Chapter 27 – Clan Dremora
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                The next four days became a pattern.  We began the day cooking something for breakfast, tidied our campsite, and then drove the coach further out of Callenden and Clan MacTavish’s lands and further into Clan Dremora’s lands, towards their city of Erevale.  We rode in the coach for most of the day, and then set up camp while Alyssa and Rachel made dinner.  We even did some more sewing lessons one evening, and I learned how to properly patch seams and sew buttons, so I felt proud about that.  Alyssa was a good teacher. 


                Rachel and I continued to spend our nights together – although we were so stiff and sore from riding in the coach all day, all we could conceive of was cuddling and a few kisses.  To be honest, I’m not sure if Rachel wanted more at the moment, or if going any further would cause her more dysphoria with her body.  Either way, for a short while, we were content, and I was also pleased to see Eacharn and Alyssa strike up more than one conversation.  Kip was, well, Kip, and didn’t leave Tika’s side for a moment.  He was fast becoming devoted to her, and becoming our fuzzy mascot.  He even spent time each day, trying to groom Tika – which she found very embarrassing in a good way.


                By the fourth day, the month of Sunbright had ended, and it was the first day of Summersend – only forty two days from the beginning of the harvest festival, and Alyssa and Rachel’s transformation!  We were close to Erevale – maybe only five or ten miles out – and everyone was excited and nervous that our flight from Callenden was ending. 




*              *              *



                “Nervous?”  Rachel asked as the coach bumped along the trail towards Erevale.


                “Not really.”  I replied.  “If the King hadn’t trusted his friend Conner, he never would have sent us here.  No – I’m more worried that we’ll bring disaster to his lands by being here.  I’m also concerned at what I may have to offer him to receive his aid against Queen Hemlock and Prince Michael.  I mean, I don’t expect his aid to be free.”


                “And it likely won’t be,” Eacharn began.  “But it may be less than you expect.  As far as I can tell there are some contested lands on the borders of Callenden’s and Erivale’s lands.  He may ask for concessions on those lands, or may ask something else.  I had the impression that King Conner and King Colin were friends from way back – from when your Grandmother Janet Fowler was here.  I think they stayed close as friends for most of his life, so I expect we’ll get a warm enough welcome – but exactly how far King Conner will go, I’m unsure.”


                “Have you ever met King Conner or his family?”  I asked.


                “No, sadly.  I heard that King Conner’s daughter, Princess Morag, was betrothed to my father once.  I think that King Connor was hoping to join our houses in marriage – but once he met my father in person, he rescinded his offer – with King Colin’s blessing.  Queen Hemlock eventually picked out my mother for my father’s wife - but she died while I was young, giving birth to my sisters.  I don’t have many memories of her – just a comforting feeling and a loneliness.”   Eacharn looked a little sad and regretful. 


                “I’m sorry you never knew your mother.”  Alyssa remarked, taking Prince Eacharn’s hand in hers.  “That must be painful.”


                “It is.” He smiled.  “But I did okay.  Do you still have your family?”


                “Yes.” Alyssa smiled.  “My mother is Jessica, and my father is Rodri, my little brat sister is Carrie and my youngest brother is Thomas.  I love them all dearly, and I think they would be very scared for me if they knew what was happening right now.  My father works as a local craftsman, making furniture from raw wood, and my mother tends the home.  Carrie is constantly annoying me, and Thomas is wonderful right now, but I expect he’ll be a handful in a few years.”


                Eacharn listened carefully, taking in Alyssa’s story.  “It must be nice to have a loving family.  I never knew that, not really.”


                “I’m sorry for that.” 


                “Me too.”


                The two of them sat quietly, holding hands for a while before Rachel or I could bear to interject – they were obviously having a moment!  Still, I needed more information.


                “Um… Eacharn?  Can you tell me a little bit about King Connor?”


