Chapter 122 – Festival V
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The growing din of the crowds that filled the stadium was deafening, people shouting names and praises for the two incoming opponents. Thrake was the first to come to a stop, his greater height and longer strides carrying him across the dirt field with ease. He stopped near the center with his hands on his hips, a grin on his face. He looked down at the shorter Yaga Yftha as she approached, twirling her sword between her fingers. Teyva looked at Azrael who seemed more than a little conflicted. Teyva felt the same, glancing back out as the two of them came face to face.

She pulled out her Journal and finally had the opportunity to analyze both of them.

[Yaga Yftha] - [Azar Lord of the Eastern Tribe]  - Involved - Level 14

[Aspect of the Azar] [Aspect of the Warden] [Aspect of the Lord of the Open Sky]


HP: 100% MP: 100% SP: 100%

Teyva blinked, “Az, did your inspection show Yaga’s aspects last time?” She asked.

“No?” She used her own journal and jerked back an inch, surprised, “Holy, there they are!”

Teyva turned to the King and repeated the process.

[Thrake Unabi] - [King of the Azar]  - Friendly - Level 25

[Aspect of the Azar] [Aspect of the Lord of the Open Sky] [Aspect of the Lord of the Azure Sea]

[Aspect of the Lord of the Eternal Flame] [Aspect of the Lord of the Lofty Peaks] [Unknown Aspect]

<Aspect Being: Grand >

HP: 100% MP: 100% SP: 100%

Teyva swallowed, “Your father is a beast,” She mumbled, “What the hell?”

“I… didn’t know,” Azrael trailed off, “Unknown Aspect?”

Teyva frowned, that must be his Sovereign Aspect. It looked like he was at the very least being cautious enough to hide that one particular aspect from being seen. She knew from experience that there were others out there with the ability to see aspects using mana manipulation. If that was the case then the King had to be aware of it as well. Teyva rubbed her chin as a grin began to spread across her face. “I see what he’s doing.”


“Your father is putting on a show, there are probably people in the audience trying to get a measure for him right now and he’s letting it all hang-out. He wants people to know exactly what he’s capable of. Maybe we’ve got some Katali spies watching or something,” Teyva chuckled, “This’ll give them something to think about.”

“What are you looking at?” Conrad asked, “I cannot see.”

“It is an ability that I obtained when I pledged fealty to Teyva,” Azrael said smugly.

Conrad turned his head, “So that is how it works,” He mused, looking Teyva up and down, “I will wait then.”

“Oh really?” Azrael said, “Too good for my lady?” She growled, standing up and getting in his face again.

“Quite the contrary,” He said with a sneer of contempt, “I wish to demonstrate myself to her first, so that she knows her investment is worthwhile.”

Teyva sighed, she was planning on taking him on as a companion as soon as he asked but now the two of them were at one another's throats. She’d have to wait for them to settle things once and for all before she pushed that particular envelope. She rubbed her nose and looked back out over the arena. Yaga and the King were beginning to pace around one another, moving in a slow circle. That was when Karx’s voice boomed over the audience, shocking everyone to silence.

“We are now about to begin the first match of the Unification Festival Competition! This first match is one for the books already! Master Yaga Yftha, Lord of the Eastern Tribe!” He belted out, Teyva groaned at how he sounded. She’d heard wrestling announcers who sounded less cliche. “And her opponent! The King of the Azar himself! King Thrake Unabi!”

The roar of the crowd actually caused the barrier to shimmer slightly. Teyva barked out a laugh, “Here we go.”

Yaga twirled her weapon once more between her fingers, sidestepping and keeping the King in her line of sight. She rolled her jaw, waiting for the blithering fool Karx to finish showboating. The King mimicked her movements, a grin on his face. “You’ve gotten stronger, haven’t you Yaga?” He said, coming to a stop and placing his hands on his hips. Yaga stopped as well, pointing her weapon in his direction.

“It’s been years since we last came head to head, Thrake, I’ve been wanting this for a long time,” She ground out.

“Put on a good show for me then,” Thrake shot back, his presence looming over her.

