Arc Five. Chapter One Hundred Forty-Six. Hidden Agenda
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The dinner had been organised weeks ago, and while Peter had asked Aunt May to postpone it, Gwen had shaken her head,

“Spend time with your aunt, Peter. You don’t know,” and she had broken down again. He felt the lump in his own throat and nodded.

“I must say, Peter, this is very impressive.” Otto was looking at the work Peter had put into the warehouse, and even his own place paled in comparison. “And you say it was only a year to fix up, very good, very good.”

Peter gave Otto a cursory glance. The man was tall, slender, and a bit scruffy as far as Peter could see. His blonde hair was dyed and the darker brown roots showed, He was scruffy with a dirty blond five o'clock shadow. Peter wondered if he was a prank Aunt May was pulling. Did he not shave before coming here?

Peter was also dying to ask which limb was fake but MJ, then Gwen, and then Felicia had threatened him. If he embarrassed the poor man by bringing it up, there would be no sex for a month. He thought it was his arm, as it seemed stiff compared to the other but unless he was obvious, he couldn't get a good look.

Otto and Aunt May had come round for dinner. Aunt May wanted to show off her nephew and his achievements as well as celebrate a new tenant. Talia was supposed to move in, and Peter had made sure there was more than enough for all seven. She just hadn't shown up yet.

Otto and May were at the table sat in the middle, and Peter had the portable grill close by. He was turning steaks and chicken wings while potatoes roasted. With the centre becoming more of a social area, he added cooking facilities to the small kitchen. The new vent he fitted let him use the grill without the risk of poisoning everyone.

Gwen and Felicia were out until later. They knew that meeting Otto for the first time would be a bit strange and had decided to head out for a date on their own. Gwen was spending most of her time at her old house right now. She was dealing with her father's estate and the high-profile media attention. Buckling under pressure, she had taken a leave of absence from school. The constant barrage of questions had eventually pushed her to breaking point. Thankfully, Liv offered to tutor her if she was forced to drop out.

MJ was working and had promised to make it up to Peter, and it was just Liv as usual. The issues with the government hadn't been solved and a warrant was still out for her arrest. Peter had told her she was more than welcome but she shook her head. It was a family meal and family time. She'd be fine for the night, promised to be quiet and wrangled out a small dinner date of her own, with Peter for dessert. It had been years since she had a well-cooked steak and she had made Peter promise to cook it for her.

He was drizzling marinated over the steaks when he heard a crash. It was followed by Liv shouting, "Peter, sorry dear but can you help?"

Otto looked over and Peter shrugged, "One of the tenants is in a wheelchair. Sorry, um Otto, can you watch these?"

“Of course, of course. But you know if she wants she can come out, I don't mind and I'm sure May doesn't either.”

May shook her head. She thought Peter was better than hiding another houseguest. A thought crossed her mind, that they were hiding for a reason.

“Peter,” Liv yelled this time.

Peter bolted, entering the home he swore, "shit.”

Liv had knocked over a glass and it had not just soaked her but shattered and her leg was cut. “Aunt May, can you grab me a first aid kit, it's under the table.” As Peter grabbed a towel and began to try to soak up the water, Liv just stared in horror at the door.

"Well, isn't this a problem." Peter turned and saw Otto standing in the doorway, first aid kit in hand. "Hello Olivia, didn't expect to see you here."

Peter stood between them, “uh, Liv?" Peter asked, unsure of what was going on,

"Cuh. Curt,“ she stammered, trying to wheel herself back from him.

"Wait? You’re Curt? But doesn’t he only have one arm?” Peter tensed, unwilling to start a fight with Aunt May only a few feet away.

Otto, maybe Curt, banged on his left arm, which rather than being flesh made a hollow thunking noise.

"Prosthetic Peter, but I guess the cat’s out of the bag then." Curt held up his hands. “But wait. I'm not here to fight."

"Explain before I have to have a very difficult conversation with my Aunt," Peter hissed. This was why he kept Venom separate from his private life. Curt was about to meet a very sticky end if he threatened his aunt.

“I ran into a wall, a problem with the formula. I, I needed your father's notes, I was going to approach you if May didn't have them.”

Peter flexed his hands, letting them ball into fists. "You know that's not better. You used my aunt."