                Eacharn nodded.  “Yes, of course.  King Conner is married to Queen Elissa, and they have three sons and a daughter.  The princes are a little younger than my father – maybe in their mid or early thirties, depending upon when they were born, and their daughter is just under thirty – I think she’s twenty nine years old.  One of King Connor’s sons married into the clan to the north – the MacDuirmidh clan, who had no heirs, and is now ruling that land – I believe Prince Roderic is that son’s name.  The other sons are in Clan Dremora, and expect to inherit the kingdom when their father passes.  Prince William is the eldest of the sons, and is considered rather handsome, and Prince Lugh is his younger brother.  Unlike his father and mother, Prince Lugh has red hair.  Princess Morag was betrothed to my father when she was only nine years old – but once King Connor and Princess Morag met my father, they annulled the bethrothal with Grandfathers’ blessing.  Since then, I hear she has grown into a beautiful young woman, and is still unattached.  Some say she is rather wild at heart – preferring to run in the wilds surrounded by nature, than with the people of her kingdom.  She is rather good with a bow, I hear.”


                “She sounds interesting.  Do you think Prince William or Prince Lugh will object to us being given sanctuary at King Connors court?”


                “I’m not sure, Cass.  By every rumor I’ve heard, they’re forthright men who honor their father’s wishes.  They have the reputation of being good leaders – and people expect Prince William to be a good king, when his father eventually passes.  King Connor and his wife Elissa are in their sixties, but are still hale in mind and body, and will probably rule for a few more years before passing on the crown to their son.  I’m afraid that’s all I know.”


                “Well, then I suppose it will have to be good enough.  Thank you, Eacharn.”


                “You’re welcome, milord.”


                I turned to Sir Fionn, who had been driving the coach all this time.  “Sir Fionn?  Do you have an idea on how long until we reach Erevale?”


                “Aye, lad.  We’ll reach the outskirts of the city’s farms in about an hour or less, and the city about twenty minutes after that.  We’ll be there well before nightfall.”


                “Thanks, Fionn.”


                “Thank me by finding me a soft chair and a comfortable bed, milord.  My bones aren’t getting any younger, and this coach has rattled them enough, thank you!”  I could hear the humor in his voice, but he wasn’t wrong.  The coach was very bumpy – shock absorbers were still a dream for the future, so travel in the coach was an exercise in being rattled and bumped all day.  Still, it was faster than walking.


                “I’ll do my best, Fionn!  I promise!”


                “I’ll hold you to that, lad.”


                “I expect you will, Fionn.”


                I turned back to the others, and got settled in my seat again.  “Not so long, now.”


                “I think we heard, Cass.”  Rachel replied, smiling.  “Not long.”


                I shrugged.  What was there to say?  We looked out the window and waited.




*              *              *



                The Castle of Clan Dremora was fairly impressive as we rode the carriage closer to the city of Erevale.  From the distance it looked almost as grand as Callenden – which was something of an achievement with Clan Dremora’s holdings being one third the size of Clan MacTavish’s lands.  Life must be doing well in Erevale, I thought.  The city of Erevale looked prosperous as well – the streets were cleaner than in Callenden, and the people looked happier for lack of a better term… more open, more cheerful.  The difference in the stance and attitude of the people wasn’t much – but it was distinctly there in a way that was hard to ignore.  I wondered how long Prince Michael’s policies had been shaping and upsetting the people of Callenden. 



                Erevale had a wall, like Callenden did – and as we approached, Sir Fionn pulled up on the reins and brought us to a halt at the end of a line of merchant wagons. 


                “Milord, would you like me to cut ahead of the merchants?  ‘Tis within your power and status.”  Fionn asked.


                “No, Fionn.  Another fifteen minutes won’t kill us.  Why be rude and arrogant when we can simply wait.  It’s been four and half days since the King’s death.  Ten or fifteen minutes won’t change that.”


                “Aye, milord.  As you wish.  By the way, Cass, humility is a virtue – but not in every case.  I happen to agree with you on this point, but there will times you wish to – and need to – take advantage of your royal status.”


                “As you say, Fionn.  Thank you for the advice.”


                “Always, lad.”


                We waited, dusty and tired and sore, for the line ahead of us to thin as the guards let the merchants into the city one by one.  Eventually it became our turn, and Fionn addressed the guards.


                “Hello, lads.  I’ve a carriage carrying Prince Eacharn of Callenden and King Colin MacTavish’s heir to meet King Connor.  Could you give us directions to the castle?”


                “And why should we believe that, old man?”


                “Because who other than a King would have a Knight and a Vigilant of the Third Circle as a coachman?  Any other stupid questions, lad?  I assure you, King Connor will want to see us.  It’s been a long several days – just let us pass and be done with it.”


