CH29 Merumeru’s Second Dungeon
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Merumeru proudly sported her plumber outfit on the day of her trip.  She boldly jumped into the darkness of the pipe that went straight down into the earth. A moment later she popped up out of another pipe in a far away place. This place was one of darkness and water. Unlike a creature with lungs, the slime girl didn't require air to function.  Using her slime skills, Merumeru made her way like a snake swimming through water through a dark flooded basement into the rift gate without any trouble at all. She was in fact faster in water than on land. The slime girl placed a hand on the onyx pillar and it split apart to form the portal just like before.  Merumeru swam inside and came out in yet another underwater place.

The water was brightly lit and the ground seemed to be made of green swirly patterns.  Several strange fish-like creatures were going back and forth in a completely predictable pattern. There was no sound that Merumeru could hear other than the hiss of the bubbles that floated up from ground for some reason.  This place was a weird dungeon.  There were stationary blocks and several floating coins in bubbles spiraling around in the water.  Merumeru quickly grabbed the coins and they made a paching noise and vanished.  A counter in the corner of her vision went up for every coin she gathered.  Also, there were some weird fishes sitting on the bottom of the seafloor who looked like they were snoring.  She could tell they were snoring because their eyes were closed and the letter "Z" kept floating up from the fishs' mouths when they opened and closed.

There were also some strange white squid-like creatures that shot up and coasted down.  Avoiding these ones were tricky because they didn't have as predictable of a pattern as the earlier fishies. The slime girl thought to herself that this world had more dangerous creatures then usual but since Merumeru's body was made of slime, she should be fine, maybe, better not to risk it.  Off in the distance Merumeru spotted something that made her perk up.  There was a large green pipe going down into the ground.  She darted into the pipe and after a weird sound played came out on a small island with a hut on it.  The slime girl skipped to the door with a smile on her face and knocked on it.  A strange guy wearing a vest, poofy pants, and a toadstool on his head answered the door.

"Hello, welcome to my establishment!"  The man had a strange frog-like voice.  "Are you here to play the slots?  Three gold each turn"

Inside the building was not much but a large machine with an arm on it.  There were some wheels with different parts of a picture on each of them.  Not missing a beat, Merumeru nodded to the mushroom-hat man and jumped up, pulling the arm down.  The arm was too high for her to reach from the ground but she was good at jumping. A strange cha-ching noise played across the room and the coin counter in the corner of Merumeru's vision went down by three.

Toadstool-hat guy cheered her on with his croaky voice while the pictures started spinning rapidly.  As they started to slow down Merumeru could see the image parts that could line up.  To her excitement she noticed one of them was a mushroom.  She really wanted to win the mushroom.

The slot machine spun, then stopped, then chained back into place, then finally clanked into position one part at a time.  Sadly, the result was part of a mushroom, part of a flower, and part of a frog's legs. The machine made an angry beep and didn't dispense any prize. Merumeru felt disappointed that she didn't get anything and frowned at the machine.

Toadstool-man quickly looked up and spoke with his strange frog voice, "Don't get discouraged if you try enough times you are sure to win at least once!"

Merumeru didn't like to lose.  She pulled the handle down again and saw more of her coins go away.  This went on for some time and Merumeru never got her mushroom.  All she got was some card of a frog suit and another with a strange glass and metal contraption that looked like it was shooting blue balls under the water with a spinny thing in the back that produced a lot of bubbles for some reason. It had a picture of a slime inside of it with hands on some levers and buttons.

The slot machine wouldn't go anymore now that she didn't have enough coin.

"MERU!" The slime girl kicked the contraption and glared at the shroom-guy.

"Better luck next time," the man replied with a sleazy smile.

Merumeru stomped out of the hut and hopped back into the pipe.

She decided that she might as well try out one of the cards.  She threw down the card like Alex did to activate it.  Underwater this was not nearly as dramatic.  The card simply floating around in the water.  After a few seconds it activated and vanished.  There was a sound of many bubbles popping around Merumeru and she found herself inside a strange contraption.  A glass jar surrounded her from above and all sides.  Below her was metal. In front of her was a weird thing with a handle on it.  The thing was like a clock.  On one side it had ahead in big letters.  On the other side it had 5 in big letters.  In the middle it had four big letters.  Middle was the position it was in now.  Each side had some other markings.  One position had four different letters, another position said something else that was four letters long, and a third said yet another thing in four big letters.  The slime girl would have to ask Fufi and Alex to spend some time teaching her letters and some words.  She wasn't sure what any of it meant so the obvious answer was just to start messing with things randomly.

Merumeru moved the knob with letters behind the glass to the jumble of letters in the next position.  A whirring sound started up from the back of the vessel.  Moments later the thing started moving forward.  The slime girl clutched the strange knob in her hand and moved it up, then down, then left, then right.  She discovered that the vessel would point in the direction she moved the stick.  Next she pressed the big red button on the dash.  A single low "Pew" noise sounded out from the front of the vessel. After that a small blue projectile shot out from a tube in the front of the vessel.

Merumeru's little submarine coasted along in the water.  She smashed the red button repeatedly, giggling as it went, 'pew pew pew,' while launching shots. Not fearing what might happen, Merumeru moved the knob to the next setting and the vessel sped through the water even faster.  She zipped around in circles by turning the stick all the way to the left.  The force pushed her to the right side of the seat.

"Meruuuuuu." The slime girl screamed.

The strange device began spinning at a dizzying pace making her feel sick inside the glass cockpit.

The vessel stopped spinning abruptly when Merumeru let go of the control stick. It shifted back into the middle position on its own. She blinked in surprise when she saw that they were on a crash course with one of those strange squid things.  Mashing the red button repeatedly caused many shots to fire out of the tube straight ahead.  Most of them missed but eventually one of the struck the sea beast.  It made a 'plop' noise then turned upside down and fell down.  Like the last dungeon instead of stopping at the bottom it just fell through the floor.

The slime girl laughed and looked around. She had figured this game out and was going to have a lot of fun now.  She buzzed around the underwater dungeon shooting up monsters left and right.  Eventually she came to a submerged cavern guarded by a large strange looking sea monster.  It was several times the size of the submarine.  The creature sported a horse-like-yet-fish-like head with a tubular snout, a body with rings of bone-like plates and a curled tail at the bottom.  The creature pointed its mouth at her and made a 'bloop' noise.  A red projectile shot towards her.  Luckily the thing wasn't so fast that Merumeru couldn't swerve to dodge it.

Merumeru came around for another pass and at the sea monster mashing the red button with her off hand.  The launcher went 'pew pew pew' as projectile after projectile struck the beasty.  The sea monster kept firing back at her.  She steered the submarine up and down then left and right as the two opponents rained down hell at each other.  A couple passes later and Merumeru defeated the sea monster.  It flashed with multi-colored strobing then went upside down and fell through the floor.  Merumeru zoomed through the cave into a large pipe at the end.  She came out in a large black backdrop with a spinning card hovering in the air.  It changed from many different things as it rotated around and around.  Merumeru noticed the card of a submarine in her hand and placed it in her overall's pocket before jumping up to grab the card.

"Course cleared!  You got a card!" The world said to her as a second card fell into her hands.  This card was a weird looking hat with goggles on it.  She stuck it in with the first one and hopped out of the dungeon through a portal at the other end of the area.

[Class Plumber has level up!

You are now a level 3 plumber

New Ability: Pipe Nexus

Description: Creates an extra-dimensional nexus where portal pipes connect to.  Instead of portal pipes transporting one to a matched pair in another location they all connect to the nexus.  From the nexus the plumber can choose the pipe they wish to travel to.]