Ch. 7 – Evolution
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Not wasting time, I thought that I want to evolve.

[Possible evolutions:]
[Small albino Tarantula (Young)]
[Inferior albino Tarantula (Young)]

Okay so I can evolve either into a higher version of my race, or can just get bigger. I don’t even need to consider second option because I don’t want to be stuck with inferior prefix, but what was bugging me was the third option, it wasn’t even a race name. Can I appraise it?

[Impossible to appraise]

Hmm, it didn’t fail, just the thing is impossible to appraise? What does that even mean? I am very tempted to try this but it could end badly. Let’s try appraising others, maybe this too will be impossible?

[Small albino Tarantula (Young)]
[Smaller version of albino tarantula, they have a moderately strong poison and webs but their most dangerous asset is their high intelligence and ability to lay complicated traps. Danger rank: E]

[Inferior albino Tarantula (Young)]
[Inferior version of albino tarantula, they don’t differ much from normal tarantulas, their trump card is a skill that can call their allies but it often fails. Danger rank: F]

These descriptions ale kind of lacking but give me the main idea about each species. Since I’m going into the dungeon I wouldn’t be able to rely on my allies so the first option is the only viable one.

As I was lost in thought I saw a worried expression on my mother’s face. I was puzzled since nothing seemed wrong for me, but maybe there was something I was overlooking? I walked closer to her with intention to ask her what was on her mind.

[You see, monsters usually evolve the same moment they reach level cap, but that didn’t happen for you, is there any problem? Is there somehing blocking you?]

Ah, I suppose monsters don’t usually get to choose their species after evolution, they just evolve. I had three choices so I was lost in though and with that, actually postponing it. It must’ve worried her.

[You have three options of evolution? And you can choose one? That’s amazing!]

It may be amazing, but it could be tricky. If I choose wrong, I may be limiting my strength or even worse I might choose a species that are unable to evolve further. I told my mother shortly about my options and what appraisal said about them.

[The first option really seems like most viable one, and I can assure you that it can evolve further. [Inferior albino Tarantula (Young)] is close to the final evolution so it’s a big no. What worries me is the third one that is impossible to appraise. It’s unlikely that this is bug in a system, because the system itself was created by perfect beings. Maybe you should try if it’s actually a real option?]

I’m a bit scared, I don’t know what could I evolve into, and it might be something bad.

[Evolutions are never bad for monsters, they are a source of power, and no monster did ever complain about what did it evolve into, I think you should try it.]

I haven’t looked at it like that, now that I think about it, what really could go wrong with what I evolve into, except for the “no further evolution” type. Since I’m early on the evolution tree, there shouldn’t be much options for that so one in three should be maximum if going by probability.

[Proficiency reached. Gained skill [Prediction lvl. 2] ]

And it looks like even the system agrees with me, so I think it’s worth to at least try. So here I go, option three please.

[Chosen evolution: [???]. Proceeding… Error, you don’t meet the conditions to evolve into [???] ]

If I’m not able to evolve into it, why did you give it to me as available option!? Is this another joke from the system’s creator? You hate me that much? When I turned to my mother, I saw her looking dumbfounded.

[There shouldn’t be a possibility of that happening, the system is perfect and this is clearly an anomaly. I have no idea why did that happen but it’s definitely not normal. But there never was a monster that was able to choose it’s evolution and one that has the system support so maybe this is why an anomaly appeared?]

I had no idea, but since one thing has been cleared and I now know that I can’t evolve into the third option give me the first one.

[Chosen evolution: [Small albino Tarantula (Young)]. Proceeding… ]

I started to feel sluggish, my body was changing and I could feel everything about it. My insides felt like they were turning around and my skin if it could be considered as one was getting thicker. Except for that, minor changes to my appearance were made, and I could feel my mass shifting a bit.

[Gained skills as evolution bonus: [Trap making lvl. 2] [Inferior spider web lvl. 3] [Weak poison lvl. 3] ]

Overall the process was… What would I call it? Underwhelming? I was expecting a giant surge of power, the major increase in size and strength, something like that, so why was it so normal? For now let’s check my status.

[Small albino Tarantula (Young)]
[Lvl: 1/10]
HP: 45; MP: 18;
Strength: 45;
Intelligence: 48;
Agility: 45;
Vitality: 45;
Defensive ability: 22;
Offensive ability: 22;
{ [Appraisal] [Weak poison lvl. 3] [Inferior spider web lvl. 3] [Fear resistance lvl.2]
[Surpass limits lvl. 1] [Faint resistance lvl. 1] [Poison resistance lvl. 1] [Mental resistance lvl. 2] [Prediction lvl. 2] [Endurance lvl.1] [Trap making lvl. 2] }
{ [Fool] }

Yup, my stats definitely increased. But I still had no idea how did my stats translate to actual strength and I probably wouldn’t be able to test that until I meet with humans again and succeed in appraising them, so I enjoyed the bonus skills more than stats. For now I was hungry again, so I went to the snake and much to my surprise, eaten it whole.