                The guards looked unsure – but it was plain they could see Sir Fionn was no ordinary coachman, and that his passengers were rather well heeled… There was a Twin-Souled noble lady, her maid, and two young lords after all, plus a Reechi servant.  The man probably spoke the truth – and if King Colin had died and named an heir…


                “Go ahead, Sir Knight.  Take the main road as far as you can until you reach a large fountain adorned with nymphs, and then take the left hand path.  It should get you to the palace.  Gods bless you for your service, sir.”


                “Thanks lads.”  Fionn replied, and tossed them a pouch of coins.  “Have a few drinks on me, later.  I appreciate the help.”


                The coach started up again as Fionn took the reins, and we slowly made our way through the city.  It was later in the day – late afternoon – and the streets were busy with merchant wagons, dray animals going to or from the city market, small hand pulled carts, and hundreds of people – citizens of Erevale.  It took us almost three quarters of an hour to reach the castle.


                As we rode up to the castle, it was plain to see that the castle was well maintained – another sign of the general happiness and prosperity in Clan Dremora’s lands.  Banners showing the green and gold Boar of Erevale hung from the walls and rafters, displaying the coat of arms of King Conner and his line.


                As we drove into the courtyard, a number of men and some women who were sparring and practicing their combat skills paused to watch us, and one of them – a finely dressed man in his twenties, with short black hair and a stylish beard approached us.


                “Greetings to Castle Erevale, strangers!  What brings you here today?”


                “Sad tidings, young lord.”  Sir Fionn replied.  “I am Sir Fionn Ballantine, a Vigilant of the Third Circle, and my charges are the Heir to the throne of Callenden, His majesty Geoffrey Castiel Fowler, first of his line, and half brother Prince Eacharn, and their friends, Alyssa Seranel and Rachel Wilson, as well as Tika Calhoun.  We need to speak with King Connor, as soon as we can, milord.”           


                “Well met, Sir Fionn.  I am Prince William II, and my father is grandfather’s heir.  If you would debark the carriage, I’ll help find you rooms so you can freshen up – and after I’ve met with my grandfather and father, I’m sure you’ll get a chance to meet them both at dinner.”


                “Thank you, your majesty.”  Sir Fionn said, climbing down from the coach seat.  “It feels good to stretch one’s legs.”


                I took the opportunity to open the door to the carriage and climb out…  Prince Eacharn and I held out our hands to aid the ladies down, and we came over to meet Prince William. 


                “Greetings, Lord Fowler.  I have heard tales of your grandmother – she very nearly was my grandmother by some of the tales – but in the end, she chose Prince Colin.  What has transpired if I may ask?”


                “Prince Michael and Queen Hemlock have murdered my grandfather, the King, and seized the throne.  King Colin named me his heir moments before his death, and urged us to come to Clan Dremora, and King Connor in particular to find succor – in the hold of his oldest friend.  We escaped through hidden tunnels beneath the palace.  The King also said that he and King Conner had corresponded, and that King Conner knew that something like this might happen – and that he would know my grandfather’s wishes.”


                “I see.”  Prince William replied.  “Not to be rude, but do you have an indication of your status as heir?  My grandfather will want to know.”


                “Aye.  I bear the royal signet, given to me by the King’s own hand.”  Cass held out his left hand and showed the signet – a gold and ruby ring of great value, marked with the crimson and gold wolves of Callenden. 


                “I see that you do.  Very well, your majesty.  Will you and your party please come with me, then?”


                “Of course, your majesty.”


                We followed Prince William into the castle – and he took us to some guest rooms on the second floor, past dozens of bustling servants. 


“You!  Girl!”  He called.


“Yes, milord?”  She asked, a little startled.  “How may I serve you?”


“Find the chatelaine and tell her we have guests of noble rank.  We need the guest rooms prepared as soon as possible, and refreshments brought to the rooms as well.”


“I’ll round up some of the other girls to clean the rooms, milord, and tell mistress Heidi about the guests and the food.”


“Good.  Thank you, lass…?”


“My name is Dierdre, milord, and thank you.”  Dierdre quickly headed off to do her new task, leaving us alone with Prince William. 


“Come.  The Rooms aren’t far.  I’m sure she’ll be along with a half dozen maids to tidy them for you as we speak.”  Prince William remarked.


