Liora didn’t know how to react. Never before had she imagined seeing a black wolf growl at the queen and getting away with it. But here they were.

"I guess we can go see the messenger now."

Loriam sighed and glanced at Julia’s sleeping face for the last time before beginning to leave with Liora. Leaving the princess alone with her pet. The duo then proceeded to walk to the throne room. On their way checking the celebration preparations progress.

"So, they will come here then?"

"Yes, your majesty."

Loriam sighed in relief. The messenger, who was kneeling in front of her with a devoted expression on his face, didn’t understand why his queen was so relieved that the elves would be coming.  But regardless, he said nothing.

"Thanks, you can go now."

The messenger backed off the throne room, leaving Loriam and Liora alone in the room.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to invite the elves?"

Liora asked once the door closed. She had a doubtful expression on her face. Loriam on the other hand didn’t look as bothered, or not by the elves at least.

"It will be fine. She will be rather happy about it, don’t you think?"

Loriam brushed off Liora’s worry. Instead, she emphasizes how happy her daughter will be by it. This only added to Liora’s worries.

"But your majesty, wouldn’t it just cause her highness more stress? Her highness looks nothing like when she last saw her fiancée. Don’t you think she should have time to mentally prepare?"

Once again, Liora voiced her worries, and Loriam, once again, brushed them off with a wave of the hand.

"It’s fine. It’s fine. Olia already knows, so we can just treat this as a surprise present for Julia."

A smile appeared on Loriam’s face. She looked confident that everything would go well. Liora couldn’t understand where this confidence came from, she could only predict a disaster happening.

"And what about the other guests? Are they coming?"

"Yes, more or less every noble accepted."

"Oh? More or less?"

Loriam furrowed her brows, hearing Liora’s response. She looked like she wanted to kill somebody. Not again. I thought, Liora, and continued.

"Most nobles confirmed their presence, while a few excused themselves for health reasons but confirmed that they would send a representative in their stead."

Liora flipped through a stack of papers she was holding and gave a quick summary to the queen. As she was flipping through the papers, she abruptly stopped at one of them.

"…And as expected, young Lady Amir seems to be the most euthanistic."

Liora unfolded the longest of the letters, Loriam seemed unsurprised as she took the letter from her. After a quick read, she let out a chuckle. This may very well be the first time Loriam saw an invitation confirmation that wasn’t out of obligation. Loriam could feel jealousy towards her own daughter, but she suppressed the feeling almost immediately and replaced it with maternal pride.

"She will have there both her friend and her beloved, not to mention that I will be there too."

No problem at all. Loriam smiled. Liora didn’t see where the confidence came from.

"Now we just have to make sure that she will not find out until the party."

"Of course, your majesty."


Julia woke up, lying once again in Loriam’s bed, just like she had done for the last couple of days. Being treated as Loriam’s hug pillow was something she would prefer to avoid, or if Loriam wouldn’t hug her so tightly at the very least.

"Good morning, master."

"Good morning, Lily."

Lily was sitting on the bed, looking at Julia with a warm smile while her tail slowly waved from side to side. So far, this was the sight that greeted Julia every time she woke up.

"Lily, were you looking at me sleeping the entire night?"

Lily’s ears dropped slightly as she looked down guiltily, avoiding Julia’s eyes.

"…Only a bit…. I am sorry, master."

Julia sighed and reached out her hand toward Lily’s head, rubbing her ears gently. Lily was surprised by the sudden head rubs, but quickly gave in and snuggled against Julia.

"You don’t have to apologize, just try to get more sleep instead."


Lily looked like she was enjoying herself. Julia chuckled to herself while she put a blanket on Lily, getting ready to get out of bed herself. After quickly changing into the clothes that were prepared for her, Julia moved to the doors.

As she reached for the doorknob, a shuffling followed by light steps was heard from behind her.

"Lily, you should get more sleep."

Julia glanced at the young wolf girl who was starting to look like an abandoned puppy.

"I can’t rest without you, master so… please let me go with you."

Julia sighed. Lily didn’t look tired at all, so it might be okay to take her along. After a bit of thought, Julia opened the door.

"Let’s go."

"Yes! Master."

Lily beamed happily and followed her beloved master out of the room. Julia, in the meantime, wondered whether all black wolves resembled dogs or if it was just Lily. But she immediately shook her head to get rid of the thought. She is a person, not a dog.

"Ah, good morning, your highness."

"Hi, Mirei."

As Julia and Lily went through the hall, Mirei greeted them. Julia returned the greeting while Lily glued herself to Julia. Julia patted Lily’s head to reassure her that nothing bad was going to happen.

"Are you going for a walk, your highness?"

Mirei followed Julia, as she asked politely. All the while, Lily was looking at her angrily. Julia shook her head.

"No, I am planning to have breakfast. Is Loriam already there?"

"No, her majesty is… busy."

Mirei looked to the side. Julia found this strange but chose to ignore it. She only nodded and continued to the dining room. It wasn’t like it mattered to her where Loriam was, not even a little.

Julia and Lily had a peaceful breakfast. After that, Julia took a walk around the palace and the garden. After a few hours, she noticed something strange. Where is everyone?

Julia sat under the tree in the garden, drinking tea. The lack of maids she encountered was suspicious. No Loriam, no maids other than Mirei. What is going on?

Julia began feeling uneasy. Normally there would be at least a dozen maids working within the palace, but today there wasn’t a single one. Even Loriam, who would normally jump out the window just to be with her beloved daughter, was nowhere to be found.

Maybe she didn’t see me as her child anymore? The thought that crossed Julia’s mind was something she hoped for when she got turned into a vampire. But now it was only terrifying.

"Your highness, I would like to request you to follow me."

Julia looked up at Liora, who was approaching her seemingly out of nowhere. At the moment, Liora had her regular poker face on, which at the moment only fueled Julia’s unease.


Julia nodded nervously and followed Liora. Lily, who probably realized her master’s unease, rubbed herself against Julia. At least I still have you. Julia thought.

"Here, your highness."

Liora motioned emotionlessly towards the door. Julia never went to this part of the palace. She was becoming increasingly nervous. Okay, here goes nothing. Julia took a deep breath and opened the door, behind which lay a dark room. Julia wondered what she was supposed to do here.

Her heartbeat increased as her mind began imagining the worst possible scenario. When Julia took a few steps into the room, the light turned on, blinding Julia for a moment.


"Happy birthday, Julia."

"Congratulations, your highness."