Chapter 10 – Delilah Takes the Lead
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Trying to keep up with Delilah was a little bit of a challenge. Going up the stairs had been a little on the treacherous side, and then once we got to the hallway Delilah was nearly skipping as she pulled me along. I was practically jogging just trying to keep pace without being dragged.

Thankfully, she did stop when we got to the large, ornate set of double-doors that stood imposingly at the end of the hallway. She reached out with her free hand and opened one of the doors, taking only the barest moment to let the door open enough to pull the both of us through. Dragged along as I was for this, I didn’t get much further than stumbling into the room before she closed the door behind us.

Taking the moment of respite while I could, I breathed in deeply and then sighed. Delilah had far too much energy to keep up with. I didn’t get much more time to ponder though, since Delilah once again started leading me on her own little adventure. At least this time she was walking at a reasonable pace.

Reaching another set of doors, she stopped and released my hand. She turned to face me with a wild smile on her face. “I hardly get to show this to many people, so I hope you don’t mind going along for the ride.” She turned back to the set of doors and placed a hand on each handle. “Behold…” She flung the doors wide open, revealing an absolutely massive walk-in closet. “My collection!”

Her elated voice echoed throughout the large space that we were in. The collection that she was referring to covered every wall of the closet that we stood before. The closet itself must have been no less than fifteen feet wide, and over thirty feet deep. The size of the thing really made me wonder what the house looked like on the outside to contain such a large space off of the master bedroom. I hadn’t even gotten to take a good look at the bedroom itself yet, only really having taken note of the plush carpet under my bare feet.

In the closet, I could see endless amounts of clothing. Dresses, gowns, blouses, shirts, pants, skirts, scarves, hats, and more lined the walls on either side. At the back were displays for jewelry and makeup on either side of a large vanity with a series of adjustable lighting fixtures attached to it. In the center was a series of islands that housed shoes of all kinds.

That was something else interesting about the arrangement that I saw. The variety was almost baffling. Not only were there all kinds of colors and styles, but there were also different eras represented. There seemed to be an entire section dedicated to the Victorian Era. I honestly couldn’t place where several of them came from, but I could see a whole slew of different cultures. There was a particularly eye-catching kimono that I lingered on for a moment.

Seemingly enjoying my wonderment, Delilah let out a playful giggle. “The look on your face was already worth bringing you here.” She grabbed my hand once again. “Now, come on! Let’s get you into something that takes advantage of your figure!” She spoke excitedly, and already started pulling me along again before she even finished.

Feeling a little too used to the treatment already, I followed obediently. We got as far as about halfway into the closet and then stopped. To my left was a thick curtain that hung from a rod that obscured what was behind it entirely. I didn’t even have time to think when Delilah split off to the back wall and started digging through one of the drawers of the vanity cabinet. 

She returned quickly with a rolled up something in her closed hand. “Alright, stand up straight please.”

“Woah!” I was handled firmly to face away from Delilah towards the center of the room and she started happily humming to herself as she laid something across the back of my shoulders. Not a moment later, she started moving around my body, taking measurements I gathered. Her cloth tape measure covered everything. I didn’t know what half of the measurements would be useful for, since I was pretty sure clothing would have to be made or altered to really bother with most of them. Still, I was intrigued with the suddenness of it all and just let Delilah measure as she wished. She occasionally adjusted my posture so that she could get the measurements that she needed, and soon enough she was done. 

At no point had I seen her write anything down, so I wasn’t really sure what to make out of the amount of measurements that she must have taken. I couldn’t even keep track of what she was measuring a few times. 

She stopped humming and stepped in front of me, widely grinning. “Okay! Besides being a bit bigger in the chest, you should be close enough to my size for a few things to be able to fit you. Do you have any favorite colors? Styles?”

“Um…” Her enthusiasm really ended up putting me on the back foot. I just tried to answer honestly. “Blue and pink are my favorite colors. And… I usually just wear some comfy sweaters this time of year. I really like the fluffy ones I guess?”

“What kind of sweaters? Turtlenecks, cardigans, tunics? Open shoulder or no? Do you mind showing more chest or do you prefer a more modest look? Do you like them slimmer or do you like the more loose fit?” She spat questions out one after the other, not even giving me time to respond.


Not waiting for me to form any coherent thoughts, she suddenly spoke up again, “Actually, do you mind if I just pick out a few things for you to try on?” 

She was practically vibrating with energy. At the very least, she seemed to be enjoying geeking out over clothes in her own way. She clearly knew more than I did, so I decided to let her take the reins and see what comes of it. “Sure, go ahe-” She was already off. 

