Chapter 6: Collateral Damage
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I'm on my way to the hotel.

My headache stopped a little, but my mind stills a mess.

I really done with an unknown girl? The impetus of alcohol made me give in for pent up desires?

I never had that kind of thinking in my life at all. Like any other boy in my age, I surely wanted to date with a girl. A beautiful one, if possible. But such a thing can be only in the dream situation.

I spent most of my life in an all-boys school, until the start of high school. So relationships with girls were odd.

The change was Dean's idea. One day, we were talking about our hopes for high school, and he said "Let's leave those boys here and go for some school that has girls! I wanna fall in love too! " ...He basically confessed that day that he's an easy heroine.

And Lisa, that was with us in that conversation, asked which school we were going while she was looking at us as if looking at trash.

So the 3 of us are here now, at the end of 3 long years in Dagoran High School.

In any case, today's experience was crazy.

Surely warms my heart have a conversation with a girl in the morning. Or even... K-kiss... She really got me off guard, dammit...

It's a little sad that Diana is a prostitute, she could be a really good girl to date... Wait, there's a problem here. She's a professional, it must be her work make me feel like this... I'm acting like a fool, huh.

Well, I think that's a sign, if not an alert.

I should look for a girlfriend? But which girls I know in my life?

There's Jenny. I don't think that I should stay much at this stage. She's my sister. Next.

Alice. She's a good girl and has her own charm... But she likes Dean, and I don't even know if he likes her. I should confirm this before having any thoughts about her.

Next is... Lisa. She's definitely beautiful, dating her could be really incredible... Ah! She said on the last day of school that she got eyes in a boy... Shit! I lost my chance! The childhood friend trope... I guess it's true, they never win...

Wait! She only talks with me and Dean! He's also a childhood friend and is popular, so maybe it's him? I must ask about it.

There's also her family problems, huh... She must like a boy who "Fits her status" and that kind of thing. Maybe I never had a chance.

Rose. I can almost say my first meet with her was yesterday. Although I don't like to rank girls, she's on Lisa's level of beauty... But I don't know much about her. I heard in school that her father works in a bank or something, and I know that she has that aura of "untouchable", the bossy student council president.

Ah! I told I'll accompany her today, right? We can say it's a date? One boy goes shopping with a girl! It's definitely a date!

Maybe it's the best chance I have. If I act properly as a gentleman, I can earn some points with her?

That's the result. But let's not get our hopes much high since I have a big chance of hear no easily.

Finally, I'm close to the hotel. 

While I approach I see my 3 friends here. Lisa has a red face as if boiling in anger. Dean is looking at me, with a troubled and conflicted face, and Alice is expressionless.

Did something happen?

Ah... I think I know. Alice is holding Dean's hand... So he choose her? Is this what they call the scene of carnage? A soap opera is right before my eyes!

Dean, we have to talk after this.

Clearing my throat, I ask them.

—"Hello, ho..."-"WHERE.HAVE.YOU.BEEN?" Lisa interrupts my talk. Her face is so red that is almost the same color as her hair. But... It's almost as if she wanted to cry.

Why she's so angry? Hmm...

Oh, Shit! I told her I would meet her yesterday! But, it really made her so pissed? It's just about uncle's work, we can delay a little, right?

Actually... When is that meeting with her father? I should've asked her earlier.

—"Ah... I got into a troublesome and crazy night... Sorry, Lisa. I forgot yesterday... Can I compensate you somehow?" I say meekly, trying to set a better mood.

Dean and Alice murmurs something inaudible together.

—""(Troublesome and crazy, is this what you have to say? Really?)""

—"Hoo..." She says, staring at me, tapping her feet with her arms folded. -"And what can you do to compensate what you've done?"

It's was just a briefing, Lisa! C'mon! I can't retort her now, it'll worsen the situation.

Dean! Alice! Throw me a bone here!

...Huh? Why you two are ignoring as if I was some kind of monster? You two are siding her? I know I'm in the wrong here, but I'll remember this, traitors.

Right, let's consider my schedule.

I only have the date with Rose today... But I can't tell this to Lisa, she'll think that I'm trash for favoring a date instead of her. Well, it could be something tomorrow, but...the earlier the better. 