We followed the Prince, and a few moments later, we were at the rooms…  They were fairly lavish in their furnishings and decorations – with fancy beds and furniture, and high end accoutrements like velvet curtains and glass windows that could open or remain shuttered.  Each room had a separate chamber for the chamber pot as well, which was nice. 


“These rooms will be for you and your party, your majesty.”  Prince William began.  “I’ll give you some time to get refreshed from your journey – and inform my father and grandfather that you have arrived, and what I know of your tale.  I’m sure I’ll see you again at dinner, and I’m sure there will be much discussion about the matter.”


“Thank you, your majesty, for your hospitality.  We all appreciate it very much.  I’ll let you get back to more important things – we’ll be fine from here.”


“Then I’ll take my leave.”  He nodded farewell, and turned to go inform his father and the King about our arrival.


“We should be looking our best for dinner.”  Prince Eacharn suggested.  “We should dress in our finest, and get some rest – it will surely be a long night.”


We nodded, and broke into groups – Alyssa, Rachel and Tika to a room – since somehow, Alyssa was mistaken as Rachel’s maidservant.  Eacharn and I each had our own room, according to our rank – and a small room off of my room was left for Sir Fionn as our bodyguard.  I shook my head at how the Prince had divided us – it was all done by class and rank.  Is this what my life was going to become, once I defeated Queen Hemlock and Prince Michael?  Worrying about station and ranks so as not to offend anyone?  Urg!  Kill me now!  Surely there will be a way I can moderate this a little, at least in Callenden?  I hope so.


While we were unpacking, a flurry of maids entered the room, and respectfully moved me aside so that they could dust, clean, and otherwise freshen up the room.  In moments, the room went from musty and dusty – it seemed the guest rooms didn’t get used a lot – to freshened and tidy, with empty vases having fresh flowers, the windows opened slightly to allow fresh air in, and the dust mostly cleaned from all surfaces.  In a flash, the maids left my room – and I heard them invade Eacharn’s space as they repeated the same task there.


“Those maids are like a force of nature.”  I joked.


“Aye, lad.  They’ve got a job to do – and they got it done.  I see you’re not upset they shoved you aside to get the room cleaned.”  Fionn replied.


“Should I be?”


“Some nobles would have – they would have been mad they weren’t treated with proper respect.  Some people let a noble title go right up their ass along with the stick that delivered it.”


“Well, I don’t think that’s going to be me.”


“Aye – just don’t be surprised if other nobles expect that sort of fawning.  I’m not sure that King Connor and his children are that way – but many nobles are, like Prince Michael and his mother.”


“Good advice, as usual.  Thanks Fionn.”


“Don’t mention it lad.  If you have no need of the washroom, I should shave before getting dressed in better clothes.”


“No, you go ahead.  I should change too – after five days in the coach, my outfit is getting pretty rank.  I’ll clean up when you’re done.”


“Thank you, lad.”  Fionn went towards the washroom and began to get cleaned up. 


Meanwhile, I was just glad I wouldn’t have to shave for at least two more months – Mercian months – which was close to

three Terran months.  Nice…  If that ointment could be taken back to Earth, whoever could market it would make millions!  Also, the tea that Rachel and Alyssa were taking – an all natural hormone supplement that acted as birth control you could grow in your own garden…  Big Pharma and dozens of religions would lose their minds!


                I began stripping off my clothes and armor while Fionn was shaving… how he could shave with that bloody big dagger was beyond me – or a straight razor…  I shuddered to think of how badly I’d likely cut myself trying to use a straight razor on my now non-existent beard.  Urgh.  By the time I was in my breechcloths (what the Mercians called underwear), Fionn was done in the bathroom, so I went in and did my best in giving myself a sponge bath to clean up.  I stripped out of the rest of my clothes and began to clean.


                Surprisingly, it was more than a little erotic, wiping myself with that sponge… the lack of body hair made every sensation more alive and vibrant.  More sensual.  It was a little intoxicating, but I wasn’t taking time to play – I needed to get clean for tonights meeting.  Still, I filed away those more sensual thoughts and imaginings for another time, planning to bring them out again when the time was right. 


