Ch. 90 – Emotions
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In my laziness, instead of rewriting the previous chapter to picture the mc’s anger better, I realized that the lack of thereof actually fits the plot quite nicely, so l decided to leave it as it is.

“I get that you’re angry, but seriously, if you want to cause disturbance go somewhere else, leave my dungeon alone! Your mother is fine… almost so go away! Here’s… huh?”

As the goddess said that, she was about to take something out of her pocket, but when she took it out, it instantly disappeared from her hand. Where did it go you ask? Of course it ended up in my hands, and even I’m not sure how I managed to do that. The most important part though is that egg is certainly my mother’s and I won’t let anyone else hold it!

“Sooo… Can you forgive my students now?”



How can I forgive them for hurting my dearest one! I’m still boiling with wrath… not? Huh? I was so angry before, I literally intended to wipe out the humanity from the surface of this world and yet, nothing? When did it happen? When did all this unyielding rage go away? Was it when I met that old man?

I mean looking at him gives me a lot of strange feelings, but it shouldn’t be enough to overshadow all my other feelings. This is actually not the first time something similar happened, my emotional swings are something that’s been bothering me since I was born. For example, I remember that at the beginning of my journey, all I wanted was to taste human meat.

Now not only that feeling is completely gone, but I also realized how foreign that thought felt in my mind. Now, also the rage I felt and for some weird reason, a lot of the love I felt for my mother, also gave that similar, alien feeling. It was as if I had some sort of split personality, or someone or something was manipulating me.

Normally I would just shrug it off and continue my life without care in the world, but it’s starting to become really unsettling. I’m not mind controlled am I? Could it be that capped guy pulling the strings behind the scenes and making me think weird things? Or maybe I’m just pretty insane?

“Does she often freeze like that?”


What is this cat talking about behind my back! Of course, I tend to get lost in thought a lot, but I don’t really freeze because of that, even while thinking about unrelated topics, I can still move quite well! Now what was I contemplating about before I was interrupted… screw it I don’t care. I’m hungry.

I chucked some monster corpses into my storage when I was fighting at the challenge floor, so I had enough meat, it was just that I wasn’t very keen on eating it. After all, who in their right mind would want to eat this disgusting thing? Wasn’t there anything I could do to eat something delicious? Hmm, maybe…

[“Do you have something to eat?”]

Why is that old man surprised again, it’s pretty obvious I would become hungry after all that killing. Even if I’m less keen on eating humans than before, the smell in the air is still enough to make me salivate a bit. Maybe I should just try them? I looked in the direction of one of the bodies, and I’m pretty sure the old man got a bit scared from that.

“What about I cook something for you? I’m pretty sure you haven’t eaten a proper food yet since you should have been living in dungeon until now, so a proper meal will almost certainly satisfy your tastes.”

I’m not drooling am I? There’s no way I would refuse when offered something tasty! I’m sick of monster meat, even the dried rations I was giving Felicia weren’t much better when I tasted them, I would give anything just to eat something better! Now go and cook! Don’t make me wait any longer!

“But only if you promise to not kill my students.”

DAMNT IT. How did he know? Hmm, not kill? But that would meant anything else is okay hue hue. My grin didn’t show on my face did it? If it did, the old man could get suspicious so I really hope my facial expression didn’t change.


Okay, so now I have food covered, what now? For starters let’s recover the sword, I don’t think I’ll ever try using it nor do I think Felicia would be happy with it, so it will be probably stashed in my shadow storage forever. Still better than having humans use it.

When I approached the spot where Arthur and the rest were lying, some of them gradually started recovering, but none of them tried opening their eyes. Maybe my presence is scary? Not that I will complain, since I can take the sword without anyone getting in my way. If only he loosened his grip a bit when he blacked out…

There! Now I got the sword back and a snack to eat before the old man finishes cooking. After that. not having anything better to do, I went to him to watch what he’s doing and saw Felicia deeply focused on his movements. I’m not sure how a proper cook would look, but this guy certainly moves like a professional when preparing ingredients. Do skills like knife mastery apply outside of combat?

“You… Where did you get that…”

That was his reaction when he saw me.

[“It came off with the sword. It’s pretty tasty, want a bite?”]

“Why would I eat a human arm… forget it just give it back or I won’t cook for you.”

Ehh, but you only said that I can’t kill them, why would you go back on your words now… OKAY okay, just don’t look at me like that. Man, his eyes sure are scary, even though I should be much stronger than him, even if the system didn’t restrict me I wouldn’t want to face him ever. It’s a good thing I made him my pet.