Im alive! (Rewrite! Please read before you start reading anything else.)
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Back from the dead!

hope you didn't miss me too much.

Got done in by the SAT prep, and I'm still pretty sure I'll do hella shit. 2 more days until I embarrass myself, woooo.

4 chapters going out tomorrow, and this is important, NOT NEW CHAPTERS. The second arc has not started, though I'm certainly working on it. The 4 chapters are a rewrite of the original, just cuz I felt like the first arc wasn't good enough. Lotta problems I had with it, especially in consistency and getting it to an acceptable level for my funky ADHD brain.

Though I can't promise it'll be more satisfying (I actually have a consistent story this time!) , and pretty alien (I moved from the Level part), I'll probably start deleting the older versions as I restart. There will be pretty massive changes, but mainly in the power system (confusing before). Some characters I just straight up deleted or remade. (Dw they weren't that important).  The story will still have the original one as a guideline but don't expect it to be 100% similar. Also, the poll included for your opinions. Not that it'll change anything, I had my mind set a few months ago after my friend discovered this, but I would really appreciate some feedback n stuff on where I goofed on the original story (So I can make the rewrite, and the next arc as good as possible).

Upload schedule? Gone (every 2-3 days now, but chapters are longer)
Sleep? Gone
My will to live? Gone.

Still on Haitus technically, so if I someday disappear and stop making chapters after the rewrite, I'm taking a break :D

So yeah, TLDR:
4- possibly 5 rewritten chapters going out tomorrow after I do some formatting. Life has been shit. Yeah.

Thoughts on a Rewrite?
  • Thumbs up Votes: 31 50.0%
  • Thumbs down Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Elaborate (Comments) Votes: 5 8.1%
  • Which Characters did I take out back and shoot? Votes: 24 38.7%
Total voters: 62