                A short while later, I thought myself clean enough – so I returned to the chamber, holding my clothes in front of me, to find Fionn stripped to his breechcloths and heading to the bathroom.  Huh…  It seems he had the same idea I did.  I placed my stinky clothes aside in a basket, and drew out a fresh set of clothes…  They looked great, and I started to get dressed.  By the time I had all the different layers placed and on, Fionn was out of the bathroom.  A short while later, we both looked presentable – I even brushed my teeth in the sink in the bathroom, which I gathered was unusual, since I hadn’t seen or heard of any Mercians doing that since our arrival.  I think Fionn used a stick to pick his teeth.  I shuddered to think of how our teeth might suffer in years to come…  Maybe that alchemist Rachel goes to can make something like toothpaste?  If we survive all this, I’ll suggest it to him.


                “We should get a short rest, milord.”  Fionn remarked.  “Dinner is likely to be a long, drawn out affair, and will go long into the evening.  It would be best to get some rest now.”


                I nodded.  “Alright Fionn.  I guess a nap wouldn’t kill us.  I’ll see you shortly.”


                “Aye.  Good rest, my King.”


                “Thanks.  I guess I’m going to have to get used to that, aren’t I?”


                “Yes, you will, milord.”


                Grrr.  “Get some rest, then, Fionn.  I’ll see you when we wake.”


                Fionn nodded, and I lay down to nap.  Surprisingly, I was far more exhausted than I expected, and within moments of laying down in the over soft bed, I was asleep.




*              *              *



                “Do you think we’ll be alright?”  Tika asked.


                “Yes, I think so.”  I replied.  “Cass and Eacharn seem to know what they’re doing.  I think we’re safe for now.  I don’t know for how long, but I don’t think we’ll have to flee the kingdom, like we did in Callenden.”


                “That’s good.”  Alyssa sighed.  “I’m tired of running.” 


                “Aye, I’m glad to be out of that coach… With all three of us suffering – however mildly – from the Call of Hrask, I suspect we were more than a small tribulation to put up with.  I know for a few days I was heartily sick of being near all of you – and I suspect you felt the same.” 


                “Yeah… For a while.  I am glad we’re still friends, though.”  Alyssa replied.


                “Me too.”


                “Me three?”  Tika answered.  “I think we probably put Prince Eacharn and Cass through hell.”


                “What? Being trapped for five days in a confined space with three very grumpy women?  They should either be glad we’re gone or ready for marriage.”  Alyssa joked.  “They’ve almost literally seen us at our worst, so we only have room to go up, right?”


                “Aye.” I agreed.


                The three of us began to undress, so that we could get cleaned up.  It looked like we would be having sponge baths at best, which was fine with me.  We laid our clothes in a basket, and went to get clean.  I felt awkward and ugly out of my girls clothes – they made me appear so much more feminine while wearing them, I couldn’t avoid feeling more masculine and disgusting once out of my clothes…  Oddly enough, my clothes felt more like my armor than the suit of armor I was borrowing from Cass.


                “Is it just me?  At times like this I really feel uncomfortable about my body.  The harvest festival can’t come fast enough, as far as I’m concerned.”


                “Agreed.”  Rachel.  “Forty two days to go.  I wonder if we’ll be able to make it?”


                “I’m sure you will!”  Tika replied, trying to reassure us both.


                “Will we?”  Alyssa asked.  “We have to gather troops, prepare to feed and clothe them, and march against Callenden.  Fight – and win - possibly more than one battle, and then sieze control of the city after defeating Prince Michael and Queen Hemlock – who is said by Eacharn to be a powerful sorceress – and then travel back to Ender’s Hollow, all in less than 40 days?  I’d like to be optimistic, Tika, but I’m not sure we’ll have that luxury.”  Alyssa looked pained to admit it, and looked very depressed. 


                “That really sucks.”  I replied sadly, the reality of the situation hitting me.  I felt tears well up, unbidden, and tried to brush them away.  I noticed Alyssa doing the same, and realized I wasn’t the only one.  “We’ll get through this, Alyssa.”


                “Aye, I suppose we will.  It’s just that I’d been building the event up in my mind for the last year.  I would be at the festival feast with my family – and there would be a great bonfire.  Seoni would call me up, and we would do the ritual together – and then I would be reborn before my family and Tika and the village, and go to greet them as the real me…”  She cried.  “And then, once you and Geoffrey came into the picture, you two would be there too – the sister of my heart, joining me in becoming a woman – and then us both going to greet your handsome prince.”