Yaga knew this would not be an easy fight, frankly, she could feel that she was outmatched. At the very least though she would make every effort to demonstrate to her King exactly whom he had trusted with the defense of his border. That meant only one thing, full power, right out the gate. She bore her teeth and drew in her mana manipulation, tightening it into a shell around her body. Her skin began to gleam as she let out a hard breath and drew up her chest. She felt the presence of her Patron reach out to her and she called it to her side.

“Behold you faithful!” Yaga bellowed, “[Lord of the Open Skies]!” 

In an instant a torrent of wind and rain exploded behind her, the tiny hurricane collapsing in on itself until a mighty bird erupted from the spot, with a thirty-foot wingspan, the creature was the largest thing that many people in the stadium had ever seen. The creature’s emerald green feathers glittered like gems as it threw its wings open and let out a terrible cry. Thrake looked up at the creature and marveled while Yaga continued to prepare herself. [Ironclad Warden] [Might of the Azar] [Azar Resistances] [Guardian’s Sprint] [Blade of the Warden] [Windshorne Blade] [Thunderstep]. She bore her teeth and charged, darting directly at the King.

“Like the wind, swift-footed, carry me across the sky!” She barked and her body lifted from the ground, gaining speed. She dove directly at the King as he raised his arms to defend himself. He blocked her first strike and his feet slid across the ground. Yaga grimaced, the blade didn’t even dig into his skin! “Razorwind!” She shouted, shortening the spell and forcing it through her sword. Finally, she saw the red of her king’s blood. The achievement didn’t last, however, as he shoved her back, spinning and landing a heel kick on the side of her head. Yaga saw stars as she hurtled left across the field, skidding across the ground.

She quickly sat up, shaking her head and looking up in time to see the King engaged with her Patron Being. The Lord of the Open Skies opened his mighty beak and released a bolt of lightning, the forceful blast catching the King on the shoulder. The King laughed, opening his hand and catching the next bolt before tossing it aside. Yaga scrambled to her feet and threw herself at the King again only to see the look in his eyes change. A violet glow burned beneath the surface. She frowned, time was up.

The King reared back and threw a haymaker at the air. There was a flicker of something purple between him and the Patron Being and suddenly the creature was thrown backward as if it had been struck in the chest with an enormous fist. He turned and threw a similar punch in Yaga’s direction. Yaga crossed her arms in front of her chest and used every defensive ability she could muster. Even then, she felt the impact wash over her and send her flying through the air once again. She hit the far wall, her aura shuddering beneath the impact.

“Damn, still can’t beat you,” Yaga groaned, laying in the small crater her body had left.

“It was a good effort,” Thrake shouted.

“I submit!” Yaga bellowed, and with a thought sent her Patron back to her lair.

The first of the trio to speak when the fight had ended was Conrad, “She went easy on me,” He growled, “What power.”

Teyva leaned back in her seat and rubbed her face, “Holy shit, what did I just watch?”

“Two seasoned Aspect Wielders,” a voice from behind them said. They turned to see Argus Wo standing there, his arms crossed. As he stepped towards them, two of the Azar who had also made it to the top sixteen were called out to have their own matches. Argus sat down in a spot behind them and rested his arms on his knees. “Yaga should be proud of herself, she managed to wound him.”

Teyva and Azrael looked at one another in amazement. “I’d never seen Master Yaga fight Father before,” Azrael said.

“They used to go at it all the time,” Argus laughed, “We all did, but that was before your time little Princess.”

The doors opened to the viewing box and Thrake stepped in first. He scratched his head with a bit of embarrassment and made his way over to the seats nearby Teyva and Azrael. The sounds of fighting broke out in the field but Teyva’s attention was on the door. Yaga came in next, looking fit as ever. She had a few bumps and scrapes but was otherwise fine. The two made eye contact and Yaga grinned at her, offering a playful wink before leaning up against the wall.

There was a roar and Teyva turned to see one of the men who had gone out unconscious on the ground. She turned to Conrad, “What did I miss?”

“Nothing worth watching,” The fallen knight rumbled.

“The next match will be Master Barin Kot versus Master Argus Wo!” A man called, poking his head into the viewing box. Argus slapped his knees and got to his feet. He turned to look at the sleepy magi who raised an eyebrow. 