Curt looked defeated. “No Peter, I do love her. Your aunt knows who I am. I already told her plus we had met before, through your father. She got rid of your father's notes years ago, she said an agent came and took them, but that you had your father's old laptop. I was hoping to have a look at it, to get your help and I need Miss Stacy. I was actually hoping to talk to her tonight but uh, well.”

“You know, this is all lovely but before you get a room, can you please clean up my leg and get me some dry clothes,” Liv interrupted.

Peter rubbed the back of his head, ”sorry Liv.” He took the first aid kit from Curt.

“So, hiding out with an old friend. How exciting Liv,” Curt said, as Peter opened the kit and handed her some bandages, “and I must say I'm jealous. I've been living in a sewer.”

“Yes, Curt. Being under the thumb of an egomaniac was a picnic. Stop being such a drama queen and get out so Peter can change my pants.”

“You and Peter?” Curt raised an eyebrow, “but I thought that it was Peter and.” Liv shot him a stare and he coughed, “Of course, none of my business who he uh, well. I'll let May know everything's fine and leave you to it.”

Peter helped Liv into her new pants,

“So?” He asked her, “That's Curt.”

“Peter dear, if he's here voluntarily then listen to what he has to say. I doubt very much that he'd try anything, if May knows then it's a safe bet that he's telling the truth.”

Peter nodded, and talking one of Liv's hands kissed the back of it, "Thank you."

"Yes yes, now let's go out and eat. No point in hiding now is there,” Liv let Peter wheel her out into the common area where she smiled at May.

"It has been a while May," Liv said and May just stared at her.

"It has Olivia. So, you couldn't get his father so you stalked his son?" May said with a venom that Peter had never heard from her before.

"Uh, Aunt May. It's not like that. Liv needed a place to stay while Norman was hunting her. She never knew who I was until she signed her lease." He tried to explain, but May folded her arms and glared.

"And you know her past? Of how she almost," May began but Peter interrupted.

"I do, and that has nothing to be with me. Liv was hiding as she knew you'd be upset."

May looked at the pair. Peter was lying. He had his little guilty tells, no eye contact and a way of fidgeting. "But you are?" He nodded.

May sat up straight. “If you’re happy Peter, then there isn't much I can say. Even if I don’t approve, MJ and Gwen were fine, Felicia was tolerable, but really Peter, four. Are there more? Is someone else hiding in one of these boxes you keep building in here?”

“No Aunt May no. Liv just happened, uh,” and as he looked at Liv, “It's complicated, really complicated. Please, just fine, we’re all happy, please, just accept it okay.”

“Fine, fine Peter but I can’t say I am happy, I mean really, Ben and I raised you better than that.” May was livid.

“You did Aunt May but you’re wrong. We’re happy, not just five people but a family. A happy family and this time, Aunt May I love you I really do but please don’t speak like that about them.” Peter took a deep breath, “or you can leave.”

Aunt May recoiled. Peter never spoke to her like that, never once raised his voice at her, never once talked back. He maybe said something stupid. He maybe raised a protest, but he always turned to her for advice, for guidance. “Well, Peter, we are allowed to live our lives as we see fit, and while I may not agree I guess that I have to accept it.“

Peter seemed to visibly relax. He had always looked up to and respected his Aunt but now he was moving on. Part of that was realising that different people had different attitudes.

Aunt May belonged to a group that would not understand the kind of relationship he had with the others. While he respected that, she had to understand and respect their choice.

He had been avoiding her for that very reason. He would always keep Venom a secret but his relationships were another matter. He knew his Aunt wouldn't understand, hardly anyone would. But with Liv being a permanent resident it was hard to have her there while Liv was around. Even if she didn't accept things, he refused to make Liv feel he was ashamed of her.

The atmosphere for the rest of the meal was quiet. The food that he prepared was delicious but the atmosphere had changed. As Curt and Liv gave each other glances they knew that family time was definitely over for Peter and May.

“Well,“ Curt said, “I guess that this is the awkward bit then. May, thank you for introducing me to Peter and Peter, thank you for dinner. It was lovely." He looked over at May and smiled. "I'm afraid I need to speak to Miss Stacy, to ask for her help and as we're all being honest here, May tell him.”

May glared at Curt and pursed her lips, scowling at him. “Now's not the time Curt,” and she raised an eyebrow and gave him a look Peter recognised. It was the one that said, ‘Keep talking and they’ll never find the body.’