Delilah was… moving inhumanly fast. I somehow was able to keep up with her movements, but it floored me to see such a casual display of supernatural prowess. All for the purpose of picking an outfit.

“Sam dear! Go ahead into the changing room and get undressed! I’ll bring you some clothes to change into in just a moment!” Her excitement bubbled obviously at the surface. That, and it had a bit of a doppler effect as she zoomed from one side of the room to another.

It couldn’t be helped that I smiled along. Her mood was simply infectious. Figuring that the curtain I noticed earlier probably led to said changing room, I pulled it aside. Behind the curtain was a rather sizable booth with a large floor to ceiling mirror on the back wall. On either side were rows of hooks and shelves and then a bench opposite those. It was definitely nicer than a changing room at a clothing store, and a bit bigger than those too.

I glanced back once more to Delilah, who was still zipping about gathering articles of clothing. She would stop briefly and shake her head on occasion, and other times pick up another garment to add to the growing pile laying over her arm. She didn’t seem to pay me any mind, so I turned back around to the open curtain.

Following her instructions, I stepped into the changing room and closed the curtain behind me. I felt a little self-conscious about stripping now that I was here. The huge mirror covered the entire room, and it didn’t feel appropriate to see myself naked in this body for the first time while a lady I’d met maybe an hour ago was right outside. 

That… and I felt somewhat reluctant to part with the clothes I was wearing right now. They smelled faintly of Liz, and they were really comfortable…

Although, on further reflection, it was a little weird that I was thinking like that. I met Liz for the first time today. She wasn’t my girlfriend, or even my friend for that matter. I had spoken to her like, twice. Why was there such a sticky feeling of attachment to her clinging to me? For that matter, what was that scent that she-

“Sam?-” “Ah!” “-Are you ready?”

Delilah had called out to me while I was distracted, and it startled me a bit. She was still on the other side of the curtain, patiently waiting for me to respond. “Um, I think so?”

“Excellent! Catch!”

“Wait, catch wha-” Oh. A small package sailed over the bar that the curtain hung from. I caught it rather easily and inspected it. It was a plastic sleeve with a half dozen pairs of panties in it, each being a different color. I blushed a little bit as I realized that I had been going commando this whole time. This was dangerous. I really should make sure that doesn’t become a habit. 

“Don’t worry, those haven’t ever been opened! Just pick a pair you like and we can go from there.”

“O-okay!” I did question why she had an unused set of panties just lying around, but didn’t see the need to dig any deeper. 

The package had pastel colors in green, blue, yellow, pink, purple, and white. I didn’t think white could even have a pastel version since white was what you added to make something pastel, but it fit well enough. 

After a short consideration, I opened the package and pulled out the pink pair. I turned towards the mirror for a moment, which was a mistake. The image of me, indisputably a cute girl, holding a pair of pink panties in front of her… It felt a little wrong. Like it was something dirty. I mean, it was me. It should just be par for the course that I see myself while I’m changing. In reality, I think it might take me a while to get over that particular issue.

Angling myself away from the mirror and blushing furiously, I pulled off the sweatpants I had been wearing for most of today and quickly pulled on the panties I had chosen. The sweatpants got hastily tossed onto the bench behind me.

Over the curtain bar, another article of clothing was pushed over. Although, this one came to rest on top of the bar where I could easily grab it rather than have to catch it. “This should work in place of a bra, go ahead and see how it fits!”

I carefully took the offered item off of the bar. Once I had it over, it was easy enough to tell that it was a white… tank-top type thing. The shoulder straps were only little noodly things, but I think it was still a tank top? Either way, it felt pretty soft to the touch, as well as stretchy, and seemed like it would be comfortable.

If I let myself stop the momentum for too long I would start overthinking my own body again, so I pulled off the t-shirt I was wearing and got the tank top thingy off the hook that I hung it from while undressing. It was more effort that I would have given it credit for to work down over my chest, and when I did it fit rather snugly. My chest was nicely covered and held in place. I took a moment to adjust the way that my boobs were sitting so they weren’t squished uncomfortably. The top was long enough to reach just under my navel, which didn’t quite meet up with where the top band of my panties sat. That thin strip of skin showing between the two seemed scandalous. Not to mention the bare legs that lie further down…

Thankfully, Delilah kept me on track with another piece of clothing coming my direction. “You’re doing great! Just a little more and you will look gorgeous!”

