Chapter 7: An Unexpected Teammate
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Frisk glared at the corner of her eyes, warning the ghost beside her before setting her sights back to Sung Jin-woo. She doesn't know what to do next as she can't think of anything to settle him down, but she have to do something. She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted as Sung Jin-woo spoke.

"I feel bloodlust coming from you... "

This shocked Frisk as she didn't even want to kill him at all. No one else was there except him and her. Unless. Frisk whipped her head towards the ghost floating around her. "Chara! What the heck?!" She silently yelled at Chara as said ghost looked at her bewildered.

"What? I didn't do anything?" Frisk didn't buy that as she glared towards her with more intensity. 

"Jin-woo said that he felt bloodlust coming from my direction! There's nobody else here other than us!" Chara herself pouted at her as she looked somewhere else. 

"He was looking at you weirdly, I didn't like that" She muttered as she continued to watch the forest that was brimming with life. How she wished to be alive again.

"And why did you care?" Frisk muttered as she looked towards Chara in confusion. Chara just looked embarrassed and just decided to not say anything, deciding to just ignore Frisk at the moment.

All of this was heard by Jin-woo, of course he didn't hear what Chara said but he did hear what Frisk said despite muttering silently. He just regarded her as some sort of an insane person. Before his thoughts continued, he heard her speak towards him.

"Look, it was not me and I never aimed to kill you. It's all just a misundersta—" she wasn't able to finish what she wanted to say as he interrupted her.

"Enough talk" he said outloud before sprinting towards her with his twin daggers aimed for her throat. Reaching her in high speeds, he swung his dagger towards her. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, she dissapeared from her original position.

Jin-woo only hit the air, he immediately repositioned himself to a more guarded stance as he looked all around him. He decided to hide on the trees as his class is supposedly an assassin. But before he was able to move, he heard a voice from above.

"Have it your way then" Frisk was above Jin-woo and was floating using her telekinesis. Jin-woo as at a loss for words. The girl's piercing blue eye, glowed brightly as she floated above him ominously, suffice to say it was like nothing he had seen before. 

Jin-woo snapped from his trance as he quickly rushed towards her yet again, Frisk on the other hand flew down as she just stood still waiting for him to reached her. She never wanted things to escalate this much but it already happened. Might have been forced on his part as she remembered a quest he got in the early parts of the story. The one with killing the people that had bad intentions with him. So what she was planning was to overpower her opponent so much that they could only surrender.

As her feet reached the ground, Jin-woo was already behind her and swung his weapon at Frisk. He narrowly missed, as she dodged with ease. Seeing this, Jin-woo knew he was outmatched, so he planned to use the trees as some sort of trampoline to jump all over the place and attack her in random times.

Jumping to one tree, he quickly jumped to another and vice versa. He was jumping all over the place while Frisk was still smiling. Jin-woo then launched a flurry of attacks, each swing cut through air and sounded like a whistle of death. And yet she evaded every single attempt at her life. This made Jin-woo assess his opponent, she was just playing with him. He wasn't even an opponent for her to begin with.

"What's the matter?" She inquired with a hint of amusement. "Can't even land a single hit?" Jin-woo's expression didn't change nor falter, but his attacks held more ferocity than before. After reaching her for the nth time, he brought his daggers down onto Frisk. He knew she would only dodge once again, and when that time comes, he would then rush towards a safer place. He would only die if he tried to stay any longer.

But to his bewilderment, he felt a force that stopped his daggers, it was a dozen or so bones that seemed to stack upon each other. As blue bones sprouted from the ground Jin-woo was standing on. As it hit him, he then noticed he wasn't able to move anymore. He struggled to move but then he heard footsteps come closer and closer towards him. As the dust settles, he could see her one blue eye that seemed to make her look otherworldly. 

And right behind her was a skull that seemed to be from a dragon, it gathered blue energy in its mouth as the sound of it resonated across the forest. It illuminated the shadows of the trees as it locked onto Jin-woo. He knew he can't escape the attack, now that those weird blue bones seemed to lock him in place. There was only acceptance in his eyes as he thought of his mother, sister, and the friends he made along the way.

He just sighed and awaited his inevitable end, but after a few moments Jin-woo didn't feel any pain. He looked towards the girl and the girl just looked at him unblinking. 

"Why?" She uttered. "Why did you attack me so suddenly when I said I didn't come to harm you?"

Jin-woo looked at his Frisk with an unreadable expression, he opened and closed his mouth. Trying to find the right words to say. Right before he said some sort of lie. "And don't even think of lying, I'll know if you lie and you won't like what happens next" Frisk bemoaned as she remembered all the time people lied to her.

Jin-woo closed his mouth again. He never wanted to tell anybody about what he got from the double dungeon, but now he had a choice. Either tell the truth and possibly survive this encounter, or lie and die right here and now. Of course the choice is obvious, if he picked the latter, there wouldn't be anyone who would protect his family from harm. So more or less the choice was forced.

"It's because..."


I have decided that the updates for this story would be randomized as sometimes I would feel like making a chapter or not. As the inspiration happens in random times.