“No dear, I'm sorry Peter deserves to know and after your little outburst it’ll clear the air.”

“Wait? Are you two?” Curt nodded and taking out a box knelt down. “May Parker, will you marry me?”

May looked like she simultaneously wanted to cry, commit murder, or run and hide, she squeaked, “Yes.”

Curt excitedly slipped the ring onto her finger, while Liv nudged Peter in the ribs. "Congratulations May." he said giving Liv a smug look, "I'm happy for you."

May beamed, "Thank you Peter, and sorry for springing this on you. We'd been talking about it but it was just supposed to be talk." May gave Curt a pointed look.

"No time like the present dear. One big happy family." Curt said smiling. "But I do have a favour."

Peter leaned back and looked over at Liv, who shrugged.

“I want you to help me cure myself of the Lizard. I've been researching since my accident but I’m nowhere nearer to a cure, but you are aren't you? I was hoping that a fresh pair of eyes would give me some new insights. Gwen could help me, but Liv being here is even better. Can I ask you to help too?”

“Uh, maybe save that until, you know, the celebrations are over,” Peter said as May didn't look happy.

May batted Curt on his good arm, “Propose and then straight to work huh? The honeymoon had better be good”

“Well, I do have my very spacious sewer abode, we could always spend a week there?” Curt winked at her. May laughed and leaned over and they shared a kiss.

Peter grimaced, seeing his Aunt happy was one thing, but watching her and Curt flirt was another.

May looked over with a small grin, "Oh, it's fine Peter. If you don't like it," and she raised an eyebrow and smirked, "You can leave."

Peter laughed and leaned towards Liv with his lips comically pursed. She grabbed them with two fingers, "If you use a public display of affection to get back at your Aunt, I will hurt you, Peter."

"my whas womwly kudding," he tried to say with his mouth held shut. Liv chuckled and as she let his lips go he quickly moved and kissed her fingers before she could move her hand.

“Uh, if you need help with that, I have some, um, funds I can probably spring for a small vacation somehow. You know as a wedding gift?” Peter suggested.

Aunt May shook her head and grinned. “You have four girlfriends, Mr Parker. I think you should be worried about them and not your old-fashioned aunt. There is also the issue of why exactly Miss Stacy is the target of Curt here. I’m not stupid Peter. I know what your father was involved in and what Curt was asking for. So would you like to explain, or shall I wait until everyone is here and ask them?”

Aunt May glared at Peter, and as he looked over at Liv, even she shrugged. This was not something anyone would be getting involved in, Peter was on his own.

With Gwen and Felicia out of the warehouse, Peter sighed and began to explain.

Peter stared at his Aunt. He knew lying would do him no good as she could always tell.

Peter sighed and stared at the plate in front of him. “When I was sick at Oscorp, I was exposed to something, and I’m still sick.”

Aunt May straightened up, “You’re sick? And you didn't say?”

Peter nodded.

“Gwen's been trying to find out what was wrong with me and uh, Liv was helping.” Peter looked over at Liv.

Liv swore at him in her mind but kept it from her face. Peter had dumped this mess in her lap and he would pay for that later. “I was a doctor at Oscorp and I found out they’ve been doing illegal research. Gwen was my intern and she was using my notes to try and help Peter. I found out and I've been helping.”

May looked sceptical, “And Curt?”

“Same research they were doing all those years ago darling,” he added. It wasn’t going to help if May was suspicious of Peter and Liv. He needed their help to cure the Lizard, not isolate himself from them by making May angry.

May shook her head. Peter didn’t have his normal guilty look when he lied. With Liv and Curt backing him up, it seemed he was telling the truth. “Okay, but if you're lying to me young man, and if I find out later on, you are in so much trouble.” She knew there was more going on but if Peter was willing to keep it from her, she had to trust his judgement. She knew she would get the truth from Curt sooner or later.

Peter sat up straight, “I’m not Aunt May,” giving her a grin, “Uh, cake? I have brownies.” Peter deflected by changing the subject. Normally when he made brownies Gwen stole them. Even Felicia barely saw the pan before she ran off with it.

Sighing with relief he had cleared that hurdle. With Aunt May safe and ignorant, Peter hoped she would never know the truth.

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