“Um, thank you…” I responded worriedly. Her energy was a great motivator, but I couldn’t help but still feel self conscious right now. If I were on my own, I would have never been able to work up the courage to wear anything like this. I would be hiding in a hoodie and sweatpants until I had to wear something nice enough for work. And then probably freak out about my outfit choices…

Another convenient distraction came overhead. The next piece to go on was a pair of dark-blue leggings. That was straightforward enough, even though it took a moment to get pulled over my hips, and they were actually really comfortable. They seemed like they would be surprisingly warm too, which was a welcome relief. It was actually starting to get a little chilly standing around in this changing room without being dressed properly.

Along with more words of encouragement, the next thing that came over the bar was a lot more flowery. Upon taking the aforementioned flowery piece, I felt my nerves creeping back up on me. I was holding a pink flowery dress. It looked really pretty, but my nerves were making me feel a lot of mixed signals.

I’d only ever worn a dress once before a few years ago, and my nerves got so bad that it really ruined my mood. There was still a lot of dysphoria in that time of my life. I hadn’t ever had enough motivation to try again since.

“Sam dear, are you alright? If you are uncomfortable with something, just let me know and I can find other options.” Delilah’s worried voice brought me back around to the present.

Shaking my head to myself, I replied, “I don’t know… This is a lot more than I am used to.”

“Would you like me to find something else? I’m sure that I can find something a little more neutral if you would prefer?”

Neutral, huh? Hanging the dress from a nearby hook, I finally looked at the mirror I had kept at my back. I took a good look at myself as I was. Right now, I was wearing just a pair of leggings and a form fitting top. The shape of my body was on full display, covered though it was. 

My hips were definitely wider, and my lower body generally just had a good touch more volume to it that worked wonderfully well with the skin-tight leggings. My waist may have been a bit narrower, but it may just as well only look that way because of my hips. My chest was definitely multiple sizes bigger. Seeing the snug clothes hold them in place now, my boobs looked really nice. Not super huge, not as small as they had been before. I rather liked the way it suited my frame. My shoulders seemed a little narrower, though that was also rather hard to gauge. My arms, still completely uncovered, looked soft and supple. I never had much in the way of muscle, and that hadn’t changed. 

All in all, I was really happy with what I saw. Before I transitioned, I had been built like a beanpole. HRT had given me a little more to work with, and I was quite happy with being a little more squishy. Now, I definitely have filled out more. I was a little on the slim side, but with a comfy amount of extra padding.

Thinking about it, a lot of the clothes that I usually wear aren’t really all that feminine. Sweaters and jeans work for pretty much everyone. I grew my hair out, wore earrings, and expressed myself a little more femininely. That was a good choice, and I don’t regret any of it. I eventually managed to achieve ‘passing’ as a girl enough that I finally started getting gendered correctly in public. 

Still, I had never really worn much in the way of gender-coded clothing. I always dressed neutrally. Dresses, skirts, blouses, and such have always scared me. There isn’t anything wrong with the way that I dressed, I really do like my comfy sweaters and all. But… I don’t need to be scared of wearing other things as well. I’m faced with countless unknown supernatural threats on the horizon. In a way, it seemed silly that out of all of that stuff to worry about I focused on being worried about wanting to wear a cute dress. Why was I even worried? 

I was more than capable of wearing a dress. The only thing stopping me was myself. 

A deep breath to steel my resolve later, and I had already started pulling the dress down over my head. Backwards. Giggling softly at my error, I tried to put it back on in the right orientation.

“Is everything okay?” Delilah still sounded a little worried as she checked up on me.

“Yeah, I’m doing better now. I think I just about have myself put together.” I was still adjusting the way that the dress sat on my shoulders and getting my hair out of the back, but I think I had most everything in order.

Sounding a little bit more chipper again, Delilah spoke through the curtain, “Excellent! One more piece to go and you’ll have a lovely outfit!” Accompanying her words, a soft blue garment sailed over the bar. I was still busy adjusting myself, and didn’t see the point in defending myself from the fluffy attacker. It landed squarely over my face, eliciting another giggle. 

I reached up and removed the wooly fabric from my head and looked at it. It was a sweater, a light shade of blue and incredibly soft. It also had big cream-colored buttons up the front to close it if one so desired. 

Easily slipping into the loose-fit cardigan, I felt its warmth envelope me. This was super comfy. The bottom of the cardigan stopped just above the waist of the dress where it ruffled out a little ways. I fussed with the short sleeves of the dress a little bit to make sure that they weren’t crinkled up inside the sleeves of the sweater. 

Deciding that I would prefer it to be a little warmer, I buttoned up the front. And with that finished, I was completely dressed. Well, actually I was still barefoot, but I was otherwise entirely clothed. 