                I didn’t know what to say… I was simultaneously blushing at the thought of “my handsome prince” and feeling very sorry for both her and myself.  I wrapped Alyssa in a hug.  “I’ve wanted this so long, a few more weeks won’t hurt, will it?” I asked.


                “That’s just it…  I’ve wanted this for so long, that as the date approaches, I feel all the more tense and apprehensive.  The anticipation is killing me, and then to have that chosen date ripped away to some nebulous time in the future, hurts all the more.”  She replied, still crying.  “I want it – I NEED it – so badly my heart aches and I feel like death would be better.  It hurts.”  Alyssa held onto me like I was a life preserver – and I to her, as the reality began to set in. 


We cried a short time, with Tika trying to console us both, and eventually our tears ran dry.  We slowly broke apart, and quietly got cleaned up.  I washed Alyssa’s back, and she mine, and we both got dressed in clean clothes.  Tika spent the time brushing and cleaning her fur and tail and dressing in her finest clothes as well, and she looked like she shone by the time we were done.


“You look very nice, Tika!”  I said, hoping I looked half as good in my fresh clothes.  If felt better dressed – my armor of femininity was back on.  It felt comfortable… good.  Alyssa looked like she felt the same way.


“You look nice, too Rachel.”  Tika replied.  “You as well, Alyssa.”


“Thank you, Tika.”


“I meant it though, I mean earlier, Rachel.  You and Cass look like you make a nice couple.”


“I… thanks!  I know you were fond of him too, Alyssa.  It’s just I think I’ve been in love with him for three years, or possibly more.”


“Aye.  And anyone can see he loves you too, even if he hasn’t said it yet…”  She paused, and noticed my blush.  “He HAS said it to you!  Congratulations, Rachel.  I assume you return his feelings?”


“Aye… Yes, I mean yes, I do… I don’t know where its going to lead, but I intend to follow my heart.”  I smiled, thinking of Cass’s bare chested shirtless confession of love in our tent a few days ago… gods how long ago and how short at the same time that seemed!  “He said he even loved me like this.  Before my transformation.  He’s a great guy.”


“Then hold him close, Rachel.  Perhaps I will find someone in time, myself.” 


“You and Prince Eacharn looked rather friendly on the journey.”  Tika chattered.  “Do you like the prince?”


“Aye,” Alyssa began.  “But not because he’s a prince.  Because he’s funny, and intelligent, and gentle.  He could have chosen to be the worst that nobility has to offer, like his father – but instead he chose to become like King Colin and Geoffrey or Cass.  He’s no warrior, I guess, and doesn’t have big ripply muscles – which I’ll overlook this time – but he is kind and gentle, and that helps too.  Besides, it’s not like he’d ever be interested in a common girl like me – hell, I’m not even a girl yet… Just a twin-souled commoner.  How on earth could he ever see me more than an entertaining pastime, if even that much?”


“I think you might be surprised, Alyssa.”  I smiled.


“Maybe, but I don’t expect to be.  I’ll be content if I am able to get transformed and be able to celebrate with my family.”


“Aye.  Maybe the boys will find a way to make it happen?”  I replied.


                “Umm… Alyssa, Rachel?  Wouldn’t there be a priestess or priest of the Familia here, in Erevale, too?  I mean, unless King Connor doesn’t worship the gods?”


                Alyssa and I looked at each other, and sighed.  “Doh!”  I muttered.  “I feel like a complete idiot.  Do you think they would do it, if we had no other choice?”


                “I don’t know, but if Cass and Prince Eacharn put in a good word, or the local king did, it might make a difference?”  Tika replied.


                “I feel like a little bit of an idiot.”  Alyssa muttered.


                “Me too, honestly.  It still felt good to let it all out.”  I replied.


                “Aye.  I feel better after that cry.  Thank you for helping me through it.”


                “It was my pleasure.  I feel better too – but so very tired.”


                “Agreed.  We nap until called for dinner.”


                Tika nodded, and we settled down for a nap, many of our worries allayed by Tika’s innocent question and comment.  What would we ever do without her, I wondered.


                It wasn’t long after we lay down that we dozed off.



1 The next chapter will be along soonish - but its not easy writing politics and making it fun to read.