Arc Fifteen. Chapter Four Hundred Twenty-One. Wake Up Call
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Peter had no idea how to take the news that Earth was joining the Nova Empire. So far the countries that objected were being outnumbered by those who did, and who could blame them.

A lot of societal inequalities were about to be swept aside in one massive upgrade of the whole planet. Who wouldn't want to suddenly be on equal terms with a country that threatened your borders every day? Who wouldn't want to suddenly have enough for all your citizens to eat? Which corrupt governments wouldn’t suddenly want access to high-tech weapons and technology? Peter knew it was only time before everyone agreed. With one or two exceptions.

Once the Nova Empire found out about the Vibranium in Wakanda, it would be bloody and messy. With the deals Wakanda had for Vibranium rights, it was ‘when’ rather than ‘if' the Nova Corp found out. Shuri was already preparing for war, but they had no real idea on what scale. Carol had provided tactical information the best she could. She had intimate knowledge of not just their troop training but weapons tech as well. But with the sudden rise of militancy in the Nova Corp, she was unsure how they would approach the planet. Would they be facing scorched earth tactics or would they opt for a diplomatic route? So far, they were being polite, but that could well change.

There was also Doom. He had no idea what Doom was doing. Since his defeat, he had been quiet but Peter had spent time dissecting the memories of Wanda. His Doombots were a great enough threat to the forces of Earth, but would they be any match for the Xandarians? Add in the mystical arts and he knew it was another ticking time bomb. 

Which was another issue. Stephen and the Sorcerers were completely unknown. Wanda had been tight-lipped, as she had no wish to betray her teacher. She had said, that unless the Xandarians attacked with magical methods, he was neutral. Carol knew that most worlds had little to no magic, even on Asgard, where only Queen Freya and Loki were known to be practitioners. It meant that Stephen, and the other Sorcerers, were out of this one.

That was the problem though. It was the Augments and Enhanced that were saying no. The ordinary Joe on the street liked the idea of space and new alien life. The Xandarians looked just like them, and most had no special powers. It was just ordinary people who wanted the same things that they did.

Peter knew that was what made it appealing. It was better than giant robots scanning you and declaring you a menace.

And it got worse.

"Peter, We need to deal with this now." Pepper was standing with a folder, "The Xandarians don't care about people with powers. What they do care about is pharmaceuticals that might cause problems with other species."

"And I have to deal with it as I'm the de facto head of AIM," he grumbled.

"Exactly. So, coffee, cookies, and lots of paperwork," Pepper said as she sat down and started to separate the folders. "And you need to read them. Xandarians are sticklers for rules, so you need to sign to say you read it, understood it, and what was said is true."

Peter groaned and lifted the first one. "They're worried that a vaginal lubricant is an illegal drug?"

"Yes actually. As it stimulates the libido, it could become an issue. As I said, not the effects on us, but on other species," Pepper explained.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, but being a CEO isn't like Tony makes it out to be." Peter shuddered as he compared himself to the one person he felt he actually didn't like. He could see Pepper staring at him confused.

"Well, yes. Tony isn't a CEO. He was dumped into the role when he hit twenty-one by Obadiah, and while he's a genius he misses the minor details." Pepper filled her cup and slid two cookies onto her saucer. "And most of the minor details were the actual work of running the company. Obadiah would have had no problem taking it from him due to sheer incompetency. Well, if he hadn't turned out to be a murderous asshole."

Pepper had shared that Tony's kidnapping was due to his second in command Obadiah Stane. He wanted to take over the company but was blocked as Tony had been doing a good enough job of making money. It had come to a head though with Tony getting older and more and more reckless. Peter had read the file Pepper created on Tony, and if he was honest, Peter couldn't blame him. At nineteen he lost both his parents, was handed a billion dollars, and with no parental restraint, went a bit mad. He was already an arrogant asshole with his IQ alone, the money only made him worse.

Peter smirked though, "No thoughts of murder then?"

Pepper sat her cup down, "Only when you forget to restock the fridge."

Peter laughed as he finished the first folder, signed in all three places and closed it. "Not my responsibility. Blame Felicia for that one. Or well, I think it's Friday's fault these days."

Pepper slumped slightly, which Peter caught, "Jo?"

Pepper scowled slightly and nodded, "Maya is pitching a fit most days. It's bad enough when I have to deal with Stark, but Jocasta is there all the time."

"I offered them sanctuary here, but Vision said no. Jo looked at me weirdly and shook her head."

Pepper snorted out a small laugh, "Friday shared her little adventure. Jocasta," Pepper lifted her cup to hide a smile, "Jocasta was more interested than she let on."

"And she's more interested in Tony. Which Maya hates."

It was always going to be a problem. Tony did break up with Maya to date Pepper and then cheated on them both. It was only Maya being pregnant that saved their relationship. Not that Peter thought that was a good enough reason. A kid should not be used as glue to fix a crappy marriage.

"Nope. Jocasta might have mentioned a certain smell when she was here. Nobody has told her though."

Peter groaned, "Not touching that one, nope, not my problem. My nano-armour stops it, she's fine and not in any way being influenced." Peter frowned as he read the file, "another one on Fenese?"

"For the reason you just gave. They wanted a file on each of its properties, broken down by chemical analysis." Pepper lifted the edge of the folder, "Yup, that one the pheromone."