This was an incredibly comfortable ensemble that Delilah had put together for me. Looking back over at the mirror, I saw myself reflected back as a cute girl with cute clothes. The cardigan’s fit was a little more snug around my body, while the sleeves were a bit oversized. It gave me a very soft, huggable look that still emphasized my newly acquired assets. The neckline of the dress was wide, but only went down a little below my collarbone. Those were both on display of course, but there wasn’t any cleavage showing. It was definitely more than I usually showed, but it felt pretty comfortable

The dress also covered me up modestly. The skirt ended just above my knees, so it still left a lot of leg visible that was well defined by the leggings I wore. The skirt was really cute. It ruffled in a way that made the flowery pattern seem a little chaotic. It also called to me… Something deep down told me that I knew what I must do…

The skirt.

Must go.


Taking the words of advice, I let myself freely indulge in the simple pleasure of dancing around in the spacious enough changing area. Before I knew what I was even doing, I was laughing, giggling, and making merry. The girl that reflected back to me looked so incredibly happy, and once more I was reminded that I was that girl. I was happy right now. I could enjoy what I wanted to, and nobody could stop me.

“Don’t keep me waiting in suspense! Let me see too!” Came a jokingly frustrated tone from beyond the curtain.

Very well, I was willing to let her see the fruits of her labor. These were her clothes after all. Turning around with more flourish than was strictly necessary, I pulled the curtain aside. Behind it was an eager-looking Delilah. 

“You look even cuter than I imagined! You really pull that off!” She wore a beaming smile as she admired her handiwork.

I was still fidgeting around, twisting my body this way and that, just enjoying the feeling of wearing something that I thought was really pretty. I don’t even know how Delilah had managed to find these amongst her sizable collection. There must be enough outfits in here to stock an entire clothing store. A really eclectic clothing store that had everything from Elizabethan ballgowns to… I think that is actually just knight armor. Huh, neat.

“As much as I wish we had more time to try on some different outfits, which I am sure you would look adorable in, we will have to wrap this up for today.” Saying so, she caught my hand and gently guided me to the center of the room to a bench that sat in between the shoe islands. “Let’s get you some footwear to finish your outfit. There is still far too much to do. Just one moment please.” Oh right, I suppose I was still barefoot. It didn’t really register that much to me with everything else that has been taking my attention left and right.

She started walking to one of the walls where there was a large set of many drawers that spanned no less than five feet. Very purposefully, she went straight for one of the drawers and pulled out a pair of socks. They looked thick, and had a white and pink striped pattern that went up them. 

Coming back over to me, she said, “These aren’t fresh out of the package, but I can assure you that they are clean. I could never find an opportunity to wear them.” She handed them over to me, then pulled something out from under the bench I stood next to. “Please take a seat, I’ll get your size and then figure out if what I have in mind will work.

In her hand was one of those shoe sizing board thingies that you would use when you would need to check your size at a store. Nodding along as I made to sit down, I responded, “Alrighty then.” I sat down on the bench, careful to tuck the skirt under me like I had seen done many times.

Setting down the shoe size board thingie, she waited for me to place my foot on it. I did so, and she repositioned it so that it was in the right spot. “Wonderful! I think I have just the thing to work with this size!” Going around to some point on the shoe island, she retrieved a pair of tennis shoes that didn’t have any laces in them. Another stop at a set of drawers I could hear open in the shoe island on the other side, and she returned back to standing in front of me. “Just one moment now.”

She knelt to the side of me and set the shoes down on the floor between us. It seems that the item that she had gotten from the drawer had been a separate set of shoe laces. She deftly began to weave them through the sneakers, and spoke up again while doing so, “One of the handy things about being a shapeshifter is that I’ve never been restricted by the size of shoes if there was one that I rather liked but I could only find in certain sizes. I can just change my feet to match! Handily for us now, that means that I have several different sized options for the more common sizings.” 

Excitedly threading the laces the rest of the way up, she set the shoes down at my feet. “Go ahead and try them on, after you’ve got socks on of course. They should fit you nicely.” She stood up next to me, but didn’t move to go anywhere. With an expectant smile, she waited for me to get the socks and shoes on. 

I didn’t really have any gripes, so I went along with another excited nod. The shoes themselves were a fairly normal styled sneaker. They were white with blue trim. Delilah had also chosen lighter blue laces that matched nicely with everything else as well.