—"How about we do something..."—"Now. Go to your room and grab your things. Be ready. We don't have time."

When I tried to say something, she interrupted me again, but now... I can feel. This is getting bad, very bad...

But what does she mean with don't have time?

—"Err...Why the hurry?"

I ask her since I don't get what she's saying.

Lisa puts a hand in her face, as if she's not believing, and tells.

—"The meeting is today. We have to talk before the afternoon before we leave. Father will send a car when the time to leave here comes."

WHAT? HE'S ALSO IN A HURRY? Those businessmen... They really don't waste time. Goddammit! Uncle is really in so much trouble? 

Urgh... I don't wanna cancel the date...

I think I can manage this. There's only one thing that must NOT happen now.

—"Ah! Vincent! You're here!"

The occasion of Lisa meets with Rose.

Someone? Hello? Can I sign my last will here?

Rose approaches us walking slowly, with her blonde hair fluttering with the wind.

—"Ah, hello! You're Vincent's friends?" She asks, with a carefree smile.

Dean and Alice are looking at me, they're basically saying "Who is this girl?" with their eyes and faces.

But Lisa... has a shocked face. As if her world crumbled down. As if she wanted that what happened in the last few seconds was a lie... And...

She's crying. Very much.

I don't know what's happening anymore.

—"It was you he met yesterday?" She asks as if waiting to hear something that she already knows. The way of her talk is as if someone took all the strength left in the body to take a final blow.

Lisa is trembling... Her makeup is a mess, mixing with her tears.

—"Ah... We met yesterday, right Vincent?" Rose says smiling, but with an expression that also reflects that she's not understanding anything.


I was hit.

Very hard.

It was Lisa who done this. She's smiling, but anyone call tell that she's faking it.

I never expected to hurt so much. Although she always had this violent personality, me or Dean were never hit. And that's what makes this more painful, it pains my heart seeing this beautiful girl who has such charming aura around her, use her hand that is so delicate and smooth to hit my face.

—"Enjoy your new girlfriend. Be happy."

She left the place running, stopping the tears dropping from her face with the forearm, while everyone around us starts looking at me.



I can't take this. My heart is in shatters. I never thought I would make Lisa cry.

Someone, please tell me what's happening.

—"Err... I came in a bad hour?" Rose asks a little sad, for not knowing what to say.

Dean takes a deep breath and says to Alice.

—"Go after her. Try to explain things to her."

So Alice leaves, not before looking at me with scorn and disgust as if I had just done the worst crime possible in the world.

—"Dude... We have to talk. Right now." Dean tells me.

He's looking at me but he doesn't want to, and his face is expressionless but he's hiding his feelings the most he can.

He turns to Rose and asks her.

—"Can you give us some time?"

She looks at me for a few seconds, doing the same to Dean. And with a troubled expression replies.

—" I don't get it, but... Okay. I can have him after?"

Dean looks at her as if he' going to say something, but answers in a way that sounds different is supposed to be.

—"Sure. Vincent. Follow me."

He takes me, and while we pass through the hallway, everyone looks at me.

Some people have the same scorn and hatred that Alice, while other ones nod as if understanding, starting to laugh afterward.

We're now on the elevator, but Dean is not saying anything.

He's just looking at the ceiling, while sometimes he takes a few glances on the mirror looking at his own expressionless face.

This is killing me. Everything was terrible. I don't know what to do, or even if has something I can do.


The elevator stops, and we proceed to my room.

I use a card to open the room since the hotel's system uses a card that we get in the lobby.

After we enter, Dean takes a chair close from a desk and sits in front of me, while I'm in the bed with my hands on my knees.

—"If she didn't hit you, I would've done for her."

He says, taking a deep breath.

—"Err. I don't get it, what just happened?" I ask.

He takes a brief look at the window and replies.

—"Lisa knows, bro."

What? What does she know? This is strange. Why I'm the one that's receiving all those eyes?

—"About what?" I ask him.

—"About the prostitute, Vince. About everything. Well, almost everything." He answers, with a hand in his face.


I think I finally understood...

I really am trash.