Peter frowned, "Where are they all?"

Pepper slid out four folders, "Libedo enhancer, Pheromone," she frowned. "Muscle stimulant, and regenerative effect."

Peter shook his head, "That's not the cream, that's my symbcells." He stopped and looked at the pile of folders, "How many of these are for Formula? And I don't mean the drinks or the supplements, the actual Stacy Formula?"

Pepper shook her head, "none. It's a trade secret. We don't even keep a copy of each one on file. Gwen has a completely separate server to host them all, and only she has access."

"But, if it's done under the guise of files for the Xandarians, then they get around that. They can spout some law that our drugs might be space cocaine and they need to know." Peter ran a hand over his face, "And, as a US-based company, with US-based citizens, we have to tell them."

"And you can't give up being a citizen, as the tax will screw you," Pepper added.

Pere nodded, "And I'm not officially a citizen of Wakanda as I wasn't born there. I would need to petition another country, and then have them up my ass about the Formula."

Pepper snorted, "And, no offence Peter, but the US government has been pretty lax on you. There are a lot of places that this," she motioned to the warehouse, "would get you in so much trouble."

"So, we might as well come clean, take our lumps and go back to making people's lives better."

Pepper lifted her last cookie. "And the money. The money is very nice," she added.

Peter was floating in the pool, while Pepper relaxed in one of the tubs. They had gone over all the important papers in the morning, but it was now time for a break. Peter had made a simple lunch for them both, cold meats and cheeses, and now they were relaxing.

"Can you see about buying another warehouse? Maybe next door on either side if they have it," he asked as he pushed himself away from the side.

Pepper chuckled, "That many?"

Peter laughed, turned and swam to the edge where he could talk properly, "Nah. We just want more privacy. There are a lot of visitors these days and I'd like to move them somewhere else."

Peter also had plans to build a proper gym in another building and add more homes. The corners, now empty, could be used for storage or plants. It would be nice to have some greenery back in the warehouse.

"I'll see what I can do. Are you willing to be," Pepper sat up, "Aggressive?" Peter could see that she was being serious.

"If by aggressive you mean kicking someone out, then no. If you want to spend a little more to facilitate them leaving, then sure."

"That I can do." Pepper stood and stretched, "Now, back to work. There is so much more paperwork to do."

Peter grumbled but stood, "Can't tempt you with a massage?"

Pepper snorted and stepped from the tub, "We both know where you’re hoping to massage. And" her eyes flicked down, "And while it is tempting. No. Professional. Paperwork, then dinner."

"Slave driver," Peter shook his head and stood. The water evaporated from his skin as he used his Extremis, "But dinner I can do. Take your time, and I'll see what we have."

Peter left Pepper drying herself and he walked back into the seating area. He frowned slightly as he saw the pile of folders. It was devious but it worked. He had no choice but to agree or face obstruction charges. Not only that, but it would tank AIM's reputation if they started to argue with the Xandarians. His frown deepened as he finished sorting the finished pile and moved to the unfinished ones. Each one was about a different aspect of AIM. Liv’s harness, Gwen's cream, his CLS, and Curts Formula. He paused and spread them out over the table, adding in the already signed ones.

"Fuck!" He yelled.

Pepper, who was behind him, drying her hair with a towel, scolded him. "Peter. You are not one to swear, Don't start."

"No, not, well, yeah, but." He pointed at the files, "Norman, Symbiotes, Hydra, Lizard." He pointed to every file that matched up with each foe they had faced. "These aren't to find out what we can do. These are to gather evidence that either I was responsible or that I was involved in them all."

Pepper looked at each file and nodded. The pattern fit. "But why? It's all circumstantial."

"It doesn't need to be anything else. I'm admitting to enough they can start an investigation. We're handing them a list of possible crimes we're involved in. The only thing they can't pin on me is Shaw and Coulson already said, right to my face, they know it was me."

"But again, it's all circumstantial. They tried before and Matt had it thrown out. Double Jeopardy might apply to most of these." Pepper lifted Liv's file, and Gwen's. "These aren't illegal. Liv was cleared and the Erskine Formula had been spread around enough Gwen is in the clear. " She lifted his own CLS file. "This isn't an issue, as I already know that Hydra tech is based on the Mind Stone, and yours is based on Livs."

There was one more folder on the table. "But this one I did not know about. Curt is the Lizard?"

Peter shook his head, "Was. We cured him."

"But at one point he was the fugitive known as the Lizard." Pepper stood in front of him. She only had a towel on but Peter wasn't looking at her figure. He was looking at the concerned angry look on her face, "That is important. As if he was then yes, he is still a fugitive and still wanted for the attack on the grocery store."

"Dammit, and so are we for harbouring him." Peter stood and slid out his phone. He dialled a number, "No reply." There was a pause. "Mom, when you get this call me right back, it's important." Peter stretched out a hand and one of Liv's harnesses ambled from her apartment, "Sorry Pepper. I need to take a rain check on the rest of this." As it climbed up his back, it unfolded into an armoured suit. The thrusters on the back test fired, "Oh and uh, tell everyone I might be late for dinner."

Pepper snorted and stepped back. Peter's symbskin armour filled out and V floated a few inches off the ground. "Good luck." She leaned in and kissed him on the side of the face, "And please don't do anything illegal."

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