Chapter 07: Magic Item Crafter
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Alan saw that the wolf cub increased its size and mana flow, making his body grow fast and provoking a severe headache. It was his fault, so Alan started to heal the wolf, controlling his mana and making it flow through the mana veins and healing the wolf at the same time. After some time, the wolf simply fainted and Alan continued to heal him. The next morning the wolf woke up and didn't felt a headache anymore, but it was difficult to move his body around... Alan chuckled when he saw the wolf trying to get up and falling in a cute way. Suddenly Alan received a message from a tree, humans entered his forest. They had black clothes and black robes, with magic staffs on hands... Alan looked at the Unicorn that was with him when he woke up and said: "Take care of him." Looking at the wolf, the Unicorn nodded and Alan left using his skill [Tree Transportation]. A portal appeared beside a tree and Alan left this portal when the humans saw Alan leaving the portal, they started panicking. Alan saw a black aura around their bodies, he looked at their staff and saw the same black aura on the staff. 

Alan used his skill [Root Work] and root warped around the humans, Alan sighed and grabbed a dark staff that was not the ground when he touched the staff, a screen appeared:



[Dark Death Staff] [Quality: Rare] [Durability: 250/260] [Job Required: Necromancer/Dark Mage]

[Rank: B]

[A staff made by a Necromancer to a Necromancer! Well, it can be used by a Dark Mage too, but the efficiency will be reduced.]


Alan broke the staff with his hands and looked at the humans that were warped by roots before he could say something, one of them shouted: "Explosion!" And his body exploded, liberating black blood everywhere! Alan looked at the black blood and said: "[Plant Magic: Plant Purify], [Light Magic: Holy Ground]" the plants and ground around Alan started to glow with different colors, the plants shone with a green light while the ground shone with white light, cleaning all the black blood. Alan looked at the last remaining human and asked in human language: "What you humans want in my forest?" The human that heard Alan's voice trembled, he looked at Alan's green eyes and shouted: "Explosion!" But Alan was faster than him and activated: "[Life Magic: Resurrection]" [Life Magic: Resurrection] is magic that does as the name says, but there's a limit to it, it can be used only after at three days! But Alan has the [Yggdrasil God Blessing], and he is a half-god creature, so he can resurrect someone that died in one week.

The human that was exploding stopped and his body returned to normal, Alan touched the human forehead while using [Mana Sight]. Humans/Elfs/Fairies/Dwarfs/and other races are naturally born with mana veins and a mana core. So they can use magic, sometimes a human is born without a mana core and mana veins, and sometimes a person uses all his/her mana and tries to use magic again, it is very, very dangerous to do. It can literally destroy the mana veins or the mana core! And it was what Alan did, he used his mana to control the mana of the human and destroyed the mana veins. Then Alan started a section of sweet, wonderful, delicious, fantastic torture. Well... Alan could use [Root Works] and control his roots perfectly, making tentacles...

After 'torturing' the human for hours and hours, the human finally talked. He is from a cult that veneers the Demon Lords. Basically, they would be called a Satanic organization on Earth. Alan sighed because of the humans' foolish behavior, they would just die... But when Alan learned that they were coming to his forest because it is the place with the most powerful magical beasts, Alan was angry. Very Angry... He started to use his [Root Absorption] skill to suck off all the life inside the human. After killing the human, Alan returned to his main body and started to explain what happened to all the magical beasts, the magical beasts that lived near his main body were the most strong magical beasts of the entire forest because of Alan's auras and abilities.

He asked the Magical Beats to gather all the other magical beats that live inside his forest, so he could protect them. They accepted their mission and left... Alan now was going to prepare himself for the future for three reasons:

1°: The Demon Lord Satanic group is creating more and more Demonic Miasma Creatures.

2°: Because of the Demon Lord Satanic group, the real Demon Lord may be born early, and the Heros will be reborn after some years...

3°: After killing the Demon Lord, maybe the heroes will try to kill him again.

Thinking about it, Alan started to create new weapons, he remembered about the [Job Requirement]... Then he looked at his status and saw that he still didn't have a [Job], so after thinking for a long time, he selected his [Job]. "Wow... I didn't think that for just selecting my main job I would receive two extra skills..."


[Job Selected]

[Magic Item Crafter|Selected]

[New Skills Unlocked]

[New Skill: Magic Item Appraisal lvl 1]

[New Skill: Mana Crystal Create lvl 1]


Alan received some information about Magic Items too, everyone that selects the main job, receives information from the system that teaches them how to use his new job. And some information about [Jobs] itself:



[Main Job Unlocks lvl 10]

[2Job Unlocks lvl 100]

[Jobs doesn't have levels, they have grades:

1st Grade: Basic Information and +2/1 Skills

2nd Grade: +2/1 Skills| Stats up!

3rd Grade: +1 Skill| Stats up!| Information 

4th Grade: Stats up!

5th Grade: Job Upgrade|Stats Up!|+1 skill

6th Grade: Information, Stats +!

7th Grade: Stats up! 2×

8th Grade: Stats up! 2×

9th Grade: Stats up! 2×

10th Grade: Information|Stats Up!|Job Upgrade.

11th Grade: Stats up!

12th Grade: Stats up!

13th Grade: Stats Up!| +1 Skill

14th Grade: Stats Up

15th Grade: Job Mastery|Stats Up.|+ Passive Skil/Magic Skill/Stats 5×

[The higher the grade, the harder it will be to upgrade it to the next grade.]


Alan was stunned, he had an [2Job] at [15th Grade]! Well, because of his [2Job] Alan has a good fight style, which is a defensive and supportive fighting style. Sure, his stats are higher than normal people, and it gets higher when fighting for protecting something. But his offensive fighting style is weaker than his defensive fighting style... So he decided to protect than attack.