5 – Let’s meet the crew
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The first ones to greet me were the trio maid squad. I call them trio because I designed them in a similar manner. From left to right, they were Yuri, Misha and Mio.

Yuri had the older sister, elegant maid attitude, Mio was the clumsy type. Misha was the stiff and expressionless type. But each with their own weapons and unique charm. These were battle maids after all. 


Obviously the clumsy Mio tried making a reverence, but she leaned forward too much and fell on the floor. Cute.

"Please pull yourself together, Mio. You are in the presence of Her Highness." (Misha)

"Fuah! Sorry. Please forgive me, ojou-sama!!" (Mio)

"It's alright." (Kizuna)

"You summoned for us, ojou-sama? Would you perhaps like something to eat?" (Yuri)

"Or perhaps a bath?" (Mio)

"Or perhaps… you want us?" (Misha)

A jolt ran through my body. A line you only see in anime was being displayed in front of me. If I had a girlfriend, I'm sure she wouldn't welcome me home from work with this typical line, so being able to see it performed by these 3 maids is bliss. I almost got a nose bleed.

"Ahem. No. There's a more important reason I called you here. But we need to wait for the others to come as well."

We didn't wait too long until the other members came along.

"Reporting for duty, ojou-sama!"

The woman that came in was a tall beauty wearing a plugsuit and a skirt. Robot joints were visible. Her beautiful dark skin only complemented her huge boobs. And her long ponytail swayed as she walked. She was one of the androids I designed. The official name of the race is EX Machina.

"Good to see you too, Stella."

Stella made a polite bow. Originally I designed her as my "secretitty"... Err. I mean secretary. Her combat power surpasses the maids.

"Report: unit Shiro is announcing her presence, ojou-sama."

The robot style that followed shortly, belonged to Shiro, Stella's sister unit. Another android I designed to act like a typical robot. However, various personalities have been included in her database, so if needed she can emulate a different personality.

Shiro was more visible a robot compared to Stella, but nonetheless, a busty beauty. Her silver hair and yellow cyborg eyes take sci-fi to the next level. Don't let her robot aspect fool you. Androids have special artificial silicone, so her breasts and even her pussy shouldn't be any different than a humans'.

She is in charge with the offense. Her combat power is only slightly lower to Alisha's. Her role is to operate the ships arsenals and firepower. She manages the ship's attack sequences.


A humming sound appeared inside the captain's piloting room. When the sliding door opened, large mechanical flies with laser guns attached on their back were spinning around the room. When I say large, I mean roughly the same size as an American football.

"Ohoho! Feast your eyes upon this lovely me, and my creations!"

The tallest member of the crew, at a whopping 2m height, she makes me feel completely tiny. Her name is Lisa. She has long black hair, grey skin, and emerald eyes. Her race is dark space elf. You could consider her the summoner class. She would rather use her drone tech than fight personally.

She's in charge with defense. Monitoring the ship's shields, deploying countermeasures and of course taking care of intruders that board the ship.

"Would you please remove these filthy insects, Lisa?" (Stella)

"Ara? Why would you call such marvelous technology filthy?"

"Bugs are still bugs no matter what. The sound they make is annoying. Kindly remove them."

"I refuse."

Sparks were flowing between Stella and Lisa since I scripted both of them to have a rivalry. I better say something before things get out of hand.


"That's enough you two. Must you act like children in front of Her Highness?"


But it seemed like I didn't have to step in. As the voice of reason finally arrived together with Alisha and Molly.

She was the head maid and the overseer of the ship and everyone on it. When I created her, I based her design off a popular video game character called QB from an old classic famous game "Close: Automatica".

A homunculus with absolutely no range weapons. Just sheer speed and strength. However, she was equipped with a unique skill. Bullet Reflection. Unless you have a Defense Penetration value of 80% or higher, all bullets would bounce off her. 

Her speed and physical strength are second to none. She could probably strangle a giant space worm with her hands alone. The beautiful maid Rose.

Anyway, it's time for my announcement.

"I brought you all before me to discuss an important matter. As you all must be aware, we have no data regarding our current location."

“True… this seems like a new area.” (Stella)

“Question: Molly, is it possible that the radar is not working?” (Shiro)

“No. I can vouch for the systems. There doesn’t appear to be any virus that deleted our map. Our current location simply can’t be read.” (Molly)

“Fueeh… what are we going to do?” (Mio)

“Now, now, there’s no need to worry. Ojou-sama is here. There’s nothing that can stand in her way.” (Rose)

They’re all looking at me.

“Listen up, from now on, I’m going to work together with all of you to deal with a variety of things. Although this is an arbitrary decision, I judged you are worthy of receiving my orders. Therefore, if something goes bad, I will considerably drive everybody hard. I don’t want you to overdo it but there are cases that it will not go well either. Lend me your all when I require it.”

When I told them that… silence.

I wonder if I had said something strange. I’m trying to act like Kizuna would…

The next moment after I thought of such a thing. A cheer of joy roars. I feel my feet vibrating from the pressure of their voice, I look at the characters I created.


When I was staring at the scene, I heard a voice and turned my face towards the direction of that voice, Alisha.

Alisha looks up at me with a smile full of affection.

“Of course. We are the faithful servants who exist for ojou-sama. Ojou-sama trusts us who were powerless and even prepared generous arsenals. Finally, when I think that I can be of use to such a person, I will forge the new me again. We shall serve you without question.”

When Alisha says so, Molly nods with tears.

“Leave it to me! I will be of use! I say it myself because I can do a variety of things besides battle skill!”

Lisa smiles cheerfully while saying so.

Rose, Yuri, Shiro, and all the other members were also saying something like that.

As I looked at it, I noticed that the power of this body was coming out unconsciously. Crap. I was glowing like a man who reached the top of mount Everest. I really need to learn to control my own powers. It seems that emotions also have a big impact.

I managed to restrain the smile of happiness, as Kizuna would never smile for such a small reply. Instead I lean back on my chair and nod with content.

“Okay, girls. Then our first priority should be…”

However I didn’t get to finish my sentence, as the support AI installed on Ava issued an alarm.

[Warning. We are being scanned by an unidentified ship.]