I rolled the socks onto my feet and up to where they rested at about mid-calf. I slid the shoes on, and true to Delilah’s word they fit just fine. A quick few motions to tie the laces into the typical butterfly knot and it was done. I wiggled around a little bit, making sure that the shoes didn’t feel too tight anywhere or something.

I nodded in approval. “They do fit really well. Thank you Delilah.” I smiled up at the Were in question, where she met me with an eager smile of her own.

“Well? Don’t keep me waiting in suspense. What do you think of the outfit?” I could almost see the suppressed anticipation in her eyes.

I stood up and looked down at myself. I really did like this outfit. It was… significantly louder than what I usually wore. And yet, I really did like it. It was still reserved enough that it didn’t make me feel embarrassed about being exposed, so I didn’t really mind that aspect. I thought before that skirts would always feel really revealing, but this covered almost everything. The only skin visible would be my hands and head, plus a bit of collarbone. 

All in all, I was really happy with how this fit me. It was new for sure, and maybe a little more than I would put together on my own, yet still stayed within my comfort zone. Was it a little on the nose that I was basically dressed up as a big trans pride flag? Maybe, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying it in the least. I could feel some inspiration coming together, the designer in me thinking of all the different color combinations I could play with. I smiled widely and looked up at Delilah.

Delilah really went out of her way to find something that was not only functional, but even really nicely put together. She really took the challenge of making something two-toned out of my two favorite colors, and I think it came together really nicely. I’m not exactly sure if she realized the meaning of the color palette she had put together or not, but either way I really liked it and appreciated the effort. Where she could have just sent me off in what I was wearing and thrown a pair of sandals my way to last until I got home, she instead really put in some honest work for me. I wasn’t naive enough to believe that she didn’t also enjoy dressing me up, clothes were clearly something she took great interest in after all, but she shared that enthusiasm with me and included me in the process by asking what I preferred. 

I felt a real sense of kindness from her, in the same way that I could feel that I should trust her. She really was a nice person, and I was getting a little emotional now thinking about it. “I love it! I was feeling a little anxious about the dress, but I was able to move past that and I really, really like it! All of it! Thank you so much!” I couldn’t help but express my thanks by way of grappling Delilah into a hug.

She froze up briefly, but soon returned the hug and rocked us back and forth energetically. “Oh Sammy dear, you are just too cute!” After a moment longer, she pulled back and broke off the hug. “I really am glad that you like it. I had a feeling that you would, but I was a bit worried that it may be a little much. Not everyone can appreciate a more pronounced appearance such as what you are currently wearing.”

Pronounced, yeah that sounded right. I really would stand out being this colorful. I wasn’t sure how much I enjoyed that aspect of things. Wearing something cute when it would probably only be Delilah and Liz who saw me before I got home and had access to my own wardrobe wasn’t that bad, but the thought of being out in public… That one might be a little far for what I was comfortable with.

“Oh, Sam. There was something else that I needed to let you know,” Delilah added, which worried me a little with how seriously her tone shifted. “You should really make sure you mind your posture when you are wearing a skirt. You’re wearing leggings right now, so it isn’t so bad, but if you sit like you did a moment ago then you could flash someone something you may not want to show them in the future.”

It took a moment to register with the sudden shift in topic, but once it did my cheeks flushed with heat. “Right, thank you for letting me know.” My inexperience showed there, didn't it? I guess I didn’t have all of the tricks down just because I should know them by exposure.

“Don’t worry too much about it for now, just try to remember for later.” With that, Delilah gestured back out of the entrance of the closet. “We really shouldn’t keep Liz waiting though, I’m sure she’s just as eager to see how well you clean up.”

My cheeks flared all the hotter. Was Delilah really kind? Because it seemed like she was trying to burn me alive from the inside.

Oh my goodness! This was the chapter I was referring to when I was talking about Delilah being a driving force. She really made me do so much research on clothing stuff that I never knew I would need to encounter. She really made me go on a rabbithole-style adventure just to put Sam in a pretty dress. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it and all, but I worry that Delilah is just as likely to tease me as she is Sam and Liz.

Seriously, I had to learn so many things just to visualize her closet properly.

Poor Sam though. Fighting dysphoria and being able to wear cute clothes is a hard battle to fight. I'm glad that she was able to push past her insecurities and go spinny!

That was most of this chapter I think? Just Delilah being a force of nature and having the zoomies while Sam is trying to figure herself out while being swept along with Delilah's rhythm.

I'm sure there's probably more worth mentioning, like Delilah changing the size of her feet just to have more shoes, but that'll be for later.

Thank you very much for reading! Hope you look forward to next week! I'm almost as impatient as you are!