Argus grumbled and shook his head. “Great, here we go again. Damn wizard.”

“Sorcerer!” Barin corrected and stepped out the door.

Teyva, Azrael, and Conrad waited for the two men to step out onto the field. When they did, Teyva pulled out her journal again and analyzed them.

[Argus Wo] - [Azar Lord of the Western Tribe]  - Friendly - Level 15

[Aspect of the Azar] [Aspect of the Warden] [Aspect of the Lord of the Azure Sea]


HP: 100% MP: 100% SP: 100%

[Barin Kot] - [Azar Lord of the Southern Tribe]  - Friendly - Level 14

[Aspect of the Azar] [Aspect of the Warden] [Aspect of the Lord of the Eternal Flame]


HP: 100% MP: 100% SP: 100%

“This might take a while,” Thrake laughed, “I almost feel bad for the audience.”

Teyva glanced back at him, “What do you mean?”

Tiisha was the one to interject, sitting down next to Thrake and leaning into him a little bit, “Are you familiar with what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Dear Argus is a mighty warrior and any other Magi would crumple beneath him but against Barin it becomes quite the battle of attrition. Unfortunately for dear Argus, he does not possess as deep a well of mana as Barin does.”

“This match was decided the moment it began,” Thrake chimed in, “Unfortunately their pride won’t allow them to abdicate to one another. They have been rivals since they met.”

“Even with the level difference?” Azrael murmured, looking to the field.

Argus rested his hand on his weapon, tilting his head as Barin stepped out to meet him. The two men stared at one another for a long time. “Seems these people had some bad luck,” He said, laughing.

“It would appear so,” Barin yawned, “Why don’t you just walk away this time?”

Argus scowled, his eyes flashing, “And miss a chance to finally put you in your place, Kot?” He barked out a laugh and drew his sword. He raised his hands and barked to the sky; “Behold! You faithful! [Lord of the Azure Sea]!” Behind him a torrent of water roiled in on itself and took the shape of a whale that seemed to swim in the air. Its body held aloft by a constantly churning wave of water. Opposite him, Barin Kot repeated his gesture, raising his own head to the sky and letting out his own call.

“Behold you faithful! [Lord of the Eternal Flame]!” He shouted and an explosion rang out behind him, flames scorching the very air. A tremendous reptile crawled out of the flames, its heavy body and gait reminding those watching of a salamander. It bore its teeth and roared, whipping its head left and right. In an instant, the two engaged one another. Argus moved quickly to try to disrupt Barin as he began casting protective spells on himself. Walls of flame erupted from the ground now and then only to be extinguished by blasts of water. Despite the warlord’s best efforts, though, Barin Kot was gleaming with magical defenses by the time Argus reached him. 

“Here we go again,” Barin teased, holding out his hand and releasing a concussive force to send Argus hurtling backward.

Thrake shook his head, “We may be here a while,” He said with a sigh.

The king wasn’t wrong. Unlike the other two bouts, Argus and Barin went at one another for nearly an hour before the match was called in Barin’s favor. When the fourth match was called for, it was yet another one of the men Teyva hadn’t met before versus Tiisha. Teyva had barely enough time to inspect Tiisha’s stats before the man submitted on the spot, unwilling to fight the mighty woman.

[Tiisha] - [Azar Lord of the Northern Tribe]  - Friendly - Level 16

[Aspect of the Azar] [Aspect of Might] [Aspect of the Lord of the Lofty Peaks]


HP: 100% MP: 100% SP: 100%

Thrake let out a laugh, “Not surprised, Tiisha is the strongest of the Four. Everyone knows that.”

“I beg to differ,” Yaga grunted, “I’ll beat her one of these days.”

Teyva was about to throw in another question when the door opened and the man who had been calling participants poked his head inside. “Princess Teyva Akura and Kastel Tvar, you are up next!”

Teyva got to her feet and made eye contact with Kastel. The Azar grinned at her, turning to go down the hall and to the battlefield. Azrael reached up and grabbed her wrist, “Don’t overdo it.”

“I’m going to teach him a lesson,” Teyva growled, “Just watch me.”