Kigal-Note/Class/Artisan Class: Alchemist
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Class: Alchemist
Unlock Requirements:
  • Have three or more Synthesis-type Crafting Skills at LV30 or higher.
  • Have two or more non-Synthesis Crafting Skills.
  • Have created 100 or more items.
  • Unlocks skills related to alchemy.
  • Increased success rate for item creation.


An Alchemist is someone that combines several materials or items to create a new item of the same type.

Alchemists can create any type of items, but they require the materials for those items from before, and the created items can't even be compared to the items made from specialized classes.

However, Alchemists have the advantage of being able to create any type of items and materials, as long as they have the components for it. This also extends to more stranger creations such as synthetic monsters like Substances.

Still, an experienced Alchemist focus on one line of creations, often using a different Artisan class to make this come true. This often results in crafters such as Blacksmith Alchemist, Weaver Alchemists, Lapidary Alchemists, or Chemist Alchemist, depending on the individual.

Abilities obtained from leveling up the Alchemist class:

  1. [Alchemic Recipe LV1]
  2. [Synthesis LV1]
  3. [Alchemy LV1]
  4. [Alchemist's Knowledge LV1]
  5. [Attribute Synthesis LV1]
  6. [Enhanced Alchemy LV1]
  7. [Mass Production LV1]
  8. [Alchemic Potential LV1]

Each entry on the list is available when reaching a class level of a tenfold. The first two items are received the moment one obtains the class. In the case of Alchemist being selected as the Main class, one will get the three first items instead. The final item is therefore only obtainable for those with Alchemist as the Main class.

Garami's comment: Glad that Assassin has some Artisan-class traits mixed into it.

Mira's comment: Yeah, or else you would turn into a no-good crafter.